Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

March 10, 2020


Selectmen Present: VJ Lenfestey, William Gray, Joshua Stubbs

Meeting Opened at: 8:03PM

Meeting Closed at: 8:24PM


1.    Motion to accept Matthew Alley’s resignation as Fire Chief: William motions to accept Matthew Alley’s resignation as Fire Chief effective March 5, 2020.  Josh seconds.  Unanimous.

 2.    Motion to appoint Minor Officers (per list provided) for FY 20-21:

The Selectmen accepted, unanimously, the appointment of all Minor Officers (per the list provided.) 

3.    540 Indian River Rd.: To Discuss Deadline Extension for Payment of Taxes:  VJ brought Josh up to speed regarding the history behind 540 Indian River Rd.  VJ motions to give Robert Raymond and family until April 20,2020 to pay the taxes, costs and fees associated with the property and provide proof of the family’s claim to the property.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

Other:  Taken out of order - VJ – to decide on a Chairman of the Select Board – William motions to make VJ Lenfestey the Chairman of the Select Board.  Josh seconds. Motion carries.

 Those Attending:  Paul K. Dixon, Amy Lenfestey, Marcus Norton, & Peter Davis.



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 27, 2020


Selectmen Present:  Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 9:00PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the February 18th Selectmen’s Meeting: VJ motions to accept the minutes of the February 18th Selectmen’s Meeting.  William seconds.

2.    PRSWDD Billing for January 2020:  Tom recuses himself as Selectman and joins the audience.  VJ takes up the issue for discussion.  Fran and Keith explain the circumstances, which contributed to the increase in the bill.  She explains that there are annual bills, which come up at the beginning of the year that have to be paid.  Fran stated that Addison’s percentage is higher, because it is based on population, and will be until they find a better way.  Keith also added that the monthly amount is prorated as opposed to there being a set amount.  Fran also offered to answer any future questions as they arise.  She also mentioned that her goal is to do the budget differently this year.  VJ, after discussing the issue, getting clarification, and seeing the actual numbers after the corrections were made, felt that the bill needs to be paid.  VJ motions to cut the check for the billed amount of $8,336.13.  William seconds.  Motion carries. 

 Tom rejoins the meeting as Selectman.

 3.    To discuss disposal of aged records stored on the second floor of the Town Hall.  VJ explains to Tom what was discussed at the last meeting.  Peter said that he and Judy did not follow through with any work on the records, because he is not an employee and some of the files are confidential.  Tom asked if the Town hired him temporarily, if he would be willing to help.  Peter concurred that he would help if hired to do so.  VJ asked Sherry to contact MMA about hiring Peter on temporarily for this task.  He also stated that the records will have to be gone through, prior to the shredding company coming out to give an onsite estimate. 

4.    To discuss notary services in the Town Office.  Tom would like to have someone available to notarize documents as a service offered by the Town.  Sherry stated her hours of availability, which are Monday thru Friday from 4PM to 8PM, and also mentioned that she charges, whereas other notaries may not charge.  There was further discussion around the topic and alternative locations to have documents notarized.  Sherry provided a list of 60 notaries within Addison and the surrounding four towns, Harrington, Columbia, Columbia Falls and Jonesport. 

5.    To discuss proposed Inclement Weather Policy.  Tom reads, aloud, the proposed policy.  After some discussion, it was agreed to implement this policy.  Tom motions to accept the proposed Inclement Weather Policy as the new Inclement Weather Policy.  William seconds.  VJ abstains. Motion carries. 

6.    Road Commissioner Updates:  Marcus was not present for the meeting, but the complaint filed was discussed and it was agreed that, unfortunately, there isn’t anything, which can be done about the problem.

7.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405(6)a to discuss Personnel Matters:  It was agreed to discuss Amy’s hours in open session.  After some discussion, Tom motions for Amy to work 40 hours per week, until further notice.  William seconds.  VJ abstains.  Motion carries.  Tom confirmed that Amy is hired full-time with benefits.

Other:  VJ – FOAA training for Administrative Assistant – VJ motions to approve FOAA training for Sherry in Orono on March 31, 2020 at the cost of $45.00.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

Tom – Suggested to Sherry to start looking into an e-signature program, so the Selectmen can sign the warrants if they cannot make it in.  Sherry explained the cost per license.  Keith explained that there is no need for multiple licenses as whoever sends the document to sign would need to have a license and the signors would work off of that license.  Sherry said that she will talk with the Town’s IT Tech to find out more about this type of program.

Dick – Brought up the roads and sweep account conundrum, and asked if Machias Savings Bank had been contacted to schedule a representative to explain the sweep account at a Selectmen’s Meeting.  He would like an explanation of why the roads money is affected by the school payment, and why the sweep account cannot be used in the same way the school payment is handled. Lively discussion ensued about the roads issue, and ideas were presented as potential ways of fixing the problem.  VJ asked Kim to contact Machias Savings Bank and set up an appointment for a representative to be at the March 16th meeting to explain the process.

Public Comment: No further discussions.

Those attending: Fran Havey, Peter Davis, Keith Newman, Paul Dixon, Cheryl & Dick Paul, and Amy Lenfestey.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 18, 2020


Selectmen Present:  VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Absent: Tom Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:45PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the February 3rd Selectmen’s Meeting: VJ motions to accept the minutes of the February 3rd Selectmen’s Meeting.  William seconds.  Motion carries.

2.    CEO: Public Hearing Request for Junkyard:  Judy explains she would like to set a date for a Public Hearing regarding a combination Junkyard, Recycling Station and Automobile Graveyard at the Davis’ property on Point St.  VJ motions to set a Public Hearing for April 20,2020 at 5:00pm for the Junkyard request for Pat and Lewis Davis.  William seconds. VJ adds the Selectmen’s Meeting will follow the Public Hearing.  Motion carries.

Judy also advised that she has taken on new employment and will be unavailable for CEO inquiries on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the day.  She would prefer to be contacted by email, but if someone needs to contact her by phone, they should call in the evenings on those days or when she is off on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

3.    PRSWDD Billing for January 2020:  VJ read aloud the letter from PRSWDD regarding the billing issue, but after some discussion it was agreed to wait until the next meeting when Tom and Keith can be present.  VJ motions to table until the next meeting.  William seconds, and requests Keith Newman to be present at the next meeting.  Motion carries.

 4.    Road Commissioner Updates:  Marcus was not present at the meeting.

5.    Motion to approve MMA Elected Officials Training for the Select Board on June 11, 2020 in Machias.  Cost is $65.00 Each.  VJ motions to approve the $65.00 per person for the Select Board to attend the MMA training in Machias on June 11th.  William seconds.  Motion carries.

6.    Motion to approve MMTCTA Tax Lien Procedures Training for Kim and Sherry on April 7, 2020.  Cost is $55.00 Each.  William motions to approve sending Kim and Sherry to the Tax Lien Procedures Training in Orono on April 7, 2020.  VJ seconds.  Motion carries.

7.    To discuss notary services in the Town Office.  Tom originally requested this item to be on the agenda, and requested it to be tabled until the next meeting.

8.    To discuss proposed Inclement Weather Policy.  There was some discussion about having a policy in place, but VJ would like to leave the approval of such policy to William and Tom.  VJ would like the Administrative Assistant to make the call on office closings, until the next meeting when William and Tom can vote on the proposed policy.  VJ motions to table voting on the inclement weather policy until the next meeting.  William seconds.  Motion carries.

9.    To discuss disposal of aged records stored on the second floor of the Town Hall.  Discussion took place around how to properly dispose of old records, gathering a group together to go through each box, and possibly scanning historic records as a way of preserving them. It was suggested that Sherry contact the shredding company to find out if they can send out a representative to evaluate the scope of this project, and how much it would cost.  Judy and Sherry volunteered to start going through the old records, beginning Thursday, February 20th at 9:00am. 

Other:  VJ – Town Reports – Kim received quotes from Downeast Graphics for printing the Town Report in color or black and white.  The difference is around $600.00.  After some discussion it was agreed to have the cover printed in Color and the contents of the book in black and white.  William motions to print the Town report as in prior years with a color cover and the pages printed in black and white.  VJ seconds.  Motion carries.

Public Comment:  No further discussions.

Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Amy Lenfestey, Don Williams, and Peter Davis


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 3, 2020


Selectmen Present:  Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 9:00PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the January 27th Selectmen’s Meeting:   VJ motions to accept the January 27th Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes.  William seconds.  Unanimous. 

2.    To discuss the two motions made at the January 27th Selectmen’s Meeting on Item No. 4 (Warrant Articles for Non-Profits):  Taken out of order.  VJ explained his concern about the two motions made on the same item.  There was a motion on the table, which was seconded and not voted on, and another motion was made later after there was discussion about the item.  Tom explained how the problem can be rectified.  He suggested voting on the motion which was first made to complete the process.  VJ repeated the motion he made on January 27th.  VJ motions that there be a list in the back of the Town Report, as has been in previous years, with those seeking donations from the Town of Addison, so the taxpayers may donate at their discretion. William seconds.  Unanimous. 

 3.    540 Indian River Rd.:  Tom reads the questions to Ed Bearor (Rudman Winchell) and Ed’s responses.

 a.    To discuss attorney’s response to Article 23 as it relates to the Raymond Family.  Ed’s response was that Article 23 would still apply to the family’s situation, and it would be okay to give the family 30 days to pay the back taxes.  Tom motions to contact the Raymond family and allow 30 days to prove they have rights to the property and pay the taxes.  VJ seconds, and clarifies that they have 30days from the date of contact.  Unanimous.

b.    To discuss attorney’s response to refunding Leo Farley $107.68 for payment of 2017 taxes.  Ed’s response was to refund $107.68 to Leo Farley.  Tom motions to refund Leo Farley $107.68 that he paid towards the Raymond property tax.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

4.    Road Commissioner Updates:  Received a complaint from Ed Gosnell about a hole in his culvert.  Marcus didn’t have any updates on the Cape Split Culvert Grant.  Tom mentioned the new stop sign at Ridge and Old Addison Roads. 

 5.    Harbor Committee:  Dean Crowley, Justin Thompson and Jason Tyler touched on a couple issues.  The first being the poles in South Addison.  There are two of the three poles missing.  Dean will look into the cost of doing repairs to the piers.  Marcus will help them find out pricing and they will submit their recommendations and costs to the Select Board.  Tom would like to see the list of repairs and estimates.

 Dean Crowley mentioned that all the floats need to come out as well, and the ramp needs replacing, because it is washed out.  VJ asked if more money needs to be built into their budget to ensure the work can be performed. 

The Harbor Committee currently has $25,849.76 in the budget.  Marcus suggested an additional $20,000.00 added to the budget specifically to cover repairs. 

 There have been complaints about the mooring fees. Dean contacted Jonesport, Beals Island, Harrington, and Milbridge to find out what their fees are, and compared Addison’s prices with theirs.  It was determined that Addison’s fees fall in line with the neighboring towns. 

The committee is brought up the Harbor Master’s salary.  They feel that if the salary is not added into the budget, it will cause them to run short when maintenance needs to be done.  Tom suggests adding the Harbor Master’s salary of $6,699.00 to the budget.  

Two separate lines will be added in to the Harbor Committee’s budget for repairs and the Harbor Master’s salary.

The issue of abandoned traps was also discussed.  14 traps in the mud and just as many on the wharf.  They will bring up the traps when they begin repairs on the floats.  Tom advised that the traps can be disposed of at the transfer station.

6.    Review Warrant Articles and End-of-Year Budget Work: Proposed articles are attached. 

Warrant Articles: Tom reads through each article: There were some amendments made: Article 16: Kim needs to amend the article.  It should include the verbiage, “…. except the Board of Selectmen may at there discretion allow the immediate previous owner up to 30 days to redeem such…”   Article 22: “*Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee.” Needs to be omitted. 

There was also discussion about using the sweeps account to fund Roads, carrying forward the Roads balance into the new fiscal year, and changing the fiscal year from February 1 through January 31 to July 1 through June 30.  Cheryl Paul explained why PRAS is asking for an additional $20,000.00, which is to cover wage increases.  Judy explains the new I.D requirements for a shellfish license.  For next year, Tom would like to see something posted stating what the requirements are for a non-profit organization to be on the warrant, or would like a letter sent out to the organizations who submit in a request each year.

Budget:  Tom goes through each budget item and its corresponding Treasurer’s Budget Request:  Each line item was addressed and the Selectmen’s Budget reflected some minor adjustments as a result.  The changes under the Selectmen’s Budget included the following:  Administration:  Electricity – Increased $250.00 from $1,250.00.  Heating Fuel/Propane: Increased $300.00 from $2,700.00.  Snow Removal/Plowing: Increased $100.00 from $1,200.00.  Admin. Mileage: Decreased $25.00 from $575.00.  Hall Upkeep:  Decreased to $0.00 from $130.00.  Tax Maps/Assessing: Wages: Decreased $5,000.00 from $15,000.00.

Tom motions that the Building Maintenance Committee be in charge of repairs, that are deemed necessary by the fire department for the new fire station.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

Don asked, if the BMC takes over maintenance of the new fire station, would committees be able to hold meetings in their meeting room. The Selectmen would like representatives from the different departments to be at the Budget Committee meeting scheduled for February 6, 2020. 

Under Health and Sanitation: Pleasant River Solid Waste: Fran Havey and Keith Newman were not present to represent PRSWDD. VJ read the budget information. Tom recused himself as Selectmen to speak on behalf of PRSWDD to explain their budget request increase, and answer questions.  Once finished, he rejoined the meeting as Selectman.  Judy pointed out an error in the budget spreadsheet, which lists Harbors twice. Tom brought up concerns about Mayhew Library’s inoperative sanitary facilities, which stems from a faulty septic system.  Judy will look into the library’s septic issue. 

Tom motions to accept the Warrant Articles to go to the Town Meeting in March as amended.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

Tom motions to accept the Budget as amended.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

Other:  Taken out of order. 

Tom – Leave Requests - He feels there should be a personal leave form, which employees would need to fill out and submit for Selectmen approval, unless it is a family emergency.  Sherry provided the policy for time off from the employee’s handbook, which Tom read from.  In the past, the Office Staff always let the Administrative Assistant know when time off would be needed. Tom also brought up the issue of needing a manager for the office.  VJ suggested that current policy is adhered to or it needs to be changed. Sherry suggested it would be better for the office staff to make arrangements with each other, because plans can’t always be made two weeks in advance.  After some discussion, Tom suggested adding a statement to the policy, “…with the exception of a lack of time to wait for a Selectmen’s meeting because of family emergency, etc,” but feels that most times plans can be made in advance.  VJ posed the thought that maybe it is more important to know when vacation time is going to be used, and to know in advance if someone is taking a week off; an individual a day could be arranged amongst the office staff.  Tom says that it should be approved by someone, whether it be by an office manager or the Select Board.  He suggests that some more thought needs to be put into it. Judy suggested that it’s time to go through all the policies, as it is well past due.  Tom motions to approve Kim Davis’ leave request for Wednesday, February 5, 2020.  VJ seconds, but states that the policies need to be reviewed.  Unanimous.


Don Williams: Cleaning of the second floor of the Town Hall.  He says there is a lot of material that has been placed into the open environment upstairs that needs to be cleaned out to make room for the Historical Society items.  He also states that the out dated files in the archive rooms need to be cleaned out and disposed of, so more room can be created in preparation of the office being built upstairs if it is approved at Town Meeting.  It was suggested to hire a company that will properly dispose of these old records.   Butch has been working on it and knows what records need to be retained and what can be disposed of.  The office has a disposition book. Tom suggested bringing this up again at the next meeting.


Amy Lenfestey’s memo asking what schedule she should keep, going forward. Tom would like to table this until the next Selectmen’s meeting to discuss in executive session with the staff.  There was further discussion about the need to meet with the staff, budgetary issues, complete office reviews and employee evaluations. It was suggested that Amy Dunn and Teresa from the Cutler Town Office be contacted to find out if either one can do an office review.


VJ is hesitant to rush into anything at this point in time, but it was agreed to reach out to Amy and Teresa to at least find out if they would be open to doing an office evaluation.


Public Comment:  No further discussions


Those attending:   Judy Rolfe, Dean Crowley, Jason Tyler, Don Williams, Cathy Fonda, Ronie Strout, Cheryl & Richard Paul, Marcus Norton, Justin Thompson


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 6, 2020


Selectmen Present:  Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:55PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the December 16th Selectmen’s Meeting: VJ motions to accept the minutes of the December 16th Selectmen’s Meeting.  Tom seconds.  Motion passes.

2.    Old Business:

a.    Motion to rescind the previous motion from the December 16th Selectmen’s Meeting to give a $100.00 Holiday Bonus to the Office Staff:  Tom motions to rescind the motion from the December 16th Selectmen’s giving the Office Staff a $100.00 bonus.  VJ seconds.  Motion passes.

b.    Motion to give a $100.00 Holiday Bonus to the Office Staff and Clam Warden:  Tom motions to give a $100.00 Holiday Bonus to each member of the Office Staff and to Irvin Pinkham for the position he holds for the Town.  VJ seconds.  Motion passes.

 3. Leo Farley:  To discuss Tax Acquired property on Indian River Rd.:  Tom opens the floor to Leo.  Leo stated that he was at the meeting speaking on behalf of the Raymond family.  He explained that Lois Raymond passed away on September 11, 2019 and that the notice of foreclosure was not sent until September 30, 2019.  He then cited the statute from the first sentence of the 9th paragraph from 36M.R.S.A.105§943, which reads, “whenever a person against whom the taxes assessed shall have died after the taxes have been committed and prior to the expiration of the 18 months….”  Tom asked if the Town Office was made aware that Ms. Raymond has passed.  Leo replied that the Town was not made aware. He said that the family was under the impression that they still owned the property. He added that they were intending on selling the property.  He then summarized the latter portion of the first sentence of paragraph 9 from 36M.R.S.A.105§943, where it explains that a probate judge upon final allowance or disallowance of a will may grant a 60-day redemption period to pay the unpaid taxes. Tom asked if this has gone to probate, to which Leo replied that it has not yet.

    He asked on behalf of the Raymond family, that the remaining $107.00 of the 2017 taxes owed could be paid on 01/07/20 if the Select Board agree to rescind the 45-day notice, and made mention that the person who signed for the 45-day notice did not have the mental capacity to understand what he was signing for and wasn’t authorized to sign for it.  He said that the family is willing to pay the taxes to get their property back, so they can sell it as they already have a buyer for it.  Tom stated that the Town has never stood in the way of property owner coming in to take care of problems of this nature; however, it’s not just the taxes that have to be paid, but the interest and lien costs. 

Leo added that the remaining amount of taxes due on the property would be paid within 90 days.  He would like to have the foreclosure waived, so that the property can be sold.  William arrived late and Leo summarized what was being discussed in his absence.  VJ would like to see the property go back to the owners, but is not familiar with the process and is uncomfortable with making a decision without legal counsel.   Discussion continued about whether or not to contact the Town’s attorney and if a decision to allow payment of 2017’s taxes should wait until the next meeting if legal counsel is being sought in the meantime.

Mr. Zimmermann recommended to let him pay the 2017 taxes; rescind the document in question; let the attorneys deal with the rest at closing, because they are the ones who apportion the taxes anyway at that point.  Tom added that the Selectmen have the power to decide to allow him to come in to pay the past due taxes; do a quit-claim deed and turn the property back over to the family.  VJ voiced his concern about moving forward with this without first seeking an attorney’s counsel. Marc doesn’t believe that the Town has officially acquired it yet, so it shouldn’t be a problem as the deed has not changed hands.  At the point of selling, the attorneys will make any corrections or instruct the Town on what to do to clean it up. 

    Tom motions to allow Leo Farley to come in on January 7th to pay 2017’s taxes to stop the foreclosure process.  VJ seconds.  Marc asked if the notices and bills were going to the right place.  Leo responded that in fact they were going to the correct address, but the person receiving the notices did not alert the family to them.  He said the family member who signed for the 45-day notice did not have the mental capacity to understand what he was signing.  He added that when he pays 2017’s taxes, he will provide a new address to the person who is actually handling the estate, so any mail from the Town can go to that person.  Leo said he will be in to pay 2017’s taxes on January 7, 2020 at 9:00am.

 3.    Marc Perry:  Proposal for Revaluation of Addison:  Tom said that after reviewing the proposal, he feels that it has been far too long since the last revaluation (1992) and asked VJ and William for their thoughts.  VJ feels that it would be worthwhile to send it to Town Meeting to allow the residents to vote on.  Tom said that the Selectmen can make the decision to approve this without a Town vote, but if the Select Board felt safer in bringing it before the voters, he would not have a problem with that.  Marc’s proposal was for a personalized, thorough revaluation of the entire town for $80,000.00, which he offered to spread out over 4 years.  Don and William think it would be a good idea for Marc to be at the Town Meeting to answer any questions that may arise. 

The pros and cons of a revaluation were discussed, but the general thought was that it would be in the Town’s best interest to have the revaluation done, just to put everyone on a level playing field, as some properties may be undervalued and some may be overvalued.  Peter recommended that if this is voted for; he would like to see a notice go up on the Town’s website and brought up at Town Meeting letting the taxpayers know that Marc will be going out to their properties to do the revaluation. 

Don suggested proposing at Town Meeting that it would be a $20,000.00 investment over four years.  VJ thinks the bigger problem is people’s misconception that it will automatically raise their taxes.  Amy suggested a public hearing before Town Meeting to give people an opportunity to find out more, but it was agreed to have Marc at the Town Meeting. 

Don recommended to focus on what’s in the best interest of the Town, since this is something that has been neglected for quite some time. Mr. Zimmermann suggested that it needs to be added to the assessing budget for the next four years, and to let the Town know at the Annual Meeting.  Tom agreed.  Dick believes the biggest group impacted by this are those who are trying to sell their property and in estate planning. Tom motions to commit taxpayers’ dollars for revaluation over a four-year span.  William seconds.  Unanimous.   Marc stated, he will give property owners ample opportunity to discuss the assessment values and clear up any discrepancies during this process.

4.    Building Maintenance Committee Updates:  Don would like Marcus to order signage stating, “Handicap parking on other side of building.”  Tom asked if the BMC was planning on painting handicap parking spots on the pavement.  Don said they can have them painted.  Judy added that she believes the Town is required to paint them on the pavement.  Tom told Don to have it taken care of.

Floor plan of new reception area.  Don presented the Selectmen with the proposed floor plan for their review.

Storage Building Remodel. Bangor Abatement will begin work the week of January 13th.  There was discussion about block work vs. cedar shake, and the cost involved.  There are about 3 courses that would need to be blocked.  This will make the siding even all around, and will be more aesthetically pleasing.  Tom thinks it’s best to make it look right.  Peter contacted Bangor Abatement and came back with a figure of $1,000.00 extra for the three courses of block.  Their original estimate was $3,500.00, before adding the $1,000.00 extra. It was agreed that it would be best to do it right the first time.  BMC has money in the budget to cover the cost.  William motions to allow the BMC to get the blocks they need to fix the storage building.  Tom seconds. Unanimous.

Don presented the Selectmen with a copy of the BMC’s scheduled meetings for 2020, and mentioned that the January 8th meeting has been cancelled.  Tom requested that the schedule be posted in the lobby.

Addison Town Sign.  Don spoke with Michelle Berkinshaw, Naraguagus H.S. art teacher, about using the Town of Addison sign as an art project for her students.  The idea is that the Town sign can be repainted, and the students can use the time to count towards their community service hours.  Ms. Berkinshaw will discuss this idea with the School Superintendent. The Town would pay for the supplies.

Lighting.  There aren’t any fluorescent tubes left.  Terry will be ordering the replacement tubes.  Don asked how the BMC is to handle everyday repairs.  Kim said that there is a line item for maintenance and repairs.  He stated the florescent tubes have to be ordered, as well as, the batteries for the solar lights in the park.  Don and Peter recognized that these batteries will need replacing every 3 years and will put it in the maintenance budget. 

Solar Tubes disposal.  Tom suggested that Don go ahead and list it on Craig’s List.  Tom asked Sherry to look into the files to find the grant paperwork, to find out what the value of the tubes and tanks were at that time.

5.    Road Commissioner Updates:  Marcus received an invoice from Bruce Farren for Tree work at the Salt Shed Entrance, Storm damage on Cape Split, Mooseneck and Narrows Rd.’s, and trimming back of Division Way and West Side Rd. 

Complaints.  Marcus received another complaint about the sharp rocks.  This time from Carrie Peabody.  Peter said there isn’t anything that can be done about it.

 Request for a streetlight at Betty Redimarker’s house.  Marcus asked if the Town pays for any streetlights beyond the downtown area.  Mr. Zimmermann suggested to search the Town’s files for Daria Alexander’s Survey she did on the Town lighting.  Tom suggested that Marcus look into the cost of installing a streetlight and pass that information on to the person requesting it.  Dick suggests the Selectmen establish a policy addressing streetlighting, and said he would help write the policy for the streetlights.  The Selectmen agree that would be very helpful and they appreciate his assistance.  Marcus asked Kim about left over funds and if they can be carried over.  Marcus can submit a request to carry the funds over.  He said he would stop in and see her about it. 

 6.    Harbor Master and ACO Updates:  ACO:  Butch posted reminder on Facebook about the dog licenses being due by the end of January to avoid a late fee.  Butch gave an update about Nellie still being at large.  She is lost and scared.  She’s been seen roaming the roads between three towns.  She has been running loose for over a month, and it has been extremely difficult trying to catch her, because she is constantly moving; Butch is concerned that she may be going feral at this point.

Issue with late fees for those who did not register their dogs in previous years.  The State says it’s up to the Town to decide to continue this practice or not.  Amy has checked with Jonesport, Lubec, and Lewiston.  Addison is the only one who charges back registration fees and late fees for prior years.  One town she found only charges the late fee for the previous year.  A resident came in recently and had to pay an unexpected $93.00 due to past registration fees, and late fees.  Any time after January 31st is $25.00, but the Town offers a grace period till the end of January.  Tom suggested Amy check with other local towns and report back at the next Selectmen’s meeting with her recommendations.  William asked if changes are made, would the gentleman who was charged $81.00 receive a refund, to which Tom said yes.  Amy asked Animal Welfare about this policy and they said it is up to the Town, but they do not recommend it.  VJ suggests going with Animal Welfare’s recommendations, but there needs to be an effective date, when the new policy takes place.  VJ would like Amy to contact Harrington and Cherryfield to find out what their policy is. 

Harbor Master:  The floats in S. Addison will be taken up the week of January 13th. They will be taking all the floats up, as they are in need of repair.  More poles are also needed there.  Harold will pull one at low tide to measure it for replacement.

Documented Boats and unpaid commercial fishing excise taxes.  Tom would like a list of boats that are unpaid and notices sent out to the owners.  State law mandates that the boat excise taxes need to be paid annually to the town in which they are moored.  The coast guard is a year behind in providing lists for documented boats.  Amy said there is a card catalog of documented boats, but needs updating.  Kim brought up a previous motion made last year to not pursue the years’ past excise for documented boats.  VJ thought that was done with the idea of not pursing old ones, but going forward with collecting excise for the current year.  Butch remembers it being tabled. 

VJ would like the minutes pulled from when that motion was made and present it at the next meeting.  Beginning in 2020, a postcard will be sent out reminding documented boat owners that excise tax needs to be paid annually.

7.    Deputy Treasurer Appointments: Kim submitted her written recommendation to appoint Amy Lenfestey and Sherry Dixon as Deputy Treasurers.  The Selectmen agreed to the recommendation.

 8.    Approval for third signor on the Town’s checking account: Tom motions to approve Sherry Dixon as the third signor to the Town’s checking account with Machias Savings Bank.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

 9.    E-911 Addresses:

 a.    Motion to rescind the previous motion from the October 7, 2019 Selectmen’s Meeting naming Dennis Moraisey’s lane, Barn Hill Rd.:  Tom motions to rescind the previous motion to name Dennis Moraisey’s lane, Barn Hill Rd.  William seconds.  Unanimous. 

b.    Motion to rename Dennis Moraisey’s lane to Barn Hill Lane:  Tom motions to rename Dennis Moraisey’s lane to Barn Hill Lane.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

c.    Eastern Harbor Lobster Sales – Road naming – Lobster Lane:  Judy explains that this is for Bimbo Look’s new wharf going in near the town landing.  Tom motions to name Eastern Harbor Lobster Sales road, Lobster Lane.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

d.    Alex Thompson’s Wharf – Road naming – Back Shore Lane:  Tom motions to name Alex Thompson’s road, Back Shore Lane.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 10. Auditor’s Fiscal Year Ending Report:  No action taken. 

 11. Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405(6)a to discuss compensation for Office Staff:  Tom suggests bringing this up again at the next meeting.  

Other:  Taken out of order.  Butch warned everyone to be careful leaving the building as it has started snowing and conditions may be slippery.

William: Constraints on emailing the Select Board.  He feels the ability to email should not be so restrictive.  Tom stated that they can receive emails that give information, but cannot respond to anything that points to a decision.  William brought up the issue of not being able to decide to contact attorneys, as the staff cannot contact them without Selectmen approval.  Tom suggested emergency meetings to rectify that situation. Cathy noted contacting the attorney is more of a procedural decision rather than one requiring a meeting.  Sherry will seek clarification from MMA regarding the use of the term “substantive matters,” as that seems to be what these restrictive rules are hinging on.

VJ:  Fire Chief vacancy.  VJ announced that Fire Chief Matthew Alley will be resigning from his post due to work conflicts.  Matt is considering resigning in April 2020.   He also stated, that no one wants the position or is unable to take the position.  He suggested the Epping Fire Department Fire Chief could serve until a replacement is found, and feels he is the best option the Town has at this point.  He stated that the neighboring towns are looking at the same problem as a couple will be retiring and one town also has a vacancy for that position.  VJ believes Addison and the neighboring towns may have to come together and hire a full-time Fire Chief.  There was further discussion about the future of the fire department, as there is a lack of volunteers, lack of training and the future loss of towns’ current Fire Chiefs through attrition. 

    Public Comment:   No further discussions.


 Those attending: Leo Farley, Peter Davis, Chery & Richard Paul, Erwin Zimmermann, Judy Rolfe, Don Williams, Irvin Pinkham, Cathy Fonda, Marc Perry, Marcus Norton



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 16, 2019


Selectmen Present:  Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:20PM



1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the December 2nd Selectmen’s Meeting and the December 10th Special Selectmen’s Meeting:  VJ motions to accept the minutes of the December 2nd Selectmen’s Meeting with the change of “requires” to “recommends” in Item No. 2.  Tom seconds.  Motion passes.  VJ motions to accept the minutes of the December 10th Special Selectmen’s Meeting.  Tom seconds.  Motion Passes.

2.    Old Business:

a.    Holiday Bonuses:  Auditor’s Findings: VJ opens by summarizing what the Town’s Auditor explained in her email pertaining to Holiday Bonuses.  The email discusses holiday bonuses and to whom they can be given.  Exceptions are those who have a salary/stipend voted on at Town Meeting.  Tom had concerns about allowing a holiday bonus without going through the Budget Committee.  Discussion ensued about how bonuses were given in the past, and asked Kim how much money is left in the administrative budget until the end of the year.  Kim responded that based on Amy working 32hrs/week, until the end of the year, the payroll is still under-budget by $11,000.00. 

In light of the amount that is under-budget, Tom stated that he believes in giving holiday bonuses and feels that an amount needs to be decided on since there are funds available for it.  Dick asked if there are other accounts that could use the money to cover overages.  Kim responded, that she doesn’t believe there are any accounts that have overdrafts.  She added that monies can’t be moved without Town approval. 

Tom assured that the money given in bonuses will not be a considerable amount of money, but a small amount given as a token of appreciation.  VJ would like to see a bonus given this year. He felt that it would be inappropriate for him to suggest amounts, and left it up to Tom and William. VJ also suggested a line item in the budget for next year and each year thereafter.  So, going forward, it will already be budgeted for.  Tom agreed and suggested that the amount will be small this year to start out and a decision will be made on the amount to put into the budget for the following years.  The question was asked about how many employees will be getting a bonus.  The question of Butch receiving a bonus was also asked, and his earnings compared against the CEO for eligibility. Kim responded that Butch is a full-time Town employee who receives a salary determined by the Selectmen and the CEO receives a stipend, which is voted on at Town Meeting and therefore would not qualify. 

Marcus asked if Butch was all salary or if he is paid hourly for different tasks, such as, mowing. 

Tom explained that Butch is all salary, but does put his hours in for different tasks.  Tom doesn’t believe that there is anything stopping them from giving bonuses to someone who receives a salary, but feels there should be a policy in place for it, and the voters need to vote on it.  Tom stated that since the payroll is underbudget for the year, he feels it is safe for the Selectmen to award a Christmas bonus to the three employees. 

VJ said he struggles with Butch not receiving a bonus too, given that he is a full-time employee of the Town.  He would like to see a bonus given to Butch too, unless there is something legally stopping them. Tom asked if there was something in the email addressing the salary issue. VJ said that according to the auditor’s email, people with a “voted” salary are not eligible, i.e. Treasurer, Fire Chief, etc.   He read again from the Auditor’s email.  Tom added that the Town’s people voted to make that position full-time.  The question was raised about using the emergency contingency, but Tom explained that there are rules, which apply to the use of those funds. 

Tom suggests giving the bonus to the three employees of the Town Office, and if found later on that it is okay to give Butch a Christmas Bonus, then it can be done next year or give him a late one this year.  VJ stated that if it is okay, it would be more appropriate to give a late bonus this year to Butch as opposed to making him wait till next year.  Tom agreed. Tom makes a motion to give a $100.00 bonus to the Office Staff.  William seconds.  Motion Passes.   

VJ asked for clarification on how taxes will affect the bonus.  Fran suggested to have the taxes figured into the bonus, so that the “net amount” will be $100.00.  Tom makes a second motion that the Christmas Bonus will be $100.00 net.  William seconds. Motion passes.  Fran offered another thought regarding Butch’s total salary.  She said to check for a cap on his salary, which would likely exclude him from receiving a bonus.  However, if there isn’t an approved cap, then he should be eligible.  Tom believes there is a cap, because of an instance when the Clam Warden’s hours went over-budget and those hours had to be restructured under another category.

3.    Building Maintenance Committee:

a.    Opening of sealed bids for the Storage Building project: Tom opens the bid from Bangor Abatement, and reads it to the audience.  Total amount of the bid is $3,500.00.  Bangor Abatement did the painting at the Town Hall this Summer.  This bid is $500.00 over budget, which was set at $3,000.00 when Hearts of Maine originally bid the project.  Don reviews the specs of the project for the Storage Building. Tom motions to accept the bid.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

b.    Review and report the 2020 suggested budget:  Tom read the proposed Building Maintenance budget for 2020, and the projects it will cover. 

1.) Update and ADA compliance of Men’s and Women’s bathrooms – Remodel estimate is $15,000.00. 

2.) Lead paint abatement of second floor of Town Hall to accommodate future use of Pleasant River Historical Society and other organization functions – Paint estimate is $15,000.00.  Pleasant River Historical Society has agreed to contribute up to half of the cost of the abatement. 

3.) Additional office on the second floor of the Town Hall for CEO and relocation of files to the old file storage area at the rear of the second floor – Estimate is $7,500.00.

4.) Remodel of customer service area to offer customers more privacy and adjacent waiting area - $7,500.00. 

5.) Refinish first floor meeting room floor – Refurbish floor estimate - $500.00.  BMC suggested 2020 budget is $45,500.00. 

There was further discussion about the lead abatement process, and if projects are able to be prioritized to save money.  The suggested budget will be on the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting, and the projects can be prioritized at the meeting if it comes to that.  VJ said that he is fine to put it in the budget the way it is and let the Town’s people vote on it.   

Fran suggested the Assessor and CEO share an office, since both of them are only occasionally in the office.  It was agreed that it would save money for now, but there may be some scheduling issues that would have to be addressed.  The Building Maintenance Committee will still have the addition of an office in their proposed budget, and will address the office sharing issue if their requested amount is not approved by the Town’s people.  Marcus inquired about the solar panels.  Peter and Don said they have to go out to bid.  They were hoping that they would find someone, by word-of-mouth, to take the solar panels; offering them as first come – first serve to save money on advertising, but were unsuccessful. 

Tom suggested coming up with a dollar amount and put the advertisement on the Town’s website and Facebook page.  Fran added that Washington County Council of Governments should be contacted as they may be able to help.  Tom will contact WCCOG to find out if they can advertise the solar panels for the Town.  Tom motions to put the budget in as an article for the Town Warrant.  William seconds.  Unanimous. 

4.    Road Commissioner Updates:  Marcus talked to the County about turning the lights off and closing up the sand/salt building.  The DOT pulled up the beaver dam at the Arbor Doors again. They removed about 99% of it.  He spoke to DOT about a problem down by the Granite Road, and they will address the issue.  At the Town Landing, both poles are broken off and Harold is supposed to pick up the broken poles and measure them for replacement.  Dick asked if there have been arrangements for money to be available in the Spring for the Roads account, so projects don’t have to wait for funding to become available.  Marcus said he will be bringing up the subject for funding at the first meeting in January.  Kim explained that the Road money comes from excise, and that Marcus currently has money in the Roads account.  She will find out if the money carries forward to the next year or if it goes back into surplus.  The concern is that Marcus should have money in the Spring, before taxes are committed, to do road work when the weather is warmer.

5.    Motion to accept Spectrum Business rate increase:  VJ explained that it isn’t so much a rate increase, but that the promotional rate has expired, and the regular rates have taken effect.  It was agreed that Spectrum is the most dependable provider, and quality is needed to conduct business.  Tom motions to accept the rate increase.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

6.    Motion to accept the Small Animal Clinic’s 2020 Stray Cat and Dog contract: Tom mentioned that the Small Animal Clinic is the only one around that handles the stray animal problem.  VJ motions to accept the contract.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

7.    Motion to accept Emera Maine’s Notification of Terms and Conditions for Repair and Maintenance of Private Lines:  Emera maintaining private lines vs. the Town maintaining their own lines was discussed.  It was agreed that it would be better for the Town to continue with Emera maintaining the Town’s lines.  William motions to accept Emera’s terms and conditions.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

8.    Motion to approve Maine Municipal Tax Collectors’ and Treasurers’ Association 2020 membership dues for Office Staff:  VJ motions to approve the MMTCTA membership dues for the Office Staff.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

9.    To discuss Marc Perry’s letter regarding a revaluation of the Town:  Taken out of order.  Marc explained the charts that he provided for everyone to review, which are a snapshot of how properties are currently being assessed. He also explained how the majority of the current valuations are falling well outside the 10% swing that is allowed by the State. The last revaluation was 1992 and that it should be done about every ten years.  A revaluation would be beneficial as everyone would be assessed equally and treated fairly. 

Marc offered to do the valuation for a lesser amount of what an outside agency would charge and the Town would have the benefit of Marc performing a more personalized service by going door-to-door to meet the property owners and assess their properties.  Peter was concerned about all the property that is listed as a bird habitat and tax exempt, which places a burden on the rest of the taxpayers.   He was also concerned about a property owner’s right to not let an assessor into their home to do a revaluation.  Marc explained that a property owner can refuse, however, the State’s statute allows him to place a value on a property, if the home owner is uncooperative and doesn’t allow him on the property to perform the revaluation. 

Marc has researched several Towns who have recently had a revaluation and their cost.  He offered to do it for less and spread the process out over a few years to keep the costs down, which an outside company would likely not offer.  He also explained how a revaluation and MIL rate balance out to meet the Town’s budget.  The primary purpose is to put everyone on a level playing field, not generating revue.  He noted the goal of any assessor is to make it fair and equitable for everybody.  So, a revaluation may increase properties values, but the MIL rate would go down, because the budget will be met regardless. 

Marc opened the floor to more concerns and questions, which he was happy to answer.  VJ asked Marc if he could put together a couple different quotes based upon what needs to be done, and the extent of services provided. 

Tom asked Marc to have that information ready for the next meeting, so they can decide if it will be put on the Warrant for the Town Meeting.  Dick asked if the Town can be placed on a maintenance schedule of sorts, once a revaluation has been done. 

Marc responded, that once a revaluation is done, maintaining that information will be easy to do as he would revaluate a quarter of the town each year. The Town will then be on a 4-year cycle, which would also prevent having to spend the money for a full revaluation in the future.  He added that as it stands right now, if questions are raised about assessments, he cannot defend the current assessments as the Town has gone through several assessors since the last revaluation. 

10. Texting:  Tom stated that the Select Board needs to be careful about how much communicating they due through texting and emailing, as it can be construed as an illegal meeting.  He added that old policies need to updated and new policies need to be put in place to address this.  He suggested that Sherry draft a notice to hand out to the municipal officers; to make everyone aware of this issue. 

There was further discussion about the staff and select board being mindful of their communications by email or text regarding Town matters vs. general conversation. 

11. PRSWDD Update: New Scales: Fran advised that PRSWDD is meeting on December 19, 2019 for a special meeting, so she will have more information. It was previously voted on to purchase a large scale, but has not been done yet.  Machias Saving Banks and a leasing company have been contacted to compare costs.  The budget has been reduced by $100,000.00 and wages have been frozen.  PRSWDD is bracing for the exit of two more towns at the end of the month. There have been negotiations taking place with the attorneys to determine how much those towns will have to pay as per the Interlocal Agreement. The exiting towns will have to pay any debt they have, as PRSWDD’s debt is their debt.  Fran reminded the Select Board that Keith Newman is Addison’s representative, and it would be a good idea for the Town to reach out to him with any questions.  Marcus asked what towns are staying with PRSWDD.  The towns remaining, are Addison, Jonesboro, Columbia and Beals. 

Fran also talked about PRSWDD’s plans going forward.  Also, on January 1st they will be transferring to Fiberight/Coastal, which does the recycling automatically and mechanically.  The recycling windows at the station will be closed as Fiberight is handling about 50% of the recycling right now and is set to increase in the near future.  PRSWDD will still be accepting returnables, corrugated cardboard, metals and freon units.  Tom has an updated list, which is provided at the station.  The price of bags will be going up.  $3.00 each for large bags and $2.00 each for the small bags.

Fran added that all six towns had a contract with MRC for fifteen years for 500 tons of trash per year.  The two towns that are leaving will still be responsible for their part; the amount of which is currently in negotiations with MRC, PRSWDD and those two towns.  Peter suggested to have the changes posted to the Town’s website, and provide flyers at the Town Meeting in March.  Tom will email the updated list to the Town Office for distribution too.  Discussion continued about how costs can be kept down, what materials are being recycled, and cleaning up the transfer station of its clutter.  Amy reminded Fran that PRSWDD needs to turn in the Hall Rental Agreement and Certificate of Liability Insurance form for their meetings at the Town Hall.

Other: Tom asked about the reimbursement check, which a fire department trainee had lost.  He asked Kim to check with the bank and ask them how much it will cost to cancel it.  Tom explained the Town’s policy of replacing lost or damaged checks.  VJ asked why the person didn’t have the check with him, and to ask him to bring it in.

Kim to explained to everyone the story behind the missing check.  It was agreed that this person should be contacted to produce the missing check if it hasn’t already been cashed.  If he can’t produce it within two days, then call the bank, stop payment and let the recipient know how long he will have to wait to receive the new check. 



Public Comment: No further discussions.



Those attending: Fran Havey, Amy Lenfestey, Peter Davis, Cheryl & Richard Paul, Don Williams, Cathy Fonda, Marcus Norton, Marc Perry



Town of Addison


Special Selectmen’s Meeting

December 10, 2019



Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 6:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:53PM



1.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405(6)a to discuss personnel matters:  6:00PM - VJ motions to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. William seconds. Unanimous.  6:18 - Selectmen re-enter meeting.  Personnel issues were discussed, with a primary focus on how the Selectmen are going to continue dealing with procedures. 

2. Motion to accept or deny rescission of resignation – Administrative Assistant:  VJ motions to accept Sherry’s rescission of her resignation and reverse their vote from November 4th on accepting the resignation effective immediately.  William seconds. Tom abstains.  Motion passes 2/3.


3.    To decide on advertising for Administrative Assistant position: VJ motions to reverse the vote from December 2nd Selectmen’s Meeting and not advertise a position as there is currently no opening. Effective immediately.  Tom seconds. Unanimous.


4.    To discuss background checking for new employees: Tom opens by explaining how background checking is normally done.  Stating that a background check is done on the final couple of applicants or right after hiring someone.  VJ concurred. 


Fran brought up the fact that Sherry’s background check wasn’t done, and that it is not too late to do one on her.  Amy asked Tom to read what she printed out from the MMA website, which explains that background checking should be done during the hiring process and that employees cannot be singled out. Amy also brought up that there were several applicants who applied for the Administrative Assistant job in February 2019, and none were advised of employment being contingent on a background check. 


Fran stated that they are awaiting a written response from MMA regarding the matter. Tom feels that at this time there are no great concerns, but there needs to be a policy in place for future hiring opportunities.  Butch added that the State does a background check on Shellfish Wardens.  Fran also suggested that reference checks be done on new applicants in the future.  Tom added the intent is to see reference checks done on all applicants, and background checks on the final two candidates considered for a position.


5.    Approval for Saturday hours to work on Budget:  Tom asked Kim how much time she anticipates for Saturdays.  Kim suggested that she and Sherry will need about 3-4 hours each Saturday depending on how much time is needed to get the work done.  She added that both her and Sherry can get a lot accomplished without the normal interruptions of the office. Tom agreed that it makes good sense.  VJ asked if she is thinking about two or three Saturdays.  VJ motions to allow Kim and Sherry Saturday hours not to exceed 12 hours without further authorization from the Board of Selectmen.  William seconds.  Unanimous.


Other: VJ – Employee Health Insurance Plans – The health insurance plans have increased 7%.  Tom motions to accept the changes in the health care plan rate as posted in the letter received from MMA.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.


Tom – Health insurance for part-time employees – Tom raised the question about part-time employees / Selectmen being eligible for the MMA Health Trust health insurance.  Sherry stated she has contacted MMA Health Trust and that the Selectmen can be covered, but it has to be approved by the Town. 


Amy – Small Animal Clinic – Amy reported that they will not be able to do the Town’s Rabies Clinic in January.  Peter suggested contacting Dr. Jensen in Milbridge as she does the clinics for The Ark shelter in Cherryfield.  Tom agreed that Amy should contact Dr. Jensen.


Fran – Minutes – Fran inquired why there are two people taking minutes at the meetings.  Kim explained that she is not taking minutes per se, but taking notes for herself as she is the Treasurer, and that she needs to be at the meetings in case there is a question for the Treasurer.  Dick asked if both her and Sherry are getting paid to be at the meeting.  It was explained that both Kim and Sherry receive comp-time.  It was suggested that maybe Sherry report to Kim anything Treasurer related the next day.  Tom stated that the Selectmen are at the point now where changes can be made to this process.


Tom – Holiday Bonuses – Butch and Peter commented that employees have received bonuses in the past, whether it be hams, gift cards, or a separate payroll check.  Kim stated that Alice, John and she each got gift certificates, but it is at the Selectmen’s discretion to give a bonus, and that when Michael Murphy was Selectmen, bonuses were given out every year.  Tom asked that it be looked into and reported on at the December 16th meeting. 


Judy – CEO Update:


Solar Farm slated for Addison – She received a phone call from an upset Harrington resident whose property abuts a 51ac farm in Addison, which has been leased out to a Solar Farm company.  Judy explained the property owner’s concerns, but added that the Town could benefit from this endeavor.  Judy suggested that if this is something the Town wishes to regulate, then it needs to be looked into.


Marijuana – Medical Cultivating Facilities – The Town cannot stop a medical marijuana cultivating facility from coming to town.  The Town can regulate it, but cannot stop it, and she suggested that the Town look into its options on regulating.  Judy added, these facilities are still required to adhere to building codes, and are subject to State inspections and licensing.  The annual licensing fee to the State is $15,000.00.

The Town should consider incorporating an application fee structure for this type of facility, and should have an ordinance in place for zoning, air quality, and distances from schools, residences, etc.  Tom asked Judy to check in with other towns that are dealing with this. 


Judy is currently working with East Machias on the same type of facility and could gather some information for him, but suggests it would be in the Town’s best interest to be proactive about this issue and the Solar Farm; weighing the pro and cons for each.  


William – East McMann Rd. Project – William asked about the project on East McMann Rd.  Judy reported that the project sight has moved to the 51acre farm mentioned earlier.  Fran added that it would not be too late for a moratorium.


Those attending:  Peter Davis, Judy Rolfe, Cheryl & Richard Paul, Fran Havey, Irvin Pinkham, Amy Lenfestey, & Paul Dixon


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 2, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:33PM  



1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 18th Selectmen’s Meeting:  VJ motions to accept the minutes of the November 18th Selectmen’s Meeting. Tom Seconds. Unanimous.

2.    Advertisement for Administrative Assistant Position:  Tom read aloud the advertisement for the Administrative Assistant Position, and opened the floor to discussion and suggestions.  Amy suggested the term “Office Manager” should be removed from the advertisement.  Kim concurred.  There was discussion as to what needs to be managed in an office of three.  Obbie and Peter feel that Kim should be promoted to the position.  Tom advised that promotion or advertisement is a decision the Selectmen will make.  Fran added that MMA recommends this type of office structure.  Don stated the advertisement was written well and anyone interested should apply.  VJ stated that he contacted MMA and was advised that the Town does not have to advertise positions, it is at the Town’s discretion.  Tom feels that it is just good practice to advertise.  Sherry recommended to add FOAA Officer to the advertisement. 

Amy asked to postpone advertising until after Town Meeting, due to the work load in preparation of the end-of-year budget work, upcoming elections, warrant articles, etc. Tom suggested to move forward with advertising. VJ reiterated that the Town is not required to advertise the position unless there is an ordinance in place stating the contrary; the process can be handled “in-house.”  Amy and Kim have reservations about bringing in someone new to train, at this juncture, because of the increased workload and upcoming deadlines. Peter was emphatic that Kim is essential and that should be acknowledged.  Fran said that if someone is promoted then they can help fashion the ad for the vacant position.  Butch suggested asking the office staff if they are interested in the position. 

VJ requested to have a discussion in Executive Session about personnel matters, then make a decision to promote or advertise.  Dick suggested this would also be a good time to restructure the office, and then allow the Staff to post for the newly created positions.  The job descriptions for all the positions are outdated and no longer apply to the office structure today, and it was agreed that there should be an accurate job description for all employees. 

5:28PM - Tom motions to go into Executive Session (out of order) per 1 MRSA 405(6)c to discuss the hiring process.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.  5:47PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting. Adjustments were made to the advertisement. It was decided that the position will be advertised rather than promoting from within, but anyone interested, in-house or not, can apply. 

There was debate about the timeframe in which to post the position and interview candidates.  VJ suggested a deadline of January 3, 2020.  VJ motions to advertise until January 3rd.  William seconds. Unanimous.

3.    New Signs for Boat Landings:  Determine the size of the signs and their message.  Butch stated that all landings except for the Narrows have signs in place, but are overlooked.  The signs warn that anything left for more than 24 hours will be removed.  Butch and William both agree that anymore signs would be a waste of the Town’s money.  Tom suggested to let the issue go for now. No action taken.


4.    Butch – Address South Addison Town Landing: Lost another pole in South Addison.  Only two poles and anchors left, which is not enough. It slipped out of the chain at low tide.  The poles at Addison Point and West River Landing are steel, but are pulled out.  The poles at South Addison are permanent and need to be replaced. The floats can be damaged if the poles are not there to stabilize things.  There are four poles missing so far.  Nothing can be done without the Harbor Committee and Marcus will reach out to Harold Tyler to find out the cost of replacing the poles.


5.    Approve Auditor’s Letter to Finalize 2018 Audit: The Auditor made recommendations to management for the necessary training of staff to utilize the accounting software.  Tom motions to approve the Auditor’s letter.  William seconds.  Unanimous. 


6.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405(6)a to discuss personnel matters: Taken out of order and addressed under Item No. 2.


Other:  Don Williams – Building Maintenance Committee Update – Mainely Vinyl has pushed back their start date to January 2nd.  Peter brought up valid concerns about installing Cedar Impressions siding and aluminum trim in cold temperatures.  He believes the lowest temperature is 30o.  He said that if the siding is installed below that mark and the temperature rises, buckling will occur throughout the siding.  He said temperatures above 40-45o is optimal.  Don stated the Building Maintenance Committee will specify that the work cannot be done below a certain temperature.  VJ feels it would be better to wait March or April to have the work done.  Don will contact Mainely Vinyl and let them know that the recommendation is to not start the project until March 2020. The money allotted for the project will be carried forward into the new fiscal year.


William – West River Landing Floats – William inquired about when the floats come out.  Peter spoke with Parris Hammond, Jr. recently regarding this.  Parris told Peter that it is way too late in the season to still have floats in the water. The floats should have been out the first of November.  He also told Peter that if it cannot be straightened out, the Town can find someone else to pull the floats.  The timing is determined by the tide chart.  The later it gets the harder it is on his equipment.  He refuses to put his truck on the ice.  Butch said the skiffs cannot be launched at low-tide, and the fishermen don’t want to be told that they have to stop fishing early, because the floats are being pulled.  Obbie added that a date was never set in the past.  It was all based-on tide charts.  Obbie charges $300.00 for the loader and man-power and Parris charges $125.00 for the truck and this occurs in the Fall and the Spring.  Marcus made the point that it cannot wait until the last lobsterman is done fishing.  The overall consensus is that the timing is determined by weather and tide.  Need a 10’6” tide. 

Peter suggests revisiting it again in January once the new tide charts are out, as this will help with determining a timeframe in which to install and remove the floats. Tom wants the fishermen to know that the months for this will be May and November.


Amy – Small Animal Clinic – Contacted the Small Animal Clinic about doing a rabies clinic in January, but have not heard back from them yet.  There is a clinic scheduled in Machias on December 8, 2019.  Butch warned that the vet is being very particular, and if proof of prior vaccination is not presented, then the pet will only receive a one-year vaccine.  If proof is provided then a three-year vaccine will be administered.


VJ – PRSWDD – VJ heard that the new truck scales have been ordered, and would like Fran Havey to provide an update from PRSWDD, at the next meeting.


 Public Comment: No Further Discussions


Those attending: Peter Davis, Fran Havey, Cheryl & Richard Paul, Stanley & Sheila Mitchell, Cathy Fonda, Don Williams, Osborne Davis, Irvin Pinkham, Amy Lenfestey, Marcus Norton


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 18, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey

Absent:  William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:49PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 4th Selectmen’s Meeting:  VJ motions to accept the minutes of the November 4th Selectmen’s Meeting.  Tom Seconds.  Unanimous.

2.    Advertisement for Administrative Assistant Position:  Tom presents his suggestion for the advertisement.  Don recommends that the Selectmen also draft a detailed job description. VJ motions to table anything to do with the Administrative Assistant position until the December 2nd meeting when all three Selectmen can be present.  Tom Seconds.  Unanimous.

 3.    Spectrum’s Pre-Design Estimates to Extend Service to Underserved Parts of East Side and Indian River Roads.  Pre-design estimates to extend services on East Side and Indian River Roads, came back from Spectrum.  East Side Rd. is $58,554.00 for .86 miles and Indian River Rd. is $77,020.00 for .81 miles.  No action taken, due to the high cost of extending services.

4.    Partnering with Spectrum for Next Round of ConnectME Grants:  No action taken as this item is contingent on Item No. 3.

 5.    Questions regarding Rabies Vaccinations issued by Dr. Teer:  Butch reported that the State revoked Dr. Teer’s veterinarian license.  Amy had made inquiries to the Asst. State Veterinarian (Dr. Rachel Fiske) regarding the safety of dogs receiving a second vaccine and the legal ramifications the Town may face if the dogs being revaccinated were to fall ill or die as a result.  Dr. Fiske stated, in her email, the rabies vaccine is very safe and it isn’t uncommon for a vaccinated dog to receive a rabies booster if it encounters a rabid animal.  She also suggested seeking legal counsel regarding any liability. 

 Going forward, the dogs who were administered rabies vaccinations by Dr. Teer, from January 2018 to present, will have to go to a licensed veterinarian to either receive another rabies vaccination, get tested for rabies vaccine antibodies, or be granted a waiver if the dog is suffering from chronic illness.  Those rabies certificates issued by Dr. Teer are no longer valid, and the dogs must be cleared by a licensed veterinarian in order to receive a current dog license.  Butch stated there will be a rabies clinic on December 8th in Machias, but the details aren’t out yet.  Tom proposed setting up a vaccination clinic at the Town Hall in the near future; past vaccination clinics, which the Town hosted, were very popular and brought in a lot of pets to be vaccinated.  Amy suggested waiting until after Christmas to do the rabies clinic out of respect for the Auxiliary’s hard work in decorating the Hall for the holidays. 

6.    Road Commissioner Update:

a.    Mary Jane Good: Letter Regarding McMann Rd.: Marcus spoke with Mary Jane regarding her client’s written inquiry of McMann Rd.  Marcus advised Mary Jane that the Town isn’t sure who owns McMann Rd. and cannot incur the expense of researching it.  He suggested that her client hire her to find out if it is a public, quasi-public, or private road.  Mary Jane said she didn’t think the inquiry will go any further, and she will notify her client.  

b.    Grant Application for Cape Split Culvert: Grant application has been sent in and the total project costs came in at $62,500.00.  The Town allotted $9,000.00 for its contribution toward the project.  $3,000.00 of that money was used for engineering costs, and the remaining $6,000.00 will be applied to the grant, leaving a total of $56,500.00 needed in grant funds, which Judy East (WCCOG) believes is still a good number to work with. VJ and Tom commended Marcus’ decision making in not exceeding the $9,000.00 limit.

 c.    Cape Split Culvert Patching:  Shawn will be in Cape Split on Thursday, November 21st to patch the culvert in.

 d.    Rocks in the Sand Pile: Marcus said it has been brought to his attention of rocks being in the sand pile. Butch asserted that the rocks are sizeable and have already caused tire damage.  He added there is no way they would have passed through a screen.  Tom asked if there is a problem with finding clean sand.  Marcus advised that they normally have good sand and supply the whole area.  He speculated that maybe there was a hole in the screen that the larger rocks have slipped through.

7.    Indian River Grange Letter of Support for Approval and Signature: Tom motions to sign the letter of support for grant funding for the Indian River Grange. VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

            8.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405(6)a to discuss personnel matters: VJ requested no action taken on the Executive Session, because William was not present.

 Other:  Taken Out of Order.

 Butch – Floats at West River Landing – The floats were taken out 3 weeks ago even though there are still boats bringing in traps.  Parris Hammond is the contractor who handles the floats.  Don said that the Town had previously agreed on a date by which the floats would be taken out.  Butch states that October is way too early to take them out, and he has received several complaints about it.  There are two floats left of the seven that were out.  Butch also brought up the problem with traps getting caught on the floats, and being abandoned on the floats.  There was discussion about having 3 signs made; one sign for each landing, stating that traps are not to be left on the floats, but the verbiage for the signs were not determined or voted on.

 Amy – Inquired about going back to three days a week until Sherry leaves the position on December 27, 2019.  Tom advised Amy that it will be at her discretion, and to set her schedule with Sherry and Kim.

    Public Comment: No further discussions

  Those attending: Don Williams, Irvin Pinkham, Marcus Norton and Amy Lenfestey


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 4, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:27PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the October 21st General Assistance Public Hearing and Selectmen’s Meeting:  

VJ motions to accept the minutes of General Assistance Public Hearing.  Williams seconds. Unanimous.

VJ motions to accept the minutes of the October 21, 2019 Selectmen’s Meeting.  Tom seconds. Unanimous.

2.    16 Nelson Way: Extension on Taxes:  Elizabeth O’Halloran Bright was present and said that she can pay $280.00 right away and the remaining balance by December 6, 2019.  The total amount being $771.26 plus any interest that may accrue between now and December 6, 2019. VJ motions to allow Elizabeth Bright until December 6, 2019 to pay off her current tax debt.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 3.    Building Permits: Complaints:  Tom suggests making the deadline of the 20th of each month more apparent to the public to avoid future complaints.  He spoke with the chairman of the Planning Board who stated that it will be brought up on their agenda and will determine whether or not to keep things as they are or if there is something different they can do to make it easier for people with small, non-residential projects to obtain permits.  The residential projects are more time consuming and the smaller non-residential projects are less work provided they are not in a sensitive area.  The main reason for the 20th deadline is to avoid last minute application submittals.  This deadline allows time for the site to be inspected and the application to be reviewed before the meeting.  No motion needed.

4.    Town’s Matching Grant Contributions for Cape Split Culvert:   Marcus stated the application is about 80% done and Deanne Bradshaw will be coming up with the final design and the rough estimate being $39,000.00.  Marcus will be meeting with Donny Hanscom on Wednesday, November 6th to get an accurate estimate and final number for the grant. Judy East has suggested that 25% would be best but the minimum contribution would be 5%.  She also advised Marcus that she also has a couple letters of recommendation, which will help with getting the grant.  The new culvert will not just be as a fishway, but will also help with rising sea waters.  Marcus suggested setting an amount and it will be whatever percentage it is once the actual numbers come in.  VJ motions that the Town provide a match not to exceed $9,000.00 for the bottomless culvert on Cape Split Road.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

 5.    Washington County Council of Governments: Select Two Representatives:  Tom said that the last representatives were himself and Timothy Thompson.  He said he will be willing to be a representative again.  Butch said that he is interested as well.  VJ motions to appoint Tom Batson as the Selectman and Irivin “Butch” Pinkham as the Town resident to represent the Town of Addison at the Washington County Council of Governments. William seconds.  Tom abstains.  Motion passes.

6.    Road Commissioner Update:  Taken out of order.  Marcus received a letter from Mary Jane Good, attorney in Machias, inquiring about the status of McMann Rd.  Is it a Town Rd. or Private Rd.?  He checked with Obbie Davis, who said that the road is a common right-of-way.  Judy mentioned, that Mary Jane’s question is in regard to some building that will occur on Map 008 Lot 044, which is next to the Fox Hill Lot.  Tom said the Town has never made a decision to maintain McMann road because it doesn’t have any school age children living on the road, and the residents there have not requested it.  He said that no one can be stopped from traveling the road and the power company can run electricity on the road.  The Town does not maintain or plow McMann Road.  Any maintenance on the road is done privately.  Tom said in a court of law it was decided that McMann Rd. was a legal right-of-way.  Marcus said he will call Mary Jane and try to get clarification on her inquiry, and present his findings at the November 18th meeting.  Tom suggested that Marcus contact Elliott Batson as well to find out what he knows about it. 

 7.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405(6)c to discuss tax acquired properties:  5:48PM - Tom motions to enter into Executive Session to discuss tax acquired properties. VJ seconds. Unanimous.  6:01PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting.  Four properties were discussed.  MMA will be contacted to find out what the correct process is for handling the tax acquired properties.

 8.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss personnel matters:  6:02PM - Tom motions to enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. VJ seconds. Unanimous.  6:26PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting. Sherry respectfully tendered her resignation for personal reasons, but will stay until December 27th to help with the transition.  VJ motions to regretfully accept Sherry’s resignation.  Tom seconds. Unanimous.

Other:  Taken out of order.

 Butch Pinkham – Got the flags back up tonight, and will be taking them down, for the year, after Veteran’s Day.

Tom Batson – Commended Addison Daze for the Touch-a-Truck, and said that it was set up very well and he noticed how much the children were enjoying themselves.  Butch said that the movie didn’t do so well, but they’ll have more time to plan for next year and make things more stream lined.  Butch thanked all the volunteers who helped to make the day successful.    

Public Comment:   VJ – Problem regarding a check that was issued on February 14, 2019, and never received by the recipient.  VJ said it was time to place a stop payment on the check.  He also suggested having a “void after 90 days” disclaimer printed or stamped on all checks going forward, to avoid future stop payment fees. 

Those attending: Fran Havey, Irvin Pinkham, Elizabeth O’Halloran (Bright), Cheryl & Richard Paul, Judy Rolfe, Sheila & Stanley Mitchell, Cathy Fonda.


Town of Addison

Public Hearing Regarding

General Assistance Ordinance Updates for 2020

October 21, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Public Hearing Opened at: 5:00PM

Public Hearing Closed at: 5:12PM


Tom opens the hearing and gives an explanation of the changes to the General Assistance ordinance maximums for 2020. Each year, DHHS and MMA work together to come up with maximum incomes allowed for assistance.


Selectmen’s Meeting

October 21, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:12PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:48PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the October 7, 2019 Selectmen’s Meeting:  William motions to accept the minutes from October 07, 2019.  Tom seconds. VJ abstains. Motion passes.

 2.    Road Commissioner Update:  LRAP Form:  Road Commissioner not present.

 3.    Comprehensive Planning Committee:  Judy stated she hasn’t been able to reach out to two of the original committee members, and requested to table it until she can contact them.

4.    Compensation for Election Workers:  Amy requested a minimum stipend for the Election Workers to help defray the cost of travel and time.  Currently the ballot counters are only paid $11.00/per hour, and sometimes are only there for a half-hour.  VJ motions the Ballot Counters for the general elections are paid for a minimum of 2 hours’ time or $25.00 whichever is greater.  William seconds.  Unanimous

 5.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss personnel matters:  5:39PM - Tom motions to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. William seconds. Unanimous. 6:17PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting. Personnel issues were discussed.  

 6.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 for employee review:  6:42PM - VJ motions to enter into Executive Session. William seconds. Unanimous. 7:46PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting. Personnel matters were discussed and employee received their 6-month review.  Nothing further to report.

Other:  Taken out of order.

2020 Maximums for General Assistance - VJ motions to accept the maximums set by the State for General Assistance.  William seconds. Unanimous. 

VJ – Cable and Internet Update: Steps have been taken to find out what can be done to resolve the issue.  The Town is currently waiting on a response from Spectrum, who was out earlier in the week surveying Indian River Rd.

 Don Williams - Building Maintenance Committee:  

There is a large number of old Boy Scout related items on the second floor of the Town Hall.  Judy offered to take all the Boy Scout items and turn them over to Peter Dustin of Troop 139 - Cherryfield. 

 Storage Shed repair – Heart of Maine, the contractor originally awarded the bid is out of business.  The next bidder on the list is Bangor Abatement. Their bid is $3,800.00 not $2,800.00 as was originally thought.  Heart of Maine’s bid was $2,500.00.  Don inquired if he should move forward with Bangor Abatement or try to re-advertise the project.  Maybe post it at the Town Office, Facebook, word-of-mouth?  The project is not urgent.  Tom says if the committee feels it is better to wait until Spring, then re-advertise.  Don also wanted to know if the money slated for the project this year, $3,000.00, could be rolled over to 2020.  Kim stated that the money can be carried over. 

 Solar Tubes Disposal – Building Maintenance wants to know how to get rid of them.  William suggested contacting Paul Watts.  VJ suggested advertising on Craig’s List versus paying for an ad.  Tom suggested putting it out to bid through venues, which will not cost the Town money.

Nature Conservancy Grant Application –Cloud 9 Electric, a qualified partner, has not been able to make it out to do a walk through and make their proposal for the grant, because of complications and then the storm outages.  Don wanted to make everyone aware that the application may not be submitted this year by the November 25th deadline.

Judy Rolfe – Judy East, grant writer, from Washington County Council of Governments discussed the grant for the bottomless culvert at Cape Split.  There was discussion regarding the competitive nature of the grant, engineering requirements and percentage of matching funds from the town.  It was suggested that the Town consider contributing as much as possible, so to improve the chances of getting the grant.  The minimum percentage is 5%, but 25% is recommended to be more competitive.  Judy East stated the more the better, because there will be a large amount of applications for this grant.  Tom said that they will look into the budget and will address the issue at the November 4th meeting.  The preliminary engineering fee will be between $2,000.00 and $2,500.00 depending on complexity.  Once the data package is received, there will be 2 years to complete the plan.


Public Comment: No further discussions.

Those attending:  Stanley & Sheila Mitchell, Fran Havey, Richard & Cheryl Paul, Judy Rolfe, Don Williams, and Judy East


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

October 7, 2019


Selectmen Present: Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:03PM

Meeting Closed at: 9:10PM



1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 16th Special Town Meeting: VJ motions to accept the minutes from the Special Town Meeting on September 16, 2019.  Tom seconds. Unanimous.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 16th Selectmen’s Meeting: VJ motions to accept the minutes from September 16, 2019.  William seconds. Unanimous.

3.    Complaints regarding lack of internet service towards the southern end of East Side Rd. and on Indian River Rd.:  Tracy Beal and others will be in attendance.  Several residents affected by the lack of internet service attended the meeting.  There was a great deal of discussion about the original contract, and why there is internet service in more remote places such as So. Addison, Cape Split and Basin Rd.  There are also places that do not meet the minimum 20 houses per mile standard, that have internet access; however, the residents who currently do not have access, live on thoroughfares. Some residents have been waiting for cable for 30 years. 

In 1988 the original franchise agreement with Merlin Communications indicated that, “The Company shall make service available to all areas indicated in the original franchise proposal submitted to the Town.  The Company shall extend the system to any future areas that meet a density average of 18 year-round homes per mile.  The company shall extend the system to areas with a lesser density if the subscribers agree to pay the costs of materials and labor necessary for construction to their areas.  Another resident stated that it was in the Town meeting minutes from that timeframe, in which the Town approved for every resident to have access at the roadside.  Chris Chartrand concurred explaining what was originally agreed upon.  It was suggested that the Town contact Spectrum to have the area reevaluated.  Tom said that he is all for reaching out to Spectrum and letting them know that a lot of the residents still without access are business owners.  One of the residents also pointed out that many of these households have school age children that need to have internet access for school. 

Tom said that the Selectmen will get together key points for the letter, as well as, letting Spectrum know that there are quite a few residents complaining and there are places that don’t meet the minimum households-per-mile that have internet access.  Fran suggested copying the Washington County legislature; Dick suggested calling them to have the area resurveyed; Chris suggested using Emergency Preparedness as a key point.  Cathy and Jim suggested contacting Consolidated because they can use their copper lines for internet access.  No motion was made.

 4.    Jim Corliss:  Mooring No. 61: Request to have fees waived:  5 years ago, Jim’s mooring #61 became unusable, because it is wrapped around an anchor and can only be seen at low tide. 

He paid mooring fees on #61 for 15 years without ever using the mooring.  He’s always used his other mooring.  Jim stopped paying on the mooring in 2016 because it became unusable and would like to abandon it.  Butch wants to see the mooring pulled up or signed over to the Town.  There was further discussion about the state of abandoned moorings and their safety.  William doesn’t think it’s a good idea for the town to be responsible for any of these moorings.  The consensus was that it would be better to cut the chains on these moorings and be done with it.  Tom said to wait on Butch to let them know if any of these moorings are being used.  Butch will look into how to handle the problem. Tom requested that Jim cut the chain to mooring #61.  Tom motions to waive Jim’s fees since the mooring is abandoned. William seconds. Unanimous. 

5.     Dennis Moraisey:  Map 007 Lot 003: Road Naming: Barn Hill Rd.  Tom motions to accept Dennis’ proposal to name his private road “Barn Hill Rd.”  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

6.    Appointments:

Addison Daze:  Jimmy Emerson, Jessica Whitcomb, Kimbley Davis and Joe West.  Tom motions to add members.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

Planning Board:  Chris Chartrand.  Tom motions to have Chris appointed to the Planning Board as an alternate member.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

Addison Daze Committee - As a point of order, Fran said she would like to see the committee expanded beyond the original 7-member limit to 11 members.  Don stated the reason for a 7-member limit is because anything more than that makes it too difficult to form a quorum.  Chris suggested putting into the by-laws that a certain number of members can vote without a quorum, and have alternate members.  Tom motions to change the number on the committee to 11.  William seconds. Unanimous. 

7.    Judy Rolfe:  Cemetery Upkeep:  Judy would like to form a committee to help revitalize, maintain and preserve the “lost cemeteries.”  She presented pictures to the Selectmen showing the dire state of the Look Cemetery and also stated that some of those buried there are seamen.  She emphasized the importance of the upkeep of the cemetery, as the people buried there played a significant part in the Town’s history.  Tom suggested putting an article in the Town Meeting to raise funds to help the clean-up effort.  Judy would like to start cleaning up the Look Cemetery this Fall and she has volunteers who will help.  Dick brought up the $2,250.00 raised for the Veteran’s Flags.  Tom wants Judy to form a committee so the volunteers will be under the volunteer insurance.  Chris suggested this effort be one of “Community Service,” and the volunteers would still be covered under the volunteer insurance.    

8.    Marcus Norton:  Road Commissioner Updates:  Bruce Farren cleared back around the Sand/Salt shed and have started putting the salt and sand up.  There was a problem with the salt as too much was delivered and could not be returned.  There have been complaints on the state aid roads, and a beaver needs to be caught and removed. Marcus stated they are working to trap the beaver, so the debris can be removed from the culvert at East River.  Steve Calhoun’s complaint is being addressed.  Marcus will call him.

9.    Building Maintenance:  Cedar shingle found in Town Hall parking lot:  Don says the vinyl siding goes up in mid-November and that will stop the falling shingle problem, but there is nothing that can be done at this point until the siding is installed.  Solar tubes are off the building. The Historic Society is completely moved in as of Wednesday, October 2nd. Plenty of room left on the west side of the stage area.  The storage shed bid…Don cannot reach the contractor, Heart of Maine; he is going to give them until Wednesday, October 9th to respond. If no response, he would like to reopen the bid to local contractors or take the second bid on the list, which is $500.00 more. Tom motions the Building Maintenance Committee contact the second lowest bidder if the original bidder is not heard from by Wednesday, October 9th. VJ seconds. Unanimous.  Bangor Abatement, which is next on the list, placed a bid for $3,000.00 vs. Heart of Maine at $2,500.00.   Don mentioned that a Blue Spruce will be planted this month in the park, and can be decorated for Christmas.

10. Nature Conservancy:  Funding for the Upgrade of Municipal Lighting.  Don said it is on the Building Maintenance Committee’s agenda for Wednesday.  Municipal buildings also include the fire stations.  Chris suggested the High Intensity Sodium lights should be left installed because they are more reliable in freezing weather conditions.  Don said the committee will discuss it and find out where the lights are that could be switched out for LED’s.  He will fill out the form to let them know we are interested, but this does not commit the Town to anything.  However, if we do go through with it, the Town will save 75% of the cost. 

 11. National Prescription Opioid Litigation: Class Action Notice:  The United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio approved the formation of a Negotiation Class of Counties, Cities and Incorporated areas, which gives these local and county governments a vote in the pursuit of recovering monies for a Class Action Lawsuit against 13 Corporations. See  Taking "No Action" automatically keeps the Town as a voting member in this Negotiation Class. "Opting-Out" relinquishes any rights to monies awarded in the case.  Based on a $1,000,000,000 settlement, the Town of Addison would be awarded approximately $183.00.  Tom motions to do nothing.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

 12. Indian River Grange:  Revised Letter of Support prepared by Rick Snyderman:  Tom went over MMA’s response regarding the verbiage in the letter.  Overall MMA found nothing committing the Town financially. However, they did offer a couple suggestions to clear up some ambiguous language in the last paragraph. VJ asked that Sherry retype the letter with MMA’s suggestions, and send to Rick Snyderman for his approval.  No motion needed. 

 13.  Proposed 2020 State Valuation:  The State Valuation of Addison went from $141,700,000 in 2019 to $146,900,000 in 2020.  Tom motions to accept the 2020 State Valuation.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 14. Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss personnel matters:  7:05PM - Tom motions to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. VJ seconds. Unanimous. 7:34PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting. Personnel issues were discussed.  No decisions were made. The Selectmen thanked Fran Havey for her efforts and time.

15. Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss personnel matters:  7:35PM - Tom motions to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. William seconds. Unanimous. Selectmen call Kim, Sherry and Amy into the meeting to talk to them individually. 9:10PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting.  No further discussion.

 Other: Taken out of order.

Judy – Comprehensive Planning Committee:  Judy presented the Selectmen with a list of volunteers.  VJ wants Judy to check with original members that she hasn’t yet contacted to see if they will be interested in being on the committee again.  Judy will reach out to these members and give an update at the October 21, 2019 Selectmen’s Meeting.

 Public Comment:  October 19, 2019 Kid’s Day / Addison Daze Committee

 Tom urges everyone to come out with the kids and enjoy the day.  There will be Touch-a-Truck, Games, Prizes, Pumpkin Decorating and a Halloween movie will be shown from 6-8pm for the kids.  Butch says volunteers are needed for the Trunk or Treat.  

 Those attending:  Fran Havey, Judy Rolfe, Jane and Dean McGray, Tracy Beal, Lee Goston, Richard and Cheryl Paul, Irvin “Butch” Pinkham, Don Williams, Glenn and Vicki Garnett, Chris Chartrand, Cathy Fonda, Marcus Norton, Joseph “JJ” Tibbetts, Jim Corliss, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 16, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 6:17 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:12 PM



1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 3rd Selectmen’s Meeting:  VJ motions to accept the minutes from September 3, 2019.  William seconds. Unanimous.

2.    Jonesport: Withdrawal of Middle Ground Agreement Update:  Meeting with James Pross of Skelton, Taintor and Abbott.  Tom explained what was discussed and what concerns were addressed on the teleconference with Jim Pross.  Tom also said the Town will be sending information and maps to the attorney, so that he can get a better idea of what to expect.  Judy says that she is gathering information to send to Jim.

3.    Maine Municipal Tax Collectors’ and Treasurers’ Association: Request to become a member.  Annual membership dues are $30.00 per person.  VJ motions for all the office staff to sign up for membership.  Tom seconds. Unanimous.

4.    Staff training Requests:

a.    Municipal Law for Tax Collectors & Treasurers on October 24, 2019 in Orono.

b.    Payroll Law 2020 on November 6, 2019 in Bangor.

Tom motions to send all the office staff to both trainings.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

5.    Judy Rolfe, Chairperson: Budget Committee Updates: MMA Budget Training on November 14, 2019 in Union, Maine:  Judy asks that the Town just pay for her class and she will drive.  She believes it would be beneficial for her and Kim and possibly someone else from the office to attend the class, as this is the first year doing the budget without John.  Judy feels the only other option would be to hire someone with municipal budget experience.  VJ asks if this is something Sherry should attend as well.  Kim said that this is something that will take two people to handle and that it would be beneficial for another office employee to attend.  Tom motions to pay for Judy’s cost for the training and to send Kim, Sherry and Amy to it.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous

6.    Marcus Norton: Road Commissioner Updates:  Tom mentioned the new Stop Sign looks nice.  Marcus said that Ronie’s sign came in and he will install it, by the Lennox’s, on the straight stretch before you make the turn.  Shoulder repair was done on Mooseneck Road.  There is more work that needs to be done because the Speed Limit signs keep falling down.  Marcus has been working with the office about the Salt / Sand in trying to figure out how many yards will be needed.  On the Cape Split if PVC culverts are put back in, it will cost about $10,000.00.  If they go with the grant the bottomless culverts can be installed. 

 The total bill would be about $30,000.00 in which the Town would have to match funds with the grant (possibly a 50/50 match.)  Marcus says he believes the next round for applications will be in November.  

Tanya added that details will be in soon for when the application needs to be submitted, but the benefit is that with the grant, the Town will get a lot more culvert bridge for the money.  Marcus added that it will restore fish passage as well.  Washington County Council of Governments does a lot of the grant writing and will help put together the grant, but the Town will have to become a member.  She said in addition to that, the Planning Board is looking into reopening the Comprehensive Plan and updating it as it is 12 years old.  The Town’s benefit for joining will be two-fold, because they can help with the grant writing and the comprehensive plan.  If the Town goes with the grant, the culvert will be a bottomless culvert; otherwise, two three-foot PVC culverts will be installed.  

Tanya mentioned that was her reason for being at the meeting tonight, as the Planning Board recommends the Town become a member of the Washington County Council of Governments.  VJ asked what Marcus’ opinion was for culvert installation, and Marcus stated bottomless culverts would be best for the future and for fish passage.  Membership is $1,133.00 / year and is from October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020.  Tom said he will be making a motion under “Other.”

7.    Butch Pinkham: Status Reports on Shellfish / ACO / Mowing / Harbor Patrol:  Under Shellfish there is a court date on October 8th for a license issue with a gentleman in Milbridge.  Issues with closed areas have been addressed.  There are some changes that will be made again to the area.  The line changes are September 25th.  There was a shut- down from Cape Split Point to Canada, but since Pleasant River was still open, it didn’t count as a shut-down.  The first day he had 17 people in 3-Brooks, the next day 12, and dropped after that to 5. 

Nothing under Animal Control. 

The mowing is all caught up. 

Under Harbor Patrol, starting Thursday, September 26, 2019, Butch will be in to the office to separate the mooring applications to active and inactive, that way he knows for sure who has a mooring.  A lot of the moorings were passed down through sticky notes.  He needs to update his Google Earth Maps for the moorings and will begin matching them up to determine, which are legal and not. Tom inquired about the boat at the So. Addison landing.  Butch has been trying to catch up with the owner, but hasn’t had any luck.  Tom wants a notice placed on the boat or one mailed to the owner. 

There was a great deal of discussion regarding abandoned boats, traps and gear; problems and complaints with traps caught under floats; and how to deal with the issue. Going forward, Tom wants Butch to keep a close watch and as soon as a trap is left, get the tag number, notify the owner and tell them to remove it or be fined.  Peter suggested to put on the Town’s website that anyone leaving traps behind will be given a summons.

8.    Butch Pinkham: Addison Daze Committee:

a.    Appointments: Jimmy Emerson, Jessica Whitcomb, and Joe West.  Tom motions to table 8a because it has to go through Addison Daze Committee at the September 20, 2019 meeting first.

b.    Request the Selectmen send a letter to the Ladies’ Auxiliary reminding them of Town Hall Reservation for Kid’s Day on Saturday, October 19, 2019.  Butch said the reason for the request is that regardless of what is happening at the Town Hall, the Ladies’ Auxiliary comes in and starts setting up for Beano with no consideration of what is going on.  Tom says he has a good rapport with the Auxiliary and will speak to them about it.

9.    Tanya Rucosky: Planning Board Update:  Tanya spoke on behalf of the Planning Board during the Road Commissioner Update.

10. Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss personnel matters:  Tom motions to postpone No. 10, as the person who requested the Executive Session could not make it due to illness.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 Other:  Tom motions to join Washington County Council of Governments at the cost of $1,133.00.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

Ronie:  Would like to see the trees trimmed back on Division Way on both sides, and West Side from Everett Grant’s to Lloyd Jordan’s.  She is forced to drive in the middle of the road because of the overhang, and if she has to move over because of traffic then the branches hit the bus and come in through the windows.  Marcus said that some of it will be addressed this year, but may not get to all of it.  Ronie said that Division Way is the priority and some bushes at Division Way and Ridge Rd. need to be cut back, because it is blocking the view.  There have been a lot of complaints about West Side Rd.

Building Maintenance and Parking Lot Issues: 

VJ – Asked Peter if there are any signs indicating handicap parking.  There was an issue where a person who needed handicap access parked on the wrong side of the building, because there is no signage indicating handicap parking.  Peter said that he will check in the boiler room to see if the signs are there, and if not, he will ask Marcus to order new signs.

William - Asked Peter if the gutter can be put back up at the main entrance.  Peter said he will have it taken care of.

Butch – Asked Marcus if the area of white stone can be cold patched, because it causes problems with snow removal.  Marcus said that he will take care of it.

Public Comment:  No further discussions

Those attending: Stanley & Sheila Mitchell, Ronie Strout, Peter Davis, Irvin “Butch” Pinkham, Judy Rolfe, Tanya Ruckosy, Richard & Cheryl Paul, Cathy Fonda, Glenn Garnett, Jim Emerson, Chris Chartrand, Marcus Norton

 Results of Special Town Meeting - 9/16/19

Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 3, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:05 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:02 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 19th Selectmen’s Meeting:  VJ motions to accept the minutes from August 19, 2019.  William seconds. Unanimous. 

2.    Municipal Deed Release: Map 14 Lot 7A: VJ and William signed the Deed Release in the presence of Dawn Stubbs, Notary Public.  Tom abstains from signing, as he is related to the property owner. 

3.    Building Maintenance Committee: Budget for Projects:  Peter reported that additional funds will not be needed as unexpended funds from 2018 totaling $27,416.79 will be carried forward to the Building Maintenance Account for 2019.  No motion required.

4.    Motion to Approve Warrant Articles for September 16th Special Town Meeting:  Articles 4,5,6 and 7 were corrected to state “…transfer the surplus amount of…”  VJ motions to approve the articles for the Special Town Meeting as corrected.  William seconds. Unanimous.

5.    Jonesport: Withdrawal of Middle Ground Agreement Update:  Unable to obtain local legal counsel due to conflicts of interest.  There was discussion about the lack of municipal law attorneys; seeking counsel outside of the local area, and the increase in costs associated with it.  Judy suggested contacting James Pross of Skelton, Taintor and Abbott.  She said he is very good and has helped her on several occasions with razing dangerous buildings in East Machias.  The Selectmen agreed, and asked Judy to forward his contact information to Sherry.

6.    Indian River Grange: To decide if the letter of support submitted by Rick Snyderman can be signed as is or if changes are needed.  Rick explained some of the history of the Indian River Grange and answered some questions.  He is trying to generate local support, which will help with applying for grants.  There were concerns from the Selectmen about the use of the word “support.”  Rick and Don explained that the letter did not state to “support funding of…” rather the intention is to “support the effort…”  Tom and VJ want to take more time in deciding; they want to see the Grange preserved, but do not want to commit the Town to providing monetary support.  Tom suggested letting Fran Havey review the letter and offer suggestions in wording, as she has a great deal of grant writing experience.  Tom motions to table No. 6.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

7.    Judy Rolfe: CEO Updates:  Judy follows up from the last meeting regarding a Comprehensive Plan.  She spoke with Judy East from Washington County Council of Governments, and the State Planning Office. The Planning Committee will need to submit a data package to the State, and will have two years to complete the Comprehensive Plan.   It will cost about $9,000.00 to use Washington County Council of Governments again.  They were used in the 2004 Comprehensive Plan, and are recognized by the State Planning Office for their work in assisting municipalities in Washington County.  They will perform the work for non-members, but it will be about $5.00/hr. more.  It will be $80.00/hr. for Judy East and $65.00/hr. for Crystal Hitchings. 

Judy says that a Comprehensive Plan needs to be worked on because of transportation, development and growth issues.  There needs to be a Vision Statement for the Town and it is suggested that there should be a board of 15 to 25 people in place with a Selectmen on the Board.  The Board should have a balance of people, such as representatives from each of the local boards, the Water District, local business owners, Historical Society, long-time and new residents, people with specialized skills, and people with differing opinions on Land-Use Regulations.  

Washington County Council of Governments offers a lot of resources to municipalities, as well as, helping with grant writing.  They also have updated GIS mapping, which the Town does not.  Before any new ordinances are enacted, this Comprehensive Planning Committee needs to be in place.  It is $1,133.00 / year for membership to Washington County Council of Governments. Judy feels they are an invaluable resource the Town needs.  Judy has 10 interested members for the committee, and will be making efforts to get the word out that more members are needed.

Judy has 3 new permits in for the September 6th meeting, two of which are in the floodplain.  She has handled a couple complaints, and has also been working with prospective buyers who are interested in purchasing property in the Shoreland Zone; she has been going over regulations with them. Tom mentioned a large building going up on East Side Rd. Judy said they have their building permit in for the next meeting, but have started work before their September 6th hearing.  Don asked if there was a fine for that.  Judy said it will be up to the Planning Board to determine fines.  There is also a wharf permit being discussed at the meeting.

8.    Judy Rolfe: Addison Shellfish Committee Updates: Deputy Clam Warden:  Warden training is being held at the beginning of April, and applications will have to be submitted to the State before February 1st.  The fees for the Maine Criminal Justice Academy 100-hour course will be going up in January.  An untrained deputy (someone who is not certified in law enforcement) cannot be appointed before training is completed.  They cannot legally enforce ordinances or carry a firearm without this training. Judy stated she has someone who is interested in becoming a Deputy Clam Warden.  Training for the 100-hour course is $250.00, which will go up to $350.00 in January 2020. The course to do the certification is no cost, but the 100-hour training must be completed by the trainee. There was further discussion about the necessity of having a Deputy Clam Warden. 

9.    Discuss Treasurer’s Position according to article from the “Tax Collectors and Treasurer’s Manual”:  In her research, Kim discovered in the “Tax Collectors and Treasurer’s Manual” that there is no such position as an “Acting Treasurer.”  VJ motions to appoint Kimbley Davis as Treasurer for the remainder of 2019.  William seconds. Unanimous.

10. Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss a personnel matter:  6:18PM – Tom motions to enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. VJ seconds. Unanimous.  7:00PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting. Personnel and boundary issues were discussed, and have been resolved.

 Other: Taken Out of Order.

Don Williams: Announced that the painting of the Town Hall begins on September 3rd, if weather permits.  The front entrance will be closed, but the rear entrance will be open to gain access to the Town Office.  The fire escape, front porch, all the doors, the trim and the shed will all be painted. 

 Buildings Maintenance: Don brought up an issue with the electric meter at the Fire Station.  The meter’s brackets and conduit are broken and it is hanging by the wire.  The meter is only seven years old.  The Town owns the pole.  Don wanted to know who he should contact.  The general contractor or the sub-contracted electrician.  Don also wanted to know from which budget will the repair costs be paid, as the electric meter is an exterior item.  Tom suggested checking with the Fire Department to see if they have money for the repair, or contact the insurance company, because it may have been the result of wind damage and may be covered.  Don says he will turn it over to the Fire Chief.  Tom motions to allow the Buildings Maintenance Committee to handle the overseeing of getting the electrical box damage taken care of in whatever way it needs to be done.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

Public Comment:

Ronie Strout: Wants to know if there is anyway a “Bus Turn Around” sign can be erected on Old Addison Rd.  When she picks up and drops off the Greene’s and Taylor’s children, she has to pull forward and back into their driveway way.  It is a hazardous situation, as the driveway is on a sharp corner and motorists tend to run up behind her.  Tom said he will let the Road Commissioner know to put up a bus-turning sign. Ronie also said that the Stop Sign is up by the Lennox’s. 

Those attending: Fran Havey, Peter Davis, Don Williams, Stanley & Sheila Mitchell, Judy Rolfe, Adrian Batson, Irvin & Roberta Pinkham, Ronie Strout, Cathy Fonda, Rick Snyderman, and Amy Lenfestey


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 19, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:20 PM


 1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 5th Selectmen’s Meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes from August 19, 2019.  VJ seconds. Unanimous. 

2.    Opening of sealed bids for the Addison Town Hall Second Story Insulation and Vinyl Siding Project: Mainely Vinyl was awarded the project to install Certainteed Cedar Impressions siding and insulate the 2nd floor. The project will take approximately 4-5 weeks to complete. The bid was awarded at $65,460 with a Mid-November start date. $55,000.00 was budgeted. The money from the sale of the windmill went towards building maintenance. Don and Peter agreed that those funds should be used, but the Selectmen will need to approve it first. $4,250.00 was made from the windmill, which still leaves a deficit of $7,210.00 to cover the project costs.  VJ stated that money could be transferred from the Selectmen’s Emergency Contingency, but will need to be voted on at a Special Town Meeting. Dick cites Article 30 from the Town Report to raise $10,000.00 for emergencies, and proposes to use this as “Plan B”, but go forward with the Special Town Meeting, so the contract is not held up in any way.  Tom motions to accept Mainely Vinyl’s bid.  William seconds. Unanimous. VJ motions to set up a Special Town Meeting to fund the remaining balance of Mainely Vinyl’s bid that exceeds the Town’s voted amount because of the insulation that we need. Tom seconds. Unanimous. The Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 16, 2019 at 6:00PM.

3.    Staff training for Motor Vehicle: Request to close the office until noon on October 8th for the Fall Workshop in Columbia Falls: VJ motions to close the office until noon on October 8, 2019 for training.  William seconds. Unanimous. 

4.    Deputy Treasurers: Should Sherry, Amy or both be appointed as Deputy Treasurer: Tom motions to table Item #4.  William seconds. Unanimous.

5.    Town’s Bank Account: Adding the Selectmen and Deputy Treasurer(s) to the account:  Tom motions to table Item #5. William seconds. Unanimous.

6.    Carry Forward Balances: Follow-Up: VJ motions to have a Special Town Meeting on Monday, September 16, 2019 at 6:00PM to vote on moving the carry forward balances to the accounts as voted on at the July 1, 2019 Selectmen’s Meeting. William seconds. Unanimous. Selectmen’s Meeting will be after the Special Town Meeting.

7.    Jonesport: Withdrawal from Middle Ground Agreement:  Tom read the letter of withdrawal from Jonesport to the audience.  There was discussion about where the boundary lies at the Middle Ground.  Judy said that she has not heard anything from Jonesport, which was unusual, as they normally keep in contact with her.  It was agreed to wait to hear from legal counsel before doing any more at this point. 

8.    Addison Point Water District: Junkyard on Point Street in Addison:  Alison Smith, APWD Chair, raised concerns about the junkyard at 275 Point there is the potential for ground water contamination from deteriorating vehicles on the property. She asked if there was a junkyard permit in place.  Judy has been working with the Davis’ in obtaining the permit.  VJ asked the Davis’ if they were draining off all the fluids from the vehicles, which they said they were.

Alison would like APWD and the Davis’ to stay in contact and keep the lines of communication open.  Louis Davis mentioned they are also looking into purchasing additional acreage adjacent to the property.  Tom suggested that they try to be as safe as possible and turned the issue over to Judy to handle going forward.

9.    Marcella Snowdeal: To approve an extension for Marcella’s closing date: A tentative closing date has been scheduled for the afternoon of September 20, 2019.  The exact time has not been determined:  Tom motions to extend Marcella’s time for closing to at least September 20, 2019.  William seconds. Unanimous.

10. Deputy Clam Warden: Tom feels that it would be advantageous to have a Deputy Clam Warden.  Butch would like to see someone take the position who is Maine Criminal Justice Academy Certified as they would be able to press charges that he cannot.  Judy recommended someone who has a military law enforcement background.  The Selectmen would need to interview this person. Judy feels that Butch could use the help. She will provide, by the next meeting, a breakdown of the cost of training for the candidate and Butch if he would like to take it.  Judy would like to try to work the training costs into the Shellfish budget for next year. 

11. Discuss the submission of monthly reports by: CEO, Road Commissioner, Building Committee, Clam Committee, Harbor Control / Animal Control / Clam Warden / Grounds Keeping:  Tom would like to see the various committees submit monthly reports to keep the Select Board updated.  If there are no changes, then the report would simply state, “Nothing New.”  If the committee representative can make it to the meeting then they can verbally make their report, if not then a report and/or that committee’s minutes would need to be provided in the Selectmen’s folders.  No motion was needed

12. Addison Days Fundraiser:  To discuss the possibility of the Staff selling fundraising tickets for Addison Days:  Discussion took place and it was agreed that it could place undue burden on the office staff with the excess traffic it may create.  Tom motions to table Item #12.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

13. Marcus Norton: Road Commissioner Updates: Marcus spoke with Bert at County Concrete and confirmed that a delivery date for the end of September would be fine.  He is still working on the Cape Split culvert trying to come up with the best solutions and estimates. Marcus spoke with someone regarding grants.  The road seems to be holding up okay in spite of heavier traffic and only one lane open.  Marcus has the sign for the Old Addison Road and will be putting it up soon.

14. Planning Board: Updates:  Tanya spoke on behalf of the Planning Board and would like to use Noel Musson for handling the mobile home ordinances. He is experienced and has done this kind of work for other local municipalities.  He will be more economical than going through the lawyer. He will also step in as the speaker at Public Hearings to explain changes in the mobile home ordinances.  Judy will find out if their attorney has done anything with this yet, as he has been waiting for the funds to become available.

The Planning Board would like to re-establish a Comprehensive Planning Committee.  The Town’s ordinances are out of date and DEP has pointed out that maps have not been updated since 2007.  The last Comprehensive meeting was about 12 years ago. A Comprehensive Planning Committee will help to bring everything up to date.  Judy suggests to contact previous committee members and bring on new people.  Don Williams volunteered to become a member. 


Eastern Harbor Lobster Sales have only recently began submitting permits for creating another commercial wharf in South Addison. The company had proceeded with construction without State and Federal clearances. Tanya stated they still have a lot of permitting to do, and Judy has been helping them with it; however, until the permitting process is completed, and they have their Army Corp of Engineers permit in place, they are not allowed to continue with the construction of the wharf.  Marcus has concerns about the heavier truck traffic breaking down the roads, where there have already been complaints about the traffic that currently exists.  Tanya suggests that the companies be asked to bond the roads to help maintain them.  There was also discussion about revamping the permitting fees to make it per square foot as opposed to a flat fee.


15. Building Committee: To discuss the Historical Society's use of the Town Hall’s second floor:  Cathy Fonda presented the ideas that the Historical Society has for the second floor of the Town Hall, and handed out her proposal to the Selectmen.  She also said that the Historical Society may be able to help with the lead paint abatement, provided the funding is approved at their meeting.  VJ asked about the timeframe for the lead abatement upstairs, which is planned for next year.  The cost estimated to be between $8,000.00 and $10,000.00 by Bangor Abatement.  The artifacts of the Historical Society will be stored behind the stage.  There was discussion about accessibility to the second floor, long term plans for the building, using the second floor as a public space, and concerns about public access to the archived records upstairs.  Tom motions to allow storage for the Historical Society on the second floor, which is effective immediately. VJ seconds.  Unanimous.


 Tom Batson: Letter from Rick Snyderman.  Rick gave the Selectmen a letter with the hopes that they will decide to endorse it.  It’s a letter that will be used to generate funds to save the Indian River Grange.  Tom wants to wait until the next Selectmen’s meeting to decide and make a motion to accept it as it is or make changes to it.  VJ concurs.

 VJ Lenfestey:  Next meeting is scheduled for Labor Day and proposed that the meeting be moved to Tuesday, September 3rd.  VJ motions to reschedule the meeting to September 3rd at 5:00PM.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 Crystal Hitchings, Washington County Council of Governments:  Bold Coast Scenic Bikeway, which is a 211 mile on-road bicycle route for traveling bicyclists to help bring visitors into the region.  It is similar to the Bold Coast Scenic Byway. The purpose is to bring people off of Route1 and into the local towns to explore the region, spend money, and make use of local lodging.

The Maine Department of Transportation has requested the Select Board from all of the towns involved to sign a Memorandum of Understanding stating that the Council of Governments owns the signs, the Towns are responsible for nothing and gives permission to the Council of Governments to install and maintain the signs in the towns.  She presented the Memorandum for the Selectmen to sign, and also gave them a copy to keep.  There was further discussion about safety and road etiquette between bicyclists and motorists.

 Butch Pinkham: Addison Days Committee: Would like to do a Kid’s Day on October 19, 2019 with a mini parade, touch a truck, trunk or treat, and would like to use the hall to have a movie night.  They need volunteers to help do this.  Maybe ask for a donation to watch the movie.  There was discussion about the parade and distance.

  William motions to allow Addison Days Committee to use the Town Hall for the movie night on October 19, 2019.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.  Tom asked to make sure the tables are put back in order and that the hall is clean for Beano night.  William suggested they post the event everywhere they can. VJ suggested that when all the details are set, to contact Tim Hernandez so the event can be advertised on the Fire Department’s Facebook page.

 Public Comment: No further discussions

 Those attending: Tanya Rucosky, Charles Dowling, Irvin Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, Judy Rolfe, Cathy Fonda, Stanley & Sheila Mitchell, Ronie Strout, Cheryl & Richard Paul, Don Williams, Louis Davis, Britany Carter, Pat Davis, Bonnie Davis, Crystal Hitchings, Peter Davis, Terry Grant, Susan Barden, Alison Smith


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 5, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:02 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:58 PM



1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the July 22nd Selectmen’s Meeting: VJ motions to accept the minutes from July 22, 2019.  William seconds. Unanimous.

 2.    Staff training for Trio SQL and Central Parties: Request to close the office at 1:15PM on August 8th for training:  The training is a free WebEx training.  Tom motions to close the office at 1:15pm on Thursday, August 8, 2019 for SQL and Central Parties Training.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

3.    Marcus Norton: Road Commissioner Updates:  Marcus is putting together an estimate for the culvert at Cape Split.  He asked the selectmen what they thought about roadside mowing.  VJ stated the biggest challenge has been trying to find someone to do it.  Marcus suggested to have the mowing done every other year. He said Columbia Falls will be doing theirs next year and maybe we can get in with them to have ours done.  Tom suggested coordinating with the State, when the State roads are done, to have the same contractor do ours if they have time.  The Selectmen agreed to wait until next year to have the roadside mowing done.

 4.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss personnel issues: 5:38PM – Tom motions to enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. VJ seconds. Unanimous. 6:55PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting. Personnel issues were discussed.  Tom motions to send at least one employee, possibly two to training from August 22-23, 2019, and close the town office on Friday, August 23rd. William seconds.  Unanimous.

Other: Taken out of order.

Don Williams - Contractor Bids Update:  There are two contractors currently interested in the vinyl siding, but have not seen the advertisements in the Machias Valley Observer and Countywide.  He feels these two papers are not getting the word out. However, the Ellsworth American and Bangor Daily News are almost $1,000.00 for 4 weeks.  The Machias Valley Observer was just over $100.00 for two weeks.  Don has been reaching out to local contractors to try to drum up interest in the project. 

 Don asked that now the tax bills are out, if they can move forward with some of the other projects, such as the storage shed.  Kim stated we need more tax money to come in first.  Don is concerned that if they have to wait too long, especially for the painting, it will get too cold outside to do the work. Tom feels it’s okay to start at the end of the month.

Tom Batson – Fire House Horn: Tom asked Don if the firehouse horn was being sold.  He said that the decision hasn’t been made to sell the horn, but it was decided to use the horn to open and close Addison Days, which was well received by the public.

Registering Vehicles Online:  Tom asked Amy about the online registrations.  The excise money would still come to the town. Amy said she knows it can be done, but the office is not set up for it.  Because of all the changes currently taking place in the office, she asked Tom if the subject could wait a couple more months and address it again at that time. 

Concerns from the Addison Point Water District: Tom has received concerns from APWD about an unregistered junkyard near the well.  Tom wants this on the agenda for the next meeting.  He also said he would like Alison Smith (APWD), Judy Rolfe (CEO), and the property owner (Lewis Davis) to attend the meeting so that concerns can be voiced and the matter discussed.

Dick Paul – Concerns Regarding Projects Halted Due to Lack of Funds:  Dick feels we are putting ourselves in a corner by not being able to proceed with projects because there isn’t enough money in the account.  He cited Article 22 in the Town Meeting Report, which authorizes the Selectmen to borrow money and issue the Town’s negotiable notes in anticipation of money raised through taxation.  Dick would like to see this option explored, and encouraged the Town to look into a short-term municipal loan, which can be paid when the tax monies come in.  He says this would be a good way to get a head start on next year.  Don agreed and said that it would be nice to start projects in June. There was also discussion about building up the surplus account and using that money as a way for the Town to borrow against itself.

Amy Lenfestey - Eastern Agency on Aging: A representative from the organization stopped by the office and are looking for volunteers or people in need of services.  She left a large packet of information about the agency and is willing to do a presentation if anyone is interested.  Amy said she would let everyone know at the next meeting.  She is looking for someone in the area to spearhead the effort in Addison, and for volunteers.  Amy has the information and contact number for anyone interested in volunteering for this organization. Tom suggested getting the information to the Fire Department and posting it in the lobby.  Cathy asked about their meal delivery program.  Amy said that Anita Merritt is the contact person.

William Gray – Assessor:  William has received a great deal of complaints from the town’s people about the assessor not returning phone calls.  Amy advised that Marc has had issues with his phone service.  He is trying to catch up on the messages. Also, Marc will be in training the next two days, and then will be out of the office on vacation the remainder of the week.  Amy said the office has also received a lot of complaints about not returning calls, but it was because he wasn’t getting the messages.

Rick Snyderman – Indian River Grange:  Since the last meeting, Rick has been trying to find ways of utilizing the Grange building.  He said it’s been closed since there hasn’t been a sufficient number of people to operate it and keep it open, and asked if the Selectmen would be supportive in the effort to find new uses for the building.  The building is sound; it just needs renovating.

As this is a rural area, there may be some grants available to revitalize the structure and possibly return it to a public service building; provided he can get the necessary support. He asked the Selectmen to consider developing a letter and offered an outline for their use. 

Rick had taken pictures of the building and shared them with everyone. He is trying to energize some ideas, and said that drafting this letter would be an opportunity to present the history of the Indian River Grange and build interest around it.

Tom said they will look at the information Rick provided; then get together at a later time to discuss it further and determine what to say in the letter.  There were questions regarding support of the project and if the State Grange was contacted. Rick said that he is working as an individual, but is trying to rally more support. He has been in contact with the State Grange and they were receptive to his ideas.  Rick has been working with State officials and local volunteers. Tom said grant organizations like to see letters of support from municipalities in grant writing.


Public Comment: No further discussions.


Those attending: Richard and Cheryl Paul, Ronie Strout, Amy Lenfestey, Rick Snyderman, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Don Williams, Marcus Norton and Cathy Fonda


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 22, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:12 PM



1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the July 1st Selectmen’s Meeting:  VJ motions to accept the July 1st Selectmen’s Meeting minutes.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 2.    Marc Perry, Assessor: Approval of 2019 Real Estate Tax MIL Rate:  Marc presented to the Selectmen, the total valuation of $133,002,263 for the Town of Addison.  He also presented examples of what the overlay would be, based upon a MIL Rate of 15.7, 15.8, 15.9 and 16.0.  The overlay amount at 15.9 would be $35,984, which Marc says is a good number for the Town.  He recommended keeping the rate the same for 2019.  VJ motions to keep 15.9 MIL Rate.  William seconds. Unanimous.

3.    2019 Tax Bills: Should the tax bills be prepared in-house or by Hygrade: Marc recommended using Hygrade this year, and readdress the issue next year.  He said they can have the bills out within a few days.  Tom motions to have Hygrade handle the tax bills.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

4.    Marc Perry: Would like a copier installed in the Assessor’s Office: The Selectmen agree that it makes sense to have a multi-function copier in the Assessor’s office.  Tom motions to purchase online as tax exempt up to $350.00.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

5.    Property tax issue:  22 Narrows Rd.:  The Homestead exemption will take care of 2019’s taxes, but taxes from 2017 – 2018 still remain with lien charges and interest.  Tom motions to write off the tax commitment for the property at 22 Narrows Rd., and discharge any liens.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

 6.    Payment issue: Selectmen approval to write-off lien charges, interest and cost: A property owner’s taxes went into lien because of issues with receiving the bill.  Once the address discrepancy was resolved, lien charges, interest and other costs were assessed.  The owner paid the taxes less the fees and interest, and wrote on the check “Paid in Full.”  Tom motions to write off additional charges, on this tax commitment and accept the payment that has been sent in full.  William seconds. Unanimous.

 7.    Municipal Review Committee: Notice of Liabilities under Municipal Joinder Agreement:  Fran Havey explained PRSWDD met with MRC on Friday, July 19, 2019 in an informal meeting to determine what the next steps would be, since Columbia Falls and Jonesport will be leaving the district. The result of losing two towns means the amount of tonnage that is sent off to Fiberight will be less. As a result, there is a penalty for not fulfilling the tonnage amount required in the agreement.  PRSWDD and MRC will submit a letter requesting renegotiation of their contract.  There are 13 years left in the current agreement at a rate of 500 tons a year. 

 PRSWDD and MRC have 14 days to come up with a new contract. PRSWDD’s goal is to get an interlocal agreement that meets the needs of the remaining towns (Addison, Beals, Columbia, and Jonesboro) Replacing the bulk scales will be put on hold due to the possibility of restructuring PRSWDD. A task force has been put together to come up with what services PRSWDD will provide.  

8.    Rick Snyderman: Indian River Grange:  Taken out of order.  Rick Snyderman presented his ideas in regard to saving the Indian River Grange, which is a historic structure built in 1840 and is one of the oldest buildings left standing on Indian River Rd.  He said he will be contacting Sherry Harrington, Master of the State Grange, as well as Rep. Robert Alley  Tom asked Judy to inspect the property for any possibilities of installing a well and septic.

 9.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss personnel matters and office observation methods:  The Selectmen interviewed Fran Havey to assist with evaluating the Town office and help come up with suggestions on training and organization.  VJ motions to ask Fran to come in on a voluntary basis, as she stated she would; to evaluate the workings of the office and provide the Selectmen with what information she can offer from her observations to help things flow better.  William seconds.  Unanimous. VJ confirmed with MMA that the observation would be legal to perform. 

Other: Taken out of order.

Marcus Norton – Roads update: 

Temporarily patched the culvert at Cape Split.  He has talked to DEP about a bottomless culvert for fish passage, but the timing is not going to be right, because it takes up to a year to get the grant needed. The culverts will need to be replaced in September, as they won’t make it through the Winter.  He would like to do this after Labor Day when traffic slows down.

Marc Perry – Town Assessor or Assessing Agent:  Marc will need to be sworn in at the meeting to have the authority to commit the taxes.  This transfers responsibility of taxes and assessing from the Selectmen to the Assessor for sake of ease; however, the Selectmen will always be consulted first when tax related decisions need to be made. Marc was sworn in as Town Assessor. 

Field Work: Permits: Marc feels that the information on the permits is too vague, and that permit fees should be based on square footage as opposed to a flat fee, like Milbridge, for instance. He believes it will be helpful in tax assessment.  Judy concurred and said that she would bring it up again with the Planning Board. Currently permitting fees are the same regardless of the size or type of structure being built.  Tom said that the Town will wait for the Planning Board’s recommendations.

Tom - Addison Daze:  Tom stated Addison Daze turned out well in spite of losing the horse and carriage.  He added, the horse and carriage will be provided at no charge to the Town next year, because of this year’s mishap.  Tom thanked those that helped out, and looks forward to next year’s Addison Daze.

 Charles Dowling - Bathrooms:  Very disappointed in the condition of the bathrooms when the Auxiliary met last Wednesday,7/17/2019. He said he had to clean the bathroom, so people could use it, and all the tables were moved to the end of the room.  He also stated that a few weeks ago, the Auxiliary had to scrub the floor in the Hall because it was black with dirt.  He wanted to know what the cleaning person’s duties were. Tom said he will talk to the cleaning person about how the area is cleaned.

Fran Havey – The Office Staff:  Fran would like the term “girls” stopped being used when referring to the office staff.  She would like to see the office staff referred to as “Staff.”

 Public Comment:

 Judy Rolfe – Office Observation – Judy asked why the office will be observed.  Tom and VJ explained why they voted to bring Fran Havey in to observe the office.  Dick Paul said he looks at the situation as an opportunity to improve office operations; it is an opportunity to bring everyone together and for the staff to present their ideas too. He feels the Selectmen are doing a good thing. Ronie added that change can make people unhappy, but it is sometimes necessary. 

Meeting in Whiting 7/23/2019 at 6:00PM - This meeting is for municipalities in Washington County that are trying to come together and send a message to the legislation about all the land that is coming off of the Towns’ tax rolls.  Legislators will also be attending the meeting.

Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Fran Havey, Charles Dowling, Rick Snyderman, Don Williams, Osborne Davis, Amy Lenfestey, Marc Perry, Cheryl and Richard Paul, Ronie Strout, Cathy Fonda, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 1, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:02 PM



1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the June 17th Selectmen’s Meeting:  VJ motions to accept the July 1st Selectmen’s Meeting minutes.  William seconds.  Unanimous.


2.    Washington County: Begin the process of securing Salt Bids: VJ motions to request 300 tons of salt from Washington County.  William seconds.  Unanimous.


3.    McMann Rd. – Discuss possibly changing street signs to reflect East McMann Rd. and West McMann Rd. to help Emergency Responders find residences.  Tom will check on McMann Rd. from East Side Rd. and William will check on McMann Rd. from Indian River Rd. and will advise if the signs need to be changed. VJ motions to change the signs from McMann Rd to East and West McMann Rd. as needed. William seconds. Unanimous.


4.    To address questions from auditor for carry-forward balances:

                             I.        In the Legal Expenses account, there is a surplus of $16,539.00. Should it be moved to the Road account?

a.    Tom motions to move the $16,539 to the Roads account.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

                            II.        Dangerous Buildings account, there is a surplus of $4,885.00.  Should this stay as a surplus or be moved to Legal Expenses as a carry-forward?

a.    Tom motions to move the $4,885.00 from the Dangerous Buildings account to the Legal account as a carry forward.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

                          III.        Solid Waste account, there is a negative amount of $3,292.00.  What was the cause of the payments being higher than what was budgeted?

a.    VJ asked Kim to look back to see if there was a change somewhere in the payments.  Tom motions to table the issue until the cause of the negative balance of $3,292.00 is found. William Seconds. Unanimous.

                          IV.        Street Signs account, there is a surplus of $657.00.  Should it stay in surplus or be moved to a carry forward balance to be used in the Road Signs account?

a.    Tom motions to carry forward $657.00 balance to Road Signs account. VJ seconds. Unanimous.

                           V.        Animal Welfare, there is a surplus of $2,250.00.  Should it be carried forward to the Animal Welfare account or left in surplus?

a.    Tom motions to carry forward $2,250.00 to the Animal Welfare account.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

                          VI.        Revitalization Committee (Wind/Solar) account, there is a surplus of $4,500.00. Should this be in another account, or a carry forward balance?

a.    Tom motions to move $4,500.00 in to the Building Maintenance account. William seconds. Unanimous.

                        VII.        Snowmobile Reimbursement account, this is an inactive account with a carry forward balance of $848.00.  Should this be moved to Surplus?

a.    VJ motions to leave the $848.00 in the Snowmobile Reimbursement account for now. Tom seconds. Unanimous.


5.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss personnel:  5:40PM – Tom motions to enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. VJ seconds. Unanimous. 6:14PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting. The Selectmen made a decision to have a person come in to do an analytical observation in the office to help organize office operations.  It is on a volunteer basis, but may be compensated based on their performance. This person will be brought into Executive Session at the 7/22/19 meeting to present their ideas and see if the Selectmen agree with the method that is going to be used in the office observation.


6.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 with Kim to discuss personnel issues: 6:16PM – Tom motions to enter into Executive Session with Kim to discuss a personnel matter. William seconds. Unanimous. 6:35PM - Selectmen re-enter meeting.  Personnel issues were discussed regarding challenges faced with changes of office staff.


7.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 with Butch to discuss personnel issues: 6:36PM – Tom motions to enter into Executive Session with Butch to discuss a personnel matter. William Seconds. Unanimous. 6:59PM - Selectmen re-enter meeting.  Personnel issues were discussed.  William motions to restore Butch’s right to buy a clam license.  VJ explained that Butch is a full-time Town employee, but a part-time Clam Warden. He should be able to have his Clam License provided digging doesn’t interfere with his duties as a Town employee.  Unanimous.

    Other: Taken out of order.

 Amy asked about the Town office being closed on July 5, 2019 since the State is closed for both days.  Tom says put note on door and William suggested posting a notice on Facebook.  Tom motions to close the office for July 5th.  William seconds. Unanimous.


Ronie asked if the Town Office had a key to the old fire house, so the Historical Society can remove a piece of equipment to put into storage.     


Tom and others discussed the future of the Grange, which is now closed and in disrepair.


Tom would like to see names excluded from future Executive Sessions.


Public Comment: No further discussions


Those attending: Cheryl & Richard Paul, Ronie Strout, Butch Pinkham, and Amy Lenfestey


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

June 17, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:21 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the June 3rd Selectmen’s Meeting: VJ motions to accept the minutes. William Seconds. Unanimous.

2.    Marcella Snowdeal: Sale of property located at 830 Indian River Rd.: Marcella presented the updated contract to the Selectmen for their approval, along with a $100.00 deposit.  The Selectmen approved and signed the contract after the meeting, and requested closing within 30days.

3.    Shellfish Committee: Senior Commercial Shellfish Pricing: The Shellfish Committee voted unanimously, at their previous meeting, to seek the Selectmen’s approval for making the Resident/Non-Resident Senior Commercial Shellfish Licenses complimentary for people 65 and older. Tom asked if it was up to the Selectmen to vote on it.  Judy confirmed that the price is set by the Selectmen. VJ made a motion to accept the committee’s recommendation.  William seconds. Unanimous. Judy stated that she will contact DMR to let them know of the changes.

4.    Burn Permits Issued at Town Office: Amy is willing to do if approved: Fire Chief, Matt Alley, will train Amy and Sherry before burn permits will be issued. Tom made a motion to make the permits available, for free, at the Town Office. William seconds.  Unanimous.

5.    BMV Training for Office Staff – Sherry on July 23rd and July 24th.  Kim and Amy on July 25th.  Office will need to be closed on July 25th.: Tom motions to close the office on Thursday, July 25th, 2019 for training.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.

Other:  Road Commissioner: Roads Update:  Marcus had some complaints about the condition of Narrows and Quarry Roads, which he looked into. Tom asked about the hole by the clappers, which Marcus said he could put some patch on it. He still has to do Crowley’s Island Rd. because it is getting bad.  Mr. Zimmermann asked about West Side Rd.


Signs Update: Bert Merchant asked about putting a stop sign on Ridge Rd. at Old Addison Rd.  and a speed limit sign by the Church on the Hill.  Ronie Strout requested a Caution / Children Crossing sign at the sharp corner on Old Addison Rd. Cathy Fonda says that there is a bare pole by her house that could use a speed limit sign on it.    


Public Comment: Addison Days update and discussion about venue for their meeting on Friday, June 21, 2019. Addison Days will be on July 20, 2019. The Shellfish Committee would like to have a clam festival next year around the same time as Addison Days to bring a focus to Addison’s shellfish. 



Those attending:  Fran Havey, Judy Rolfe, Marcella Snowdeal, Erwin Zimmermann, Marcus Norton, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Cheryl and Richard Paul, Ronie Strout, Cathy Fonda, Butch Pinkham, Bert Merchant, Amy Lenfestey and Paul Dixon


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

June 3, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Jr. and William Gray

Meeting Opened at:  5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at:    6:55 PM



1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the May 20th Selectmen’s Meeting:  VJ motions to accept the minutes of the May 20th Selectmen’s Meeting.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 2.   Opening of sealed bids for projects: 3 Sealed Bids were opened by Selectman Tom Batson. 


BID #1 - Hart of Maine Construction | Eastport, ME

This bid was for the storage building remodel.  Total cost: $2545.00 with $1095.00 supplies, $1050.00 hours, and $400.00 travel. 1/3 required as a deposit, rest due within 10 days of job completion.


BID #2 – Paul Watts | Beals, ME

This bid was for the sale and removal of Bergey 10kw Wind Turbine. Total bid - $4250.00 for the 10 kw Wind Turbine, tower, inverter, and inverter storage building etc. that goes with the building. Paul has also offered to remove the turbine, tower, and cement pillars. He will refill all hole and grade with necessary gravel to fill holes where the cement pillars are removed.  Stan Foss Construction – Columbia Falls will bring in the gravel and grade.


BID #3 – Bangor Abatement | Hampden, ME

This bid was for the Painting (3) Town of Addison buildings/removal of solar panels/and storage building remodel. 

Bid for Painting (3) Town of Addison buildings. – Town Hall - $7500.00

                                 Mechanical Shed - $750.00

Storage Building and Fire Station #2 - $1750.00

Total - $10,000.00

Bid for Removal of Solar Panels - $1000.00 | *No Charge* if awarded the Painting of Buildings contract.

Bid for Storage Building Remodel - $3800.00


Tom motions to postpone until after BMC reviews and recommends bid proposals to Selectmen for approval. Seconded. Unanimous.

 3.    West River Landing: Discuss the idea of making the landing at West River a memorial landing dedicated to Leroy Tibbetts.

Tom motions for Selectman William Gray to research the plaque/memorial along with costs.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 4.    Discuss the property at 275 Point St. – Tom motions to table pending advice from MMA Legal.  William seconds.  Unanimous.    

5.    Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District: Appoint a representative to replace Chris Chartrand.  Tom motions to appoint Keith Newman to be the new PRSWDD representative. VJ seconds. Unanimous.

6.    Marcella Snowdeal: The Selectmen would like to seek approval from a lawyer before signing the contract and accepting any form of payment. 

 7.    CEO Reports/Updates:  The CEO Judy Rolfe stated she would like more notice other than 1 day to get a report together.  CEO states the Subdivision Ordinance is non-existent.  At the Planning Board Meeting on Wed. night (June 5th) there are 6 permits that will need to be reviewed. The CEO has done 2 septic system inspections in the shoreland zone this year. The subject was discussed about the Town of Addison’s junkyard, graveyard, and recycling ordinances and how outdated the ordinances were.  CEO is to research the price of ordinance updates. 

 8.    Road Commissioner Update: No update as the Road Commissioner did not attend the meeting.

 9.    Roadside Cleanup Follow-up:  Tom will contact Donna Kausen and propose it to the Recreation Committee. No action needed.

 10.  Motion to enter executive session Per 1 MRSA § 405 with Marc Perry to discuss and finalize Assessing Contract: Tom motions to enter executive session.  Seconded.  Unanimous.  6:50 PM - Selectmen re-enter meeting.  The Selectmen approve and finalize the Assessing Contract.

Public Comment:

Janet Molenaar – Property line dispute; unsure where lines are.  The town does not get involved in civil matters. This will need to be handled by a surveyor.

 Input on Bids from Don Williams and Peter Davis - BMC Chair and Co-Chair

– BID #1/Storage Building Remodel.  BMC recommends Hart of ME in the amount of $2545.  Tom motions to accept bid pending Certificate of Liability insurance paperwork.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

– BID #2/Sale and Removal of Solar Panels.  BMC recommends Paul Watts for the sale and removal of Bergey 10kw Wind Turbine in the amount of $4250. Payment is due prior to any work being done. Must provide Certificate of Liability Insurance. Tom motions to accept the Wind Turbine bid to Paul Watts which include the stipulations by the BMC.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

– BID #3/Painting of (3) Town of Addison buildings.  BMC recommends Bangor Abatement for the painting of (3) Town of Addison buildings and the removal of solar panels at no extra charge in the amount of $10,000.  Tom motions to accept the bid for the removal of solar panels and painting the (3) Town of Addison buildings in the amount of $10,000. Williams seconds.  Unanimous.


 Those attending: Peter Davis, Marcella Snowdeal, Stanley and Shelia Mitchell, Judy Rolfe, Obbie Davis, Don Williams, Janet Molenaar, Cheryl and Richard Paul, Erwin Zimmermann, and Terry Grant


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

May 20, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, VJ Lenfestey, William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at:   7:21 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the May 6th Selectmen’s Meeting: VJ Motions to accept the minutes with two amendments to item 4.  a) “VJ stated that there may be someone else interested in purchasing the property.” b) “The town determined the sale price will be the assessed amount of $10,900.” Tom seconds. Unanimous.

 2.    Marijuana Moratorium: Discuss recent Maine Marijuana Legalization changes in the law regarding moratoriums: No action needs to be taken as a moratorium is no longer required.  The default is prohibition. The latest version of the law makes it so that the Town would have to Opt-In in order for any marijuana business to take place.

 3.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss Assessing Issues: 5:53PM - Tom motions to enter into executive session to discuss Assessing Issues. VJ Seconds. Unanimous.  6:10PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting.  Tom advised the Assessor’s contract was reviewed and will be asking Marc Perry to come to the June 3rd meeting. He also stated the Selectmen will review the contract on their own over the weekend. No further action taken.

4.    Motion to enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA§ 405 with Irvin Pinkham in order to discuss a personnel matter: 6:11PM - Tom motions to enter into Executive Session with Irvin Pinkham to discuss a personnel matter. Seconded. Unanimous. 6:54PM - Selectmen re-enter meeting. Tom advised the discussion was about patrolling of flats and other duties for Clam Warden. No further action taken.

 5.    Motion to enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 with Amy, Kim and Sherry to discuss personnel issues: 6:55PM – Tom motions to enter into Executive Session with Amy, Kim and Sherry to discuss personnel issues. 7:19PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting. Tom advised there were 2 decisions made. 1.) One person will be going part-time in June. 2.) The Town will be hiring a Trio consultant to train the office staff. Also, more training will be sought out for the office staff.

 Public Comment: Taken out of order.

 Don Williams – Bid Projects and Addison Clean-Up Day Don says he has received numerous calls about the four projects that are open for bid.  He stated there has been a great deal of interest in doing these jobs. The first Selectmen’s meeting in June is when the bids will be opened.

 1.    Removing Tower and Wind Turbine

2.    Removing the Solar Panels

3.    Painting all three buildings

4.    Vinyl Siding, which needs to be revised to include insulation and will need to be re-advertised.

Don also stated there has been many requests asking for an Annual Clean Up Day.  He suggested putting together a program formal annual environmental day. Maybe having it in conjunction with other town’s clean up days or Earth Day, and increase recruitment of volunteers through more advertising through Facebook, signs, and media. He also suggested having a separate committee for this.  There was also discussion about separating the trash from the returnables; getting local students, groups and scouts involved; setting a date and getting the word out earlier. There was also discussion about the possibility of an existing committee or Masons could pick up the effort, rather than set up a separate committee.

 Erwin Zimmermann – Bottle Redemption and Update on Clam Shack. – Mr. Zimmermann inquired if anyone knew of a replacement since Delia’s is closed.  Don suggested Machias River Redemption, and Amy Chandler suggested contacting Bad Little Falls Redemption Center at 207-255-8900 if he would like to have them pick up the returnables at his house.

 Mr. Zimmermann requested an update on the Clam Shack issue.  Tom advised; the Town voted to leave the Clam Shack alone.  Mr. Zimmermann stated, “The court order says, “The Town shall take the building down.””  Tom explained that it is at the Town’s discretion to choose to either take it down or leave it alone.  That the court order gives the Town the option to tear it down. Mr. Zimmermann said he hopes the Town is insured. VJ advised that according to MMA the Town is not liable for the Clam Shack; the owner is.

 Marcus Norton – Funds available for road work. – Marcus wanted to know if there was money available for road work.  Kim advised that there is no money available until the tax base is established.  There was discussion about how the money is distributed and that even though money was appropriated; the Town must make sure there is money to pay Town’s staff and make the school payment.  Obbie and Kim explained how the budget works and when monies are available. Obbie suggested was to develop a road maintenance plan, and let money accrue over a period of time to do the road work. There was also discussion about the possibility of cleaning the roadsides and the firehouse parking lot of the sand from the winter salt and sanding, and if there were funds available for that.

 Obbie also stated that Jonesport has managed a way to reserve enough money to float the town for a year, and as a result, has the funds available to do whatever project they want, whenever they want. The only determination is that the extra money would have to come through taxation, whereas right now, only excise tax is used for road work.

Richard Paul brought up about the idea of taking out a short-term municipal loan for $40,000, so the road work can be done in the spring and the loan repaid in September. It was determined that the Selectmen, Road Commissioner, and Budget Committee will have to take the time to discuss the issue further.

Judy Rolfe – Harold Tyler’s Septic Tank Issue. – Judy asked about Harold Tyler and the next-door neighbor’s septic tank, which she has the septic design for, and the tank is only 4ft from the road. Marcus said he talked to Harold and his neighbor about it and he is going to take the rock out, which will help alleviate some of the problem, but it won’t fix the issue.  Judy said the trucks are getting very close to the tank, which is a major concern. The septic has a holding tank, which aren’t allowed anymore. Tom asked if the rock was an actual rock or if it was a ledge.  Marcus said either way, he will most likely be recommending using a jack hammer.  Judy said that and she will discuss it further with Marcus.

 Butch Pinkham – Conservation Permits. – Butch says due to new regulations this year; reseeding / conservation efforts are going to be almost last minute. It was assumed there would be a 10-day waiting period, which has now been changed to 20 business days for reseeding and conservation.  Judy says that they will be focusing on conservation this week.  That there are certain things that still have to be done. Butch and Judy decided Shellfish License Conservation Dates will be posted on May 21, 2019.


Those attending: Marcus Norton, Peter Davis, Osborne Davis, Amy Lenfestey, Fran Havey, Judy Rolfe, Erwin Zimmermann, Irvin “Butch” Pinkham, Richard Paul, Don Williams, Amy Chandler, Stanley & Sheila Mitchell, Janet Molenaar and Paul Dixon


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

May 6, 2019

              Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Jr. and William R. Gray (Absent)

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at:   6:43 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 15th Special Town Meeting: VJ motions to accept the April 15th Special Town Meeting minutes.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.


2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 15th Selectmen’s Meeting: Tom motions to accept the April 15th Selectmen’s Meeting minutes.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.


3.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 24th Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting: Tom motions to accept the April 24th Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting minutes.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.


4.    Selectmen approval as to how to conduct the sale of property at 830 Indian River Road (Map 8, Lot 56-1)/Marcella Snowdeal will be present: VJ stated that there may be someone else interested in purchasing the property. The Town determined the sale price will be the assessed amount of $10,900. Marcella stated she wants to purchase the property for $10,900. Tom motions to sell the property to Marcella for $10,900, but she must show funds with intent to buy within 30days. VJ Seconds. Unanimous.


5.    Review of the fee schedule for state license applications, faxes, etc.: Tom motions to stop charging a fee for all state license applications.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.


6.   Discussion of paperwork needed for Voting Place Accessibility/Address with Building Maintenance Committee: Peter says this will be added to the agenda at the Building Maintenance Meeting scheduled for 5/08/2019.


7.   Address Snow Plow Complaint/Myron Lee – 6 Masons Bay Rd.: The town is not liable for the snow plow damage and Mr. Lee will need to contact County Concrete, who is the contractor. Marcus will look into it on 05/07/2019. It is the town’s responsibility to make sure the contracts are filled properly.



8.    Address ATV Complaint – East Side Rd/Anonymous: Tom says this needs to be handed over to law enforcement.  Tom motions that he will make a phone call to law enforcement to let them know.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.


9.      Discuss Trainings/Quotes from Trio for On-Site Training: Tom motions to send Amy, Kim and Sherry to the free training offered in Bangor on 6/05/2019. VJ seconds. Unanimous.


10.    Discuss “Middle Ground” Contract with Shellfish Committee: The stream has shifted and may have changed the boundaries of the “Middle Ground.” Tom has a map, which may show where the stream originally ran. Judy said that this issue was resolved in November 2018 and a contract was signed by both towns in agreement. Tom will hand the map off to Marc Perry for further research. 


11.   Appoint Janet Molenaar as Planning Board Member, Alternate: Tom motions to make Janet Molenaar an Alternate Planning Board member. VJ seconds. Unanimous.


12.    Motion to enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 with Marc  Perry in order to discuss the Assessing position/contract:  5:56PM – Tom motions to enter into executive session to discuss Assessing position / contract. Seconded. Unanimous. 6:18PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting.  Assessor’s position / contract was discussed.


13.    Motion to enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA§ 405 with Irvin Pinkham in order to discuss a personnel matter: 6:19PM – Tom motions to enter into Executive Session with Irvin Pinkham to discuss a personnel matter. Seconded. Unanimous. 6:39PM – Selectment re-enter meeting. Personnel issues were discussed.


Public Comment:


Don Williams – Addison Clean-up Day on 05/11/2019. – Volunteers are needed to do roadside clean-up around Addison. Bagged trash can be brought back to Town Hall, where two trucks will be waiting to take trash to PRSWDD.  He would like it to be advertised on the Town’s website and Facebook page.  He will also be placing signs around town. He asked if the town would donate trash bags. The town agreed to order lawn and leaf trash bags from Office Depot through the Rec. Committee.  There will be no charge at PRSWDD for disposal of the trash.


Janet Molenaar – Street Lights on Pleasant St. – Janet made a request to not have any street lights installed on Pleasant St. due to any lights would be shining directly into her bedroom.  She suggested that the town have hoods installed on any existing street lights for the same reason.  VJ says they are just paying for current lights and there are no plans for installing new lights.


Fran Harvey – FOA article in MMA Magazine – Fran mentioned an article she read in MMA Magazine about FOAA requests and fees charged for filling requests.  She stated the first hour is free and afterwards a fee of $15.00 / hour can be charged.




Those attending:  Peter Davis, Obbie Davis, Fran Harvey, Janet Molenaar, Judy Rolfe, Amy Lenfestey, Marcus Norton, Dean Crowley, Don Williams, Irvin Pinkham, Cathy Fonda, Sheila Mitchell, Marcella Snowdeal, Richard and Cheryl Paul, and Paul Dixon



Town of Addison

Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting

April 24, 2019

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, Verlan Lenfestey, Jr.,

William R. Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:25PM


1.    Discussion on how to proceed with a time-sensitive legal matter.

·         Discussion was brought to the floor as to whether the town should file a “Proof of Claim” and attempt to recover the legal fees already spent on the Kelsey property on Clam Shell Lane, or to no longer pursue the matter and cut losses.

·         “Proof of Claim” would cost around $1,000.00 to file, but there may be more legal fees incurred as the bankruptcy case progresses.

·         After much discussion it was agreed that the town should stop pursuing the matter and not spend any more money.

VJ motions to invest no more money in the pursuit of recovering legal fees from Kelsey Buildings.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 15, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Jr. and William R. Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:27 PM

Meeting Closed at:   7:32 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 1st Selectmen’s Meeting:

VJ motions to amend the April 1st Selectmen’s Meeting minutes.  Seconded.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 10th Special Selectmen’s Meeting: VJ motions to accept the April 10th Special Selectmen’s Meeting minutes.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 3.    Harbor Committee Update from Chair – Dean Crowley/Floats at Landings: The Harbor Committee Chair Dean Crowley and other Committee members gave an update on the floats at the town landings.  Minimal repairs and maintenance are needed. Floats will be in place when weather and tides permit.

 4.        Approval of project Bid Requests from BMC Chair – Don Williams:                                      

Tom motions to approve 4 written bid requests excluding the bid request for the second-floor exterior vinyl siding to the Addison Town Hall with the name change amended of 1 bid request from Sale and Removal of Solar Panels to Removal of Solar Panels. William seconds.  Unanimous.

 5.    Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to discuss Assessor’s contract:  5:56 PM – Tom motions to enter executive session to discuss Assessor’s contract.  Seconded.  Unanimous.  6:17 PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting.  Assessor’s position was discussed.  No decisions and no vote. 

6.    Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to discuss personnel issues:  6:18 PM – Motion to discuss personnel issues.  Seconded. Unanimous.  7:06 PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting.  The Selectmen decide to close the office for training purposes on April 23rd and May 7th (Half Days) and April 29th (Closed all Day for Audit).

 7.    Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to discuss a personal matter: 7:07 PM - Motion to discuss personal matter.  7:25 PM – Selectmen re-enter meeting.  No decisions or votes were made. 


Public Comment:


Kevin Lovejoy – Complaint of Commercial Trucks and Trailers on Mooseneck Rd. – 2 Rod Rd – Kevin needs 33 Ft of Clearance for his trucks and trailers to turn the corner.  There is a huge rock on Harold Tyler’s side of the road and on the other side there is a problem with the property owner’s septic and leach field. The Selectmen would like for the Road Commissioner Marcus Norton to speak with both parties and come to an agreement.


Erwin Zimmermann – Mailbox Complaint/ Mr. Zim would like to be reimbursed for the numerous mailboxes he has had to replace due to the snowplows.  He has submitted photos to County Concrete with no answer.  However, when a mailbox is in the ROW, it is not up to the snowplow contractor to replace it.


Christopher Chartrand – Board of Directors PRSWDD/ Questions if there is a new representative for Addison since Chris has been elected to the School Board for MSAD#37.  Keith Newman will be attending the next PRSWDD monthly meeting which is May 13th where he will be nominated for the Board of Directors for the Town of Addison.


Road Commissioner - Marcus questioned the Selectmen on how to handle Harold Tyler’s safety issue.  If there is no solution or agreement for either party, the Selectmen will have no choice to step in.


Those attending: Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Obbie Davis, Peter Davis, Butch Pinkham, Cathy Fonda, Marcus Norton, Dean Cirone, Brent Redimarker, Richard and Cheryl Paul, Christopher Chartrand, Sherry and Paul Dixon, Justin Thompson, Dean Crowley, and Erwin Zimmermann




Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Minutes

April 10, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Jr. and William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at:   5:59 PM


1.     Motion to close meeting and enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to conduct Second Interview for the Administrative Assistant Position:

 5:00 PM - Tom motions to enter into Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to conduct Second Interview for the Administrative Assistant Position.  William seconds. 

 5:30 PM – Meeting re-opens.  The decision was made to hire Sherry Dixon and the Selectmen feel she will be a good fit for the office.

 2.     Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to discuss the Assessor’s Position:

          5:31 PM – Tom motions to enter into Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to discuss the Assessor’s Position.  William seconds.   

         5:55 PM – Meeting re-opens. The assessor’s position was discussed.  No motions were made.   

 Public Comment:

 Butch Pinkham – Asked Selectmen about his discussion in Executive Session and if any decisions were made.  The Selectmen have not had the opportunity to make any decisions. 

  Those attending: Peter Davis, Richard and Cheryl Paul, Obbie Davis, and Sherry Dixon


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Minutes

April 1, 2019


Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Jr. and William R. Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:40 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 12th Annual Town Meeting minutes: VJ motions to accept the minutes of the March 12th Annual Town Meeting minutes.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

 2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 18th Selectmen’s Meeting minutes: VJ motions to accept the minutes of the March 12th Selectmen’s Meeting minutes.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

 3.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 21st Special Selectmen’s Meeting minutes:  VJ motions to accept the minutes of the March 21st Selectmen’s Meeting minutes.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

 4.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 27th Special Selectmen’s Meeting minutes: VJ motions to accept the minutes of the March 27th Special Selectmen’s Meeting minutes.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

 5.    Review information for Special Town Meeting on April 15th:  Article 17 passed at the Annual Town Meeting held on March 12th needs to be amended and put to vote again. The interest rate should state 5% not 3% according to M.R.S.A. Title 36 § 506-A.  Tom motions for the Special Town Meeting to be held on Monday, April 15th at 5PM before the regularly scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting on that date.   William seconds.  Unanimous.

 6.    Agenda request from Tom Batson to review current ACO Contract:  Butch Pinkham corrected the agenda request as it was not the ACO Contract that needed reviewing it was the Small Animal Clinic’s contract. Tom Batson requested the contract to see if there was any mention of hours to transport strays and none are listed.  For now, the Selectmen ask Butch to deliver strays during the daylight hours when the business is open.   Next meeting, if there are no resolutions to this issue, the Selectmen suggest Addison make a policy and send a letter to the Small Animal Clinic like Jonesport has already done.

 7.    Amy Lenfestey and Kimbley Davis request to close the office on Friday, May 10th:   Tom motions to keep the office open until 12:00PM on Friday May 10th giving permission for Amy to have the day off and Kimbley Davis to have ½ day off.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

 8.    Update from Marcella Snowdeal on Easement: Marcella was not able to attend the meeting. VJ has spoken to MMA on this issue.  Nothing can be done with an easement without a town vote. The property can be sold with the approval of the townspeople.  Tom motions to add the sale of property located at M/L 008-56-1 as a Warrant Article to the Special Town Meeting scheduled for April 15th at 5PM.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

 9.    Proposal for PRSWDD to use Addison Town Hall for monthly meeting purposes: VJ motions PRSWDD to authorize the use of Addison Town Hall at no charge.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

 10. Discussion of free program thru Emera for replacing street lights to LEDs:  After discussion, Tom motions for Emera to replace the street lights to LEDs with the free program.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous. 

 11.  Approval for Kimbley Davis – Acting Deputy Treasurer to receive monthly Treasurer Stipend for March: VJ amends the agenda request to read: “Approval for Kimbley Davis - Acting Treasurer to receive monthly Treasurer Stipends for March and April.”  VJ motions for Kimbley Davis to receive the monthly Treasurer Stipends for March and April.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

 12.  Motion to enter executive session per 1 MRSA § 405 to interview       Marc Perry for the Tax Assessor position: Tom motions to enter executive session to interview Marc Perry.  VJ seconds.  6:50 PM - Meeting reopens.  Tom motions to hire Marc Perry.  William seconds.  Unanimous. 

 13. Motion to enter executive session per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss hiring of Administrative Assistant:  Tom motions to enter executive session.  Tom motions to enter executive session to discuss hiring an Administrative Assistant.  William seconds.  Unanimous.  7:12 PM – Meeting reopens.  Complications in the hiring process have led to another applicant previously interviewed to be called back for a second interview.  Tom motions for Wednesday, April 15th at 5:00PM for a Special Selectmen’s Meeting to conduct the Second interview. 

 14.  Motion to enter executive session per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss employee payroll matter:  Tom motions to enter executive session.  William seconds.  7:39 PM – Meeting reopens.  Personnel issue.  No decision or motions were made.

 Public Comment:


Road Commissioner – Marcus’ plans include a list of maintenance to the roads. He is also addressing complaints as they come in to the Town Office. 


Floats at the Town Landings - Discussion arises over the Floats at the Town Landings.  The Selectmen ask a letter be sent to the Harbors Committee when maintenance repairs will be done at Otter Cove and when the Committee plans to meet to discuss these issues.


Alex Thompson – Alex Thompson requested information.  Because of FOAA and attorney/client confidentiality no information should be exchanged unless it is thru the Town’s attorney.  Payments for the Shoreland Zone Violations may be made to the Town Office. 


Update on Check issue – The Selectmen have asked for a “Stop” Payment on the first check issued to Chris Pinkham.  Tom motions to for Amy or Kim to call MSB to stop payment on the “lost” check.  VJ seconds. Unanimous.


Prepayment on 2019 taxes - Gilbert and Greif issued a check for 100% of prepayment on 2019 taxes. We can only accept 75% of prepayments because of Art. 20 passed at the Annual Town Meeting.  Amy asked the Selectmen how to handle the dilemma. Tom motions to return check.  Williams seconds.  Unanimous.  Motion to withdraw previous motion and vote.  William seconds.  Unanimous.  Motion to assign Kim or Amy to send check back and no one is held responsible.  William seconds. Unanimous. 


?Black mold on building/?Lead paint – There was question whether the black mold had been treated on the Town Hall building. Don Williams and Peter Davis both conveyed that the mold had been removed and can be validated with the pictures on the Town of Addison webpage.  Lead paint was also an issue.  There is a presence of lead paint on the second floor.  If the second floor is not used by the public, it is OK for now.  There is a product that can be used to encapsulate lead paint.


Those attending: Butch Pinkham, Cheryl Paul, Richard Paul, Marcus Norton, Judy Rolfe, Don Williams, David Ingersoll, Cathy Fonda, and Peter Davis


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Minutes


March 27, 2019

 Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Jr. and William R. Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at:  6:58 PM


1. Motion to close meeting and enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to conduct Second Interviews for the Administrative Assistant Position.  Schedule as follows:  

                                           5: 00 PM       Laurie Charbonneau

                                         5: 45 PM       Christine Alexander

Tom opens meeting. VJ motions to enter executive session to conduct second interviews.  William seconds. Unanimous.  6:54 Meeting reopens.  No decision at this time.  Possibly Monday 4/1.


    Tax Assessor - The Selectmen discuss the tax assessor position.  Tom is more comfortable with an individual vs. a tax assessing company.  Marc Perry is a state certified tax assessor and currently does the assessing for the town of Hancock.  Tom plans to call Marc and see when he is available for an interview. 


Those attending:

Laurie Charbonneau and Christine Alexander


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Minutes

March 21, 2019

 Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Jr. and William R. Gray

Meeting Opened at: 4:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:12 PM


1. Motion to close meeting and enter into Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to conduct Interviews for the Administrative  Assistant Position.  Schedule as follows:   

                                                                                                               4: 00 PM       Debra Hamlin

                                                                                                               5: 00 PM       Kimberley Robinson   

                                                                                                               6: 00 PM       Sherry Dixon

 Executive sessions were conducted at the times indicated.  Meeting was    reopened at 6:39 PM.  Tom motions to re-enter executive session for discussion of second interviews.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

            2.  Motion to schedule a Special Selectmen's Meeting (s) next  week for final decision on the Administrative Assistant Position or  to set up second interviews if necessary

                     At 6:47PM, the Selectmen re-enter executive session.  Meeting was re-opened at 6:58PM.  Tom motions to interview 2 candidates for second interviews on Wednesday 3/27.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous. 


Check issue: Christopher Pinkham has a “lost check in a forwarding situation in the mail.  Tom suggests doing what is advisable from MSB.  He would like the office staff to contact MSB to find out if there is a fee for a stop payment and how long of a wait period there is to do a stop payment transaction. 


Discussion of Tax Assessor/Assessing Companies: Selectmen discuss what is the “best” cost-effective solution for the Town of Addison given the current situation with no tax assessor.

Discussion of ACO situation: For now, the Selectmen decide that the ACO needs to change his way of practice and schedule drop-offs during the daytime hours of the Small Animal Clinic. 


Those attending: Debra Hamlin, Kimberley Robinson, and Sherry Dixon.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Minutes

March 18, 2019

 Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Jr. and William Gray

Meeting Opened at: 5:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 9:00PM

1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 4th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the March 4th Selectmen’s meeting minutes.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

 2.    Motion to accept the minutes from the March 12th Annual Town Meeting: Tom motions to accept the March 12th Annual Town Meeting minutes.  VJ seconds.  VJ decided he would like more time to read over the minutes.  Tom motions to withdraw the acceptance of the minutes. VJ seconds Tom’s motion to withdraw.  Tom motions to table to next Selectmen’s meeting on April 1st.  VJ seconds to table minutes.  Unanimous.   

3.    Discussion of Chair for Board of Selectmen:  The Selectmen discuss who will be the Chairman for the Board of Selectmen. After discussion, it was decided that Tom Batson would be Chairman of the Board.

4.    Motion for Selectman/Chair to be added to the MSB Signature Authority form: Tom motions for the Selectman/Chair to be added to the MSB Signature Authority form.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

5.    Motion to appoint Minor Officers (per list provided) for FY 19-20: Tom motions to accept appointments as listed with corrections. VJ seconds.  New members Butch Pinkham will be added as an alternate to the Building Maintenance Committee, Lisa West to the Addison Days Committee, Peter Davis to the Board of Assessment Review as a 2nd Alternate and Lester Drisko as an alternate to the Shellfish Committee.   William seconds the member changes.  Unanimous. 

6.    Motion to appoint Kimbley Davis as Temporary Acting Treasurer: VJ motions to appoint Kimbley Davis as the Temporary Acting Treasurer.  William seconds.  Unanimous. 

7.    Motion to appoint Everett Grant to NHS Principal Search Committee: Tom motions to appoint Everett Grant to the NHS Principal Search Committee.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous

8.    Motion to appoint Tracy Ramsay and Cheryl Paul as town representatives on Pleasant River Ambulance Board of Directors: Tom motions to appoint Tracy Ramsay and Cheryl Paul as the town representatives on the PRA Board of Directors.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

9.    Motion to accept Tom Gordhamer's resignation from Pleasant River Ambulance Board of Directors: Taken out of order.  Tom motions to accept Tom Gordhamer’s resignation from the PRA Board of Directors.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous. 

10. Review Applications for Administrative Assistant Position - set up schedule for interviews: Taken out of order until end of the meeting.  After discussion, the Selectmen decide to interview 3 more applicants.  Kimberley Robinson, Debra Hamlin, and Sherry Dixon were chosen for interviews for the Administrative Assistant position. The interviews will be on Thursday, March 21st at 4,5, and 6PM.

11.  Judy Rolfe: Update on Assessing Companies Research – Judy gives the research information to all Selectmen.  Tom decides he will call the companies and gather further information.

12. Motion for approval to accept check, in lieu of tax payment, from Maine Community Foundation Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife: Tom motions to approve and accept the check in lieu of taxes in the amount of $6180.  William seconds.  Unanimous.

13.  Animal Control Officer - Regarding Small Animal Clinic Issues: ACO/Butch Pinkham has a problem getting a key after hours when he has to deliver stray cats to the Small Animal Clinic.  There is a problem with stolen money at the Clinic.  No key will be given until further notice.  Tom asks that this issue be an Agenda item for the next Selectmen’s meeting and he would like to review the contract to see if anything is in writing that can be done.

14.  Agenda Request – Approval for Tiffany Alley to resume community work thru Addison Point Specialized Services: Tom motions for Tiffany Alley to resume community work thru Addison Point Specialized Services.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

15.  Revised Shellfish Committee Member List: Taken out of order.  Was discussed with Agenda Item #5.  Tom Batson was removed from the Shellfish Committee due to a lack of meeting attendance requirements as stated in the Shellfish Ordinance. Tim Merchant and Tim Cirone were moved from Alternate status to Voting Status.

 16.  Request for Easement on Town owned land (M8 L56-1) from Marcella Snowdeal: Tom motions to table until more information is received from Marcella. (ex. measurements) William seconds.  Unanimous.

 17.  Executive Session: Employee Reviews – Tom motions to enter Executive Session for Employee Reviews.  VJ seconds.  A decision was reached by all Selectmen that Amy Lenfestey and Kimbley Davis would be given raises.

18.  Executive Session: CEO – Update on Shoreland Zoning Violation

Taken out of order.  Tom motions to enter executive session. VJ seconds.  Unanimous.  Tom motions to accept an agreement from Alex Thompson: 1) $500/mo. until fines are paid.  2)  Legal fees are to be paid immediately.  3) Liens on property until civil fines are paid off.   VJ seconds.  Unanimous.


 Public Comment:

Road Commissioner – Questions what he is supposed to be doing?  VJ recommends that cones be used on town roads to warn residents of problem areas such as flooding and ice build-up.  


Roberta Pinkham is concerned about a check issued to Christopher Pinkham.  The Selectmen would like for them to wait until the full 2 weeks and possibly issue a new check if necessary.



Town of Addison

Selectmen's Meeting

Approved Minutes

March 4, 2019

Selectmen Present: Timothy H Thompson, Verlan R Lenfestey, Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:33 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the February 11th Selectmen’s meeting: VJ motions. Tom seconds.  Unanimous to accept the minutes.
2.    Request from Michael Reisman/Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center for the 18th Annual Beth C. Wright Walk for Life on Saturday May 18th, 2019: Ron Carpenter represented Michael Reisman for the Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center. The hall rental application is completed and checks for the kitchen fee and security deposit are included.  There are no scheduling conflicts and the date is available for May 18th for the Walk for Life.  Tim motions to accept the date and the Hall Rental application from Ron Carpenter.  Tom seconds.  Motion passes unanimously. Tim has asked that a link to the Walk for Life website be available on Facebook. Ron Carpenter is to provide that information to Kim.
3.    Executive Session: Administrative Assistant Interviews with Laurie Charbonneau, Kimberley Robinson, and Christine Alexander: VJ motions. Tom seconds.  Motions passes unanimously to enter executive session with applicants Laurie Charbonneau and Christine Alexander to conduct Administrative Assistant Interviews.  Kimberley Robinson was unable to attend. At 6:24 PM the meeting reopens.  Tim motions to accept the interviews.  Tom seconds.  Motion passes unanimously.

4.    Requests from BMC Chair/ Don Williams:

a.    New Alternate Member – Irving (Butch) Pinkham 

b.    Revision to standard policy/procedure for attendance

c.    Maintenance expense record per request by Selectman Tom Batson

Currently, there is nothing in writing which supports the maximum allowable members and/or alternate members.  Tom would like the Clerk to provide the current list of “voting” members.  He further states the maintenance record is accurate.  Tim motions to table until further information can be provided by the Clerk and that the Town Clerk provide the “enabling” motion at that time.  Motion passes unanimously. 

5.    PRA Bylaws – Adopted 2/19/19: Pleasant River Ambulance adopted the Bylaws on February 19, 2019.  Tim motions to concur with the PRA Bylaws as adopted by the PRA Board on February 19, 2019 and to acknowledge that “request” was an amended change to Art. 4 of the Bylaws.  Tom seconds.  Motion passes unanimously.

6.    Tree Growth Compliance Issues: Judy Rolfe speaks on behalf of the Office staff.  There are multiple issues with the tree growth letters the former Tax Assessor Randy Burns sent. Tim motions for Judy Rolfe to provide a list with recommendations and solutions to the Selectmen at the next scheduled Selectmen’s meeting.

7.    Executive Session: Personnel Issues – Meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM to enter executive session to discuss personnel issues.  Tim motions to do employee reviews ASAP after the Annual Town Meeting.

Tom seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

8.     Executive Session: Issue Regarding Employee Payroll Tax/W2 Withholdings: Correction: W4 issues.  Tim motions to call a CPA and the Auditor to see where things went wrong.  Tom needs a new W2 Tax form filled out in its entirety for 2019.  VJ seconds.  Motion passes unanimously.


Public Comment: Taken out of order.  Correspondence: 1) The Planning Board has requested that Richard Martin move from an Alternate member on the PB to full member status after the March 12th Annual Town Meeting. Tim motions to appoint Richard Martin after the March 12th Town Meeting.  Tom seconds.  Motion passes. Unanimously. 2) Letter from Mary Thompson.  3) Emera rate increase letter. 4) SAD #37 will be forming a Search Committee to hire a replacement for the retiring principal at Narraguagus Jr/Sr High School. They are looking for an appointed community representative from each member town to be on the committee and involved in the hiring process. Must be available for nightly meetings. 5) A grant was awarded to the Shellfish Committee in the amount of $1800 for reseeding/conservation of the flats.


Those attending: Mary Thompson, Amy Lenfestey, Cheryl Paul, Richard Paul, Obbie Davis, Judy Rolfe, Laurie Charbonneau, Shelia Mitchell, Stanley Mitchell, Ron Carpenter, Cathy Fonda, Charlene Hammond, and Christine Alexander


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Minutes

February 11, 2019

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 3:00PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:30 PM

1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the January 22nd Selectmen’s meeting: VJ motions.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous to accept the minutes.

2.    Pleasant River Ambulance Service Interlocal Agreement: Taken out of order.  Motion to postpone until PRA changes to Interlocal Agreement are seen by Selectmen.  Unanimous.  

3.    Motion to Approve Warrant Articles for March 12th Town Meeting:

Tim motions to approve the Warrant Articles.  VJ seconds.  Discussion for changes/amendments to Article 3, 4, 26, and 28.  After changes/amendments were made, Tim motions to approve the Warrant Articles as amended for the Annual Town Meeting. Seconded. Unanimous.

4.    Motion to Accept John Woodward’s Resignation from all Offices Appointed and Elected: “John has been a pivotal cornerstone in the office for quite some time.” Motion to accept John’s resignation with regret.  Seconded. Unanimous.

5.    Motion to Accept James Emerson Jr.’s Resignation as Fire Chief: Tim motions to accept James Emerson’s Jr.’s resignation with regret.  Tom seconds.  Unanimous.

6.    Motion to Confirm the Planning Board’s Recommendation on Mobile Home Park Ordinance: (option A, Peter Anderson)

The Planning Board has had numerous workshops to discuss the Town of Addison’s current Mobile Home Park Ordinance which was adopted in 1980. The Planning Board presented a Memorandum and Proposal from Rudman and Winchell with three options (A, B and C).  Plan A would include proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan.  The other options did not include this.  The Planning Board recommends Option A as the best option. Tom motions to recommend Option A. Seconded.  Option A passes unanimously.

7.    James W. Wadman, CPA – Management Representation Letter:

(annual audit is scheduled for April 29th) Tom motions to sign letter.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

8.    Town Reports – Deliver or Make Available for Pick up at Town Office: Tom motions to have the Annual Town Reports delivered.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

9.   Motion to Appoint a Fire Chief: Matthew Alley was recently elected as Fire Chief.  VJ motions to appoint Matthew Alley as the Town of Addison’s Fire Chief.  Tom seconds. Unanimous.  

10. Motion to Appoint Ballot Clerks Per the List Provided: Amy Lenfestey declines to be nominated as a Ballot Clerk as it conflicts with her being a town employee. Tim motions to accept and strike Amy Lenfestey from the list of Ballot Clerk Appointments.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.

11.  Cancel and Re-schedule the January 18th Selectmen’s Meeting:

(January 18th is a holiday) – Obbie noted that the date should be February 18th instead of January 18th.  Tim motions to cancel the February 18th Selectmen’s meeting.  VJ seconds.  Unanimous.  The next Selectmen’s meeting will be on March 4th.  If there is a response from ads, the Selectmen will call an Emergency Selectmen’s meeting.

12.  Agenda Request – Office Staff Regarding Duties:  There are concerns from the office staff as to how to perform John’s duties since he is leaving and what is a priority.  After lengthy discussion, Tim motions for the office to be closed M-F 8AM – 12PM for training purposes this week and next.

Public Comment: Dick Paul – Asked if there could be a summary of the court rulings from the “Clam Shop” printed in the Annual Town Report. No answer was given as a deadline for the Annual Town Report to go to the printers for finalization is tomorrow – 2/12/19. 


Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Obbie Davis, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Fran Havey, Richard and Cheryl Paul, Don Williams, Charlene Hammond, and Cathy Fonda.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Minutes

January 22, 2019

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:25 PM


1.    Motion to accept the revised minutes of the December 17th Selectmen’s meeting: VJ made a motion to accept the revised minutes. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the January 7th Selectmen’s meeting: VJ made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed with one abstention. (Tim was not present at the January 7th meeting)

3.    Pleasant River Ambulance Service Interlocal Agreement– Tim motioned to table the item until Courtney Hammond from PRAS can be present. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

a.    Wording of replacement of board member:

b.    Length of agreement:

c.    Wording in bylaws vs. interlocal:

4.    Shellfish Committee – Proposal to add deputy shellfish warden: Shellfish Committee co-chair Judy Rolfe began discussion regarding the need for a deputy warden to fill in while Butch is on vacation or may be out due to sickness or injury. There is no cost for the certification training, so the additional budget would be for the 2-3 weeks coverage. Judy will submit a proposal to the budget committee. Judy also stated that the committee has applied for a grant thru Maine Coast Fisheries for help with wardens’ wages and conservation efforts. Tim motioned to ask the shellfish committee to prepare an impact statement and line item for the budget. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

5.    Harbors storage fines: Tim opened discussion. He has printed off the fees schedule for the Jonesport Shipyard and feels that the towns fines should be in line with these fees. VJ stated that the discussion earlier in the year with the harbor committee was that storage would be allowed temporarily due to storms or emergency repairs. After more discussion of fine amounts and the number of days the fines would increase, Tom motioned to impose fines for vessels 1. stored without permission from the harbor master at $50/day for the first 7 days and $100/day after the 7 days and until removed. 2. The harbor master can delay fines for 7 days (emergency haul out/repairs), after 7 days impose fine of $50/day for the first 7 days and $100/day after the 7 days and until removed. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

6.    Tax acquired mobile home: Tim asked if the selectmen would reconsider the vote taken at the January 7th meeting to notify and remove the foreclosed property, stating that the decision would cost the town over $3,000 for removal and would require permission from the property owner. After some discussion regarding the foreclosure process and statutes regarding taxation on mobile homes/structures placed on someone else’s property, Tom made a motion to write off the amount due ($270+-) and to issue a quit claim deed. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

7.    Warrant article requests: Proposed articles attached. 1. Regarding the wind turbine: Tim motioned to accept as written. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Regarding the dilapidated building: Tim motioned to accept the article as written, but to add that the owner is in bankruptcy and that the town will make every attempt to recover costs from the property owner as part of legal action. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Regarding membership with Pleasant River Solid Waste: After some discussion, Tim motioned to add “recommended by the board of selectmen” under the article. There were 2 nays and 1 yea. The motion did not pass. Tim motioned to add the article as written. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed with 2 yeas and 1 nay. Tom was opposed. 4. Regarding a new “Reserve” account: Tim motioned to accept the article as written. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed with 2 yeas and 1 abstention. 5. Regarding the use of the proposed reserve account: Tim motioned to accept the article as written. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Regarding the funding of the proposed reserve account: Tim motioned to accept the article as written. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Regarding a loan for town hall renovations: Tim motioned to accept the article and to add wording to the article regarding the proposed renovations to the first floor and to increase the requested amount to $280,000, which would fund all proposed renovations. Don Williams of the buildings maintenance committee will provide a cost comparison to the previously submitted proposal to demolish and build a new town hall/offices. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Regarding land surveys for harvesting: After discussion and a recommendation from MMA Legal, Tim motioned to add the article. VJ seconded the motion. Motion did not pass. 2 nays and 1 abstention. 9. Regarding nomination process for elected officials: Tim motioned to accept as written. VJ seconded the motion. After discussion of the process to change from open town meeting to secret ballot town meeting, the motion did not pass. There were 2 nays and 1 abstention. 10. Regarding the permit for removal of structures: Tim motioned to accept as written. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Regarding changing the treasurers position to appointed: Tim motioned to accept the article and to change the start from 2020-21 FY to 2019-20 FY. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

8.    Motion to accept Randy Burns Resignation as Assessor: Tim motioned to accept the resignation with regret. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

9.    Procedure for employee reviews: After discussion, the item is tabled until the next meeting.

10. Hall Rental Agreement: Tim motioned to remove the use of the upstairs clause since it is at this time not ADA compliant. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

11. Motion to enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 regarding a personnel matter: Tim motioned to close the regular meeting at 7:12 and to enter executive session, siting the statute. The regular meeting reopened at 7:23 Tim stated that the board would like to combine all of Butch’s pay drawn from multiple departments into one expense account and redefine the composite job to include all of the functions currently defined that position.


Public Comment: Butch is working on the cat issue off Indian River road. Don Williams requests clarification on turbine expenses. Tim motioned to include the overage due to Butch’s mileage in the transfer from emergency contingency. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned.


Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Adrian Batson, Richard Paul, Cheryl Paul, Mary Thompson, Stanley Mitchell, Sheila Mitchell, Charlene Hammond, Irvin Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, Don Williams


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Minutes

January 7, 2019

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr. (Timothy H. Thompson was absent)

Meeting Opened at: 5:05 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:50 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the December 17th Selectmen’s meeting: VJ made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

2.    Old Business –

a.    Stray Contract: Tom made a motion to sign the contract. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

b.    Tax Acquired Payment Agreement: Tom made a motion to take the mobile home and to sell it or demolish it. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

3.    Rebecca Trundy – Cub/Boy Scouts: Rebecca would like the cub/boy scouts to host the town meeting supper. The selectmen agree to the request. No motion was made.

4.    Emera Maine – Repair and Maintenance of Private Lines: Tom motioned to sign the forms, declining automatic repair by Emera. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

5.    Motion to Appoint Jessica Whitcomb as EMA Director: Tom made a motion to appoint Jessica as EMA Director. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

6.    January 21st Selectmen’s Meeting – Reschedule or Cancel: The selectmen decided to hold a meeting on January 22nd. No motion was made.

7.    Motion to enter Executive Session Per MRSA § 405 Regarding a Personnel Matter: Tom motioned to enter executive session at 5:20 PM. At around 5:30 PM, VJ asked shellfish warden Irvin Pinkham to come in to the session. The regular meeting reopened at 5:45 PM. Sheila Mitchell asked what the executive session was about. Tom responded that no action was taken and that they discussed employee hours.


Public Comment: Road commissioner, Osborne Davis requested additional sand and salt. He said the pile is about ½ gone. Tom asked John how much was left in the snow plow budget. John responded that he’d look into it.


Those attending: Cheryl Paul, Richard Paul, Irvin Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, Osborne Davis, Stanley Mitchell, Sheila Mitchell, Cathy Fonda, Erwin Zimmermann, Tim Hernandez


Town of Addison

Approved Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 17, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson (arrived late)

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:15 PM

1. Motion to accept the minutes of  the November 19th Amended Selectmen's meeting: VJ motions to accept minutes as amended. Tim seconds. Motion passed to accept amended minutes unanimously.
 December 3rd Special Town Meeting: V
J motions to accept. Tim Seconds. Motion passed to accept minutes unanimously.
 December 3rd
Selectmen's Meeting: VJ motions to accept. Tim seconds. Motion passed to accept minutes unanimously.

2.   Old Business
a.    Wind Turbine: Tom rescinded his last motion because he was not given accurate information. The wind turbine has not been maintained since 2015. The estimated profit for the wind turbine is currently $1,132. per year. Discussion arises as to the life expectancy of the turbine, cost to maintain the machinery, and if the current service/maintenance contract is still under warranty or considered null and void where there was a lapse in service. The Buildings Maintenance Committee would like to meet with John in order to discuss the calculated estimate of savings he provided. Peter Davis — Co/Chair BM Committee feels this should be a Warrant Article for the Annual Town Meeting in March and should be decided amongst the townspeople whether or not to keep the wind turbine with accurate supporting documents. Motion made by Tim to present this Annual Town Meeting with supporting documents. Seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
b.   Hall Rental Agreement: VJ read changes from a drafted copy. Motion made by Tim to accept the working copy and its new wording of  the "save the date" deposit and updated rental fee schedules Tom seconds. Motion passed unanimously. At a late date, the Celebration of Life Event fees will be discussed and the security deposit criteria will be addressed in more detail.
c.   Harbors Storage Fines: Tabled until Harbors Committee Meeting in January.
3.     Road Commissioner—
a.      Damage to Roads (Cape and Mason Bay) Obbie reported on the roads. To date, damages have incurred on numerous roads where the ground has not frozen yet. At this time, the only thing that can be done is to plow it off. In the spring, a grater and patch job can be used to fix these damages.  Question arises as to who is the responsible party when damages do occur (ex. heavy rain, and plugged/clogged ditches). Obbie states it is all in the plow contract.
b.      Overlay Plan for 2019 To date, Obbie does not have an Overlay Plan for 2019. Prices quoted are not in the budget of $64,000 but estimated at a much higher price. So, no decision has been reached.
.       Maintenance on Roads — Obbie would like more money in his budget - $40,000 for the next fiscal year. He states his current budget is not enough to provide sand/salt to the roads when needed. He feels $5,000 in additional monies as a one-time fee would be sufficient so it would carry the town through the winter months as necessary.
4.     Small Animal Clinic — 2019 Stray Cat and Dog Contract: Butch (ACO) did not agree with the wording and questioned what period of time was being charged for the current rates. Motion by Tim to send back contract and for the Small Animal Clinic to be more descriptive in the wording. Motion passes unanimously.
5.     Office Closure Policy — Holidays: An employee asked to have December 24th and January 31 st off for the upcoming holiday. The policy in the Employee Handbook states that employees shall work a half-day on Christmas Eve with Christmas Day off. Then work a half-day on New Year's Eve with New Year's Day off paid. Motion passes for the employees to take a half-day for personal time if wanted with one-half day holiday paid. 1 abstention. VJ feels New Year's Eve, we should be open because of the last day for the fiscal year.
6.   Motion to appoint Sheldon Trundy and Fran Havey to the Budget Committee: VJ motions to appoint Sheldon Trundy and Fran Havey to the Budget Committee. Tom abstains. Motion passes to appoint Sheldon Trundy and Fran Havey to the Budget Committee.
7.    Correspondence
Thank you card from Bertha Magby: Tim read to the audience the thank-you card from Bertha Magby. She was very appreciative of her award and the town she lives in.

Public Comment:
      Solar Panels:
Bid specs from Building Maintenance Committee are to be presented/approved by the Selectmen in order for the panels to be torn down. Motion passes unanimously for the Building Maintenance Committee to provide bid specs to Selectmen.
      Email received from Butch Pinkham to Selectmen: Questioned Selectmen if they had received his email. All Selectmen responded they had received his email.
Those attending: Mary Thompson, Peter Davis, Irvin "Butch Pinkham, Bill Mercer, Adrian Batson, Sheila Mitchell, Stanley Mitchell, Cheryl Paul, Richard Paul, and Obbie Davis

Town of Addison

Approved Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 3, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 6:31 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:55 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 19th Selectmen’s meeting: A motion was made by VJ and seconded by Tom to accept the minutes as written. Tim opened discussion regarding the Pleasant River Ambulance Service interlocal agreement. There was a lengthy conversation as to whether or not the interlocal is a binding contract, which is not included in the minutes. Motion does not pass. Tim motions to table the acceptance of the minutes until a new version is submitted with a recommendation from the attorney as to the definition of interlocal agreement. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

2.    Mary Angarola – Cat Sterilization Program: Not present. Animal Control Officer, Butch Pinkham has concerns as to what is actually done. Tim motioned to table indefinitely. Tom seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

3.    Hall Rental Agreement: Chub Dowling of the Auxiliary feels the Auxiliary members should not be charged any fees for use of the hall, and stated that they had not been charged in the past. John run reports to show that the members had been charged a $25 ‘save the date’ fee, but infrequently. There is discussion of the hall rental agreement wording and whether or not there should be a cancellation policy. VJ agreed to work on a new hall rental agreement. Tim will attend the upcoming Auxiliary meeting to discuss an old agreement that had been in place between the Selectmen and Auxiliary. Tim motioned to table the item until the next meeting. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

4.    Fireworks Contract: Tom and Fran Havey of the Addison Days Committee recommend a 3 year agreement for better pricing. They’d also like to see the budget increased from $4,000 to $4,500. Tom stated that there would be an understanding that the Town is not committed to purchase under the contract if the Town did not raise the funds. The contract would be to hold the pricing in place. Tim motioned to add the contract to the warrant for town meeting in March. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

5.    Shellfish Account: A motion was made and passed unanimously at the November 19th meeting to transfer funds to the shellfish account in order to cover the shellfish warden hours and mileage thru the end of the fiscal year. John recommended waiting until the end of the fiscal year for an exact amount before transferring funds from emergency contingency. Tim motioned to rescind the vote taken at the November 19th meeting and to transfer the necessary funds to the shellfish account per option 2 of the spreadsheet John provided. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

6.    Harbors: Harbor Master Butch Pinkham has been working on the list of unpaid moorings and unpaid documented boat excise tax. After discussion, Tom made a motion to talk to legal council to find out how to handle, if at all. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

7.    Buildings Maintenance Committee – Wind Turbine and Solar Panels: The buildings maintenance committee submitted a letter to the Selectmen, recommending the turbine and solar panels be dismantled and sold. It was stated that the turbine had been losing money since it was installed in 2010, and the solar panels have never functioned due to the dynamics of the layout of the building. After further discussion, Tim motioned to refer back to the buildings maintenance committee for bid specs on both items. Tom seconded with regret. Motion passed unanimously. It was suggested that the buyer(s) be responsible for dismantling as part of the sale.

8.    Motion to Write Off Balance of Tax Account: The balance of the tax account is $77.84 for a mobile home that was moved or demolished. Tim motioned to write off the tax account. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment: CEO Judy Rolfe mentioned a no cost permit for removal/tear down of a building or mobile home, to be issued by the CEO. That way, there’d be a paper trail of the change for the assessor to correct the tax account.

Those attending: Fran Havey, Don Williams, Chris Chartrand, Judy Rolfe, Jason Tyler, Erwin Zimmermann, Mary Thompson, Irvin Pinkham, Kimbley Davis, Charles Dowling, Stanley Mitchell, Mark Brasure


Town of Addison

Approved Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 19, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:23 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the

October 29th Special Town Meeting: Tom made a motion to accept the minutes as written. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

November 5th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

November 13th Public Hearing: VJ made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

2.    Motion to accept Warrant Articles for December 3rd Special Town Meeting: VJ motioned to accept the warrant articles as written. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

3.    Pleasant River Ambulance: Taken out of order. Tom began discussion regarding the concerns the select board had with the proposed Interlocal Agreement. A list of the concerns and other documents were available to the public. Dick Paul suggested the selectmen vote on each item from the list when an item has been agreed upon between the selectmen and the PRA representatives that were present.

Item 1: Annual Report and Financial Statement need to be received earlier for inclusion in the town report. It was decided this item had already been addressed and is mentioned in Article IV A. of the Interlocal Agreement. Tom made a motion to accept. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Item 2: More detailed budget, also needs to be received earlier (before the end of January) for budget committee meeting. Courtney Hammond of PRA stated that this would not be an issue and is also mentioned in Article IV A. of the Interlocal Agreement. Tom made a motion to accept. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Item 3: Explanation of cost shares of other towns. Courtney agreed to include as part of the budget, the cash contribution of each town in the district. Tom motioned to accept. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Item 4: Wording of replacement of board member – mutually agreed by PRA and member town. Courtney agreed to change the wording of the ByLaws Article IV A. from “require” to “request” at their annual directors meeting in January. Tim made a motion to table action until the 2nd Selectmen’s meeting in January. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Item 5: Duration of agreement. Courtney suggested the selectmen meet with the member towns to work out the length of the agreement. Dick Paul recommended the selectmen write down the reasons for objecting to the 15 year agreement. VJ explained that in 15 years the directors and selectmen change and may have different views. Courtney responded that the agreement could be revisited at any time. A question was raised regarding the amount of funds a member town would be responsible for if they were to withdraw from the district. Tim mentioned that Pleasant River Solid Waste had reduced their Interlocal Agreement to a 4 year term, then will go to an annual agreement. Tom made a motion to table until the 2nd selectmen’s meeting in January. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Item 6: Add ‘Unorganized Territory’ to the list of member towns. Courtney explained that the unorganized territory is comprised of 20+ people and are covered under an agreement with the County of Unorganized Territories, whom also pays the member fees. He will provide a copy of the agreement.

Item 7: In-Kind contributions. Courtney explained that this was discussed at the August directors meeting. There has never been and in-kind contribution and if there was, a meeting would be called between the member towns and PRA.

8. Wording in ByLaws contradict wording in Interlocal. Courtney stated that this will be fixed at the January directors meeting. This item is tabled until the 2nd selectmen’s meeting in January.

9. Withdrawal of town from Interlocal. From Article VI 2. of the Interlocal Agreement. The obligations, debts of the member town would be provided at time of withdrawal if the town decided to withdraw. Tom made a motion to accept. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Tom made a motion to accept items 6 and 7. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Tom thanked everyone for coming. Tony Santiago of Columbia Falls mentioned that he had listened to recordings of Addison selectmen’s meetings and he wanted to state that the select board of Columbia Falls had read the Interlocal Agreement and they take their positions seriously. Dick Paul wanted to know why false statements were made at the October 29th selectmen’s meeting regarding the financial status of PRA. Tim answered that the selectmen were provided with incomplete data. Dick feels the PRA board should have a letter of apology from the board of selectmen. Erwin Zimmermann disagreed. Tom feels it is a lesson learned. Courtney stated that he will work with Tom Gordhamer regarding quasi-municipal finance.

4.    The Computer Guy – Quote for Wiping Out Old Computers: Taken out of order. Tim made a motion to wipe out the old computers and to install the basic programs and to offer the computers to office staff or department managers. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

5.    Motion to Accept Carmen Look’s Resignation from the Budget Committee: Tim made a motion to accept with regret. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

6.    Follow up – Harbors Emergency/Temporary Haul Out Fines: Butch said that the harbor committee doesn’t plan to meet till after December 3rd. Tom made a motion to take up the item at the 2nd selectmen’s meeting in December. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

7.    Motion to Enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding a Personnel Issue: Tom made a motion to close the regular meeting and to enter executive session at 6:25 PM. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting reopened at 7:22 PM. Tim made a motion to re-allocate $7,500 from Emergency Contingency to the Shellfish department. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Public Comment: Taken out of order. Tim received a letter from the Department of Agriculture regarding building permits for construction in the floodplain and feels the town attorney should review it and make recommendations to the selectmen and planning board as to how to proceed. Would modifications need to be made to the building ordinance.

Chub Dowling mentioned the Hall Rental Agreement and feels the Auxiliary members should not be charged any fees for using the hall. The current agreement requires a non-refundable $25 deposit to save the date, and a $50 security deposit which would be returned if no damage is done to the hall. The selectmen will take the request under consideration. Chub also mentioned the handicap ramp at the rear of the building and stated that it is a hazard due to ice build up. The selectmen recommended that the Buildings maintenance committee research the issue and try to come up with a solution. Tom made a motion to ask the buildings maintenance committee to look into the issue. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Richard Paul, Cheryl Paul, Charles “Chub” Dowling, Mary Thompson, Irvin “Butch” Pinkham, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Osborne Davis, Ronie Strout, Cathy Fonda, Erwin Zimmermann, Tony Santiago, Charlene Hammond, Courtney Hammond, others



Town of Addison

Public Hearing

Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Services

Approved  MINUTES

November 13, 2018



6:00 PM -- Tim Thompson opens the hearing.  The purpose of this hearing is to compare and contrast the Request for Proposal (RFP) submitted by Mark Wright Construction/Disposal and the current services provided by Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District, in consideration of the best option for the Town of Addison's future municipal solid waste disposal.  During a lengthy discussion, many points and concerns were voiced by those in attendance.  Some concerns were:  the cost of recycling at Mark Wright Disposal; the annual membership fee to PRSWDD; what happens if a town (s) pulls out or joins PRSWDD; how might no competition affect Mark Wright Disposal fees; and loss of the Too Good to Toss facility.  Points mentioned were: recycling is market driven so many factors come into play, which in turn, effect cost and what is actually being recycled; PRSWDD is Quasi municipal giving towns a voice through board members chosen by the towns; meetings and financial statements of PRSWDD are available to the public. Mark Wright Disposal is an independent business, fees are based on individual usage and are subject to change without notice; there is no annual membership fee to the town, offers a dumpster option and extended hours of operation. Contract lengths would be 4 years for PRSWDD with an annual review thereafter and Mark Wright Disposal would be a

10-year contract with potential for negotiation. This was an informational meeting only. No vote was taken. The final decision will be put to a vote at the annual Town Meeting to be held in March 2019.   Hearing closed at 7:38 pm


Selectmen Present:  Timothy Thompson, Verlan Lenfestey, Jr., Thomas Batson

Others Present:  Don Williams, Justin and Darlene Thompson, Cheryl and Richard Paul,

Chris Chartrand, Shelia and Stanley Mitchell, Janet Molenaar, Nancy Heallen, Fran Havey,

Larry and Tetyana Durkin, Ronald Gray, Mary Thompson, Hector Alicea and others


Town of Addison

Approved Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 5, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:52 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the October 29th Selectmen’s meeting: Tim motioned to accept the minutes with modifications to item 5 regarding storage at the harbors. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

2.    Harbors Ordinance: Members of the harbor committee were present to continue discussion of temporary/emergency haul out of vessels. The current ordinance does not allow storage of any kind and states that fines will be set by the board of selectmen annually. The selectmen would like to allow temporary/emergency haul out and asked that the harbor committee meet and discuss the options. The harbor committee will meet in December and make recommendations to the selectmen regarding the issue an also wording for signs to be ordered.

3.    Shellfish Committee Regarding Middle Ground: The shellfish committee met recently and submitted a letter to the selectmen recommending that the current agreement remain in place. After some discussion, Tim motioned to continue with the current agreement. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

4.    Planning Board Enforcement Issue: Taken out of order. Mary Thompson, chair of the planning board expresses the need for professional advice regarding a trash ordinance. There have been no funds set aside for legal advice for the planning board. The legal budget has been expended. After more discussion, Tim motioned to add a warrant article for the December 3rd special town meeting to appropriate $15,000 from unappropriated surplus to the legal account. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

5.    Special Town Meeting: Taken out of order. Tim recommended a special town meeting to vote again on the removal of the dilapidated building and appropriating funding for legal expenses incurred. VJ feels the dilapidated buildings issue should be brought up at a regular town meeting. Dick Paul had questions regarding funding for the sand/salt shed matter and why the legal costs were taken from the roads budget. He would like to see printed in the town report, a list of all legal expenses incurred and where the funds were charged and legal fees anticipated. VJ made a motion to hold a special town meeting to try to get voter approval to transfer funds from surplus to cover the towns obligation for legal expenses. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Don Williams would like to see a clear explanation of the article. Tim asked that the meeting be posted tomorrow. Tim motioned to set the special town meeting for December 3rd at 6:00 PM. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

6.    Motion to enter executive session per 1 MRSA § 405 regarding tax foreclosure: Tim motioned to close the regular meeting and enter executive session at 6:33 PM. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Tim reopened the meeting at 6:50 PM and motioned to allow the owner until December 15th to pay his obligation. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Public Comment:


Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Charlene Hammond, Cheryl Paul, Richard Paul, James Emerson Jr., Don Williams, Justin Thompson, Irvin Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, Tom Gordhamer, Sheila Mitchell, Mary Thompson, Keith Newman, Rich Martin, others


results of special town meeting 10/29/18


Town of Addison

Approved Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

October 29, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:45 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:30 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the October 15th Selectmen’s meeting: VJ made a motion to accept the minutes. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

2.    Stephen Sullivan, Maine Revenue Services Property Tax Division -Proposed 2019 State Valuation: Taken out of order. Mr. Sullivan opens discussion of the 2019 proposed valuation and answers questions regarding how the valuation is determined, how non-taxed properties are accounted for in the worksheet, sales ratios, increases in assessments, etc. No action is taken. The presentation was informational only.

3.    RFP-Municipal Solid Waste Services (tabled last meeting): Tim recommended a public hearing be held as soon as possible in preparation for an annual town meeting vote on the subject. Tom mentions recycling and how PRSWDD is trying to increase the number of items they take as compared to Mark Wright disposal. Mr. Zimmermann asked Tom if he should “ethically and morally” recuse from discussion and votes on the matter since he is employed by PRSWDD. Tom responded that he has written legal advice from MMA Legal and Rudman/Winchell stating that his position as selectman and employee of PRSWDD does not create a conflict of interest. Tim motions to schedule a public hearing for November 13th at 6:00 PM. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Information regarding Mark Wright disposal and Pleasant River Solid Waste will be available at the town office and on the website. Tom stressed that the meeting will be informational only, and no vote will be taken.

4.    Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District Interlocal Agreement (tabled last meeting): No action taken.

Meeting Minutes:

Reports/Financials: John has spoken with PRSWDD book keeper Carmen Look and manager Fran Havey, both will get caught up on missing meeting minutes and financials.

5.    Harbors Float Removal Schedule (tabled last meeting): Butch and Obbie were asked to come up with a schedule for float removal. Butch stated that all of the floats at all town landings will be removed before Thanksgiving or soon thereafter.

Storage at Harbors: The selectmen discuss setting fines for violation of the harbors ordinance, which does not allow storage of boats, gear, etc. VJ would like to allow temporary emergency haul out. There is discussion of fines amounts and time periods. Tom motioned to table the item until the next meeting and to invite the harbor committee to modify fines to allow temporary emergency storage. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

6.    Downeast Community Partners Request for Funding Process: Formerly WHCA. The request is to allow the funding article on the warrant for town meeting without using the petition process. Tim motioned to allow the request to go before the budget committee without the petition process. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

7.    Motion to enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 to negotiate an Interlocal Agreement between the Town and Pleasant River Ambulance: Tom feels an executive session is not necessary and that discussion should be public. Tim voiced his concerns regarding the budget increases and has recent financials that show PRA is in the negative, despite the budget increases. VJ would like to know how the funds were spent and why the extra $20,000 was spent when it was set aside for capital improvements. Tom motioned to invite PRA, along with their book keeper and auditor to the November 19th selectmen’s meeting. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment: Animal control officer, Butch Pinkham stated that he had picked up a stray cat that may have rabies. He will take the animal to the CDC in Augusta on October 30th for testing.

Those attending: Fran Havey, Ronie Strout, Cheryl Paul, Osborne Davis, Erwin Zimmermann, Peter Davis, Roberta Pinkham, Richard Paul, Cathy Fonda, Jimmy Emerson, Don Williams, Judy Rolfe, Chris Chartrand, Kimbley Davis, others


Town of Addison

Approved Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

October 15, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:00 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 17th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motioned, VJ seconded. Passed 2/3. Tim abstained.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the October 10th Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting: VJ motioned, Tom seconded. Passed 3/3.

3.    Motion to approve warrant articles for the October 29, 2018 Special Town Meeting: VJ motioned, Tim seconded. Passed 3/3.

4.    Pleasant River Ambulance Interlocal Agreement: Tim motioned to accept the terms in the letter dated September 17, 2018 from PRA. No signatory on interlocal. The town will continue with the district on a month to month basis. Tom seconded. Passed 3/3.

5.    Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District Interlocal Agreement: Taken out of order. Tim motioned to table the interlocal so the board has more time to review. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

6.    RFP-Municipal Solid Waste: Tim motioned to open the proposal received from Mark Wright Disposal on August 20, 2018. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/3. Tim motioned to take the proposal under advisement and to table any action until the next meeting. Tom seconded. Motion passed 3/3.

7.    Charter Communications – Franchise Renewal (Cable TV): Tim motioned to sign the renewal agreement. The selectmen negotiated some of the terms of the agreement, including the number of homes located within a mile required for service, now down to 20 from 30, and free tv service to municipal buildings. Tom seconded. Motion passed 3/3.

8.    Spectrum Internet/Phone Proposal: Tim motioned to accept the proposal. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. Spectrum offered higher speed internet service over the current provider, Fairpoint. Monthly billings will remain relatively the same.

9.    Harbors Float Removal Schedule: The selectmen requested that the road commissioner and harbor master come up with a schedule for the removal of the floats and come back to the selectmen for approval.

10. Overdue Mooring Fees/Dog Registrations (the town office staff has recently sent out mooring fees invoices): Butch (Irvin Pinkham) stated that there are 32 unlicensed dogs, some he wasn’t aware of. He further stated that some mooring fees have not been paid since 2012. Some owners are claiming they no longer have the mooring. There is discussion of changes that need to be made to the current harbors ordinance. Tom agreed to meet with Butch to come up with a list of items to be included in the mooring ordinance. There is further discussion of mooring markers to identify the mooring and if the fees have been paid.

11. Trash Complaint – 625 Basin Road: Health Officer, Alf Wakeman and property owner Manford Durkee are present to discuss the situation. Abutting land owner, Dorthea Crowley is also present. Manford stated that he has evicted the tenant and as soon as she leaves the property, he will clean up the trash.

12. Proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance: Taken up under item 11. A sub-committee will be formed with members of the planning board, CEO, and public to work on the proposed ordinance.

13. Appointments to Friends of the Fire Department –

Steven Parrott

Rebecca Trundy

Tim motioned to make the appointments. VJ seconded. Motion passed 3/3.

14. Executive session (36 MRSA § 405) Regarding a Personnel Matter: Tim motioned to close the regular meeting and enter executive session at 6:30 PM. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. Meeting re-opened at 6:50 PM. Tim felt the issue has been resolved.


 Public Comment: Taken out of order. Tim stated that the Washington County budget committee will be meeting on October 30th in Machias to review the proposed county budget. Tim is concerned that there are no budget increases for law enforcement, which the town voted to approve in March 2018. Peter Davis stated that he has been researching code for LP tanks for the Buildings Maintenance Committee. Dead River told him they didn’t know the code and to check with the state. Judy Rolfe, CEO will look into this. Irwin Zimmermann inquired about the status of the dilapidated building. Tim responded that the court ruled in favor of the town and the building (clam shop) will be coming down as soon as the town approves funding for demo. A special town meeting is scheduled for October 29th. Chris Chartrand inquired about a marijuana ordinance. Tim responded that the board recently extended the moratorium. The planning board is working on an ordinance. Tom announced a flag raising will be held at PRSWDD on November 11th at 10 AM in honor of veterans.


Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Mary Thompson, Dorthea Crowley, Osborne Davis, Irvin Pinkham, Peter Davis, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Chris Chartrand, Jim Sharber, Tom Gordhamer, Manford Durkee, Alfred Wakeman, Erwin Zimmermann, Charlene Hammond, Cathy Fonda, Kimbley Davis


Town of Addison

Approved Minutes

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

October 10, 2018

 Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at:  7:00 PM

Meeting Closed at:   7: 06 PM


1.    The purpose of this meeting was to schedule a Special Town Meeting in order to authorize transfer of funds, $ 30,000 as recommended by Treasurer, John Woodward, from Unappropriated Surplus to cover the costs of Demolition of the "the old clam shop" and the overage in the Dangerous Buildings accounts due to legal expenses. Tim references Article 31 from the March 2009 Town Meeting authorizing the Selectmen to proceed with whatever action necessary regarding removal of dangerous buildings.  VJ motions to schedule a Special Town Meeting to be held on Monday, October 29, 2018, with the regularly scheduled Selectmen's Meeting immediately following. Tim seconds the motion.  No further discussion.  Motion passed 3/3.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Minutes

September 17, 2018

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, Verlan R Lenfestey, Jr.  Absent: Timothy H. Thompson  

Meeting Opened at: 5:05 PM

Meeting Closed at:  6:24 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 20th Selectmen’s meeting:  VJ motions to accept minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion.  Motion passed 2/2.

2.    Auto Recycling Renewal Permit:  Butch inquired as to how many auto recycling businesses are currently in Addison. CEO Judy Rolfe responds there are 3. No further discussion. Tom made a motion to issue permit.  VJ seconded.  Motion passed 2/2.  

3.  RFP - Municipal Solid Waste:  Tom clarifies, per legal counsel, no conflict of interest with him being a municipal officer and an employee of PRSWDD.  Tom asks Chris Chartrand, Director of PRSWDD, to explain why PRSWDD cannot sign RFP. Chris states if the RFP was signed and the bid accepted; it would create a legal binding contract conflicting with the Interlocal Agreement. VJ read correspondence from the town's attorney agreeing with what Chris had stated. VJ expressed he feels the decision should go to a Town vote. Chris C. stated he believes that it has to. Tom made a motion to not act on the RFP received from Mark Wright Disposal, and to table the article and seek further legal advice. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

4.    Pleasant River Ambulance Interlocal Agreement/By-Laws: Tom read a letter from PRA president Courtney Hammond stating per board consensus, the previous Interlocal Agreement will stand.  PRA will extend a 45 day window to the Addison selectmen in order for them to review and request to sign. If they choose not to sign, PRA will continue this year with no Interlocal Agreement with Addison but with continuing payments from the town and will re-visit at the 2019 annual meeting as to further action.   Motion by Tom to table until Tim can be present and VJ agrees. VJ seconded.  Motion passed 2/2.   

5.    Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District Interlocal Agreement:  Tom asks Director Chris Chartrand to touch on changes made to the Interlocal Agreement. Chris stated the agreement "may still be a work in progress", but the biggest changes were the weighted vote and the length of duration.  He offers to get copies of the by-laws for the selectmen. VJ made a motion to table this article until the October 1st meeting so the full board of selectmen can discuss further.  Tom agrees and seconded the motion.  Motion passed 2/2.

6.    Trash Complaint:  Health Officer Alf Wakeman was unable to attend but has been to the site and will follow up on 9/23.  CEO Judy Rolfe has been working with the Planning Board regarding wording of the ordinance.

7.    County Salt Bid:  A proposal was received from New England Salt of Bangor at $60.25 per ton. A motion was made by Tom to accept.  VJ seconded the motion.  Motion passed 2/2.   Irvin Pinkham inquired as to how many tons are usually used. Tom advised, per John's note, 280 tons.  Erwin Zimmermann asked if quote was delivered price.  Obbie explained price is for delivery to County Concrete.    

8.    Cable Franchise Renewal:   VJ stated it is necessary to have an agreement but desires to contact the town's attorney as how best to proceed.  He made a motion to table until the October 1st meeting so further research can be done. Motion seconded by Tom. Motion passed 2/2.

9.    GA Ordinance Updates:  Tom states these are governed by the state and therefore feels we need to abide. VJ agrees. Tom made a motion to accept updates.  VJ seconded the motion.  Motion passed 2/2.  Butch asked if the increase will make it easier to get help.  Amy answers that the process probably won't be easier, but the increase might help with cost of living increases. 

10. Road Commissioner:  Obbie begins by stating the roadside mowing was completed on Saturday, the 15th. He added that the hole by the clapper on the Ridge Road has been fixed and the clapper is now closed. He has also addressed a complaint from a resident in South Addison and reported that the culverts on the West Side Road will be shimmed.  He mentioned there continues to be concerns regarding the intersection by Tyler's Marine in South Addison and feels that something needs to be done. Judy Rolfe then voiced concerns regarding a septic system near that area which could be damaged should a truck drive over it. Shelia Mitchell mentioned a wash out near her home. Obbie will look into this along with other issues mentioned. 

     Public Comment:

Shellfish Warden, Irvin Pinkham -- Expressed concern about the illegal diggers on the flats during his recent vacation and feels this is largely due to the lack of no substitute coverage.  Judy Rolfe will bring this up to the Shellfish Committee at their next meeting for any input they may offer.  Irvin also expressed he would like to have his town clam license back.       E. Zimmermann inquires as to why he no longer has a town license. Butch responds.  


Christopher Chartrand/Marijuana Moratorium:  Chris inquires as to the progress on this and expresses concerns about timeframe and zoning.  CEO Judy Rolfe advises that the Planning Board is actively working on this and invites anyone with interest to attend the next planning board meeting.   


Judy Rolfe/Road Sign:  Judy is wondering about getting a road sign near the Wescogus and East Side Road intersection as she is concerned for the safety of children in that area.   Nothing was decided.


Jim Emerson/Pending Legal Cases:  Jim wanted an update on the Town's current legal cases.  CEO Judy Rolfe stated she is going to court on Friday, September 21, regarding the "clam shop" case and the Shoreland Zoning case was addressed on August 28th, but it will be late October before the outcome is known.


Jim also announced that the Addison Volunteer Fire Department has been approved to receive an $ 81, 000 grant which will be used toward replacement of the current air packs; in turn, keeping the Town 's cost to only about $ 4,000.00.  Jim expressed his deep gratitude to Eleni Wakeman and Sheldon Trundy for their combined efforts in making this happen.  


Irvin Pinkham/Addison Days Supper:  Butch reported that the recent benefit supper and auction went well and $ 813 was raised. He also mentioned that the same person who sponsored the pony rides for this year wishes to sponsor them again next year.



Those attending:  Judy Rolfe, Christopher Chartrand, Shelia and Stanley Mitchell, Irvin Pinkham, James Emerson, Tom Gordhamer, Charlene Hammond, Eleni Wakeman, Erwin Zimmermann, Osborne Davis, Vivian and Donald Therrien, others.


Town of Addison

Public Hearing

Automobile Recycling Renewal Permit

Approved Minutes

September 17, 2018

Selectmen Present: Thomas Batson, Verlan Lenfestey, Jr.


6:00 PM -- Tom Batson opens the hearing.  The purpose of this hearing is the renewal permit application submitted by Vivian Therrien regarding her automobile recycling business located at 23 Merchant Lane.  Tom asks CEO Judy Rolfe to give a report of her inspection.  Judy reports the site is very clean and organized with a first-rate fluid recycling system and she sees no issues at all.   Tom then asks for questions, concerns, or comments from the audience.  Fire Chief Jim Emerson expresses his gratitude to Vivian and Donald for allowing the Fire Department to use the site and automobiles for training purposes.  No further comments. 

Hearing Closed at 5:04 pm


Those attending:  Tom Gordhamer, Jim Emerson, Butch Pinkham, Chris Chartrand, Shelia and Stanley Mitchell, Charlene Hammond, Judy Rolfe, Vivian and Donald Therrien, Jr.


Town of Addison

Approved Meeting Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 20, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr. Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:55 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 6th Regular Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written.  VJ seconded the motion.  Motion passed 2/2.

August 13th Special Selectmen’s meeting: VJ motions to accept the minutes as written.  Tim seconds the motion.  Motion passed 2/2.

2.    Proposals for Municipal Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Receiving Services:  1 bid was received and was not opened.  A letter will be mailed to current bidders explaining more time is needed to reach a decision and clear any confusion between PRSWDD/Town of Addison and Rudman and Winchell – who is representing both parties.  Tom feels that the Town of Addison should meet with PRSWDD and Tim agrees.  Tom motions to table. Motion passed 3/3 to table until the next regular selectmen’s meeting on 9/17.

3.    Requests from PRSWDD Regarding RFP:  The question arises if it is appropriate for PRSWDD to submit an RFP.  Chris Chartrand presented an Interlocal Agreement from the PRSWDD Board.  The one most important change is the PRSWDD Board voted to move to a weighted vote.  This weighted vote does not include the volume of trash used in each town.  The weighted vote would give the voting power to the residents of each town.  Addison would have 26% of the voting power as the current population is 1,266 residents.  A 2/3 majority rule would be needed, so no two towns would run the vote. Discussion between Tim and Tom was whether recycling was “visible or not visible.”

4.    Marijuana Moratorium: The current Marijuana Moratorium has expired and the vote was to extend for another six months with a start date of 8/20/18.  The new expiration date would be 2/20/19.   Tom motions.  VJ seconds the motion.  Motion passed 3/3.

5.    Pleasant River Ambulance Interlocal/Bylaws: The Selectmen needed to approve the drafted copy with the mark ups/corrections discussed at the Special Selectmen’s Meeting on 9/13.  The drafted copy with the markup was available for everyone to read.  VJ needs more time to read line by line and compare to the old version.  Tim motions to table until 9/17 meeting.  Tom seconds.  Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Motion to accept Cheryl Paul’s resignation from PRA Board: It is with regret, but Tim motions to accept Cheryl Paul’s resignation and to thank Cheryl for her many years of service to the town as a director.  Tom seconds.  Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Automobile Recycling Business Permit Renewal: This is concerning Therrien’s Automobile Recycling Permit up for Renewal.  Tim motions to schedule a Public Hearing on 9/17 at 5PM just prior to the Selectmen’s Meeting. VJ seconds.  Motion passes 3/3.

8.    Complaint Regarding Trash at 625 Basin Road: Trash complaint “Looks like town dump.” Currently, there is no ordinance or state statute in place.  The CEO needs to gather models of other town’s ordinances regarding household trash.  Tim motions that Alf Wakeman – Health Officer be asked to visit and discuss health, welfare, and safety issues as well as the effect it has on others with citations as appropriate and necessary.  He will be asked to attend the next meeting 9/17 with an update on this issue.  Tom seconds.  Motion passes 3/3.

9.    Quote from Computer Guy to Install 7 New Workstations: Quote from The Computer Guy for $510.00 which is an estimate for new computer installations and networking.  Tim motions to accept the quote.  VJ seconds.  Motion passes 3/3.

10. Kim Requests to attend Motor Vehicle Fall Workshop: The Motor Vehicle Fall Workshop will be held on October 10, 2018 from 1:00 PM – 3:00PM in Machias.  Tim motions for Kim to attend the Motor Vehicle Workshop.  VJ seconds.  Motion passes 3/3.

11. September 3rd Regular Meeting (Holiday): There will be no meeting on 9/3. The next Selectmen’s meeting will be 9/17 at 5:30 PM.

 Public Comment: Peter Davis – Fair treatment should be given to all Town employees. Tim states that this is a personnel matter and should be an agenda item for the next Selectmen’s meeting 9/17 in executive session.

 David Ingersoll/Building Renovations: David wanted an update on the current building renovations being done here at Town Hall.  Peter the co-chair for the Building Maintenance Committee responded with what is scheduled in the next few months at Town Hall.

 Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Obbie Davis, Fran Havey, Sheila Mitchell, Amy Lenfestey, Chris Chartrand, David Ingersoll, Jim Sharber, Mary Thompson, Charlene Hammond, Tom Gordhamer, Cathy Fonda, and Peter Davis.  


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

August 13, 2018

Approved Meeting Minutes

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:30 PM


1.    Pleasant River Ambulance Continued Discussion:

Interlocal Agreement

Tim motions to have the attorney review the Interlocal with mark ups and amendments. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim will print a mark up copy for each selectman, along with a clean copy which will also be sent to the attorney.



            Options for Other Services


Those attending: Tom Gordhamer


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

Approved Meeting Minutes

August 6, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:25 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the July 16th Selectmen’s meeting: VJ motioned to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

2.    Guest Speaker – Legal Update on Marijuana Laws: Not present. Taken out of order. Tim gave a brief overview of the meeting he attended in Bangor where attorneys from Maine Municipal were present.

3.    Pleasant River Ambulance – Interlocal Agreement: Continued discussion of issues the selectmen have with the proposed agreement. All three attended the July 17th PRA board meeting, but feel the issues were not addressed. Tom motioned to compile a list of the concerns to present to our representative on the board, Cheryl Paul, and for Cheryl to come back to the second meeting in October with a response from the board. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

4.    Shellfish Warden – Regarding Recent Meeting: Irvin “Butch” Pinkham attended a SHAC meeting on July 26th regarding changes in legislation to municipal shellfish management. Butch wrote a review of the meeting for the selectmen and went over the items discussed. Baily Bowden from Penobscot was present and spoke about the law changes and the effects on towns.


Public Comment:

Fran Havey from Pleasant River Solid Waste asks for bid specs for the RFP for municipal solid waste receiving. Tim responded that the specs would contain the same services currently provided by PRSWDD. Erwin Zimmerman suggests a question in the specs as to what will be done with recyclables, since PRSWDD now has restrictions on the items.

Erwin Zimmermann requested any new information regarding the dilapidated buildings case. Tim responded that there was nothing new to report.

VJ inquired about the painting of town hall building. Don Williams is present and announces the Buildings Maintenance committee will be discussing this and other items at their meeting on Wednesday the 8th at 6.


Town of Addison

Approved Meeting Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 16, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr. Thomas W. Batson arrived at 5:05 PM

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:45 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the July 2nd Selectmen’s meeting: VJ Motioned to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

2.    Road Commissioner

Road Paving Plans:

Tree/Brush Trimming:

Roadside Mowing:

Taken out of order. Obbie plans road repairs and overlay to West Side  Road, brush cutting and overlay to Ridge Road, he will contact vendors for pricing on roadside mowing. He mentioned a sink hole that had formed by the clappers on Ridge and said he would contact DOT. Chris Chartrand inquired about the buildup of road sand along the road sides.

3.    Buildings Maintenance Committee Progress Report: Don Williams was not present to give a report. Tim mentioned that RS Insulation has picked up the down payment for insulating the underside of town hall and will begin soon.

4.    Addison Days Committee Report: Butch and Roberta gave a report on the events and said everything went well. They have received a lot of positive feedback. Cathy Fonda inquired about silent fireworks. Kim and Peter Davis collected almost $200 in donations for next year’s Addison Days.

5.    Request for WCSD to Occasionally Place a Deputy with Radar off Water Street: Tim will contact Sheriff Barry Curtis with the request. East side road is also mentioned.

6.    Pleasant River Ambulance Directors Meeting July 17 @ 7:00 PM: Tim and VJ plan to attend. Tom will try to make it. 

Public Comment: Mr. Zimmermann inquired about the status of the Kelsey properties in litigation. Tim responded that Kelsey’s attorney filed a motion to withdraw from representation. Kelsey has asked the court for more time. The town attorney has scheduled a phone conference with the court for Wednesday the 18th. DEP met with Kelsey and submitted a report to CEO Judy Rolfe. The meeting was to discuss shoreline stabilization and permitting to rebuild.

Chris Chartrand inquired about the RFP for municipal solid waste and would like detailed specs to take back to PRSWDD. He asked for clarification of the wording “collection”, the selectmen responded that it should have read “receive”. It is not for roadside pickup.

Irvin Pinkham mentioned new legislation regarding dangerous and nuisance dogs and the registration fees.

Tim reported that he had recently attended an MMA Legal update on marijuana laws. Mr. Zimmermann recommended inviting our local representative to a meeting to explain the laws.


Those attending: Mary Thompson, Cheryl and Richard Paul, Judy Rolfe, Roberta and Irvin Pinkham, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Cathy Fonda, Chris Chartrand, Erwin Zimmermann, Osborne Davis, Fran Havey


Town of Addison

Approved Meeting Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 2, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr.

Thomas W. Batson arrived at 5:20 PM

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:45 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the June 18th Selectmen’s meeting: Verlan made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2. Later in the meeting, Verlan mentioned that the mil rate approved at the last meeting had changed from 15.52 to 15.9 (same as last year).

2.    Buildings Maintenance – Bids:

Station #2 Three bids were received. The first bid was rejected because it was received past the deadline. The second bid was from GR Roofing in Brewer for $11,980. The third bid was from Maine Highlands in Abbot for $16,789. After some discussion of costs, Tim made a motion to accept the bid from GR Roofing. Verlan seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

Town Hall One bid was received. Maine Highlands bid was for $27,757. Tim motioned to accept the bid and to open discussion. Verlan seconded the motion. Items discussed were the costs and time frame to complete. Peter Davis will be doing some work before the painting could start. Tim asks if all are opposed to his motion. The motion failed 3/3. The bid was rejected.

Discussion of possible addition to Town Hall/Offices: Don Williams of the Buildings Maintenance committee talked about a possible addition to the North side of the town hall. The addition would house offices and a utility room, bathroom and handicap access for the second floor. Mary Thompson suggests budgeting for the improvement over a period of years. Tim recommended a strategic plan to include all town owned buildings.

3.    Pleasant River Ambulance – Interlocal Agreement/ByLaws: Tim voiced his concerns regarding the agreement and bylaws. His concerns are that town appointed board members can be removed by the PRA Board of directors. He feels this should be a recommendation to replace. Also the budget needs to be received by the budget committee in advance of the budget committee meeting, and there needs to be better reporting of expenditures. Verlan mentioned in kind contributions and how they would affect the overall budget amounts paid by towns in the district. His other concern is the length of the agreement. He suggested a 4-5 year term would be better than 15. Cheryl Paul recommended that the selectmen attend the next board meeting; to be held on July 17 at 7 PM. Tim motioned to table action until after the July 17th meeting. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

4.    Agenda Request – Mary Thompson Regarding Tax Assessing: Mary is concerned that the assessor should be present following the tax commitment to correct errors in assessments. A job description is needed, and should include the requirement. Tom motions to create a job description and to include the recommendation. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

5.    Motion to accept Sheldon Trundy’s resignation as Emergency Management Director: Tom motioned to accept the resignation with regret. Verlan seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

6.    Motion to appoint Richard Martin as alternate to the Planning Board: Verlan made a motion to appoint Richard Martin as alternate to the Planning Board. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

7.    Motion to appoint Tom Gordhamer as town representative on Pleasant River Ambulance board: Taken out of order. Tim motioned to appoint Tom Gordhamer as director on the PRA board. Verlan seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

8.    Motion to appoint Tim Cirone as alternate on Shellfish Committee: Tim made a motion to appoint Tim Cirone as alternate on the Shellfish Committee. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

9.    Motion to Enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Personnel Issues: Tim motioned to close the regular meeting and to enter executive session at 6:40 PM. Tom seconded the motion. Verlan recused. The regular meeting reopened at 7:35 PM. Tim motioned to introduce and lead brief team meetings. Tom seconded. Motion passed 2/2.

Public Comment: Taken out of order. Mary Thompson inquired about a schedule of events for Addison Days. John has created a flyer and Kim will add it to the website and town Facebook page. The town has received a request to join the County bid for bulk salt. Tom motioned to sign the request. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.


Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Mary Thompson, Amy Lenfestey, Dick Paul, Cheryl Paul, Paul Mutty, Osborne Davis, Cathy Fonda, Terry Grant, Don Williams.


Town of Addison

Approved Meeting Minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting

June 18, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:25 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the May 21st Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motioned to accept the minutes as written. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

2.    Pleasant River Ambulance – Interlocal Agreement/ByLaws: Tim recommended tabling the agreement and bylaws acceptance until the board had time to review. Tom made a motion to table and VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

3.    2018 RE Tax Mil Rate: Assessor Randall Burns recommended a mil rate of 15.52, which is slightly lower than last year’s mil rate (15.9). The board took no action as the assessor has authority to set the rate.

4.    Charter Communications Franchise Agreement: Tim motioned to not sign the agreement, siting the 10 year contract for cable tv is not available to all residents and by not signing, other options for service may be available. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

5.    RFP – Municipal Solid Waste/Recycling: Tabled 5/21. Tim motioned to accept the RFP format for solid waste and recycling, and to advertise. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

6.    Agenda Requests

Tom Treadwell – Regarding Abatement/Discount on Tax: Tom contacted the assessor in June with a request for an abatement, but the abatement wasn’t issued until after the discount had expired. There was discussion regarding the abatement application wording and whether or not it should be changed to include a recommendation to pay the tax in order to receive the discount, then apply for an abatement. The selectmen left it up to the assessor. Tim stated that the board cannot override the town’s decision which is clear in the warrant article. The discount expires 30 days after commitment.

Jimmy Crowley – Regarding Ordinance Creation/Enactment: Jimmy is not present. The item is tabled.

Tom Batson – Process for Filing a Complaint: Tom would like all complaints to be addressed to the board and submitted to the town office, rather than left taped to the door or otherwise. Tim felt this policy was already in effect.

Erwin Zimmermann – Regarding Dilapidated Building Case: Tom is concerned about releasing attorney client privileged information to the public and how that might affect the case. Tim stated that the case is ongoing and getting close to a resolution. The board would need the attorney to prepare a statement to be released to the public. Mr. Zimmermann responded that he had contacted Mr. Kelsey’s attorney and made an offer on the property, but she declined to discuss the case.

7.    Harbor Committee

Motion to Accept Luther Choate’s Resignation: Tim motioned to accept Luther’s resignation, with regret and asked John to send him a thank you card. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

Motion to Appoint Brent Redimarker, Ricky Guptill, Dean Cirone: Tim motioned to appoint Dean Cirone as full member. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. Tom motioned to appoint Brent Redimarker and Ricky Guptill as alternates. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

8.    Emergency Management – Drone Insurance Documents: Tim stated that Sheldon Trundy had resigned as EMA director and that Tim Hernandez may be interested and that he has drone certification. The drone insurance documents are tabled.

9.    Bold Coast Scenic Byway: Tim motioned to accept the sign design and placement for the scenic bikeway route. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

10. Motion to Enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Personnel Matters: Tim motioned to close the regular meeting and to enter executive session at 5:50 PM. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. Tim reopened the meeting at 6:15 PM. No action was taken. Items will be further discussed at the next meeting, along with employee reviews.


Public Comment: Taken out of order. Butch mentioned an issue with the mounting brackets for the Addison Point floats. He will contact Evans Tyler for an estimate. Jimmy Emerson stated that the generator is out for repairs.

VJ motioned to adjourn at 6:25 PM. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.


Those attending: Tom Treadwell, Irvin Pinkham, Cheryl Paul, Richard Paul, Osborne Davis, James Emerson Jr., Charlene Hammond, Courtney Hammond, Erwin Zimmermann, Judy Rolfe, Don Williams


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

June 13, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan Lenfestey Jr.

Thomas W. Batson is absent.

Meeting Opened at: 1:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 1:18 PM


The purpose of the special meeting is to discuss pending legal matters with the town’s attorney via phone conference per 1 MRSA §405.


Items discussed:

Can the cases be moved to Penobscot County

Recent document requests

Upcoming meeting between DEP and Kelsey




Those attending: CEO Judy Rolfe, Administrative Assistant John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2018


Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:01 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:30 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 27th Selectmen’s meeting: VJ motioned to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

2.    Pleasant River Ambulance

Interlocal Agreement:


Kelley Stewart Requests not to be Re-appointed:

Tim begins discussion. He has not had time to fully review the draft agreement and bylaws. Tim motioned to table the acceptance of the interlocal agreement until the board had time to review it. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. Tim inquired about out of service times, and call runs. Cheryl Paul responded that for the second quarter, there were 41 out of service hours, and 172 runs. YTD Addison runs are 40. Later in the meeting, Tim motioned to accept Kelley Stewart’s resignation from the PRA board. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

3.    Planning Board Requests Update to Building Permit Card:

1.    Mary Thompson, chair of the planning board requested that a disclaimer be added to the building permit card, as suggested by MMA Legal, to indemnify the Town against any claims made by the property owner or abutting land owner. Tom motioned to approve the disclaimer. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

4.    Road Commissioner – Road Signs: Tim is concerned about the number of missing or damaged signs. Road commissioner, Obbie Davis responded that he will coordinate with shellfish warden, Butch Pinkham to get the signs taken care of.

5.    RFP – Municipal Solid Waste: Tim motioned to table any action until the next regular meeting. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. There was discussion regarding services, costs, and recycling at both the PRSWDD and Mark Wright Disposal. The RFP request is in response to an ad that Mark Wright had published in the local papers, claiming that he could save the town’s in the district money by switching to his disposal service.

6.    Computer Upgrades: Tim motioned that he would like to work with John to compile a plan for replacing the current computer systems and software. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

7.    Emergency Management Drone Insurance Docs: MMA Risk Management has requested information regarding the drone that was purchased for insurance purposes. Tom motioned to table action until EMA Director, Sheldon Trundy can be present. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

8.    Harbor Committee 

Recommendation of Repairs:

Regular Meetings:

The selectmen have not received any recommendations from the harbor committee for repairs to the harbors and they’d like the committee to hold regular meetings. A meeting is scheduled for Wednesday the 23rd at 5:00 PM. VJ plans to attend.

9.    Complaint from Addison Fire Department Auxiliary: The selectmen received a complaint from the Auxiliary regarding the conditions of the hall and bathrooms after the Addison Days yard sale. Roberta Pinkham of the AD committee was present to address the complaint.

10. June 4th Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule: Tim motioned to cancel the June 4th meeting as he will be out of town on that day. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. The next regular meeting will be held on June 18th.


Public Comment:

Dick Paul questioned whether or not the meeting minutes were required to be published on the town website. Meeting minutes are not required to be published on a website, and towns are not required to maintain a website. He requested copies of the minutes be available as soon as possible. After further discussion, Tim motioned to publish unapproved meeting minutes on the website and that minutes are to be made available to the public in paper format at town hall. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.


Those attending: Don Williams, Cheryl Paul, Dick Paul, Charlene Hammond, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell, Judy Rolfe, Mary Thompson, Irvin Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, Osborne Davis


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 27, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:40 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 9th Selectmen’s meeting: VJ motioned to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

2.    Pleasant River Ambulance Interlocal Agreement (Tabled 4-9-18): Tim motioned to table action until PRAS completes the agreement and updates to the bylaws. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

3.    Appointment to PRA Board of Directors: Tim motioned to table action until an appointee is found. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

4.    Hazard Mitigation Plan – 2018 Update (Tabled 4-9-18): Fire Chief Jimmy Emerson has ok’d the plan. Tim motioned to sign the 2018 update. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

5.    Shellfish License Fees – 2018: Tim motioned to accept the shellfish committee’s recommendation for license fees for 2018. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

6.    Motion to Appoint Timothy Merchant as Alternate to the Shellfish Committee: VJ motioned to appoint Tim Merchant as alternate to the shellfish committee. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

7.    Insurance Requirements for Addison Days Vendors: John gathered information from MMA Risk Management and MMA Legal Services. After discussion with the Addison Days Committee, it was decided that only vendors whom are paid will require insurance. Tim motioned to require insurance from the three vendors whom will be paid and that the insurance certificates should be submitted by the next selectmen’s meeting. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

8.    Buildings Maintenance Bid Form: Tim motioned to accept the bid form. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. The proposal from Ryan Shaw for spray foam insulation was accepted and signed.

9.    Repairs to West River and Addison Point Floats: After discussion, Tom motioned to approve the repairs in excess of $2,900. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

10. Tom Requests Changing Selectmen’s Meetings to 1st and 3rd Mondays: Tom motioned to change the meeting schedule. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

11. Motion to Abate Taxes (Tax Acquired Property): Tom motioned to abate the tax. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. This will clear the amount in the GL account for auditing purposes.

12. Motion to enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Pending Legal Matters: Taken out of order. Meeting adjourned at 5:02 PM. Meeting reconvened at 5:45 PM. The selectmen voted to accept the settlement offer regarding the dilapidated building (clam shop) with modifications.

Notice: Agenda requests must be in writing and received within 2 business days prior to the next regular scheduled meeting.


Public Comment:

Erwin Zimmermann inquired about the dilapidated building (clam shop). Irvin Pinkham mentioned the issues he’s having with dog registrations. Any owner of an unlicensed dog will be summoned to court after May 4th at 4:00 PM.

Don Williams mentioned a dilapidated building off Cape Split road. There is discussion of whether or not the CEO and Fire Chief should inspect.

Tim motioned to repeal the motion to allow the Auxiliary to store bikes upstairs and to store them in the storage building instead. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.


Those attending: Irvin Pinkham, Judy Rolfe, Peter Davis, Mary Thompson, Cheryl Paul, Ronie Strout, Dick Paul, Charles Dowling, Erin Zimmermann, Don Williams, Sherri Batson, Jessica Whitcomb, Fran Havey, Charlene Hammond, Cathy Fonda


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 9, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan R. Lenfestey Jr. Thomas W. Batson arrived at 5:05 PM

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:45 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the following meetings:

February 26th Regular Selectmen’s Meeting

March 8th Special Selectmen’s Meeting

March 20th Public Hearings

March 20th Annual Town Meeting

March 20th Special Selectmen’s Meeting

VJ motioned to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

2.    Motion to accept the Hazard Mitigation Plan – 2018 Update: Tim motioned to table action until the selectmen and fire chief had time to read the plan. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

3.    Discussion of Letter Received from Mark Wright Disposal: Mark Wright, Chris Chartrand and Fran Havey were present to discuss the correspondence between PRSWDD, MRC, and MWD. Mark claims the towns in the district could save money by switching to his disposal service and had placed an ad in a local paper. Tim motioned for the selectmen to compose a request for proposal within 30-40 days to be approved at a selectmen’s meeting before sending off to MWD and PRSWDD. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

4.    Continued Discussion of Pleasant River Ambulance Service Interlocal Agreement and Other Options for Service: Tim began discussion regarding the agreement and stated that he found deficiencies. He has a mark-up of these deficiencies and will forward it to the other selectmen and PRA. Courtney Hammond and other members of PRA were present to answer to any questions the board had regarding the agreement. The annual report and financial statement need to be received earlier, along with a more detailed budget request for the budget meeting. Tim motioned to table until the next meeting. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. Dick Paul asked why Cheryl Paul had not been reappointed to the PRA board. Tim responded that he’d like to discuss the matter in an executive session since he felt it was a personnel issue. Later in the meeting, Tom motioned to appoint Cheryl Paul to the PRA board of directors. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

5.    Discussion of Letter Received from Maine DEP Regarding a Notice of Violation: No action was taken. Informational only item. The owner of the property in violation may be selling out and therefore the issue would be taken care of. CEO Judy Rolfe is monitoring the area.

6.    Motion to Issue Salary Increases – Approved at March 20th Town Meeting: Tom motioned to issue the increases. Tim seconded the motion. VJ abstained. Motion passed 2/2.

7.    Auxiliary Requests Use of 2nd Story @ Town Hall for Storage: Tom motioned to approve the request, but to use caution on the stairs. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. There was some discussion regarding the length of time items would be stored and why the PR Historical Society had been denied when they asked to store things upstairs. The Auxiliary would only need to store bikes (prizes) for about a month prior to Easter, whereas the Historical Society was seeking long term storage.

8.    Assessor Requests to Attend 2018 Spring Seminar: Tim inquired about the cost, which is $50. Tom motioned to approve the request. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

9.    Special Thank You to Friends of the Addison Volunteer Fire Department for their efforts in Raising Funds for the Replacement of Flooring at Station 1

10. Motion to Enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Personnel Matters: Taken out of order. Tim motioned to close the regular meeting and enter executive session at 7:24 PM with the assessor. VJ seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. The meeting reopened at 7:42 PM. Tim announced that the selectmen discussed issues and came to a resolution with the assessor.

11. Motion to Enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding a CEO Matter: Tim motioned to close the regular meeting and to enter executive session at 6:57 PM with the CEO, Judy Rolfe. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. The regular meeting reopened at 7:10. Tim announced that the selectmen discussed a matter with the CEO. Tom stated that he will work with the property owner to try to solve the issue.

12. Motion to Enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Pending Legal Matters: Tim motioned to close the regular meeting at 7:12 PM. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. The meeting reopened at 7:21 PM. Tim announced that the selectmen will deliberate further at the next meeting.

13. Complaint Regarding Road Sand: Taken out of order. Road Commissioner Obbie Davis was present to address the complaint. The road sand had been inspected by MDOT and passed. John has written a letter to the complainant and will forward a copy of the letter and complaint to the contractor. The contractor has damaged some town dirt roads during the last snow storm and Obbie is working with them to address the issue.


14. Motion to Accept Billy Thompson’s Resignation from the Harbor Committee: Tom motioned to accept the resignation. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. John was asked to send a letter to Billy, thanking him for his years of service to the town.

15. Harbor Committee – Regarding Harbor Ordinance: Taken out of order. Dean Crowley and other members of the committee were present to discuss changes that had been made to their proposed warrant articles for town meeting. The committee would like to submit amendments to the articles to be voted on at the next town meeting. The question of temporary storage was discussed, for boats that needed to be hauled up for repairs of emergency purposes. VJ will look into this further. The temporary overnight parking was mentioned and a sign stating the designated area will be ordered as soon as the committee comes up with the proper wording.     

Public Access:

Mr. Zimmermann inquired about the status of the dilapidated building. Tim responded that he’d like to hold off on discussion.

Mary Thompson mentioned the passing of Lennox Ramsay. The selectmen will send a signed card to the family.

Tom requested a change in the selectmen’s meeting schedule. He’d like to hold meetings on the 1st and 3rd Mondays rather than the 2nd and 4th. The request is tabled until the next meeting.

Tim motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 PM. VJ seconded the motion.


Those attending: Mary Thompson, Osborne Davis, Cathy Fonda, Judy Rolfe, Chris Chartrand, Don Williams, Cheryl Paul, Richard Paul, Ronie Strout, James Emerson Jr., Dean Crowley, Alex Thompson, Justin Thompson, Dean Cirone, Mark Wright, Courtney Hammond, Charlene Hammond, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Erwin Zimmermann, Fran Havey, Dana Crowley, Bob Hammond, Donald Lovejoy


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

March 20, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Verlan Lenfestey Jr., Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 8:50 PM

Meeting Closed at: 9:00 PM

1.    Motion to appoint Minor Officers (per list provided) for FY 18-19: Tim motioned to appoint minor officers per the list provided with the following exceptions: Harbor Committee – re-appoint Luther Choate; Dean Crowley; Alex Thompson; Justin Thompson; and Jason Tyler. Billy Thompson as alternate. Shellfish Committee – not to re-appoint Timothy Cirone; Bret Burke; and Craig Cirone. Buildings Maintenance – not to re-appoint Thomas Batson and Marcus Norton. The re-appointment of Cheryl Paul to the Pleasant River Ambulance board will be taken up at the April 9th Selectmen’s meeting. Renee Gray was mentioned as a possible replacement. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

2.    Motion to Cancel March 26th Regular Meeting: Verlan motioned to cancel the regular meeting. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. The next regular meeting will be held on April 9th.

3.    Motion to Approve sending Clerk and Registrar to Elections Training – May 8th and 9th: Tom motioned to approve sending the clerk and registrar to training. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

March 8, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 4:15 PM

Meeting Closed at: 4:50 PM



The special selectmen’s meeting was called to order at 4:15 PM. A motion was made to close the meeting and to enter executive session per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss pending legal matters with Attorney Edmond Bearor from Rudman Winchell. Motion carried with a unanimous vote. (Attorney Bearor by phone) The matters were detailed in a letter from Attorney Bearor to the Addison Board of Selectmen. 4:17

Resume special selectmen’s meeting at 4:50.

A motion was made to adjourn the special selectmen’s meeting.



Results of 2018 Annual Town Meeting 


Town of Addison


Law Enforcement/Marijuana Moratorium


March 13, 2018 – Adjourned

  March 20, 2018 – Reconvened


March 13

6:00 PM – Tim Thompson opened the Law Enforcement/Marijuana Moratorium Ordinance Hearings.  Motion was made to adjourn and take up public hearings on Tuesday, March 20 at 6:00 PM.  Motion seconded.  All are in favor of postponing the public hearings until Tuesday, March 20th at 6:00 PM.


Selectmen Present: Timothy Thompson, David Ingersoll, and Tom Batson

Present: Mary Thompson, Fran Havey, Obbie Davis, Kimbley Davis, Peter Davis, Amy Lenfestey, VJ Lenfestey, Chris Chartrand, Roberta Pinkham, and Butch Pinkham

 7:00 PM – Kim opens Town Meeting.  Chris Chartrand was nominated.  A “show of hands” vote was taken – “show of hands” unanimous for Chris Chartrand. Chris Chartrand elected Moderator.  An oath is given to the Moderator by the Clerk.  Mary Thompson motioned to postpone meeting until next week. Motion seconded. Meeting adjourned. Will reconvene on March 20, 2018 and start with Warrant Article 2 at 7PM.


March 20

6:00 PM




The Law Enforcement hearing was held to discuss the increased presence for the Washington County Sheriff’s Department in the town of Addison.  Questions and comments/discussions were open for the public. There will be a significant increase in price (ex. – startup costs, training costs with maintaining certifications included) if Addison decided on a private police department with no deduction in taxes as compared to a 2% increase in taxes with the Washington County Sheriff’s Department police officers/personnel.  Chief Deputy Mike Crabtree “was not opposed to grant monies, but just be prepared to pick up with funding after the shelf life is over.”  This change will not come into effect until next year’s budget. Tim Thompson asked for Addison’s support by a “straw vote” which is not legally binding.  Addison supports the decision for funding the Washington County Sheriff’s Department in the future.  




Marijuana Moratorium Ordinance “authorizes municipalities to regulate the number of retail marijuana stores and the location and operation of retail marijuana social clubs and retail marijuana establishments…as well as providing the option to prohibit the operation…within their jurisdiction.”

 6:45 PM – Tim Thompson reopens the Marijuana Moratorium Ordinance Public Hearing. As no decisions have come into effect on the state level, the Marijuana Moratorium Ordinance had expired and needed renewal for the Town of Addison.  The only change to the Ordinance was the dates, everything else stayed the same.  Mary Thompson “feels this ordinance is very important for this community as we don’t want these stores around schools and public places where our children are playing.”  No further discussion from the floor.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 12, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson arrived at 5:05 PM

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:07 PM

1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the January 22nd Selectmen’s Meeting and January 24th Special Selectmen’s Meeting: David motioned to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

2.    Tax Acquired Property Bids: One bid was received. Tim opened the bid from David Simpler for $13,996.52. Tom motioned to accept the bid. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

3.    Motion to Approve Warrant Articles for March 13th Town Meeting: Out of order. Tim motioned to accept the warrant articles with the addition of an article regarding the letter received from the Washington County Commissioners for possibly adding more law enforcement in the future. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

4.    Washington County Commissioners – Letter Regarding Adding More Law Enforcement Personnel: Washington County Sheriff recommended adding 3 additional law enforcement officers, but only 1 was approved. Commissioner John Crowley was present to talk about the request. The selectmen will respond to the commissioners after a town meeting vote. Tim motioned to add a warrant article for an advisory vote. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. It is recommended to ask Representative Robert Alley, Senator Joyce Makker, Sheriff Barry Curtis, and DA Matt Foster if they’d be willing to attend our town meeting.

5.    Agenda Request from Tom Batson (as private citizen) – Reject County Tax Bill: Tom stated that he is writing letters to departments regarding law enforcement and judicial system. Tim explains that there are severe penalties for not paying the County Tax.

6.    Pleasant River Ambulance Interlocal Agreement: Courtney Hammond was to provide an agreement for the selectmen to consider, but did not. Tim motioned for John to send a letter to PRA stating that we can not provide funding without an agreement. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. Tim motioned to appoint Erwin Zimmermann to a one member committee to look in to other options for Ambulance services. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

7.    Jonesport – Addison Middle Ground: This is for flats located in the Indian River/Crowley Island area. Judy Rolfe of the shellfish committee stated that she needs more time to research this. The committee has met with Jonesport selectmen and shellfish committee.

8.    Addison Tax Maps: Mary Thompson of the planning board discovered a discrepancy in the updated tax maps. She claimed that the assessor, Randy Burns didn’t have an explanation for the changes to a particular lot. She suggests that everyone check the new maps for any changes to their lots.

9.    Motion to Recall the Vote taken at the January 22nd Meeting Regarding Quote from Black Bear Security: David motioned to recall the vote. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. An article will be on the warrant for town meeting, asking for additional funds to add fire to the burglar system.

10.  Motion to accept Lloyd Jordan’s resignation from the Buildings Maintenance Committee: Tim motioned to accept the resignation, thanking Lloyd. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

11.  Motion to Appoint Judy Rolfe and James Emerson Jr. to the Budget Committee: Tim motioned to appoint and to add Erwin Zimmermann. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

12.  Beth C. Wright Walk for Life – Request for Use of Town Hall Facilities on May 19, 2018: Tom motioned to approve the request. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

13.  Emera Maine – Permission to Travel over Posted Roads: Tim signed the letter allowing travel over posted roads.

14.  MDOT – Radar Speed Trailer Loan Program: Tim motioned to accept the speed trailer. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

15.  Scenic Bikeway Signage: Tom motioned to support. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

16.  Motion to Enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding the Office Assistant Position: Tom motioned to enter executive session at 6:31 PM. Meeting reopened at 6:45 PM. John will check with MMA Legal regarding whether or not we need to have Amy reapply for the position since she has changed her mind about leaving.

17.  Motion to Enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Harbor Patrol: Tim motioned to enter executive session at 6:47 PM. Meeting reopened at 7:07 PM with a motion to adjourn.

 Public Access:

Road Commissioner Osborne Davis stated that we may need additional sand/salt.

Tim stated that he has received complaints regarding the winter sand puncturing tires.

David stated that he will not be seeking reelection as selectman.

Mr. Zimmermann inquired about legal representation. Tim responded that the town has chosen Rudman Winchell to replace Gilbert and Grief.


Those attending: Mary Thompson, John Crowley, VJ and Amy Lenfestey, Osborne Davis, Sheldon Trundy, Timothy Hernandez, Judy Rolfe, Adrian Batson, Irvin Pinkham, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Erwin Zimmermann, Jimmy Emerson, Fran Havey, Cathy Fonda


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

January 24, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 7:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:50 PM

1.    Harbor and Coastal Waters Warrant Articles: The selectmen rejected the recommendation from the Harbor Committee to allow storage after reviewing various information John gathered from the town attorney, MMA Legal, MMA Risk Management, and Varney Agency. There was discussion of additional items which should not be allowed to be stored at the harbors. Vessels, smelt huts, and other equipment were added to the proposed article. Usage was also discussed with changes to limited overnight parking in designated areas with permission from the harbor master. Members were changed to 5 members with 2 alternates appointed annually. Tim read the proposed articles aloud. Tim motioned to add article changes on the town meeting warrant. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

2.    John and Diane Myles Warrant Article Request Regarding Mooring Fees: David motioned to reject the warrant article request after reviewing MMA’s response regarding residency as it pertains to moorings and to send a letter in response to their request. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

3.    Possible Replacement of Town Attorney: After discussion of the current cases and how the attorney is handling them, Tom motioned to dismiss the current attorney and to hire Rudman – Winchell. Tim seconded the motion. David apposed. Motion passed 2/3. John will send a letter to Gilbert & Grief.

David motioned to adjourn at 7:49 PM.

Those attending: Irvin Pinkham


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 22, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Absent – Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:05 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the January 8th Selectmen’s meeting: David motioned to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

2.    Black Bear Security – Updated Proposal for Security System at Town Hall (Tabled last meeting): Discussion of proposals to include Fire and monitoring fees. Tabled until Bill Mercer of Black Bear Security can be present. Tim called Bill. Bill arrived later and answered some questions that were raised, including whether or not to use land line or cellular monitoring. Bill suggested cell only. The monthly monitoring fee would be $45 for both burglar and fire. Tim motioned to go ahead with the fire addition and cellular monitoring. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

3.    Jonesport/Addison “Middle Ground”: The selectmen received a letter from the Jonesport selectmen requesting that they reconsider/redefine the middle ground in the Indian River area. This will be addressed at the upcoming Shellfish committee meeting to be held on January 24th. Tim motioned to table the item until a recommendation is received from the Shellfish committee. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

4.    Article Request from John and Diane Myles Regarding Mooring Fees: The Myles request a property owner/tax payer be treated as a resident when paying mooring fees. Tim motioned to add a warrant article to the town meeting warrant. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

5.    Request from Columbia Falls to Process Motor Vehicle Registrations: Tim motioned to offer $150/week plus registration fees in order to process registrations for Columbia Falls until their new clerk has received the proper training. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

6.    Motion to Approve the Replacement of the Shellfish Ordinance and to Include on Town Meeting Warrant for Voter Approval: Judy Rolfe of the Shellfish committee summarized the changes which include fees, enforcement, fines, penalties, conservation. Tim motioned to accept the ordinance as written and to add an article to the town meeting warrant for voter approval. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

 7.    Motion to Approve Revisions to the Marijuana Moratorium Ordinance and to Place on Town Meeting Warrant for Voter Approval: Tim motioned to approve the revisions to the dates of the moratorium and to place an article on the town meeting warrant for voter approval. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

8.    Motion to Approve Revisions to the Harbor and Coastal Waters Ordinance and to place the Articles on the Town Meeting Warrant for Voter Approval: Tim motioned to table the item and to schedule a special selectmen’s meeting for Wednesday January 24th at 7:00 PM to further discuss the articles. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

9.    Motion to Appoint Les Stanwood to Friends of the AVFD: David motioned to make the appointment. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

10. Discussion of Possible Replacement of Town Attorney: Tim motioned to table the item and to take it up at the special meeting Wednesday at 7:00 when Tom can be present. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

11. Motion to enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Personnel Matters: Tim motioned to close the meeting and enter executive session at 6:45 PM. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2. Meeting reopened at 7:05 PM.

Public Access: Adrian Batson requests to clear out some old junk at the old fire station, currently being used as a storage building. Tim motioned to allow Adrian to remove the debris. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2. Don Williams requested that Bill Mercer be appointed to the Buildings Maintenance committee. Tim motioned to appoint Bill. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

Those attending: Mary Thompson, Judy Rolfe, Adrian Batson, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Erwin Zimmermann, Osborne Davis, VJ Lenfestey, Don Williams.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 8, 2018

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 8:07 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the December 11, 2017 Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motioned to accept the minutes as written. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

2.    Motion to enter executive session per 1 MRSA §405 – Rudman Winchell Legal Services: Taken out of order. Tim motioned to close the meeting and enter executive session at 5:25 PM. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. Tim reopened the meeting at 6:00 PM.

3.    Harbor Committee – Floats at South Addison Landing: Committee Chair, Dean Crowley was present. There was discussion regarding the floats at the South Addison town landing and when they should be taken out for the winter, damage and repairs. There was further discussion the storage of boats and gear, which currently is not allowed under the harbors ordinance. Concerns are insurance liability for damages to boats and town property, what special circumstances would allow temporary storage, whether to order new signs, and changes to the ordinance to include fines and penalties. David motioned to schedule a meeting for Thursday, January 11th at 5:00. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

4.    Black Bear Security – Updated Security System Proposal: Taken out of order. Bill Mercer of Black Bear Security could not make the meeting. Don Williams asked if the item could be tabled until the January 22nd meeting. The Buildings Maintenance committee feels there should be fire protection added to the proposal, or an option to include at a later date.

5.    Small Animal Clinic – 2018 Stray Contract: The selectmen signed the contract. Prices remained the same as last year.

6.    Buildings Maintenance –

Motion to accept Gary Magby and Parris Hammond Jr’s Resignations: Tim motioned to accept the resignations with regret. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3.

Motion to appoint Adrian Batson: David motioned to appoint Adrian. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/3. Tom abstained.

7.    No Bids Received for Tax Acquired Property – 76 Labrador Lane: Tim motioned to re-advertise the property with a minimum bid of $11,000. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. John will advertise in the Machias Valley and County Wide. The ad will run 2 weeks.

8.    Motion to enter executive session per 1 MRSA §405 in order to perform employee reviews: Item taken out of order. Tim motioned to close the meeting and enter executive session at 6:25 PM. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. Tim reopened the meeting at 8:05 PM.


Thank you to Don Williams, Stephen Oliver, Reed, and others who helped during the purchase and installation of the handicap ramp at town hall.


Public Access: Taken out of order. Tim motioned to add a warrant article to the annual town meeting warrant to extend the marijuana moratorium ordinance 6 months or longer if law allows. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed 3/3. John will check with MMA Legal to see how long a moratorium can be extended. Tom brought up a complaint he had received regarding a damaged mailbox due to snow removal. Road Commissioner Obbie Davis recommended contacting the contractor. There was discussion of mailboxes being placed in the right of way and the rules regarding placement of mailboxes. The town is not liable for damages to mailboxes. Tim presented a proposed Mobile Home ordinance for the selectmen to review.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 11, 2017

Selectmen Present: Tim Thompson, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:15 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 27th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Road Commissioner:

a.    McMann Road – Tabled until CEO has further information. Motion passes 3/3.


b.    Road Signs – There is a need for a tractor and post-hole digger.  Obbie Davis mentioned he would like to hire someone and he will be the contractor.  Steven Emerson was mentioned – he would not be hired by the town, but by Obbie himself.  Green posts should be 10 ft. posts.  Signs are needed at the following places:

-       Narrows Rd

-       School St.

-       Firehouse

                 There is a possibility to go to Stillwater Ave. and get posts that are     

             needed to finish the job.  The quicker the better as the ground is not  frozen. Obbie states that the signs are what he has next on his “to-do” list.       

3.    Motion to cancel/re-schedule December 25th Selectmen’s Meeting: Tom motions to cancel the December 25th meeting. David seconds. Motion passes 3/3.

4.    Registrar of Voting Appointment: Tom motions to table Appointment for Registrar of Voting. David seconds. Motion passes 3/3. 


Mailboxes hit by snowplows: Don Williams wanted to know who is responsible for paying for a mailbox when it is hit? Peter Davis states it should be County Concrete’s choice if they pay for the replacement or not vs. the Town of Addison.

Sand Clean-up by Town Landing:  Shelia Williams wanted to know if all the sand had been cleaned up? Yes, but there is still work to be done. CEO stated that you must follow the Rip-Rap guidelines of what is already there and keep to that footprint.

 Clapper at Town Landing: Has this been fixed? No, it is a state issue.  Nothing has been put back.

Sand/Salt Shed Court Case: Date changed to Thursday, December 14th at Penobscot Courthouse. Obbie, David, and Tom plan to attend.

PDQ door issue: There is a problem with the door on the Sand/Salt Shed and it stuck in the up position. The door at this time will not go down.  Obbie asked for the number to call as there is a contract for repairs/service to the door. The Selectmen feel it should be their responsibility to fix it.

Christmas Tree in Addison Town Park: Cape Split volunteers were recognized for their hard work on the Christmas Tree. Selectmen feel a tree should be in the Addison Town Park this year. Boys Scouts and Addison Days Committee were mentioned to find a tree and put up this coming week or ASAP.  Judy Rolfe and Adrian Batson will be getting a tree from their land instead.  Selectmen have approved a budget of $100 for lights, decorations, and a Merry Christmas sign. Additional materials needed: 4 stakes, Rebar – 4ft pieces, and rope to tie off the stakes with.

Building Maintenance update:

-   Ramp project: Will be assembled 7AM Saturday (December 16th) in the old Fire Station/Storage building. Stephen Oliver will bring it over after assembled. Keys were given to the Fire Station.

-   Light on Firestation 2: Light is out. Who is responsible for fixing? Building Maintenance Committee or Fire House??? Selectmen agree BM Committee is responsible. New light should be vandal-proof with screen or break-proof glass. Terry Grant has agreed to replace light fixtures. Selectmen agree 3 replacement exterior lights are needed. Should be 110 not 220/Flourescent lamps/LED tube lights. At the new Fire Station, the lights are very bright and economical. Obbie wanted to know just how bright these lights would be? Selectmen wanted to know if there is a need to have the lights on at all times vs. motion lights?

-   Lights out back of Addison Town Hall: Should they be illuminated?  What is the cost?

-   Lights at Sand/Salt Shed: Question – Would it be cost-effective to have vandal proof lighting vs. an automatic timer running from dusk till dawn?

-   Notification to all Building Maintenance members: Some members are not being notified and are upset. David feels a phone call would be better than an email.  Committee members are finding it hard to make a quorum/decision with only 3 or 4 members attending.

-   Security system: This was approved at Annual Town Meeting in March. Is the wiring finished? Yes, Black Bear Security can be contacted on Monday December 18th. Amendment – Building Maintenance will oversee project with Selectmen’s approval. Tim Thompson will be involved. Motion passes as Amended. 3/3.

? Will this be on during the day and how will it work? Possibly a passcode will be used and and it will be necessary to rearm when leaving the building but not during regular business hours. This will only be at night and weekends

-   Insulation: This is pending wiring has been done. Ryan Shaw can now be contacted.

-   Shellfish Committee: Is there space for totes in old Firehouse/BM Storage Building? There is room around boat. These totes are light and stackable. At this time, there are 21 nets. Next year at this time, there will be 41 nets.

  Public Access:

 Thank you to Don and Teresa Williams, Nona Cirone, and Patrick Blondy for erecting a Christmas tree at Cape Split Road.

 Those attending: Peter Davis, Osborne Davis, Judy Rolfe, Adrian Batson, Sheila Mitchell, Don Williams, and Fran Havey


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 27, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll.

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:45 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 13th Selectmen’s meeting: David made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

2.    Fire Truck Bids:

a.    Forestry Truck 1967 Kaiser Jeep Tractor/Truck-

Jerry Blackburn bid $1257.00

Adam Thompson bid $859.95

Shawn Santerre bid $1875.00

Amy Thompson bid $500.00

Bid awarded to Shawn Santerre


b.    Rescue Truck 1978 International Loadstar-

Jerry Blackburn bid $907.00

Adam Thompson bid $859.95

Shawn Santerre bid $1300.00

Amy Thompson bid $350.00

Bid awarded to Shawn Santerre


3.    Policy for Use of Station #1 Training Room: The selectmen have received complaints from groups that use the meeting room. The policy is limited to 3rd party organizations and non-profits. Fire Chief Jimmy Emerson stated that he didn’t know where this was coming from and he’d like to speak with whoever made the complaint. Tim responded that in the future, the selectmen will require a written complaint.

4.    Town Office Internet/Computers/Phones/Multi-Purpose Printer: Tim met with Cloud 9 Electric and John Rittenhouse on Saturday the 25th at town hall to complete the wiring. John Woodward will coordinate a time for Cloud 9 and Fairpoint to meet and discontinue old service and installation of a new box for the fax line. The other items are tabled.

5.    Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Tax Acquired Properties: Tim suggested taking this item up last. Tim motioned to close the meeting at 5:34 PM and to enter executive session. The meeting reopened at 5:41 PM. The selectmen signed quit claim deeds for properties repurchased within the 30 day redemption. Tim motions to advertise tax acquired property located at 76 Labrador Lane. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.


6.    Tentative Schedule – Budget/Warrant Articles/Town Report Delivery/Town Meeting (set a storm date for town meeting?): Tim read the schedule prepared by John Woodward. Tim motioned to accept the schedule. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2. The selectmen decided not to set a storm date.

7.    Emera Maine – Automatic Maintenance/Repair Service: Tim motioned to opt out of automatic maintenance/repair service. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

8.    Appointments to Friends of Fire Department:

Juanita Gray

Tom Gordhamer

Tim motioned to make the appointments. David seconded the motion. Motion passed 2/2.

9.    Wind Turbine Repairs: (Thank you to Don Williams, Adam Thompson, and Terry Grant for their help getting the inverter re-installed after repairs by Bergey Windpower) Another thank you was extended to Obbie Davis and Don Williams for the sign placement at Indian River.

Public Access: Mr. Zimmermann inquired about the Kelsey properties. There has been no activity since the last selectmen’s meeting. Mr. Zimmermann mentioned the depression in the West Side road seems to be worsening. Road Commissioner Obbie Davis responded that he’d take a look at it. Judy Rolfe inquired about the handicap ramp. Don Williams of the Buildings Maintenance committee responded that Peter Davis will start on the ramp as soon as possible and if not completed prior to the annual senior citizens Christmas party, another individual will install the ramp.

Those attending: Don Williams, Osborne Davis, VJ Lenfestey, Peter Davis, Mary Thompson, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Judy Rolfe, Tim Hernandez, Erwin Zimmermann, James Emerson, Eleni Wakeman, Sheldon Trundy


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 13, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:25 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the October 10th and October 16th Selectmen’s meetings: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Policy for Use of Station #1 Meeting Room: Tim feels there has been some resistance from the fire department for boards and committees to use the training room at the new fire station. The use of the room was part of the selling feature of the building. This item is tabled until the next meeting. John will contact Chief Jimmy Emerson to see if he can attend.

3.    Fair Point Easement – Indian River Road: Tim signs the easement after some brief discussion. This will allow guy wires to be attached to poles that may be on town owned property.

4.    Update on Handicap Ramp – Town Hall: Don Williams of the Buildings Maintenance committee stated that the handicap ramp was ordered and had been delivered. The ramp is scheduled to be installed within the next two weeks. The committee followed up with other companies for an alternative, but the current ramp was chosen. Tim stated that the inverter for the wind turbine had been repaired by Bergey Wind Power and is on its way back to the town.

5.    Update on Recent Road Work / Signs: Road Commissioner Obbie Davis stated that the paving has been completed on Ridge, Mooseneck, Cape Split, and School Street. He is continuing work on the Ridge road, removing trees and debris. Tim worked with Don Williams and Obbie to prepare the posts at Indian River for the Addison sign. Dean McGray will complete the project. Erwin Zimmermann asked Obbie about paving Clamshell lane. The maintenance of Clamshell lane was swapped with Fire House lane after the new fire station was built.


Public Access: Erwin Zimmermann inquired about the Kelsey dilapidated building case. Tim responded that the towns attorney had filed a response to the motion to stay, and told Erwin that John would provide him with a copy.



Those attending: Osborne Davis, Peter Davis, Mary Thompson, Judy Rolfe, Don Williams, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, VJ Lenfestey, Erwin Zimmermann, Fran Havey



Town of Addison

Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting

October 16, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson arrived at 3:06 PM

Meeting Opened at: 3:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 3:44 PM


Tim opens the emergency meeting with a motion to close and enter executive session per 1 MRSA § 405 regarding dilapidated buildings. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. The selectmen reviewed recent correspondence with attorney Charlie Gilbert. Richard Kelsey filed a Rule 80B, and his attorney is asking permission to file a motion to stay, which would give Kelsey more time. Tim motions to reopen the emergency meeting at 3:40 PM. Tim motions to NOT grant a motion to stay and to proceed with the timeline of the order to remove the clam shop. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Those attending: Selectmen, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

October 10, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:27 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 25th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Motion to enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Dilapidated Buildings: Tim motions to close the meeting at 5:01 PM. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The meeting reopened at 5:20 PM. Tim stated that the discussion was regarding how to handle future discussion as the deadline draws near.

3.    Don Williams –

Buildings Maintenance: Mr. Williams presents a design to the selectmen for the replacement of the handicap ramp at the rear of the town hall building. The selectmen go outside to observe and discuss the layout. The ramp proposed is fully adjustable and reusable. David brought up the need for signs and possibly painting the parking lot to mark the handicap access areas. The cost estimate including shipping is $7,642.65 plus installation. Tom motions to authorize the purchase and begin installation unless Don finds something different that costs less. Don and Verlan Lenfestey will check with EBS and Hammond Lumber to see if they have an alternative. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Welcome to Addison Signs: Obbie reported that the holes have been dug for the Addison sign at the mouth of Crowley Island Road. The sign will require 12’ 4x4’s to bring it above the guard rails and be visible for traffic. Don will contact Dean McGray and Ron Carpenter of the Sign Committee to coordinate installation.

4.    McMann Road Issues: Tim called the Maine Forest Service to report the illegal dumping of old traps and debris. Judy had been in contact with DEP and will call DMR regarding the traps to try to determine who they might belong to.

5.    Used Fire Vehicle Auction: Tim has prepared specifications for an ad to be placed in the local papers. The terms of the bid were discussed. No minimum bid, no reasonable offers refused, 10 days to remove or the truck would be put back out to auction, bids should be marked and separate for each truck, bids accepted thru November 27th. Tom motions to place ads in the Machias Valley and County Wide, to run for two publications. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


6.    Road Commissioner –

a.    Paving Quotes: The quote from County Concrete is discussed. The current paving budget does not cover costs to pave the roads listed. Obbie will cut back paving plans for School Street and possibly Cape Split.

b.    Signs Update: Obbie has picked up street signs and get them placed as soon as possible, including relocating the fire station signs from Water Street to East Side road. Tim brought up the possible road closure on Cape Split and provides contact information for SAD 37 for 24 hour notification of the road closure.

7.    October 23rd Selectmen’s Meeting: Tim may not be in town in time for the meeting, but feels the other two selectmen can handle it. No change to the regularly scheduled meeting.

Public Access: None


Those attending: Don Williams, Verlan Lenfestey Jr., Judy Rolfe, Osborne Davis, Sheila Mitchell, James Emerson Jr. Fran Havey, Sheldon Trundy


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 25, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson arrives at 5:05 PM

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:12 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 11th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Abby Lamb House: Abby Eden presented information regarding the Lamb house to the selectmen. The Lamb House is a refuge for displaced families who have lost their home to a natural disaster such as a fire.

3.    Berkey Malfunctioning Septic System: Judy Rolfe (LPI) stated that Ted Berkey had picked up the plumbing permit and has contracted with Marcus Norton to replace the system. Tom motions to allow an extension of the deadline for replacement until October 15th and if not completed by then, the selectmen will entertain a fine or another extension if not completed by that date. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

4.    Bids for Removal of Dilapidated Building: Tim opens bids from local contractors for the removal of the Old Clam Shop at Clamshell Lane.

Mark Wright Construction - $13,990

Marcus Norton - $12,275 (excluding concrete removal and any necessary permits)

Carver Construction - $13,750

Tim motions to accept the bid from Mark Wright Construction. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Road Commissioner: Tim begins discussion of road work by asking about the Addison sign at Crowley Island Road. Obbie responded that the sign should be placed within a week. Tom asked about the tree removal from the Dyke, he had bid on the project. Obbie responded that he has contacted Bruce Farren for a price to do the work. David asked about items that were not taken care of by the contractor at the sand/salt shed. Other items discussed were downed trees in ditches and road side mowing. Obbie is working on getting quotes for the roadside mowing and presents a quote from County Concrete for paving projects. Obbie will let the selectmen know by the next meeting if he can complete the work before the weather changes, or if the work should go out to bid.

6.    Mooring Tags: Butch has been patrolling the harbors and looking into the status of the moorings. The town discontinued mooring tags because the owners were not installing them on the mooring and they did not hold up. David Thompson suggested the mooring number be painted on the mooring ball. It is also suggested that the ordinance be revised to include that the moorings need to be marked. This information will be passed on to the harbor committee to take up at their next meeting.

7.    October Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule: The next scheduled meeting falls on Columbus Day. Tim motions to hold the meeting on the following night; Tuesday October 10th at 5:00 PM. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.  

Other: David Thompson asked the selectmen how much had been spent on the Alex Thompson shoreland zoning violation attorney fees. John responded that so far, $2,647 had been spent. David asked the selectmen why the town doesn’t issue a variance and back off. Tim responded that the town is obligated to uphold the shoreland zoning ordinance and if not, the state would come after the town. Amy Lenfestey asked where the attorney fees are coming from. Tim responds that the town is paying them and when a fine is imposed, the town will be reimbursed.

Butch (Irvin Pinkham) updated the selectmen regarding his work as harbor master and shellfish warden. There had been some damage at the West River landing that he is looking in to. Some gravel has been dumped and there is some concern regarding where the gravel came from and whether or not a permit should be issued. Judy will work with Butch to resolve the matter.

Jimmy Emerson asked about who pays for the removal of the dilapidated building. Tim responded that the town pays upfront costs, and then assesses a special tax to the property owner. This opens further discussion of other dilapidated buildings in town and that the town maybe singling out one property owner. John responded that the town has had other buildings removed. The Heritage House on Water Street, the Toy Store off Basin Road, and the Indian River store off Indian River road.

Judy is looking into complaints regarding household trash and will contact our health officer, Alfred Wakeman for assistance.  She also mentioned the junk off McMann road. Tom was going to contact the forestry department and others to try to get something done about it. This item is tabled until the selectmen have more time to look into it.


Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Osborne Davis, Cathy Fonda, Alex Thompson, David Thompson, Amy and VJ Lenfestey, Al Galembishi, Mary Thompson, Jim Emerson, Irvin Pinkham


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 11, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at:  5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at:   6:24 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 28th Selectmen’s meeting:  David motions to accept minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3/3

2.    Demo Bids – Dilapidated Buildings:  Tom questions if all contractors are aware that some work has been completed.  Tom motions to table this item until John is present to be sure all bidders are aware.  David seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3/3.  Bids are not opened.

3.    Buildings Maintenance Committee – To Do List:  David mentions underfloor insulation not on list, and requests it be added. Meeting was attempted last week, no quorum established. It was noted that the propane connection is most pressing on list.  Meeting set for September 19th @ 6:00 PM.  All three Selectmen will be present.  Contact John Rittenhouse, Co-Chair,  regarding meeting.  David suggests regular monthly meetings.  Tim suggests compiling a list of work to be done, possibly putting it out to bid.  Fran Havey inquires about handicap ramp.  Tim states he has been in contact with Mr. Zimmermann regarding aluminum ADA compliant ramps.  Mary Thompson desires the platform be discussed with Auxiliary members. Tom suggests informing Auxiliary members of Sept. 16th meeting and inviting them to have someone present.  

4.    Fire Department 

            a. Out of Service Trucks – Chief Jim Emerson inquires if out of  service trucks are going out to bid. Tim responds yes, and requests that Jim email him specs and maintenance                                        disclosures on both trucks. Tim motions trucks be put out to bid with no minimum bid (as they are of low value) and with a time limit for removal. Tom seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3/3. 

            b. Post “No Hunting” signs near Fire Stations – Jim Emerson  voices concerns of people hunting near or at the Fire Stations and requests permission to post “no hunting”                             signs at both stations.  Tim motions to allow “no hunting”  signs be posted at and around both fire stations.  David seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3/3.

            c. Appointments to Friends of the Fire Department -- Mardi Russ and Les Stanwood:  Tim motions to make the  appointments.  Tom seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to perform a 90 Day Employee Review:  Moved out of order to do “Other” first.

Other:  Several unresolved issues with the Road Commissioner: Indian River Road sign, road side mowing, trees in ditches (per DEP via Judy no permit is needed as it is a municipal project as long as there is no stump removal), power lines along the dyke, sand/salt shed not cleaned up-chain across entrance – add as an agenda item for the Sept. 25th Selectmen’s meeting and request Obbie’s presence.  

Tim questioned if NARPA permit has been done for removal of the clam shop.

The wind turbine inverter and electronics need repair – must be shipped.  Tim inquires if Friendship Trap can strap items for shipping, Jim E. answers yes. Tom motions to commit funds to take apart and ship wind turbine.  Tim seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3/3.  

DEP Contractor Certification Training set for November 7th, @ Station 1 from 8 am to 4pm – open to anyone – discussion on where to advertise.    Tim makes a motion for there to be a minimal $20 fee, payable no later than 7 days prior to the class. Payments to be taken at the Town Office.  Tom seconds the motion.  David abstains.  Motion passes 2/3.

VJ Lenfestey inquires as to why so many people have been “lost” from town committees.  Tim states frequent turnovers are pretty normal.  He also states that many members have served long term and may have possibly burned out.  Tim offers for VJ to read the letters resignation from the various members. 

Butch states Addison Days Committee Meeting scheduled for Sept. 18.  Agenda items to be discussed are fundraising ideas and a recruitment plan.

5.    Motion to close regular meeting and enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to perform a 90 Day Employee Review:   Tim motions to close the regular meeting and enter executive session.  Tom seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3/3.  Meeting reopened at 6:23.  Tim stated some issues were discussed.            

Those attending: Mary Thompson, VJ and Amy Lenfestey, Irvin Pinkham, Judy Rolfe, James Emerson, Jr., Marcus Norton, Sheldon Trundy, Fran Havey, Shelia and Stanley Mitchell, Richard Kelsey and others.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 28, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:15 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 14th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Judy East – Washington County Council of Governments: Judy talked about current achievements of WCCG, current projects, information available on their website and various grants that are available. The harbor committee inquired about any grants that would be available to help fund a town pier in South Addison. If Addison decides to rejoin WCCG, Judy would write grants for the town. Construction costs for a pier are estimated at 1 million.

3.    Mary Thompson – Agenda Request regarding properties being taxed as ‘ON’: Taken out of order. Mary requests a review of properties being taxed as on. These include mobile homes and stick built homes, on land of someone else. The concern is how the properties are being taxed and what happens if the owner of ‘on’ decides not to pay the taxes. Does the town foreclose, and if so, what can the town do with the ‘on’ property. Mary will work with assessor Randall Burns.

4.    Septic Malfunction – Cape Split: LPI Judy Rolfe has received a septic permit application from the owners of the malfunctioning septic system. She will contact them for specific dates of completion.



Response from Lobster Trap regarding speeding trucks: Lobster Trap has notified their drivers of the issue. Another issue mentioned in their letter was the problem at Mooseneck road corner. This was discussed previously at a prior selectmen’s meeting. Road Commissioner Osborne Davis will contact Lobster Trap.



The harbor committee requested a warrant article regarding membership and alternates of the committee.

Obbie will meet with Judy to walk the dyke and determine what trees/shrubs can be cut. Judy stated that a permit from DEP may be required.

Erwin Zimmermann inquired about the time frame for removal of dilapidated buildings. The deadline is mid-October.

Tim asks Obbie about the Welcome to Addison sign at Indian River. Obbie responded that he has dug the holes for the signs and needs to meet with Dean McGray for installation.

Stanley Mitchell asked Obbie about roadside mowing. Obbie responded that he will look into this.


Those attending: Osborne Davis, Irvin Pinkham, Judy Rolfe, Mary Thompson, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Peter Davis, Justin Thompson, Cathy Fonda, Erwin Zimmermann, Judy East.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 14, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:01 PM

1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the

a.    July 24th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

b.    August 8th Special Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Tabled Items from July 24th

a.    Storage of Items – Pleasant River Historical Society: Ronie Strout of the historical society is present. She stated that the Grange has allowed the society to continue using their building for storage for another year. Tim explains that our insurance would not allow storage of items without proper insurance provided by the historical society.

b.    Welcome to Addison Sign – Indian River area: Obbie Davis, road commissioner, is not present. There is brief discussion of posts and concrete.

3.    Request to Rejoin Washington County Council of Governments: This request was from the Harbor Committee. The committee is looking for help writing grants for various projects. Tim explains that the annual dues have increased and there is an additional fee for help with writing grants. John will ask Judy East of WCCOG to attend a future meeting to discuss the services they offer to members.

4.    Request to Advertise for Bids to Demolish Dilapidated Buildings: Tim motions to advertise. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Request to Advertise Training for DEP Certification for Contractors to be held at Station #1: Tim motions to advertise the training for two weeks in the local paper. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Motion to accept Dan Fortin’s resignation from the Buildings Maintenance committee: Tim motions to accept the resignation with regret and thanks Dan for his hard work. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Motion to appoint Kristin Alley, Haley Batson, Danni Emerson, and Charles Dowling Jr. to the Friends of the Addison Volunteer Fire Department: Tim motions to make the appointments. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


8.    Judy Rolfe, LPI – Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding a Malfunctioning Septic System: Taken out of order. Tim motions to close the meeting at 5:36 PM. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Meeting reopened at 5:59 PM. The selectmen considered the LPI’s recommendation of the notice of violation at 401 Cape Split road. Tim motions to execute the notice of violation. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Other: Erwin Zimmermann inquired about the old fire station at Clamshell Lane. Tim responded that the building is owned by the town and is currently used for storage.

Ronie Strout inquired about a ‘School Bus Turn’ sign for the Wescogus road. The selectmen respond that it is the responsibility of the school district to provide the sign.

Tom suggested a letter from the board of selectmen to BBS and JK bait regarding speeding on East Side road. Tim motions to include the Sherriff’s department in the correspondence. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Erwin Zimmermann inquired about what the town’s intentions are if Kelsey doesn’t comply with the orders to take down dilapidated buildings. Tim responded that the town’s attorney would have to advise before any action is taken by the town to remove the buildings.

Tim stated that the survey and boundary descriptions have been completed and the town’s attorney is working on boundary line agreements for signatures. David motions to approve the sketch provided by South Meadow surveying. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Ronie Strout, Erwin Zimmermann, Cathy Fonda, Fran Havey, Alex Thompson, John Woodward, Board


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

August 8, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 3:30 PM

Meeting Closed at: 3:48 PM


1.    Motion to enter executive session per 1 MRSA § 405 regarding recent Shoreland Zoning Violations: Tim opens the meeting and recuses from discussion. Tom motions to close the meeting and enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Meeting reopened at 3:46 PM by Tom. Tom stated that personnel issues were discussed along with the Alex Thompson Shoreland Zoning violation. Tom makes a motion to refer the Alex Thompson matter to the town’s attorney for prosecution in district court for the shoreland ordinance violations. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


Those attending: John Woodward, Judy Rolfe


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 24, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:30 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the

a.    July 10th Selectmen’s meeting:

b.    July 13th Special Selectmen’s meeting:

c.    July 19th Special Selectmen’s meeting:

David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Motion to enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Shoreland Zoning Violations: Tim motions to close the regular meeting and enter executive session at 5:01 PM. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The regular meeting reopened at 5:12 PM. Tom motions to supply the information requested by Alex Thompson’s attorney with a charge for labor. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Alex Thompson questions the amount. David states the information is on the town’s website.

3.    Town Hall Boundary Agreement: No action.

4.    Shellfish Warden –

South Addison Town Landing Vandalism: Butch has contacted the sheriff’s department to report the vandalism. Discussion of vehicles parking overnight at the landings and restriping the parking lots. Damage to pavement where a boat had been hauled out for repairs. Obbie will be asked to inspect the damage. Inquired about additional signs for the harbors. Tim motions to contact Cloud 9 electric to make repairs to the damaged wires at the SA Landing caused by vandalism. Tom seconds. Motion passes 3/3. Butch has purchased seafoam for the boat engine and stated that it is running better.

Harbor Patrol Issues:

5.    Agenda Request – Bert Merchant Regarding Signs: Bert requests a children at play sign for the Ridge road. Discussion of speed limit. The stop sign at the end of Old Addison road needs to be replaced. Bert offers to pay for ½ of the children at play sign.

6.    Agenda Request – Peter Davis Regarding Contractors Certification for Shoreland Zoning: Peter is not present. Tim motions to table the item. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Items Tabled July 10th

a.    Welcome to Addison Sign @ Indian River: Obbie will check on this and report back at the next meeting.


b.    Town Owned Poles: Discussion. Maybe could be used at curbside along town hall. Obbie will try to use them.

c.    Mooseneck Road: Tim has found the deed to the old grange hall and there is no agreement to move the building. The town will not get involved any further.

8.    Appointments

a.    Peter Anderson – Planning Board:

b.    Kelly Stewart – Pleasant River Ambulance:

c.    Bobbi Floyd – Friends of the Fire Department

d.    Michele Malcolm – Friends of the Fire Department

Tim motions to make the appointments. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

9.    Motion to enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to perform a 45 day review of the Shellfish Warden: Tim motions to close the meeting at 6:30 PM. The meeting reopened at 7:25 PM. Butch is to work another 45 days and have another review.


Other: Mary Thompson commends the Addison Days committee. Mary reports damage to a culvert by Cape Circle. Obbie stated that he will be replacing the culvert soon.

Ronie Strout on behalf of the Pleasant River Historical Society requests to store items at town hall. Tim is concerned about the liability. Tim motions to table the request until the next meeting. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Mr. Zimmermann inquired about the Kelsey agreements. Kelsey is in compliance with the first order and his time is not up on the other two agreements. He would like to know if the items are not completed, when will the town take action.

Obbie inquired about the amount the town is paying Pleasant River Ambulance. Tim suggests that if anyone has questions they should attend the ambulance meetings.

Butch reports increase of rabies in the area – raccoons. Suggests not shooting them in the head.


Those attending: Irvin “Butch” Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, Osborne Davis, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Bert Merchant, Ronie Strout, Harold Tyler Jr., Evans Tyler Jr., Judy Rolfe, Erwin Zimmermann, ?, Ann Casey Graves, Mary Thompson


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

July 19, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 3:30 PM

Meeting Closed at: 3:45 PM


1.    Request for Extension – Thompson violation Consent Agreement and Compliance Order: Tim recuses. Kate Grossman, attorney for Alex Thompson had requested a 7 day extension. After discussion of the timeline for completing the corrective action, Tom motions to deny the request. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


Those attending: Judy Rolfe – CEO, Mary Thompson, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

July 13, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 4:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 4:36 PM


1.    Motion to enter executive session per 1 MRSA § 405 regarding recent Shoreland Zoning Violations: Tim motions to close the meeting at 4:01 PM and to enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The regular meeting reopened at 4:34 PM. Tim Thompson recused from negotiations. Tom motions to sign the Consent Agreement and Compliance Order and to send it to Alex Thompson’s attorney, Kate Grossman. David seconds the motion. Tim recused. Motion passes 2/2.


Those attending: Selectmen, Judy Rolfe – CEO, John R. Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 10, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson is absent.

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:50 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the June 26th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Fire Department – Maine Bureau of Labor Standards SHAPE Award: Mike LePlant and Steve Greeley present fire Chief Jimmy Emerson and assistant fire Chief Eleni Wakeman with a plaque commemorating their achievement for providing a safe and healthful workplace.

3.    Judy Rolfe, CEO/LPI – Report Regarding Recent Plumbing Inspections: Tim motions to accept the report. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Judy has performed 5 plumbing inspections for the month of June as well as building inspections.

4.    Dilapidated Buildings – Kelsey Deadline for Post Office, July 5th: CEO Judy Rolfe has inspected the building and determined that Kelsey is in compliance with his agreement with the selectmen.

5.    Agenda Request – Bert Merchant, Signs (Tabled 6-26-17): Mr. Merchant is not present. This agenda item is dropped until a new request is submitted.

6.    Road Commissioner – Road Signs: Obbie Davis will inspect the Indian River area where the ‘Addison’ sign will be placed in order to determine the type of concrete base required. Mr. Zimmermann inquired about some pot holes on the West Side road. Obbie responded that the holes will be patched.

7.    Mooseneck Road (Continued Discussion from 6-26-17): Tim needs more time to research documents. This item it tabled until the next meeting.

8.    Town Owned Poles Stored in Various Locations (Continued Discussion from 6-26-17): Obbie has inspected the poles and has determined that the 15-20 poles are in good condition. Tim motions to table further discussion until Tom can be present. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

9.    Appointment – Erwin Zimmermann, Board of Appeals: Tim motions to make the appointment. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

10. Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 regarding recent Shoreland Zoning Violations: Tim motions to close the meeting at 5:27 PM. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tim  re-opens the meeting at 5:47 PM. The selectmen and CEO reviewed materials and recommendations provided by the town’s attorney.

11. Selectmen’s Order(s) – Shoreland Zoning Violations: Tim stated that a special selectmen’s meeting will be called for a conclusion when Tom is available.


Other: Judy Rolfe presents the selectmen with a recommendation from the shellfish committee to accept the resignation of Craig Cirone Jr. from the shellfish committee. Tim motions to accept the resignation, thanking Craig for his service. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

Tim announced an annual caucus to elect members to the FY 2018 Washington County budget advisory committee will be held on July 20th at 6 at the municipal building in Jonesboro.


Tim motions to adjourn at 5:50 PM. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


Those attending: Mike LePlant, Steve Greeley, Peter Davis, Osborne Davis, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, James Emerson Jr. Judy Rolfe, Ron and Yvonne Carpenter, Sheldon Trundy, Jane and John K (sp?), Fran Havey, Jeffrey Lovit, Les and Kathy Stanwood, Irvin Pinkham, Elani Wakeman, Erwin B. Zimmermann, VJ and Amy Lenfestey, John Woodward, Alex Thompson, David Thompson, others.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

June 26, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:55 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the following meetings –

a.    May 22 Public Hearing Regarding Dilapidated Buildings:

b.    May 22 Regular Selectmen’s Meeting:

c.    June 5 Selectmen’s Meeting Regarding Orders for Dilapidated Buildings:

d.    June 14 Special Selectmen’s Meeting with Attorney Charlie Gilbert:

e.    June 19 Special Selectmen’s Meeting Regarding 2017 RE Tax Mil Rate: Tom motions to accept all minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405: Tim motions to close the meeting at 5:01 PM. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The regular meeting re-opens at 5:17 PM.

3.    Thompson Shoreland Zoning Violations: Tim recuses. There is some discussion of the three violations. CEO Judy Rolfe had written a recommendation to the selectmen for determining fines and remediation within the first week of June. Judy and Alex Thompson are willing to work together. Tom motions to hand over the responsibility of issuing fines and remediation to CEO Judy Rolfe. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Judy would like a couple days to work on an order and come up with a report for the selectmen.

4.    Agenda Request – Bert Merchant Regarding Road Signs: Mr. Merchant is not present. Tom motions to table until he can be present. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Road Commissioner –

a.    County Salt Bid: Tim motions to enter the County Bid for road salt. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

b.    Sand/Salt Shed: There was brief discussion of the high electric bills. David asked Road Commissioner Obbie Davis if the outside area has been cleaned by the contractor. Obbie will contact County Concrete to have them clean it up and place the remaining sand inside the building. Obbie will also lock the building, and provide a copy of the key to the town office staff. Obbie mentions an issue off Mooseneck road in South Addison. The corner by Harold Tyler Jr.’s trap shop is too tight for large trucks to pass through. Obbie believes there had been an agreement to remove the building. Tim will look in to this further.

6.    Motion to accept resignations from the Planning Board –

a.    Roger Clapp:

b.    Donna Kausen: Tim motions to accept the resignations and thanks Roger and Donna for their years of service. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Motion to appoint members to the Planning Board –

a.    Keith Newman (from alternate to full board member):

b.    Tanya Rucosky: Tim motions to make the appointments. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.    Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 to conduct Employee Reviews: Tim motions to close the meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Meeting re-opens at 6:47 PM. Salary increases were issued to Kim and Amy.


Other: Tom inquired about the telephone poles located at the sand/salt shed, Addison point town landing and at town hall. The poles had been purchased for future projects many years ago. Tom is interested in the poles if they are not to be used. Obbie will look at the poles to determine if they have deteriorated. This will be a regular agenda item at the next meeting.

Tim mentioned that the Swayne’s, who’s property abuts the town hall lot, are willing to help pay for the property survey and to sign the agreement based on the location of property markers.

Judy Rolfe inquired about the handicap ramp at town hall. Tim will contact the buildings maintenance committee and ask that they start holding regular meetings to discuss improvements to town hall.


Those attending: Kimbley and Peter Davis, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Judy Rolfe, Amy and VJ Lenfestey, Obbie Davis, Cathy Fonda, Justin Thompson, Alex Thompson, Dave Thompson, Fran Havey, Tanya Rucosky.



Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

June 19, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 4:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 4:15 PM


1.    Motion to set the Mil Rate for 2017 RE TAX: After brief discussion of exempt properties, overlay and taxable valuation, Tim motions to concur with the assessor and set the mil rate for 2017 RE Taxes at 15.90. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Those attending: Selectmen, Randall Burns (assessor), John Woodward


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

June 14, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 4:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 4:56 PM


1.    Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 in order to discuss a recent Shoreland Zoning Violation: Tim called the meeting to order with a motion to enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom arrived at 4:04 PM. Tim motions to reopen the meeting at 4:55 PM. No action is taken. Meeting adjourns.


Those attending: Selectmen, Town Attorney Charlie Gilbert, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

June 5, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:42 PM



1.    Selectmen’s Orders Regarding Dilapidated Buildings:

Map 1 Lot 105 (Clam Shop) Tim motions to order the following: employ a Maine DEP certified erosion control specialist and completely remove the building and revegetate the area impacted by this structure. To be completed in 90 days of this order. David seconds the motion. Tom abstains. Motion passes 2/2.

Map 1 Lot 103-A (Hotel) Tim motions to order the following: remove the ell, level the land where the ell currently stands, and as this property is in the shoreland zone, revegetate it with suitable native plants, secure the porch, and board up all remaining openings in the main part of the building. All ground work in the shoreland zone must be accomplished by DEP certified erosion control specialists. To be completed within 90 days of this order. David seconds the motion. Tom abstains. Motion passes 2/2.

Map 1 Lot 103 (Post Office) Tim motions to order the following: stabilize the foundation blocking and board up all of the windows and doors. To be completed within 30 days of this order. David seconds the motion. Tom abstains. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Alex Thompson Shoreland Zoning Violations Enforcement and Restoration: Tim recuses himself from any vote and discussion regarding the matter, stating that he is not only an abutting land owner, but also a cousin to Alex. Tom feels the selectmen need more time to review materials before a decision can be made. Tom motions to table. David seconds the motion. Tom is open to comments. Alex’s attorney, Kate Grossman asked if there could be an exchange of drafts of an agreement between Alex and the Town, and what pieces might be missing that the selectmen would need in order to make a decision. Alex states that he has done some planting, 22 spruce trees. CEO Judy Rolfe is not aware of the plantings and asks to be notified of plans and any work performed. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (a) To Review Applications for Shellfish Warden/ACO/Harbor Patrol/Administrative Duties: Tim closes the meeting at 5:20 PM.


4.    Applicant Selection – Shellfish Warden/ACO/Harbor Patrol/Administrative Duties: Tim reopens the meeting at 6:40 PM. Tim motions to offer the position to Irvin Pinkham. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Irvin will start on June 18th at his current rate of $15/hr. There will be a 45 day review, and a 90 day review.


Meeting closes at 6:42 PM


Those attending: Judy Rolfe, Peter Davis, Osborne Davis, Richard Kelsey, Irvin Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, Dave Thompson, Shelba Thompson, Dan Thompson, Jan Thompson, Billy Thompson, Bert Merchant, Chris Chartrand, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Kate Grossman, Amy and VJ Lenfestey, Alex Thompson, Jody Thompson, and others.


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

May 22, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 6:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:35 PM



1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the May 8th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3


2.    Judy Rolfe, CEO – Recent Shoreland Zoning Inspections and Corrective Actions: Judy acted on complaints she received and issued 2 violations. BBS Lobster had cleared vegetation from their office to the water. They are located in the Marine District. They will replant and have applied for a rip rap permit from DEP. Alex Thompson also removed vegetation and filled more than 10 cubic yards of the property without any erosion control or permitting. Judy inspected both properties with a Shoreland Zoning specialist from MDEP. A verbal stop work order was issued and followed with a written stop work order. Alex continued to with work despite these stop work orders. He has hired representation. Judy explains that it is now up to the selectmen to decide what corrective action must be taken. Judy is meeting with the state LPI regarding two septic systems that are not functioning properly. Donna Kausen, chair of the planning board inquired about corrective actions, and who should issue them. Donna feels the corrective actions should come from the selectmen as has been the case in the past. Judy explains that she is following the Shoreland Zoning ordinance and that this violation can not be compared to violations of the past as they are different.


3.    DEP – Request of Documentation Regarding Thompson Permits: Tom motions to request all documentation regarding the permits to be included in the town’s records. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tim abstains.


4.    Snow Removal Contracts – Parking Lots (Tabled last meeting): After some discussion, Tim motions to continue with the contracts. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The contractors have not requested any increases.


5.    Emergency Road Closure Protocol: Fire Chief, Jim Emerson would like to be notified in advance of any road closures. Phone numbers will be exchanged and the office staff will try to notify individuals of any road closures.


6.    Town Hall – Deed Sketch: A copy of the deed sketch has been forwarded to the buildings maintenance committee for review. A meeting with abutting land owners will be scheduled so that all parties can agree.


7.    Addison Days Committee Appointments (Fran Havey, Thomas Batson, Irvin Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, Chris Pinkham, Robert Groves, Carol Seavey): Tim motions to appoint the members as named. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom abstains.


8.    Addison Days Dance – State BYOB License: Tim motions to make the BYOB dance a town sponsored event and to sign the state license application. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom abstains.




Don Williams – Re: Roadside Trash: Don is concerned about needles found in the ditches during roadside trash clean up. Don sites enforcement of violations that affect health, safety or community conditions from the Comprehensive Plan. These policies were never implemented by the town. They were merely a recommendation. This item is tabled. Donna Kausen thanks all involved in the roadside trash clean up efforts.



Tim motions to cancel the June 12th meeting due to the June 13th state referendum and school budget validation. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Tim motions to appoint ballot clerks per the list provided by Kim Davis, registrar of voting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Appointments were; Yvonne Carpenter, Kylie Lenfestey, Margaret Warden, Jane McGray, Donna Kausen, Sheila Mitchell, Stanley Mitchell, Cheryl Paul, Penny Parsons, Peter Davis, Roberta Pinkham, John Rittenhouse, Ronie Strout, Geraldine Valentine, Mary Thompson.

Roberta Pinkham inquired about the job posting for the shellfish warden/harbor patrol/animal control officer/administration duties. The ad stated that applications will be received thru June 2nd.


Meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM


Town of Addison

Public Hearing Regarding Dilapidated Buildings

May 22, 2017

Map 1 Lot 105 (Clam Shop)

Map 1 Lot 103-A (Hotel)

Map 1 Lot 103 (Post Office)

Selectman Timothy H. Thompson opens the public hearing at 5:00 PM with a brief statement regarding the town’s history of involvement regarding the deteriorating condition of the buildings.

Tim requests public comment for each of the properties individually. The selectmen will use these public comments when determining an order from the selectmen for each property.

Clam Shop: Sheldon Trundy (Addison Fire Chief – Retired) reported that on or about 2006, arson was attempted on this building. It was reported that considerable buckling of the 2nd floor is occurring and the structural integrity of the building is compromised. The Addison Fire Chief (Jim Emerson) confirms that, should the building become involved in a fire, the structure is so hazardous that no interior attack can be contemplated. The owner, Ricard Kelsey, states and then restates the concerns of the Fire Chief and CEO. Peter Davis testifies that he believes that the building is so far done as to be unrecoverable. Additional, written testimony was provided by both the Addison Fire Chief (Jim Emerson) and the Addison CEO (Judy Rolfe) that written testimony is available at the Addison Town Office and is a part of this record.

Hotel: The owner, Richard Kelsey stated that the building is a liability but that he wants to keep it to “live in”. Mr. Lenfestey testified that the building is attracting youngsters who are entering the building. Mr. Zimmermann questioned the earlier promises by this owner to rectify the dangers associated with these buildings. Mr. Kelsey responded to the “earlier promises” question by asserting “financial issues” as the root cause of a failure to honor those “earlier promises”. Mr. Peter Davis stated that the “main part” of the building could be saved. Mary Thompson stated that security of the building is an issue as collapse of portions seems imminent. Additional, written testimony, was provided by the Fire Chief (Jim Emerson) and the CEO (Judy Rolfe) describing the dangers of this building, in its current condition and location. That testimony, as presented is on file in the Addison Town Office and is part of these findings.

Post Office: The temporary foundation blocking must be reset to assure stabilization. All window and door openings must be closed. Additional, written testimony, was provided by the Fire Chief (Jim Emerson) and the CEO (Judy Rolfe), describing the dangers of this building, in its current condition and location. That testimony, as presented, is on file in the Addison Town Office and is a part of these findings.

22 residents were in attendance. Testimony was heard from the town code enforcement officer, fire chief, former fire chief, concerned citizens, and the owner of the properties.

The hearing closed at 6:00 PM


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

May 8, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson arrives after the first agenda item.

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:50 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 24th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the May 1st Special Selectmen’s Meeting: David abstains. Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Sand/Salt Shed Dispute Update (A trial management conference date has been set for August 18th): No action is taken at this time.

4.    Handicap Ramp at Town Hall: Mr. Zimmermann provided information for the selectmen regarding temporary ramps. John Woodward passed the information on to the buildings maintenance committee.

5.    Motion to approve the following Town Sponsored Events:

a.    The Friends of the Fire Department will hold a Public Supper on June 10th from 4-7

b.    The Recreation Committee will hold a Town Wide Road Side Trash Clean Up event on May 13th

David motions to approve of the town sponsored events. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Appointments to the Friends of Addison Volunteer Fire Department Committee (Sherri Batson – Chair, Susan Sheridan, Lisa Cirone, Jessica Whitcomb, Bonnie Look Thompson, Tom Batson) : John Woodward asks the selectmen to add Amy Lenfestey to the list of appointments. David motions to make the appointments. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Snow Removal – Parking Lots (The two three-year contracts expired May 1st):

a.    South Addison Town Landing/South Addison Fire Station #2

b.    Addison Point Town Landing/Fire Station #1/Town Hall

This item is tabled. The selectmen would like copies of the expired contracts to review.

8.    Town-owned Boat/Trailer: Tom would like to make the boat and trailer available to a member of the shellfish committee. Tim nominates Adrian Batson and asks that he follow the procedure for use. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom abstains.

9.    ATV’s on Town Roads: This item is withdrawn. The State will not allow ATV’s on State roads.


10. Motion to accept Bonnie Look Thompson’s resignation from the Planning Board: Tim motions to accept the resignation effective immediately. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Bonnie had offered to stay on for two months.


a.    Tim received a letter from the Department of Agriculture, thanking the town for adopting the new Floodplain Management ordinance.

b.    Donna Kausen of the Recreation Committee has contacted Pleasant River Solid Waste regarding the roadside trash clean up. The transfer station will take the trash for free, but the disposal of tires and  waste would be extra. Tim motions that if there are residual expenses that payment would come from Admin or the Transfer Station budget. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

c.    Don Williams would like Road Commissioner Obbie Davis to commit to putting the last Welcome to Addison road sign up in the Indian River area. Obbie will try to get to it this week or next, but is dealing with a road wash out on West Side road.

d.    Shellfish Warden Irvin Pinkham states that the clam flats are closed to digging due to a flood closure and that the closure may be in effect until Thursday. Department of Marine Resources will be opening the Marsh Harbor area to digging after a recent meeting and testing.

e.    Don Williams on behalf of the Buildings Maintenance committee would like to know the status of the Town Hall property survey. He says that the committee cannot go further with plans for the handicap ramp until the survey is completed. Tim responds that the survey could be completed within the next 3 weeks.

f.      Judy Rolfe inquired about the shellfish warden position. John Woodward responds that the position has been advertised in the Machias Valley News.

g.    Tim announces the purchase of the rescue truck is complete. The truck is in terrific shape. The cost of delivery is $704.64. Tim motions to reimburse the individuals who delivered the truck out of the Fire Department operating budget. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom inquired about the two trucks that are no longer in use. He wants to know when the trucks will go out to bid. Tim has advertised one of the trucks on ebay motors, with no luck. The selectmen decide to advertise the trucks in the MVNO for 1 week. Tim will provide information for the ad.

h.    Tom is concerned about the trash and debris being dumped on property off the McMann road. He will contact the forestry department to ask questions.


Those attending: Mary Thompson, Osborne Davis, Judy Rolfe, Adrian Batson, Don Williams, Donna Kausen, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Irvin Pinkham


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 24, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:21 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 10th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Mike Hinerman – EMA Evacuation Maps (tabled past two meetings): Mike Hinerman is not present. Tom motions to table this item. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Alex Thompson – Discussion of Wharf at Cape Split: Taken out of order, Tim abstains from discussion and any decision. Tom asks Donna Kausen of the planning board if she has any information to provide. Donna states that no permit was issued for the cribbing beside the permitted wharf. Alex says that the cribbing consists of (10) 10 x 10 posts placed beside the wharf to keep his boat from sinking into the mud. Alex had spoken with DEP, who told him that it was okay to place the cribbing there temporarily. Tom reads a letter submitted by CEO Betsy Fitzgerald. Betsy feels this issue is in regards to a property dispute between two neighbors. Judy Rolfe says that she has researched DEP permitting and that DEP does not uphold a town’s Shoreland Zoning ordinance. The ordinance restricts structures from the setback and a permit would have to be issued by the planning board. Alex feels he is being harassed. No action is taken at this time.

4.    Public Hearing Schedule – Dilapidated Buildings: John Woodward has prepared a notice of public hearing to be served on Mr. Kelsey by the Barnstable Sheriff’s department in MA. Tim motions to set a date for the public hearing for May 22nd at 5:00 PM, before the regular selectmen’s meeting. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Addison Point Work Program: Chris Chartrand of the Addison Point Agency would like to know what the hold up is, why are the two employees not allowed to return to work. Tim would like to meet with Chris to discuss the matter. Tim will meet with Chris on Wednesday morning at 10. Tom motions to re-start the program. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Handicap Ramp – Town Hall: Don Williams states that the proposed addition to the rear of the building would be delayed. The Buildings Maintenance committee needs to discuss an alternate solution to the ramp, possibly a temporary ramp until the addition can be voted on. A surveyor is needed to prepare a boundary agreement between the town and the abutting land owners. Tom motions to hire a surveyor. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Mr. Zimmermann states that his company provides aluminum ramps and that this may be a solution.

7.    Road Commissioner:

A.   PDQ Door – Maintenance Contract for Sand/Salt Shed Overhead Door: Osborne Davis approves of the contract. Tom motions to sign the contract. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

B.   Street Sweeping: Obbie has started sweeping, using rented equipment.

8.    Addison Days Committee Members Appointments: Tom says he needs to remove Jeanne Lawson from the appointment, she is not able to commit any time. Fran Havey will be added as a member. Their first meeting will be held on May 1st at 6:00 at the town hall. Donna of the recreation committee asks for permission to post signs on the Addison signs for the roadside clean up event. Kimbley Davis will post the event and the Addison Days committee meeting to the town’s Facebook page.

9.    Road Name – Walter’s Way, Request to Change: John will change the road name (formerly named Cindy’s Way) to Nelson Way.

10. Motion to close the meeting and to enter Executive Session regarding personnel matters per 30 MRSA § 2702: Tim motions to close the meeting at 6:20 PM. The meeting re-opens at 7:06 PM. Tim states that they voted in executive session to hire assessor Randall Burns at his requested salary of $10,000/year and to ask that he start as soon as possible. Randall is to submit a timesheet monthy, with an update of work he has completed and things he is working on. This is a part time position with a 90 day probationary period. The selectmen also voted to ask Betsy Fitzgerald to the next selectmen’s meeting for an executive session.

11. Shellfish Warden/ACO/Harbor Patrol/Constable Full Time Position: Judy Rolfe and Frank Batson of the shellfish committee submitted a letter in support of increasing the shellfish warden’s hours to full time. The full time position was budgeted for and approved at the March town meeting. Tim motions to hold a meeting on May 1st at 5:00 PM between the selectmen and Irvin Pinkham, Judy Rolfe, Dean Cirone, Dean Crowley to discuss job descriptions of the shellfish warden and harbor patrol. John will provide budget details of each positions hours.

Other: Taken out of order. Tom requests ATV access to trails off East Side road. Tom asks for a map of town roads that would have to be traveled in order to access the Sunrise trail system. Someone will come to the next meeting with a plan and map. Tom mentions the park gate and there is discussion of whether or not to replace the hinges which have come loose from the column. It is mentioned that the gate could be re-used for another purpose. David asks Obbie if the sand will be cleared from the door of the Sand/Salt shed. Obbie responds that that is the responsibility of the contractor, County Concrete. David mentions the Addison sign at Indian River. Obbie needs to set posts for the sign.


Those attending: Irvin Pinkham, Mary Thompson, Chris Chartrand, Don Williams, Judy Rolfe, Osborne Davis, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Donna Kausen, Erwin Zimmermann, Alex Thompson, Justin Thompson, Steven Emerson



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 10, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson arrived at 5:15 PM

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:15 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 27th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Motion to sign updated ordinances per Town Meeting Vote: Tim motions to sign the ordinances as prepared by the town clerk. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Michael Hinerman, Emergency Management – Evacuation Maps (tabled last meeting): Mr. Hinerman is not able to make the meeting. Sheldon Trundy suggests an email correspondence with Mr. Hinerman. John Woodward states that we are beyond the deadline for public comment. Tim motions to table discussion until Mr. Hinerman can be present. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.    Chris Chartrand, Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District (tabled last meeting): The January 9th meeting minutes of the transfer station mentioned changes to the personnel policies regarding paid time off. Chris explains that they are updating these policies to allow for cash in lieu of time off. The policy would encourage the employee to take the time off, but would give the option to cash out the time off. There is brief discussion of a recent newspaper article regarding the possibility of Jonesport leaving the district. The transfer station was scheduled to meet on this same night and Chris states that the representative from Jonesport would be present to update the district on their decision. Donna Kausen of the recreation committee asks Chris about whether or not the transfer station would accept trash from Addison’s roadside trash clean up, scheduled for May 13th. Chris responds that yes, they would, except for hazardous materials. Chris reports that the transfer station is now open on Fridays.

5.    Maine Community Foundation – Payment in Lieu of Taxes (tabled last meeting): Tom has spoken with the representative in Ellsworth regarding the stipulations of accepting the payment. Roger Clapp has also responded to the selectmen’s concerns. Tom suggests the check be deposited to the buildings maintenance account. David seconds. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Peter Davis (agenda request) – Employee Salary Increases: Peter questions why half of the salary increase held back for one employee. Tim responds that the budget passed at town meeting did not specify a salary increase and that it is at the selectmen’s discretion to issue the budgeted salary increases. Obbie Davis asks why if the employees weren’t going to get the increases wasn’t it brought up during the two budget committee meetings and at town meeting. Tim responds that the increases were budgeted for, but wasn’t specified for each employee. Peter responds that the selectmen are disrespecting the employees by not issuing the increases, and by not being in line with Maine Municipal’s Salary Survey. Mr. Zimmermann suggests that payroll is different than other budgeted expenses. Amounts are budgeted for each employees salaries. The selectmen respond that they plan to revisit this at a later time. Chris Chartrand inquired about the Addison Point workers, when will they be allowed to return to work. Tim responds that a meeting will be scheduled to discuss expectations of both Addison Point and the Town. Donna Kausen thanks Kim Davis for returning to work in order to sware in members of the planning board.

7.    Illegal (unpermitted) Structure at Pier – Cape Split: This is regarding a structure that went up sometime in January next to a permitted pier, but is within the setback. Tim recuses himself from discussion. Tom would like to hear from the property owner, Alex Thompson and CEO Betsy Fitzgerald. Tom motions to table any action until Alex and Betsy can be present. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

8.    Building Permit Application Process:

(New Building Permits must be submitted on or before the 20th of the month preceding the Planning Board meeting to be considered. Later submissions can be taken up in subsequent months.) This policy change will be incorporated in to the current building permit application. A sub-committee of the planning board has been created to review applications prior to the meetings.

9.    Buildings Maintenance Committee – Handicap Ramp at Town Hall: This item is tabled until the buildings maintenance committee has met to discuss the handicap ramp. Tim motions to table, Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

10. Purchase of Rescue Truck – Fire Department:

Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement

Assignment of Signatory for Loan Agreement

A rescue truck has been located in Pennsylvania. Tim has negotiated a price of $54,000. The sellers will deliver the truck, but the town would pay for their travel and accommodations. These expenses are estimated to be around $800. Tim will request a copy of the recent inspection report done on the truck. Tom motions for Tim to sign the purchase and sale agreement and to sign loan documents. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

11.  Street Sweeping – Town Roads and Intersections: Road Commissioner Obbie Davis reports that DOT has been sweeping some intersections and the bridge. Tim has compiled a list of street sweepers approved by DOT and suggests that Obbie gather quotes for sweeping town roads, intersections, and parking lots at town hall, fire stations, and town landings. Tim motions to give Obbie authority to spend funds in the roads account for this purpose. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

12. Addison Days 2017: Tom has four committee members. The committee hasn’t met yet to set a date for Addison Days, which is usually within the third week of July. Tim motions to enter into a contract for town approved fireworks display. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Volunteers are needed for Addison Days and Roadside Trash Clean Up. Don Williams suggests posting and creating events on Facebook.

13. State Licensing for Harvesting Lobster/Crab/Shellfish/Etc. – Should the Town charge a Fee for the Applications? (The State use to provide each town with tablets of each application, but since the paper reduction law, they ask that applicants use the online form. The town office staff has been going online to print the applications when requested.) Tim suggests a link be added to the town’s website, directing people to the applications or referring people to the library in order to print the applications. If people still want the town office to print the applications for them, Tim motions to charge a fee of $4.50. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

14. Motion to Close the Meeting and Enter Executive Session Per 30 MRSA § 2702 in order to discuss the Assessor’s Contract: Tim motions to close the meeting at 6:55 PM. Tim motions to re-open the meeting at 7:14 PM. Tim states that the selectmen will make a decision on whether or not to renew the contract at their special meeting to be held on the 13th.

Other: Taken out of order.

1.    A quote for repairs to the overhead door at the sand/salt shed has been received from PDQ door. There are three options. Obbie recommends option A of the quote, which is to replace 10 damaged slats, repair hood and support, and adjust and service complete unit. Tim motions to accept option A. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Another quote will be requested for a service contract on the door.

2.    Mr. Zimmermann reads a letter he has prepared for the selectmen regarding dilapidated buildings at Addison Point. He is concerned that if something isn’t done about them, there could be an incident and a possible lawsuit against the town. Tim responds that the selectmen will start proceedings to take care of the situation.

3.    Tim reports that the Cape Split Cemetery Association noted damage to the SE corner property marker. A surveyor would need to be hired to replace the marker.

4.    Tom has been getting complaints regarding mobile homes being placed without permits. Tom will meet with Donna Kausen at town hall to review permits. Tom will call Betsy to follow up.


Those attending: Fran Havey, Don Williams, Osborne Davis, Peter Davis, Donna Kausen, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Erwin Zimmermann, Elani Wakeman, Chris Chartrand, James Emerson, Sheldon Trundy,


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

March 27, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson arrives at 5:10 PM

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:32 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the February 27th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 14th, March 21st Public Hearings: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 14th, March 21st Town Meetings: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.    Michael Hinerman, Emergency Management – Evacuation Maps: Mr. Hinerman is not able to attend. Sheldon Trundy and Elani Wakeman are present to answer any questions. This item is taken out of order. Sheldon and Elani will ask Mr. Hinerman to attend the next scheduled meeting to explain the map which was prepared by MEMA.

5.    Chris Chartrand, Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District – Discussion of recent Board Meeting Minutes and Article in Machias Valley News: This item is taken out of order. Mr. Chartrand could not make the meeting. Tim motions to table this item until the next regular meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Motion close the Selectmen’s meeting and to enter Executive Session per 30 MRSA § 2702 in order to discuss Salary Increases for the office staff, and to conduct Interviews for the Part Time Office Assistant and the Assessing positions: Tim motions to close the meeting at 5:03 PM and enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. At this time Tom Batson is not present.

7.    Motion to re-open the Selectmen’s meeting: The meeting was re-opened by Tim at 6:52 PM. Tom states that salary increases were issued and that Amy Lenfestey would be hired at minimum wage. No decisions were made regarding a tax assessor as the selectmen are still gathering resumes.

8.    Motion to add Kimbley Davis to Employee Health Insurance: David motions to add Kim to the town’s insurance. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

9.    Motion to sell PRSWDD large size Trash Bags at 10 for $19.00: Tim motions to sell bags at 10 for $19. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

10.  Motion to ask the Planning Board to create a Policy regarding spontaneous Building Permit Application Submittals:

Specifically, to deny the ‘walk-in’ submission of building permit applications at planning board meetings and to create a 72 hour waiting period, after application submission, before a building permit application can be considered by the planning board. This policy change will allow both town office employees and planning board members, at least some minimal amount of time, to review for completeness and accuracy of each application.

Tom motions to send a letter to the planning board, asking that they create a policy regarding building permit application submissions timeline. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

11.  Road Commissioner –

Overhead Door at Sand/Salt Shed: Road Commissioner Osborne Davis says the door is operating fine, but may need to be lubricated. He suggests a maintenance contract with PDQ door.

Trask Matter:

Is it time to petition the Court to dismiss the Trask claim or to issue a summary judgement in our favor or otherwise end this suit?

Tim will contact the town’s attorney and ask if the dismiss the case in our favor.

12.  Maine Community Foundation – Payment in Lieu of Taxes:

Acceptance of this payment seems to obligate the Town of Addison to certain things.

Tom would like to contact the Ellsworth office to ask questions before accepting the payment.

Other: There is brief discussion of Irvin Pinkham’s monthly report of shellfish/harbor patrol/ animal control activities. He is still working on the stray cat issue off Indian River road, he has issued 2 summons as shellfish warden which went to court and there is an ongoing problem of a dog running loose. No action is taken.


Those attending: Don Williams, Peter and Kim Davis, Tim Breen, Irvin Pinkham, Osborne Davis, Judy Rolfe, Adrian Batson, Sheldon Trundy, Eleni Wakeman, Amy and Verlan Lenfestey


Town of Addison


Floodplains Ordinance/Marijuana Moratorium


March 14, 2017 – Adjourned

  March 21, 2017 – Reconvened


March 14

6:30 PM – Tim Thompson opened the Floodplains Ordinance/Marijuana Moratorium Public Hearings.  Mary Thompson motioned to adjourn and take up public hearings on Tuesday, March 21 at 6:30 PM.  Obbie Davis seconded the motion.  All are in favor of postponing the public hearings until Tuesday, March 21st at 6:30 PM.


7:00 PM – Kim opens Town Meeting.  Peter Davis nominates Chris Chartrand. Tim Thompson seconds.  Nominations closed.  3 ballots cast.  Chris Chartrand elected Moderator.  An oath is given to the Moderator by the Clerk.  Richard Paul motioned to postpone meeting until next week. Motion seconded. Meeting adjourned. Will reconvene on March 21, 2017 and start with Warrant Article 2 at 7PM.


March 21

6:30 PM


Floodplains Ordinance “establishes a Flood Hazard Development Permit system and review procedure for development activities in the designated flood hazard areas of the Town of Addison, Maine.”


Tim Thompson reopens Floodplains Ordinance Public Hearing. A presentation of a slideshow was shown to the townspeople in order to find their maps/lots in the Floodplain zones.  FEMA has changed Addison and lots of the areas that were in the Floodplain are no longer in the flood zone.  Lydar is the new methodology and will give a more accurate reading of the floodplain maps.  Questions and comments were open to the public and Tim Thompson was able to show maps of Cape Split Harbor to those that asked.  No further questions were asked.



Marijuana Moratorium Ordinance “authorizes municipalities to regulate the number of retail marijuana stores and the location and operation of retail marijuana social clubs and retail marijuana establishments…as well as providing the option to prohibit the operation…within their jurisdiction.”


6:45 PM – Tim Thompson reopens the Marijuana Moratorium Ordinance Public Hearing. He feels this ordinance will give “time” to modify the ordinance and control it. Questions and discussion came from the floor. 

Question 1: How long or amount of “time” do we as the Town of Addison have to enact or modify ordinance???

Reply – Tim Thompson “180 days or earlier if changes are made by town and implemented, unless appealed or modified.”  Corrected by wording  in ordinance– “At least 180 days from the date Addison enacts this Moratorium Ordinance on retail establishments and retail marijuana stores and retail marijuana social Clubs.”

No further discussion. Warrant Articles to proceed. Tim Thompson declares Marijuana Moratorium closed.


Results of 2017 Annual Town Meeting


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 27, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:50 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the February 14th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Fire Chief – Regarding Overhead Doors at Station #1: Jimmy Emerson has received a quote from PDQ Door for repairs to the overhead doors. The doors were not installed properly by the contractor. David suggests asking the contractor to reimburse the town for the repairs. Tom motions to accept PDQ’s $1,200 estimate for repairs and to take the funds from the fire department operating budget. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Jimmy mentions the water lines that freeze occasionally during winter months. He will contact Huntley’s for an estimate to move the lines. The selectmen suggest making a list of items that have been repaired and need repairs with costs and estimates.

3.    Courtney Hammond – Pleasant River Ambulance Budget 2017: Courtney is present to explain the 72% increase in their budget. Payroll, insurances, and building/ambulance repairs have contributed to the increase. Courtney will be at the March 14th annual town meeting to explain the cost increases to the voters.

4.    Out of State Motor Vehicle Registrations: Kimbley Davis expressed concern regarding processing registrations for residents who also reside in other states and would like to register their new vehicles via mail. The process for registering a new motor vehicle requires the individual(s) to be present in order to complete the transaction. Tom motions not to assist and to refer them to DMV’s website. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    March 13th Selectmen’s Meeting: Tim motions to cancel the March 13th selectmen’s meeting. David seconds the motion.

6.    March 14th – Appoint Minor Officers following Annual Town Meeting: Tim motions to hold a Special Selectmen’s meeting on March 14th immediately following the Annual Town Meeting in order to appoint minor officers. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Appointment of minor officers will be the only item taken up at this meeting.

Other: Jimmy Emerson and Sheldon Trundy mention an incident that had taken place with the fire chief in another town. The incident has raised some issues and the fire department does not feel comfortable offering mutual aid to this town. Jimmy will check the County Wide mutual aid agreement for the responsibility of the town to offer the mutual aid. Jimmy will provide the town office with a copy of the agreement. Tom and the selectmen take this opportunity to thank Sheldon for his years of service to the town and Fire Chief.

Tim mentions that other towns have posted their roads. Road Commissioner Obbie Davis is not present to discuss this.

Tim announces that he is working on negotiations with Moosabec Ambulance for service to Addison residents.

Tim would like an audit of street lighting. Some are not functioning and need to be discontinued.

David would like someone to contact Fairpoint regarding lines that cross the road about ¼ mile before the South Addison town landing. The lines are too low and may be damaged when boats are hauled in and out of the harbor.

Tom motions to adjourn at 5:50 PM.

Those attending: Selectmen, John Woodward, Sheldon Trundy, Jimmy Emerson, Cathy Fonda, Verlan Lenfestey, Courtney Hammond


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 14, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:09 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the January 23rd Selectmen’s meeting: Tim motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Motion to Appoint Jimmy Emerson as Fire Chief: Tom motions to appoint Jimmy Emerson as fire chief. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Review and Approve Warrant Articles for March 14th Town Meeting: Tom motions to amend article 23 to read “To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $18,000 from Taxation toward a handicap access for Town Hall.” David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

4.    Review and Approve Selectmen’s Letter for inclusion in Annual Report: Tom motions to publish the letter prepared by Tim. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Motion to appoint Judy Rolfe as Co-Chair/Secretary of the Shellfish Committee: Tom motions to appoint Judy Rolfe as co-chair/secretary of the shellfish committee. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Motion to Accept Sheldon Trundy’s Resignation as Fire Chief and Forest Fire Warden: Tom motions to accept the resignation of Sheldon Trundy as fire chief and forest fire warden. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Emera Maine – Permission to travel over Posted Roads: Tom motions to sign the permission for travel over posted roads. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.    James W. Wadman, CPA – Management Representation Letter: Tom motions to sign the management representation letter. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

9.    Beth C. Wright – Request to use Town Facilities on May 20, 2017 for the 17th Annual Walk for Life: David motions to approve the use of town facilities on May 20th for the walk for life events. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

10. Old Business: Central Maine Pyrotechnics Contract: This item is tabled until other pyrotechnics contractors are contacted for pricing comparisons.


11. Addison’s Newly Formed Neighborhood Watch: This item is to make the selectmen aware of the neighborhood watch program, started by residents Chris and Brigette Beal.

12. Motion to enter Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Ambulance Contract Negotiations: The regular meeting closes for executive session. Meeting re-opens at 6:05 PM. The selectmen are investigating options.


Other: There is discussion of the employee handbook and benefits, in particular whether or not employees should be paid for office closures due to inclement weather. David does not feel the employees should be paid for the office closures, and Tom feels the employees should make up for the time. John will provide a copy of the employee handbook for the selectmen to review. Previously, the handbook had been reviewed and accepted by the selectmen and has been a guide for the employees since 2007.


Those attending: Dan Fortin, James Emerson Jr., Judy Rolfe, Adrian Batson, Mary Thompson


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 23, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:26 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the January 9th and 17th Selectmen’s meetings: David makes a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom abstains.

2.    Town Clerk/Tax Collector Position: Tim announces that Kimbley Davis has been chosen to fill the position and her part time position will be advertised.

3.    Marijuana Moratorium: Tim motions to ask the planning board to come up with a 180 day moratorium on new marijuana establishments in town. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

4.    Floodplain Management Ordinance: Tom motions to table action until the next meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Shellfish Warrant Articles: Tom motions to table action until someone contacts DMR regarding their suggested changes. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Central Maine Pyrotechnics: Tom motions to table any decision until he can contact more supplies for quotes. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Fire Department: Jimmy Emerson resigns as EMA director and Sheldon Trundy resigns as EMA assistant director. Tim motions to accept the resignations. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim motions to appoint Sheldon Trundy as EMA director and Elani Wakeman as assistant director. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

The department would like to apply for a card for state surplus. The selectmen are okay with the request.

Sheldon reads a statement regarding the need for a replacement of the rescue truck. A $60,000 loan over a term of 5 years at 2.35% interest would be just over $13,000 annually. Sheldon recommends an article on the warrant for town meeting. Tim motions to add an article. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.    Employee Health Insurance: Tim explains that the town is not required to offer employee health insurance and that the selectmen will look into costs under the Affordable Health Care Act and other plans to save money.

9.    Motion to enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 regarding the Assessors Position: Tim motions to close the regular meeting at 5:42 PM and to enter executive session. Tom seconds the motion. Tim reopens the meeting at 5:55 PM. Tim motions to negotiate a 6 month contract with the current assessor. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

10. Motion to enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 regarding a Complaint from Addison Point: Tim motions to close the regular meeting at 5:57 PM and enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Tim reopens the meeting at 6:12 PM. The selectmen determined that the allegations were unfounded and offer an apology to Peter Davis. Tim motions to negotiate with Addision Point a contract for the Addison Point Work Program, and to require a waiver of worker’s comp insurance. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

11. Exempt Properties: The assessor has compiled a list of exempt properties and the values for the selectmen to review. The selectmen are concerned about how these properties are affecting taxes. The list will be published in the town report.

Other: Sheldon states that there was a recent inspection of the stations by Safety Works and the department did very well.

Tom would like to re-name the new private road Cindy’s Way (named at last meeting) to Nelson Way and to name a road off Caler Cove road Walter’s Way. Tim motions to approve these road names. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

David mentions new construction taking place in South Addison. Betsy Fitzgerald has been asked to look into it.


Those attending: James Emerson, Peter Davis, Osborne Davis, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Sheldon Trundy, Eleni Wakeman, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

January 17, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson is absent.

Meeting Opened at: Tim calls the meeting to order at 2:06 PM

Meeting Closed at: 2:30 PM


The purpose of the special meeting is to review the application received for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector position.

After discussion and review of the applications, Tim motions to offer Kimbley Davis the full time position. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Kim will have a 90 day probationary period. After 90 days, the Selectmen will meet with her to determine how well she is adjusting to the new position.

Tim motions to advertise the part time Office Assistant position in the next Machias Valley Newspaper. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


David motions to adjourn the meeting.


Those attending: John Woodward

Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 9, 2017

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson is absent.

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:29 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the following Selectmen’s meetings:

December 12th Regular Meeting David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

December 19th Special Meeting David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

December 30th Special Meeting David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Chris Chartrand – Pleasant River Solid Waste: Chris is present to follow up on items discussed at the last meeting. The $1.00 off per 10 pack of bags suggestion is left to the town’s discretion. There is a slight increase in the transfer stations budget, approximately $4,000. Carol is sending monthly financials and meeting minutes by email to each member town. Chris stresses the importance of recycling and how it benefits the towns. Workers at the station will try to keep things picked up in down times in an effort to make the station more presentable. The station would like to change out the road side sign eventually, with a digital sign.

3.    Motion to enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 regarding a personnel issue: Taken out of order. Tim motions to close the regular meeting at 5:45 PM and enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tim re-opens the meeting at 6:10 PM. David motions to resume the executive session when Tom can be present. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.    Creation of Road Name and E-911 Addresses – Off East Side Road: John mentions that Tom had stated that he’d like the road named “Cindy’s Way”. John had sent out letters to all land owners off this road, but none of them are present to give an opinion on a road name. John had told Tom that he needed the approximate driveway entrance in feet for each lot so to address a number, after a road name was chosen. Tim motions to name the road “Cindy’s Way”. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

5.    Creation of AVFD Projects Assistance Committee: Jim Emerson discusses the need for such a committee to help with fundraising events. Tim motions to create the committee. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Jim will provide a list of volunteers to serve on the newly formed committee. John will then have these volunteers added to our volunteer accident insurance.

AVFD Un-Budgeted Maintenance of #344 (Rescue Truck): Sheldon Trundy states that there are necessary repairs needed for the rescue truck, which are estimated at between $1,000 and $4,000 and he feels that the truck is too old (40+) to put that amount of money into. The fire department will look into other alternatives, such as a good used rescue truck. Currently the department is using the brush truck for rescue.

6.    Request from Pleasant River Historical Society: Mary Thompson on behalf of the historical society asks the selectmen for permission to store an old winnowing machine formerly owned by Earle Prebble in the town’s storage building. Tim motions to allow the storage if the society holds the town harmless. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

7.    Motion to Appoint Keith Newman as Planning Board Alternate: Tim motions to appoint Keith as planning board alternate. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

8.    Fireworks Contract: Tom is not present, so this item is tabled. David motions to table, Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

9.    Schedule a Review of Applicants for the Clerk/Tax Collector Position: The selectmen will each come in individually to narrow down the applicants to three. The selectmen will meet next Tuesday the 17th at 2:00 PM to choose the 3 applicants who will come in for an interview. Interviews will take place on the 18th or 19th, with a final decision to be made at the January 23rd meeting.

10. Burn Permits: Sheldon states that because there is so much going on within the fire department, he does not want to authorize Kim to write burn permits at this time. Sheldon had previously told John to stop writing permits and refer residents to the fire department or to obtain a permit online.


DEP Letter regarding Elliot Batson Permit:

National School Choice Week:


Other: The selectmen received a letter of resignation from the budget committee from Daria Alexander. Tim motions to accept the resignation with regret. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.



Those attending: Charles Dowling, Mary Thompson, Osborne Davis, Sheldon Trundy, Chris Chartrand, Tim Hernandez, James Emerson, Peter Davis, Selectmen, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 30, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 3:00 PM

Meeting Closed at:


1.    Temporary Appointments: Tim motions to appoint Kimbley Davis as temporary Town Clerk, Motor Vehicle Agent, Inland and Fisheries and Wildlife Agent, Tax Collector, Registrar of Voting, and General Assistance Administrator. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The selectmen sign the necessary forms.

2.    Bank Authorization: Tim motions to remove Alice Tucker from the bank authorization at MSB and to Add Kimbley Davis. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Local Roads Maintenance Plan: Road Commissioner Obbie Davis will gather quotes for various road work on the Mooseneck and Ridge roads. The town receives $28,240 every year to help maintain these two roads. Road work will include overlay to the Mooseneck road, culvert replacement and overlay on Ridge road. Obbie will have quotes ready by March town meeting.


David motions to adjourn the meeting at 3:12 PM. Tom seconds the motion.


Those attending: Selectmen, Obbie Davis, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting

December 19, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 3:30 PM

Meeting Closed at: 4:05 PM


The purpose of the emergency meeting is to discuss and accept Alice Tucker’s letter of resignation. Alice has been offered another job and has given two week notice.


Tim motions to accept, with regret, Alice’s letter of resignation. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Tim motions to begin the process of hiring a replacement. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


There is discussion of an ad, what should be included in the ad, how long to run the ad, and in what paper should the ad run. It is decided to advertise the position in the Bangor Daily news. The starting pay rate will be based on experience, and there will be a 90 day probationary period. John stepped out to contact Bangor Daily for a quote, while Kim Davis was asked to come in to speak with the selectmen. The selectmen offer Kim full time status during the transition, asking that she shadow Alice and learn as much as she can about the position. Kim could apply for the position, but if she is not chosen, she is guaranteed her part time position will remain. Kim stated that she has been to trainings and has done many of the tasks that Alice performs. She is willing to attend more training if necessary in order to fulfill the position.


Those Attending: John Woodward, Kimbley Davis



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 12, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Tim calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:45 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 28th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

December 8th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes with a modification to the non-resident fee of $125 for moorings. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/3. Tom abstains.

2.    PRSWDD – Christopher Chartrand: There is discussion of how to bring up trash bag sales, which have been dropping over the past few years. John mentions possibly offering a deal on trash bags, buy a pack of 10, get $1.00 off? Tim is concerned that residents are using another transfer station because of Pleasant River’s hours. Chris explains the increase in budget is due to a lot of different factors, including maintenance and loss of revenue from certain metals. The next meeting of Pleasant River Solid Waste is on January 9th at 7:00 PM and will be held at Addison Point Agency. Tim plans to attend. There is further discussion of how Pleasant River can be more competitive with Mark Wright Disposal, keeping the roadside sign up to date to encourage recycling and using the districts facility. Chris will ask the book keeper to forward monthly financials to the town office of each town in the district.

3.    Small Animal Clinic – Stray Contract Renewal: The selectmen would like for Irving, our animal control officer, to find out if there are any nearer clinics that would accept strays/abandoned animals. The selectmen feel that by signing the contract, they are not bound to only use Small Animal clinic. The selectmen sign the contract.

4.    Fireworks Contract – (Tabled past 2 meetings): Tom is still working on finding other companies and says he needs to get in touch with Central Maine Pyrotechnics to ask what is included in the contract. Tim motions to leave this item on the table for future meetings. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Other: Tim mentions that the selectmen never voted to accept the tentative schedule for budget-warrant articles-town report-town meeting. Tom motions to accept the schedule, David seconds. Tim would like to include in the motion, to send the schedule to all committee chairs. Motion passes 3/3.

Tim asks Tom about shellfish committee meeting minutes. Tom stated that he will check with Frank again and have him submit the minutes to the office. Tim brings up a notice of intent to file, submitted to DEP by Alex Thompson for a 24 foot extension to his pier off the Cape Split road. Tim feels this will affect the harvesting of shellfish. John sent a copy to the shellfish committee. Tom will discuss this at their next meeting.

David mentions that there was not a vote to cancel the December 26th selectmen’s meeting. Tim motions to cancel the meeting. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Recently John had requested minimum pay for meetings, but withdrew this request, asking instead to take into consideration his distance from the town office when scheduling meetings. There is discussion of how John is paid for meetings. The selectmen ask John to use time from meetings as comp time instead of overtime.


Those attending: Chris Chartrand, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 8, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll.

Thomas W. Batson is absent.

Meeting Opened at: 6:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:25 PM


1.    Harbor Committee’s recommended changes to the Harbors Ordinance:

The Harbor Committee met at 4:00 PM to discuss updates to the Harbors Ordinance. These updates were presented to the selectmen by committee secretary Justin Thompson. The recommended updates include:

a.    Changing  the date a late fee will be imposed for unpaid mooring fees. Currently the late fee begins on August 1st. The committee recommends changing this to January 1st of the following year.

b.    Raising mooring fees for residents from $20 annually to $50 annually with a late fee of $50

c.    Raising mooring fees for non-residents from $50 annually to $125 annually with a late fee of $125

Tim motions to accept these changes. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

The selectmen will compose warrant articles to incorporate these changes for the upcoming March 2017 town meeting.

There is discussion of the 2005 town meeting warrant article, which passed, allowing overnight parking at the harbors. This article was never added to the harbors ordinance. Those in attendance raised concerns over what would be allowed for overnight parking, whether there should be signs placed for designated areas, and what penalties would be involved should there be parking in undesignated areas.

Tim stated that he is going to research the waiver for temporary storage of boats submitted by the harbor committee, to find out if the town would be required to have pollution insurance and whether or not the waiver would stand up in court. He will report his findings to the harbor committee.


David motions to adjourn the meeting. Tim seconds the motion. 


Those attending: Dean Crowley, Justin Thompson, Alex Thompson, Jason Tyler, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 28, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:47 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 14th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Harbor Committee – Discussion of Updates to Harbor Ordinance: Members of the harbor committee are present to discuss changes to the ordinance. There is discussion of increasing mooring fees, impact fees for commercial fisherman and recreation use of the harbors, and enforcement of the ordinance. A meeting of the committee is scheduled for December 8th at 4:00 PM, followed by a meeting with the committee and selectmen to finalize these proposed changes.

3.    Road Commissioner – Discussion of November 21st  Meeting Regarding Paving Projects and Funding: Tim motions to raise $40,000 from excise and $40,000 from taxation/surplus rather than to fund projects from a loan. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

4.    Minutes of Recent Shellfish Committee Meeting: Minutes have not been received. Tom will ask committee secretary to provide the minutes to be posted to the town’s website.

5.    Tom Batson – Pyrotechnics Agreement (item tabled 11/21 mtg): This item is tabled until Tom can gather more quotes from other pyrotechnics companies.

6.    Confirmation of Use of Tax Acquired Property Proceeds to be used for Hall Renovations: Tom motions to use proceeds of tax acquired property for hall renovations. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Tentative Schedule – Budget/Warrant Article Requests/Reports of Various Departments/Town Report/Town Meeting: No action

8.    Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 (2) – (5) to discuss Employee Compensation: Tom motions to close the meeting at 6:20 to enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim re-opens the meeting at 6:32 and states the session was for discussion only. 


Tim is working on whether or not open space properties and those in conservation can be open to the public for recreational use, and these properties would be posted to the town’s website.

The selectmen agree that tipping should be allowed on town property, with written permission from the town office, a limit of 5 permits to tip would be issued.


Irvin Pinkham stated that the town’s boat is missing a seat and would like to know where funds would come from to replace it. The selectmen feel the expense should come from the shellfish budget.


Those attending:

Osborne Davis, Dean Cirone (harbor master South Addison), Jason Tyler, Dan Fortin, Irvin Pinkham, Justin Thompson, Dean Crowley


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 21, 2016


Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson is absent.

Meeting Opened at: 5:40 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:25 PM


The selectmen met with road commissioner Osborne Davis to discuss paving of roads and funding options. John Woodward provided financial reports for reference.


The selectmen and road commissioner determined an amount that would have to be raised each year to maintain paved roads to be upwards of $80,000.


$40,000 has been raised from excise tax each year for paving loans. $10,000 has been raised from taxation or surplus each year for the past three years to be placed in a contingency fund.


The selectmen and road commissioner agree that $80,000 should be raised to maintain paved roads. $40,000 to be raised from excise and $40,000 from taxation and/or surplus. John points out that we have a balance in the paving account of $18,800 and that can be used for the upcoming 17-18 FY budget. This would lower the amount to be raised from taxation and/or surplus for the upcoming budget year.


David suggests waiting to vote on this until Tom can be present.


This will be an agenda item for the November 28th selectmen’s meeting.



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 14, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Tim opens the meeting at 5:00 PM, with a moment of silence for Arlene Guptill.

Meeting Closed at: 6:35 PM

1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the October 24th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Rick Haffner of DEP regarding Elliot Batson Permit: Mr. Haffner begins discussion of an expired permit. Mr. Batson’s permit expired in 2012. A new application needs to be submitted to the state and abutting landowners notified. The permit, if approved, is for five years. Tim asks how the permit holder is notified of an expired permit. Usually, a notification is sent out, but for some reason this did not happen or was overlooked. Mr. Haffner states that the town can set conditions on the permit, to include notification of upcoming permit expirations. The board of selectmen have no objections to a future permit, since it has already been going on.

3.    Road Commissioner

Sand/Salt Shed Door: PDQ door has made repairs to the overhead door which was damaged by the contractor when stockpiling the sand/salt. The board feels that the door or damaged parts should be replaced by the contractor. There is discussion of the flood light which is not functioning. This will be brought up at the upcoming buildings maintenance committee meeting.

Paving Roads Loan: Obbie would like a paving loan in the amount of $150,000 for paving projects. Tim would like a plan for the funds. The selectmen decide to meet on November 21st to further discuss the projects and funding options.

4.    Shellfish Warden Position: The shellfish warden has taken on another job for the sheriff’s department and is waiting for a schedule to be set. This will determine whether or not he can continue working for Addison. He has resigned his position in Harrington as their shellfish warden. There is discussion of whether or not the town could offer a full time position to include shellfish warden, harbor patrol, animal control, mowing, shoveling, flags, constable, and general maintenance. Tom motions to table this item until the next selectmen’s meeting. He will contact some of the shellfish committee members for their opinion. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Treasurer’s Position-Elected to Appointed Warrant Article: Tim states that most towns have changed the treasurer’s position to appointed due to the fact that the treasurer answers to and has no authority over the selectmen. John explains that any employee of the town should go thru a hiring process to determine if they are experienced and qualified for the position. Tom motions to add the item to the warrant for town meeting, and to add an explanation to the article. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Other: Tom mentions that he has been contacted by the pyrotechnics company regarding fireworks for Addison Days. The company would like the town to enter into a 3 year agreement to fix prices. Tom will ask Fran Havey to attend the next meeting to discuss the option further. He will also contact other pyrotechnic companies for other options.

David inquired about the harbor committee and whether or not they have met to discuss changes to the harbor ordinance. John is asked to notify the committee members, asking that they attend the next selectmen’s meeting.

Alice has sent a memo to the board, asking to send Kim to General Assistance training in Jonesport. Tom motions to send Kim to the training. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Alice also asks for the stipend pay of the GA assistant since Bobbi resigned at the beginning of the fiscal year. There is discussion. The item is tabled until the next meeting when Alice can attend.

Tim announces that the land transfer from the VFW to the town is now complete and the for sale sign which was placed on the property by mistake will be moved next week to the correct property. Building permits and DEP issued permits are now available on the town’s website. If someone requests a copy of their permit, they will be referred to the website and if they want a copy printed, a fee will be charged.


Those attending: Osborne Davis, Don Williams, Fran Havey, Elliot Batson, Rick Haffner, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

October 24, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Tim calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: Meeting adjourns at 6:20 PM

Moment of silence for Arlene Guptill


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 26th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Addison Sign Committee: Tim has met with Dean McGray of Signs By Deano. The Addison sign is up at the Wescogus location and Dean is working on the sign for the Indian River road location. Tim will write a report, recognizing the work of the volunteers for the annual report.

3.    PRSWDD requests use of Station #1 to hold meetings: Fire chief Sheldon Trundy is present. He doesn’t have a problem with people using the meeting room, but cleaning has been an issue in the past. Tom motions to allow the use of the meeting room at Station #1 for meetings, beginning December 12th. Tim amends the motion to add ‘until further notice and to sign and abide by the use agreement’. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

4.    WHCA – Regarding Petition for Town Meeting Warrant: Joe Perkins of WHCA is present. He asks the selectmen to waive the requirement for a petition in order to add their request for funding to the town meeting warrant. Tom motions for the selectmen to place the request on the warrant, with a budget amount to be provided to the budget committee by WHCA and a recommended amount by the budget committee. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Street Light at Addison Point: A street light on the front of the storage building had lit up the area in the past, but power was discontinued when the fire department moved to their new location. Tom motions to turn power on at the old fire station 1 (now the town’s storage building). Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim suggests changing the light out to a more energy efficient fixture.

6.    Road Commissioner: Obbie Davis reports that roadside mowing has been completed. The sand/salt stock has not been completed yet, but he is in contact with County Concrete. Obbie has contacted Lane Construction to provide an estimate for overlay. Tim has been in contact with MDOT regarding painting out stripes on the roads for safety reasons. MDOT has complied and the stripes are now painted on Basin, East Side and Wescogus roads. There is discussion of trees along state maintained roads that are causing damage to boats that are being hauled from the harbors.

7.    Land Transfer – VFW to Town of Addison: John Woodward has prepared a quit claim deed and real estate transfer tax form for the VFW and is waiting for an officer to pick it up. Ron Carpenter will contact the VFW to follow up.

8.    Kelsey Properties: Fran Havey is willing to work with a committee to take on plans for the properties. A committee needs to be formed. Volunteers are needed.

9.    Ordinance Updates – Mobile Home, Building, etc: Tim explains the need to update current ordinances and suggests a committee be formed to review, make changes to, and submit for annual town meeting vote. Don Williams is willing to serve on this committee. Volunteers are needed.

10. Discussion of adding Terry Grant as a town employee: Terry would like to volunteer his services on a volunteer basis, but is concerned about insurance. Tom motions to add Terry as an employee. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

11. Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Salary Increase for Kimbley Davis: Our of order. Tim motions to close the selectmen’s meeting and enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The selectmen’s meeting is reopened at 6:15 PM. Tim motions to increase Kimbley’s hourly wage by 50¢. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.



            DEP Issued Permits not received by Town of Addison: Tim has been in contact with DEP regarding these permits. They have provided a copy of permits issued within the past 2 years. Tim would like a space created on the town’s website for the permits, and to leave the permits online for up to 2 years. The permits would then be archived in one folder labeled ‘DEP Permits’. Tim motions to copy permits to the town’s website. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim mentions that if residents come to town office for a copy of these permits, they should be charged $5.00 plus 25¢ per page. This is tabled until the next meeting.

Tom reports an issue at Batson’s brook with beavers. Obbie says it is on private property, the town should not pay to have them removed.

Donna Kausen would like to add an event at the nude beach to her recreation committee report in the annual report. She will also set a date for trash pick up, preferably before Memorial day. Tom motions to allow the mention of the events in her report. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Those attending: Fran Havey, Peter Davis, Osborne Davis, Don Williams, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Donna Kausen, Joe Perkins, Ron Carpenter, Sheldon Trundy, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 26, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:45 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 12th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Susan Smith – MMA Employee Health Trust: Susan hands out pamphlets showing the plans available and explains costs, and coverages for each plan. Health Trust will set rates for 2017 in November and a 10% increase is expected. There is no action taken, this agenda item was to provide the selectmen with options for health plans in preparation for the upcoming budget.

3.    Bill Mercer – Black Bear Security: Bill presents 2 proposals, one for burglary system and another for cameras. Tim inquired about a cost to add fire. The proposals from Seacoast Security and Black Bear Security will be considered during the continued renovations to town hall.

4.    Telecommunications – Town Office: Tim is concerned about the internet speed and suggests a new quote from Time Warner. John explains that 3 years ago the quote came in at $75/month compared to Fairpoint’s $19/month. The internet speed thru Fairpoint is adequate and has been reliable except for recently when the wiring was disrupted during renovations. The office was without internet for one day until Fairpoint came and made repairs, at no cost to the town.

5.    Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 Regarding Employee Evaluation: Tom motions to close the meeting and enter executive session with Kimbley Davis. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim reopens the meeting. An agenda item will be added to the next meeting regarding a salary increase for Kim.

Other: Road Commissioner Obbie Davis has been working with The By Us Company for a quote for roadside mowing. The current quote is $3,200, but did not include School and Pleasant Streets. Obbie will contact The By Us Co for an updated quote to include these two streets. Mary Thompson inquired about the Kelsey matter. John had contacted the town’s attorney and he is reviewing materials. He initially responded that the agreements still stand, regardless of the bankruptcy. Mary suggests working with Kelsey as a partner, possibly coming up with a plan for an option to purchase. The selectmen would like to form a committee to look in to this further. Fran Havey inquired about the handicap signs at town hall. Peter Davis will put the sign back up on the finished side of the building. Tom Batson states that he has contacted Roger Clapp of the planning board and CEO Betsy Fitzgerald regarding a property dispute and mobile home issue. He feels the ordinance should be rewritten. Fran inquired about the Sand Salt Shed issue. A court date has not been set. John brings up that the next scheduled selectmen’s meeting falls on a holiday. The selectmen decide to skip the meeting. The next scheduled meeting will be October 24th unless something comes up.


Those attending: Don Williams, Mary Thompson, Kimbley Davis, Peter Davis, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Fran Havey, Osborne Davis, Cathy Fonda, John Woodward, Bill Mercer,

Susan Smith


Town of Addison


Public Hearing Regarding General Assistance Ordinance Updates

September 12, 2016

Present are: Selectmen; Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson. GA Administrator Alice M. Tucker. Public; Mary Thompson, David Spaulding, Dennis Moraisey, Matt Brady, Cathy Fonda, Fran Havey, Daniel Fortin, Peter Davis, Irvin and Roberta Pinkham, John Woodward

Tim opens the hearing and turns it over to Alice for a brief explanation of the changes to the General Assistance ordinance maximums. Each year, DHHS and MMA work together to come up with maximum incomes allowed for assistance. Mary Thompson motions to accept the changes. Fran Havey seconds the motion. Motion passes. Tim motions to adjourn. Fran Havey seconds the motion and the hearing closes at 5:10 PM.


Selectmen’s Meeting

September 12, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:10 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:55 PM


1.    Motion to act on General Assistance Ordinance Updates: Tom motions to accept the changes to the GA Ordinance. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the July 29th Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting (Tim and Tom) and the August 22nd Selectmen’s meeting (Tim and David): Tom motions to accept the July 29th meeting minutes. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. David motions to accept the minutes of the August 22nd meeting minutes. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Matthew Brady-Seacoast Security: Matt gives a presentation of the proposal he provided. Tim questions how a security system would affect the town’s insurance. There are two separate proposals, one for basic security and another for installing cameras. The security would have a monthly fee. Maintenance on equipment is included in the first 12 months and a contract is available after that. Typical security contracts are 3-5 years, but are negotiable. This is the first proposal for security. Black Bear security will present the selectmen with a quote at the September 26th meeting.

4.    Irvin Pinkham-Animal Control: Irvin begins discussion regarding a feral cat problem off Indian River road. He estimates upwards of 100 cats. Currently he has only one trap. The selectmen suggest ordering more traps to try to catch as many as possible and get the situation under control. Tim motions to order 10 traps (5 sets) at a cost of $34.99 per set. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Ideas for handling the feral cat problem are discussed. The selectmen will check with the SPCA to see if they will take some of the cats.

5.    Request for Discount on Tax: Tom motions to deny the request. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Buildings Maintenance Committee: Peter Davis will contact John Rittenhouse to begin construction at the town hall as soon as possible. Parris Hammond Jr. will remove the fire escape . Dan Fortin has contacted Ryan Shaw for a quote to insulate the front of the building. Additional outlets will be added to the office areas. New floor joists will be added to the front office. Tom has received complaints regarding flags displayed thru out town. Some of the flags need to be replaced. Irvin usually does this, but has been too busy to get to it. Tom motions to have Peter and John Rittenhouse take care of the flags. Tim amends the motion for the buildings maintenance committee to take on ongoing maintenance of the flags. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    MMA 2016 Convention: Tim motions to send two selectmen to the convention which will be held in Bangor at the Cross Center on October 5th and 6th. Tim and Tom will be attending. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.    Kimbley Davis’ 90 Day Review: Tim will be performing the review on Wednesday morning and will be assisted by Alice and John.

9.    Recent Correspondence with Richard Kelsey II Regarding Dilapidated Buildings: Out of order. Tim motions to check with the town’s attorney regarding the agreements made with Kelsey before he filed for bankruptcy to see if they are still in effect. Tom seconds the motion. There is discussion of other dilapidated buildings in town and whether or not to send letters to the property owners, asking that they secure the buildings.


Other: Dennis Moraisey would like to use the Basin Road town landing to store building materials for transport to an island where he is doing construction. Tim explains that the current Harbors ordinance does not allow for storage. The landings are transfer facilities only.

Tim inquires about a quote from Lane Construction for paving. Road Commissioner, Obbie Davis is not present and had not asked John to assist with obtaining a quote. John states that he has received a quote for roadside mowing from the  By Us Company at a cost of $4,250 for 29.1 miles of road. Obbie felt this quote was too high.


Those attending: Alice Tucker, Tim and Mary Thompson, David Spaulding, Dennis Moraisey, Matt Brady, Cathy Fonda, Fran Havey, Daniel Fortin, Peter Davis, Irvin Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 22, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson is absent.

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:15 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the July 29th Emergency Selectmen’s meeting: Tim motions to table this item until Tom is present. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 8th Selectmen’s Meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Road Commissioner: Obbie will place the new harbor signs on Tuesday the 23rd. The signs state the hours of the facility, no storage allowed, and a thank you for helping to keep the harbors clean. There is discussion regarding ‘public boat access’ signs and ‘no parking’ signs. Obbie has contacted MDOT regarding striping on newly paved East Side and Basin roads. Currently, there are no guide stripes and it is difficult to see at night, especially during foggy conditions. Tim will follow up with them. Obbie may do the roadside mowing instead of putting it out to bid, since we received no bids the last time the mowing was advertised. Mary Thompson inquired about tree trimming along the South Addison roads and would like any chips to be dumped by the Mooseneck/Cape Split intersection. Cathy Fonda inquired about paving on the dyke (Ridge road). Obbie says the estimate from County Concrete came in at $25,000. He will contact Lane Construction for an estimate. David suggests getting an estimate for road sweeping for next spring.

4.    Voter Registration Workshop-Wednesday, October 12th in Bangor (Kim will need to attend training before being appointed Registrar): Tim motions to send Kim to the workshop, and if required to approve of any overtime. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

5.    Public Hearing Regarding New General Assistance Maximums: Tim motions to schedule a public hearing on September 12th at 5:00 to be followed by the regularly scheduled selectmen’s meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

6.    Required Information from Contractors (to be posted to website): Tim motions to post the information to the town’s website. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

7.    Discussion of Kelsey properties: Recently, John contacted MMA Legal to ask if the agreements the selectmen had with Kelsey in 2009 were still valid. Soon after the agreements were made, Kelsey filed for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy has since ended. MMA was not able to answer the question and recommended that the selectmen consult an attorney. John will contact Kelsey’s bankruptcy attorney for a copy of the bankruptcy proceedings.

Other: Obbie asks if the selectmen have had any news from the town’s attorney regarding the sand salt shed dispute. The selectmen have not had any recent correspondence regarding the matter.

Mary Thompson expresses thanks to Don Williams for repainting the vandalized South Addison sign and Cape Split road sign. The other Addison sign will be place on August 23rd and the growth around the posts will be trimmed.

Josh Stubbs had placed the highest bid on the old shellfish boat trailer, but has not followed thru with the purchase. John will continue to try to get in touch with him and if Josh is no longer interested, the next highest bid from Lisa Norton will be accepted.

John will ask John Rittenhouse if he will remove trash left behind in the old Fire Station (storage building).

Ron Carpenter states that Dean McGray will have the ‘Welcome to Addison’ signs ready by the end of September.

Tim suggests 2 or 3 quotes for minimum security at Town Hall. David agrees.

Dan Fortin is scheduling a buildings maintenance committee meeting within the next couple weeks to discuss plans for further restoration of town hall. Notice of the meeting will be posted on the town’s bulletin board and Facebook page.


Those attending: Mary Thompson, Ron Carpenter, Cathy Fonda, Osborne “Obbie” Davis, Don Williams, John Woodward 


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 8, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll – Thomas W.  Batson is not present.

Meeting Opened at: Tim calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:30 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the July 25th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Addison Point Water District: Alison Smith is present to speak on behalf of the water district. Tim asks for an explanation of the break in the water line which caused members of the district to be without water for a couple days last week. Alison states that there was a break in the first stretch of line, caused by a rock. It took approximately 6 hours to repair the line, once the break was localized. It took additional time to locate the leak. The district placed a ‘boil order’ on the usage. Tim is concerned about how the members are contacted for updates regarding water issues. Alison will contact the town office and Tim directly in the future. Tim will attend the next meeting of the water district. There is further discussion of volunteerism, and what might happen to the water lines if the dyke was opened. The district is all volunteer, with the exception of the book keeper. Alison wants to make public that no members of the district get water for ‘free’ for volunteering.

3.    West River (Basin Area) Town Landing Use: Tom had received a request by a contractor to store materials at the landing until they could be transferred to a nearby island. The contractor is not present. Tim explains that the ordinance does not allow for storage of any kind. There is discussion of insurance, potential damage to the area, and size limits. Tim motions to reject the request to store materials for any length of time. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.    Buildings Maintenance

a.    Recent Meeting: Dan Fortin is not present. Tim attended the meeting and gives an update. The committee is willing to take on overseeing maintenance of all town owned buildings.

b.    Addison Point Park Gate: The park gate needs repairs. The hinges need to be replaced in the rock column. John Rittenhouse states that he can make the repairs.

c.    Town Hall Hot Water: Since the solar panels were installed at town hall, the hot water has been ‘hit or miss’. John Woodward contacted Dead River and they have bypassed the solar water heat until the valves can be replaced. John Rittenhouse can make the repairs and estimates the cost to be approximately $200. Tim motions for John to make the repairs. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

d.    Town Hall Drain in Men’s Room: John Rittenhouse explains that he has taken the trap apart, but the issue is further down in the line. He will need to crawl under the building and use a snake to clear the line. John will add an outside water frost proof faucet with a shut off valve inside the building.

e.    Tom Batson, Town Hall Handicap Ramp-Gravel: Tom is concerned that the gravel is making it difficult for the secretary of the shellfish committee to attend meetings. He is in a wheelchair and the gravel is causing an issue. John Woodward has swept a 10 foot area surrounding the ramp.

5.    Rain Gauge Installation-Washington County Council of Governments: Department of Marine Resources would like to place a rain gauge at the town hall to gather information regarding rain fall. The information would be used when deciding whether or not to close/open flats to harvesting. The agreement between the town and DMR would require the town to provide maintenance of the gauge and a wifi connection. Tim is not in favor of signing the agreement because of the responsibilities to the town for maintenance and explains that there are many gauges around the area. Tim motions to not engage in the program. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

6.    Motor Vehicle Training in Orono September 27-29: John explains that in order for Kim Davis to process motor vehicle registrations on her own, she needs to complete the necessary training. There is discussion of whether or not it is in the budget to pay for hotel stay, mileage and meals. The costs would come from the administration department. John will make reservations at a hotel for Kim using the tax exempt certificate. Tim motions to send Kim to the training. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

7.    Selectmen to Sponsor General First Aid Training at Station 1: Training will be provided on Thursday September 1st at 7:00 PM. The training will be limited to 30 people. This training will cover what to do while waiting for help to arrive. There is no certification no CPR training. A sign-up sheet will be at town hall.


Other: Don Williams gives an update on the Welcome to Addison signs. Tim has a photo of one of the signs on display to show repairs that have been made. Dean McGray is present to speak about the quote he gave and to ask questions regarding the posts and whether or not the signs could withstand high winds. There is discussion of placing posts by the Jonesport town line and mounting signs over existing plywood. Obbie Davis will install the posts. The design of the signs is also discussed. Dean will try to get the signs made by the end of August, early September. Tim motions to spend up to $350 each for the two signs plus the expense of mounting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

Don Williams is concerned about the amount of trash and debris at the South Addison town landing. John Woodward will ask Harbor Patrol officer Wayne Robbins to check out the traps for a number which identifies the owner. There is discussion of mooring fees and how to pay for clean-up of the harbors. The Harbor Committee has discussed possibly raising mooring fees. Mary Thompson suggests that the fees should be based on the size of the boat.

Mary Thompson inquires about roadside mowing. Obbie states that it will be done, he is looking into it. The state will do their sections of roads in town. Obbie suggests the town mow the landfill lot as well.

Tim has received notice from the Maine Natural Resources Conservation Program that they are looking for a volunteer to serve on the board to represent our community. Tim would like to volunteer to serve on this board. David thinks it’s a great idea.


Tim motions to adjourn. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.



Those attending: Mary Thompson, Alison Smith, Don Williams, Osborne Davis, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Cathy Fonda, Ron Carpenter


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 25, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:26 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the July 11th Selectmen’s meeting: David makes a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Kelsey – Dilapidated Buildings: Tim has prepared a letter to Kelsey regarding the conditions of the buildings at Addison Point. This notice would be the first step in three according to the Maine State Statute Title 17 Chapter 91 Section 2851 regarding dangerous buildings. Tom motions to send the letter. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Buildings Maintenance – Drains at Town Hall: Discussion regarding the drains. Mainly Vinyl submitted a quote for one side of the building which included gutters with drains. The Buildings Maintenance committee will discuss this further at their next meeting on August 3rd at 6 PM at Station 1. Kim will post the notice to Facebook and on the community bulletin board.

4.    Discussion Regarding Tax on Mobile Homes: MMA Legal responded to the Selectmen regarding delinquent tax on mobile homes. The Selectmen are concerned that the town may be liable (again) for tax acquiring a mobile home that would then need to be demolished. Last year this cost the town approximately $4,500. After further discussion, Tom motions to table the issue. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Sign Committee – Addison Signs Quote: Dean McGray of Signs by DEANO is not present to discuss his quote. This item is tabled. The sign committee is making progress on repairs to other signs.

6.    Procedure for Reporting Trash along Roadsides: Tom makes a motion to prepare a written procedure for dealing with roadside trash by the next Selectmen’s meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


7.    45 Day Review – Office Assistant: Tim will conduct a 45 day review and report back to the other selectmen.


8.    Town Clerk Training – Shellfish Management Program: Tim motions for Alice to attend the training. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


 Other: Thank you to Tom and Fran for the Addison Days complaint regarding the debris at the town landing after the fireworks.

The old shellfish boat trailer is still for sale.

Those present state that Kim is doing an awesome job on the town’s website.

Discussion of Assessor/CEO building permit issues. The Selectmen would like to meet with the Assessor.

Tom can not be at the August 8th meeting.

Discussion of a sign similar to the new town of Steuben sign. The sign cost $19,000. A grant might be available in the future.


Those attending: Mary Thompson, Daniel Fortin, Gary Magby, Fran Havey, Don Williams, Ron Carpenter, Kimbley Davis



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 11, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:25 PM

1.  Motion to accept  the minutes of the June 27th selectmen's meeting: Tim motions to accept the minutes with an amendment to item 2 (a) "The waiver was sent to MMA Legal for advice,  but #-was MMA Legal suggested that the town hire an attorney to review and make recommendations." David seconds  the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.  Amendments to Snow Plow Contract: Amendments to the contract were editorial,  changes  to genera/liability requirements per MMA Risk Management, and a reduction in the amount of sand and salt which affected the contract price for sand stockpiling.  David motions to accept the contract as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.  Welcome to Addison Signs: This item is taken out of order as Ron Carpenter was late getting to the meeting. He had met with Dean McGray of 'Signs by Deana' to get a quote for the replacement of 2 signs. Ron submits the quote to the selectmen for review and discussion. The quote is for (2) two 4' x 6' .40 aluminum full color signs at $350/each  which will replace the signs located at Indian River and Wescogus corner. The quote does not include the replacement of 4" x 4" mounting  posts at the Indian River location. Ron will speak with Dean again to get a quote for installing new posts and a recommendation for installation to withstand  100 mile per hour winds. Other signs located at Water Street and Mooseneck Road need to be removed and delivered  to Don Williams for repairs.  Tim asks Fire Chief Sheldon Trundy if the removal could be a work detail for volunteers. Tim will try to get everyone together this week to remove the signs.

4.  Harbors 

a. Signs: The selectmen agree that signs are needed at each of the harbors  to enforce current ordinance  restrictions.  There is discussion of the wording of the signs. John has come up with wording  based on the ordinance. "This is a transfer station only. Anything left over 24 hours will be removed  at the owner's expense.  Open sunrise to 10 PM. No camping.  No overnight parking. No swimming. No diving." Mary Thompson suggests a thank you for keeping the area clean. Tom motions for John to acquire quotes for 5 signs to be placed at the harbors for the next meeting. Tim seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3/3.

b. Waiver for Storage: The waiver prepared  by the harbors committee was sent to the town's attorney for review and recommendation. Tim feels the waiver needs to be more in depth, to include insurance requirements, time limits for storage, etc. There is discussion of the town's liability if boats were to be stored and what other towns are allowing.  It is recommended that the town hire a different attorney to compose  a waiver that would indemnify the town. Tim will work with others to come up with something.

5.  Building Permit/CEO Reporting Process: Recently the assessor stated that he was not able to assess property tax to some new builds or buildings that were incomplete due to a lack of a 'discernible system'. It is suggested that the assessor do more field work to follow up on permits that have been issued. Tom motions to request that Doug Guy attend the next meeting for further discussion. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6. Storage Building Door: John Rittenhouse is working on a quote to either repair or remove the overhead door at the old fire station.

7.  Kelsey Properties: Fire Chief Trundy says the buildings are structurally  unsound and should be condemned under the dangerous buildings  law, Title 17 Chapter 91. The buildings need to be secured until they are either removed or demolished. Tom offers to write a letter to Mr. Kelsey, asking what his plans are for the buildings  and to recommend a chain link fence around the property to protect the public. Tim motions for Tom to write the letter. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.  Recent Maine Townsman Article- Remote Meetings: Under current law, remote meetings are not allowed. The buildings maintenance committee has wired the hall for the future which would allow remote meetings if the law changes. This would allow a board member to be present via phone conference in the event they could not attend in person.

9. 2016 Tax Mil Rate: The selectmen had voted to set the mil rate at 14.50, but the assessor  has authority to set the rate. If the mil rate had been left at 14.50, only $835.00 would have been raised for overlay, which is used to cover abatements. The assessor  set the rate at 14.60, which put $14,084.82 in overlay.

Other: Tom asks Sheldon if he can supply a fire truck for Addison Days to be used as a photo op. Sheldon explains that he will try to do his best, but he is working with a limited number of volunteers.  The fire department will be helping with traffic control as well. Dan Fortin asks about the building permit prices. Mary Thompson answers. There is discussion of the need to change the prices based on the type of build, along with changes to other prices set in ordinances  such as mooring fees.

There being no further business, Tom motions to adjourn.  David seconds the motion.

Those attending: Mary Thompson, Cathy Fonda, Osborne Davis, Don Williams, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Daniel Fortin, Sheldon Trundy, Ron Carpenter, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

June 27, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:13 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the June 13th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Harbor Committee

a.    Ordinance Updates Dean Crowley and Justin Thompson are present from the harbor committee to discuss possible changes to the harbors ordinance and the proposed waiver for temporary boat storage at the South Addison Landing. The waiver was sent to MMA Legal for advice, but it was  MMA Legal suggested that the town hire an attorney to review and make recommendations. Tom motions to use the town’s attorney to review the waiver. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

b.    Signs Dean and Justin take a copy of the suggested wording for signage at the harbors to be discussed at a committee meeting in the future. They recommend holding off on signs until changes can be made to the ordinance to allow temporary storage of boats and overnight parking.

c.    Repairs/Upgrades Dean reports that repairs and upgrades have been made to the floats and currently all are in good working order. Disposal of old traps are discussed.

3.    Planning Board – Mobile Home Ordinance: Tim opens discussion of a possible ordinance for regulation of mobile homes on lands of in order to secure taxes. All three selectmen will attend the next planning board meeting on July 6th to discuss this further. It is suggested that the planning board hire an attorney to help draft an ordinance.

4.    Buildings Maintenance Committee – Town Hall Update: Dan Fortin states that siding has been installed on the east side of the building, along with new windows and foam insulation. Repairs to the studs and joists are complete. Repairs to the floor joists under the front office will be made during the weekend. $14,800 has been expended so far, with $43,000 remaining in the Buildings Maintenance account. The committee will meet to discuss the next phase of the project with estimated costs.

5.    County Bulk Salt Bid: Towns in Washington County join the bid to secure a lower price on bulk salt for the winter roads maintenance. All three selectmen sign the bid. Mary Thompson inquired about the removal of sand from roads. Obbie will look into prices for roadside sweeping. A company called DownEast Supervac is mentioned. The Town has used this company in the past which would allow the sand could be reused for other purposes.

6.    Addison Signs: Don Williams of the sign committee has estimates for the selectmen for the repair of signs. The estimate is $355 to repair the painted signs. Ron Carpenter is gathering estimates for the repair of the lettered signs. Types of paint is discussed. Obbie suggests that the costs of repairs come from the town roads account. Tom motions to spend up to $400 to repair the signs. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Motion to Appoint

a.    Kimbley Davis – Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Tax Collector: Tom motions to make the appointments. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

b.    Brandy Atcherson – Addison Days Committee Tom motions to make the appointment. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.    Shellfish Committee – Status of Sale of Old Boat Trailer: Tom will haul the old trailer to his home and put a for sale sign on it. David will pick up the new spare tire and bracket for the new trailer the next time he’s in Machias.

9.    Gary Magby – Friends of Church on Hill Concert: Gary informs the selectmen of the concert planned for July 16th at 7:00 PM at Church on Hill building and suggests that the Addison Days committee work with him next year for planning and advertising events.

10. Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Regarding a Personnel Matter: Tim motions to adjourn the regular meeting and enter executive session at 6:22 PM. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim motions to reopen the meeting at 7:12 PM. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim reports that there is nothing to report. The selectmen ‘aired issues’.


Other: Taken out of order. Gary Magby suggests speed limit signs for the West Side road. He will contact the sheriff’s department. Tim reports a citizen complaint regarding the yield sign at the intersection of Ridge and Water Street and the washout on Ridge caused by a recent storm. Obbie will take care of the issues.


Meeting adjourned at 7:13 PM


Those attending: Don Williams, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Gary Magby, Daniel Fortin, Judy and Norman Dakin, Cathy Fonda, Osborne Davis, Peter Davis, Mary Thompson, Dean Crowley, Justin Thompson, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

June 13, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:55 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the May 23rd Selectmen’s meeting: David makes a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Betsy Fitzgerald – Code Enforcement Officer;

a.    Drisko Fine: Betsy states that the building has been moved to a proper location. Tim asks for a letter from Betsy confirming compliance by Drisko. Betsy agrees to write such letter.

b.    Batson Junkyard Violation: Mr. Batson has cleaned up the junkyard in an effort to be compliant. Screening of the junkyard is discussed, but not applicable because of the location. Osborne Davis states that McMann road is a town right of way and not a town road.

c.    Kennedy Septic Complaint: Betsy has spoken with the Kennedy’s and determined that the septic is functioning properly. They are working to find the source.

d.    Dean Young Property: Tom brings up the illegal burning and dumping that has recently taken place on the property and what to do about it. Fire Chief Sheldon Trundy suggests contacting the Maine Forrest Service. Tom further suggests a letter to Mr. Young to let him know what has been taking place on his property.

3.    Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Interview – Town Hall Cleaner: Tom motions to close the meeting at 5:15 and enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom motions to re-open the meeting at 5:25. Motion passes 3/3. Tom motions to hire Shelley Leighton. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Shelley will work six hours per week. John will call Shelley and have her come in to fill out the necessary paperwork. A complete job description is mentioned.

4.    Office Assistant: Tom motions to hire Kimbley Davis as the part time office assistant. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Harbors Committee;

a.    Signs:

b.    Floats:

c.    Waiver for Storage:

Tom motions to table discussion until a representative from the committee can be present. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Buildings Maintenance;

a.    Update on Town Hall Repairs: Dan Fortin states that the structural phase of the project is complete. Peter Davis and John Rittenhouse have made repairs to approximately 47 feet of sill. The next phase calls for spray foam insulation. Siding and windows have been ordered and electrical upgrades will be complete within a couple weeks. The selectmen and those in attendance applaud the committee and workers for coming together and doing a job well done. Dan inquires about a financial report. John Woodward has been keeping a tally when bills come in.

b.    Kitchen: Betty Thompson of the Auxiliary explains that the stoves and vent hoods, along with the trash cans have all been cleaned. They will clean the refrigerators and freezer next.

c.    Wind Turbine Maintenance: John reports that the turbine was last serviced in August of last year. Maintenance is scheduled every 24 months to comply with the warranty. John Rittenhouse tightens the guy wires and Terry Grant makes frequent inspections as well as reading the meter for Kwh generated.

d.    Committee Voting Procedure: Tom brings up a question of possible conflict of interest when two members who vote on repairs are also contractors hired to perform the work. Dan Fortin suggests a sub-committee to oversee maintenance on the park and turbine, along with other town owned properties.

7.    2016 Tax Rate: Tax Assessor Doug Guy has prepared a letter and recommendation for a mil rate of $14.70. Last year’s rate was $14.35. Doug suggests taxing personal property. There is question as to whether or not the law states we have to tax personal property and what the process would be. A re-evaluation of the whole town is also mentioned. Tom motions to set the mil rate at no higher than $14.50. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.    Addison Days – BYOB Dance: John has had a response from MMA Risk Management, they will cover the event as long as the town obtains the necessary permit from the state. David motions to approve the event. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom is working on finding two constables or law enforcement officers to be present at the event, which is a requirement for BYOB. Tom asks if the kiddie train can be stored in the old fire station building. There is a question regarding insurance and space. Obbie Davis offers to store the item in his garage. Tim motions to appoint Jean Lawson to the Addison Days committee as recommended by Tom. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/3. Tom abstains.

9.    Addison Signs – Estimate for Supplies: Tim motions to table discussion until Don Williams can be present or submit a written estimate for repairs. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

10. Letter to Carver Construction Regarding Clearcutting Violation: Tom motions to send the letter that Tim has prepared. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


11. Letter to MDOT Regarding Culvert at Town Hall: Tom motions to send the letter Tim has prepared. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

12. Letter Regarding Tax Exempt Properties: Tim is currently working on a draft letter, which he will present at the next meeting.  

13. Executive Session Per 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Employee Reviews: Tom motions to enter executive session at 6:30.  David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. David motions to re-open the meeting at 6:50. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim motions to award salary increases effective Monday June 20th and to further issue a one time $150 bonus to Alice Tucker and $75 bonus to John. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Other: Betty Thompson says that she is very pleased with the newly paved roads. Obbie will personally thank MDOT for their work.

Dan Fortin suggests a posting in the window when meetings are moved to another location.

Sheldon Trundy talks about the new truck recently purchased thru a government auction. He says the truck is immaculate and is currently being lettered and serviced. The department will sell the old truck this one replaces to offset the costs.

Tom will haul out the old shellfish boat trailer to be sold as is for a best reasonable offer. David will pick up the spare tire and bracket from Whitneys in Machias this week for the new boat trailer.


Those attending: Osborne Davis, Peter Davis, Elliot Batson, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell, Mary Thompson, Charles and Lynn Dowling, Sheldon Trundy, Betty and Peter Thompson, Betsy Fitzgerald, Gary Magby, Dan Fortin, Shelley Leighton, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

May 23, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:10 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the May 9th, May 12th, and May 16th Selectmen’s meetings: Tim motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/3. Tom abstains as he was not present at the meetings.

2.    Spaulding Property: After discussion with Mr. Spaulding and his representative Mr. Anderson, Tim motions to impose a $2,500 fine for the contractor. Mr. Spaulding is to replant where trees in excess of 5” in diameter can be identified to have existed before the clearing, with 4' -5' Spruce trees, within the 75’ shoreland zone. Plantings placed as not to obstruct the view. Replanting to be completed within 18 months of today’s date. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Town Clerk requests;

a.    To be included in the hiring process for the office assistant position

b.    Permission to hire an election warden for June 14th election (training will be required)

c.    Permission to work overtime until an office assistant has been hired

Tim motions to allow up to 10 hours per week of overtime for the office staff until further authorized, to allow the office staff to be involved in the hiring process and to allow the hiring of an election warden at $9.00 per hour. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Roberta Pinkham offers to work as election warden on June 14th.

4.    Fire Department, Truck 342: The fire department would like to be authorized to spend up to $12,000 to replace the truck, which is in poor condition. A suitable truck has been located on a government auction site. Tom motions to spend $7,400 from the emergency contingency with the balance coming from the fire department’s operating budget until a special town meeting is held in order to replenish the operating budget, with a maximum amount of $12,000. The old truck will be sold to offset the expenditure. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/3. David abstains. Tim will contact MMA Legal for advice in regards to using emergency contingency funds.

5.    Shellfish Committee, Boat Trailer Purchase (Tabled 5-9-16): Tim motions to spend up to $908.14 to purchase the boat trailer along with a spare tire and bracket. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The boat trailer will be rinsed after use at the new fire station with a hose that will be kept in the boat trailer. The shellfish warden will also add to his timesheet when the boat motor is maintained. The old boat trailer will be placed in front of the storage building and sold as is.

The shellfish committee recommends appointing Adrian Batson to the committee. David motions to appoint Adrian Batson. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/3. Tom abstains.

6.    Harbor Committee

a.    Waiver (Update):

b.    Meeting Minutes: Both items are tabled for the next meeting as no representative from the harbor committee is present.

7.    Draft Letter Re Building Permit #3-2016: Tim motions to send the letter to the applicant which gives the owner until June 6th to take corrective action before fines are imposed. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.    Addison Signs (Tabled 5-9-16): Don Williams and Nona Cirone have volunteered to repaint two of the signs and to be reimbursed for supplies. Don will come to the next meeting with an estimate for supplies. Funds would come from the town roads budget and are estimated at $250.

9.    Time for Selectmen’s Meetings (Tabled 5-9-16): Tom felt that the item should be discussed. Those in attendance are okay with the current time for meetings.



Fran Havey thanks the town for reimbursing her for attending the Board of Appeals training.

Fire Chief, Sheldon Trundy informs the selectmen of hazardous materials located off McMann road which are a fire danger. Debris piles include tires, tv’s, traps, fluorescent bulbs, etc. It is decided to send the CEO out to inspect the site.


David motions to adjourn. Tim seconds the motion.


Those attending: Mary Thompson, Alice Tucker, Don Williams, Peter and Grace Anderson, David Spaulding, Sheldon Trundy, Fran Havey, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell, Donna Kausen, Susan Sheridan, Irvin and Roberta Pinkham, Dan Fortin, Peter Davis, Cathy Fonda, Buddy and Judy Dakin, Osborne Davis, John Woodward




Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

May 9, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:30 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 25th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Addison Signs Update: Committee members are not present. Tim motions to table the item. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Sand/Salt Shed Dispute Update: The judge’s order allows an attachment of $3,000 on the building, but throws out Trask’s claim of the $28,000 change order. Tim motions to contact the town’s attorney, asking to expedite the case, and not to put $3,000 in escrow. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.    Buildings Maintenance Committee Update: Dan Fortin states that the committee has not met recently, but has received a quote for spray foam insulation and that John Rittenhouse has installed a hatch in the back corner for access to underneath the building. Some of the lumber needed for repairs has been purchased and the types of sheathing and siding need to be determined. Dan will contact committee members to schedule a meeting.

5.    Computer Tech Proposals: The proposals gathered will be used as a guide for next nears budget. John will look in to switching to higher speed internet with Fairpoint. Item tabled until the next meeting.

6.    Shellfish Committee-Boat Trailer Purchase: David motions to table the decision to purchase. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

7.    Harbor Committee

Discussion of Recent Meeting: The committee has come up with a waiver to be reviewed by MMA Legal. The waiver would allow the temporary storage of boats. John will submit the waiver to MMA for their opinion. Increases in mooring fees are discussed. Currently the fees are $20 for resident and $50 for non-resident. Increases in fees could be used towards a stipend for the harbor master. The committee will hold a meeting to discuss the fees further. A quote was received from Marcus Norton for repairs at South Addison in the amount of $2,350. Tim motions to spend the amount from the harbors account. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

Motion to Appoint Dean Cirone as South Addison Harbor Master: Tim motions to appoint Dean Cirone as harbor master for South Addison. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


8.    School Budget Validation Referendum: Mary Thompson states that there are two parts to the school budget vote. The appropriations and validation process. Mary will make up a sign to be placed in front of the building in the hopes of drawing more voters.

9.    Certificate of Settlement-2015 Taxes: John explains that the settlement relieves tax collector Alice Tucker from collection. The tax liens are now the responsibility of the treasurer. 2014 tax liens will mature in October.

10. Motion to close the meeting and enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405-Personnel Matter

      Meeting closed at: 6:02

      Meeting re-opened at: 6:25

Tim explains the reason for the executive session is to discuss the process for employee reviews.





a.    Taken out of order: The planning board requests that a meeting be held between the selectmen and the code enforcement officer to discuss building permit #3-2016, which was issued subject to CEO inspection. The CEO suggests that the building be moved to a proper location, but needs support of the selectmen to enforce the order. David motions to hold a special meeting on May 16th at 4:30 PM regarding the enforcement of an issue on M15 L10. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

b.    Tim would like to meet with assessor Doug Guy regarding properties that aren’t being taxed. Tim motions for David to authorize the meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

c.    The selectmen decide to hold the June 13th selectmen’s meeting at fire station 1 because the hall will be set up for the June 14th primary.

d.    Tim announces the resignation of Bobbi Floyd. Tim motions to accept the resignation with regret. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tim motions to appoint Alice Tucker as temporary registrar of voters. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tim motions to advertise the part time position in the local paper and also on the municipal board. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

e.    Tom requests changing selectmen’s meeting time from 5:00 PM to a later time in order to allow more residents to attend. This item is tabled until the full board is present.


Those attending: Mary Thompson, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell, Osborne Davis, Glen Garnett, Dan Fortin, Cathy Fonda, Dean Crowley, Justin Thompson, Osborne Davis, John Woodward




Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 25, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:45 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the April 11th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

Tim asks for a moment of silence for Thelma Grant.

2.    Discussion of RSU/SAD 37: Present are directors Everett Grant and Debra Murphy, and Superintendent Ronald Ramsay. Tim begins discussion with a complaint regarding postings of meetings and workshops not meeting FOA requirements. Everett Grant responds that he has met with Ronald Ramsay and consulted with Maine School Management to determine if the posting was illegal. The superintendent’s office has provided a new posting and any future postings will have a header. Mr. Ramsay presents a packet of information based on questions Tim and Tom posed in an email. Topics discussed are the number of pupils in each school of the district, hours spent in transit, tuition rates, and how the break from SAD 37 has worked out for the town of Cherryfield.

3.    Out of order Harbor Committee:

Harbor Masters Enforcement of Ordinance:

Dean Crowley states that the landings are in working condition and the committee will work with the selectmen to make necessary changes to the current harbor ordinance, possibly allowing storage of boats and gear. Dean Cirone (not present) is recommended as harbor master for the South Addison area. Tim responds that the selectmen will enforce the ordinance in the absence of a harbor master.

4.    Road Commissioner:

Recent Road Work-Tree Removal/Trimming:

Obbie Davis states that approximately 1 ½ miles of trimming and tree removal has been completed off Ridge and Old Addison roads. There is trimming and tree removal planned for the South Addison area off Cape Split and Mooseneck roads when funds are available. Chips from the cuttings will be left at the SA town landing for residents to use.

5.    Addison Building Maintenance Committee:

Report of Recent Meetings/Exploration of Town Hall:

Dan Fortin reads some highlights from recent meetings. Local contractors have inspected the areas of the building that were opened by the committee and determined that the condition of the sills and framing are not as bad as they anticipated. The committee would like to proceed with necessary repairs. A list of these repairs is provided by the committee. The perimeter drain has been cleared and is functioning. Spray foam insulation is mentioned. There is discussion of the types of siding to be used on the lower half of the building when repairs are complete. The town could decide at a later time, but for now the repairs to the framing and sheathing need to be made. Tim motions to go ahead with the recommended immediate repairs. David seconds the motion.

Appointment of Ward Perry and Don Williams:

Tim motions to appoint, David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

6.    Motion to rename the “Hall Renovations” account to “Town- Owned Buildings Maintenance” account: Tim motions to rename the account to include sub accounts for the wind turbine, storage building (old fire station 1), sand/salt shed, and fire stations 1 and 2. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

7.    New Shellfish License Fees: Irvin Pinkham is present to answer questions regarding the changes. Tim reads the price list aloud.

8.    Addison Days Committee:

Appointment of Tom Batson, Fran Havey, Irvin Pinkham, Roberta Pinkham, Timmy Cirone: Tim motions to appoint, David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Irvin is working with Tom and Fran to plan events, scheduled for July 16th.


Letter from Cheryl and Jim Briggs regarding ‘Welcome to Addison’ signs: Tim motions to form a committee and to appoint Ron Carpenter and Don Williams to investigate repairs or replacement of the signs. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


Elections Training date changed from April 19th to May 19th


Tom Batson will be attending a meeting in May regarding wind/solar energy to determine whether or not the town can generate additional savings from the wind turbine.


Mary Thompson inquires about the sand/salt shed dispute. Obbie responds that there has been no recent contact with the town’s attorney.


Chris Chartrand representing the Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District has some updates to report regarding the next interlocal agreement. A duration of the agreement has not yet been decided, but he feels that it will be a 5 year contract as has been in the past.


Don Williams asks about the town roadside trash clean up. He will contact Donna Kausen of the recreation committee to see when it is scheduled.



Those attending: Peter Davis, Roberta Pinkham, Irvin Pinkham, Chris Chartrand, Don Williams, Osborne Davis, Mary Thompson, Sheila Mitchell, Stanley Mitchell, Sheldon Trundy, Ron Carpenter, Lloyd Jordan, Daniel Fortin, William Batson, John Rittenhouse, John Woodward, Everett Grant, Ronald Ramsay, Debra Murphy, Dean Crowley, Justin Thompson


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 11, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:40 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 28th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Executive Session (1 MRSA § 405) Harbor Committee-Appointment of Harbor Master for South Addison Town Landing: Tom motions to close the meeting and enter executive session with the Harbor Committee members. Motion passes 3/3. Tim seconds the motion. Tim motions to re-open the meeting. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom motions to re-appoint Joseph Bradley for 3 months. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District: Chris Chartrand is present to answer questions regarding changes at PERC and MRC. The town’s interlocal agreement expires in 2018, which coincides with the expiration of the agreement between PRSWDD and PERC. There is discussion of tipping fees, rates for recyclables, single stream separation, the possibility of drawing more towns into the district, and roadside pick- up. Tim requests a copy of the new interlocal agreement well in advance so that the selectmen can review it and be prepared.

4.    Road Commissioner-Power at Sand/Salt Shed: Obbie recommends leaving the power on year round instead of the 6 month suspension which has been done in the past. Tom motions to leave the power on. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Building Maintenance Committee:

a.    Recommends Appointment of Marcus Norton and Stephen Oliver: Tom motions to appoint Marcus Norton and Stephen Oliver to the Building Maintenance Committee. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

b.    Update on Town Hall: Photos of the opening of 32 feet of the north corner of the Town Hall building are displayed while Peter Davis explains what was found during the exploration. The sill is sound and in good condition. The siding and sheathing needs to be replaced and 22 floor joists sistered in this section. No evidence of mold was found in this 32 foot section. Further exploration will be discussed at the next meeting of the Building Maintenance Committee, along with discussion of repairs and upgrades to the siding, and proper ventilation.

6.    Bureau of Elections requests use of Town Hall for Elections Training on April 19th from 8-12: Tim motions to approve the request. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Executive Session (1 MRSA § 405) Employee Salary Increases: Tim motions to enter executive session. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim motions to re-open the meeting. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Employee reviews will take place in June.


Other: There is discussion of the condition of the floats at the Addison Point Landing and the South Addison Landing. Tom requests that the Harbor Committee make necessary repairs to the Addison Point floats before they are put back in for the season. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Peter Davis will make the repairs to the top decking of the floats. New roofing material will be added. Tim asks Irvin Pinkham about the DA’s office prosecuting shellfish violations. Butch responds that the DA has to prosecute.


Those attending: Osborne Davis, Betty and Peter Thompson, Daniel Fortin, Gary Magby, Peter Davis, Cathy Fonda, Sheila Mitchell, Donna Kausen, Chris Chartrand, Irvin Pinkham, Harbor Committee Members, John Woodward.



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

March 28, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:55 PM


            Moment of Silence for former Selectman, Dale Crowley


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 14th Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Mark Wright Disposal / Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District-Discussion regarding the future of municipal solid waste: Mark feels he could save member towns tax monies by switching to a contract with his facility. Tim asks about recycling and Mark responds that he has always offered recycling, but would like to expand if there were to be a commitment from town(s). Our representative on the PRSWDD board, Chris Chartrand is present and states that the district did sign an agreement with MRC who owns the land Fiberright operates on. Each town in MRC gets funds from a pool, currently the pool is approximately $178,000. The town’s contract with PRSWDD expires in 2018. The transfer station has begun a study to track tonnage from each town. The sale of bags reduces the amount the town budgets for our portion of the bill from the transfer station and currently Addison sells the most bags. As a charter member, Addison is building equity. There will be more discussion as the time draws nearer to the contract expiration.

3.    Building Maintenance Committee:

Motion to appoint Tim Thompson, Tom Batson, Terry Grant, and Gary Magby: Tom motions to appoint Tim, David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tim motions to appoint Tom, David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tim motions to appoint Terry and Gary, Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Discussion of recent meeting: Dan Fortin begins discussion. Eleven people attended the first meeting. The committee recommends allocating funds for exploration of about 15 feet of the northeast corner of town hall building. John Rittenhouse, a town employee will open the exterior of the building, allowing other contractors and an engineer to see the extent of rot inside the wall. John estimates the cost for exploration to be $65-70. The section opened will be secured at the end of each day. Mr May of Maine Center for Disease Control and Preservation was invited to the meeting by Tom and is asked his opinion of the exploration and whether or not it could pose a risk to the office staff, considering the mold issues with the building. Mr May responds that as long as the rotted wood is disposed of properly, using guidelines provided by MDOL the staff should not be harmed. Tom questions whether or not John is covered under the town’s insurance to perform the task. MMA Risk Management says that he is covered for general maintenance. John will not be making repairs, only opening small sections at a time for exploration. Tim motions to authorize John to begin exploration on the NE corner of the building, 8-16 foot sections at a time, with work to include securing the building every evening and each section to take approximately 2 days. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Lloyd Jordan has spoken with Ken Jordan, who will come take a look at the sills and studs when each section is opened. Tim asks John about the replacement of the sash at the old fire station. John says that the sash has been ordered and may be in as soon as this Thursday or next.

4.    Budget Committee:

Fran Havey and Carmen Look would like to volunteer to serve on the committee: Tim motions to appoint Fran and Carmen to full members, and to appoint Lee Grant as an alternate as he spends winters in Florida. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom abstains.

5.    Motion to disband the Revitalization / Energy Committee: Tim motions to disband and dissolve the committee. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom mentions that the committee worked on more than town hall building issues, they also managed maintenance on the wind turbine, park, and solar panels. This is discussed further in item 12 a.

6.    Harbor Committee Recommend Appointment of Harbor Master for South Addison: The harbor committee recommends reappointment of Joseph Bradley. Tom and David feel that Joseph was not handling issues at the landing, including storage of boats and debris as well as trash removal. Tim motions to table the appointment and to invite the chair of the harbor committee, Dean Crowley and Joseph Bradley to the next meeting to discuss a plan to relieve the landing of issues cited. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Town Website Maintenance: Tim asks secretary John Woodward if he’d maintain the website, but John explains that he does not know how to do it. Tim offers to come in and do updates. Mr. May states that students at the University of Maine at Machias may be looking for this type of work.

8.    Motion to appoint one Selectman to be added to accounts and authorized to sign loan documents on behalf of the Town at Machias Savings Bank: Item 10 is taken up first. Tom motions to appoint Tim to be added to accounts and to sign documents on behalf of the town, with Tom acting as alternate in the event Tim is out of town. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


9.    Discussion of Employee Reviews: Tim expresses the need for employee reviews to take place on a yearly basis and suggests the first month in June be designated. Employees will update their current job description and John will gather information regarding evaluations from MMA.

10. Discussion of Chair for Board of Selectmen: Out of order. David motions to elect Tim as chair. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

11. Discussion regarding maintenance of computer equipment and network-Town Office: Tim and John are working on estimates from Geek Squad (Best Buy) and Axiom for contracts.

12. Correspondence:

a.    Recent Email from Daria Alexander regarding conditions of Town Hall building, maintenance of the wind turbine, and park: John is asked to report on how many stones have been ordered for the park walkway. Parris Hammond Jr is asked to inspect the concrete at the turbine for damage. Tim mentions that the turbine is not saving the town money off electric billings as expected, when the cost of maintaining the turbine and Emera charges are subtracted.

b.    The Nature Conservancy now owns the following exempt properties: E. Plummer Island Preserve and Upper Birch Island Preserve


There being no further business, Tom motions to adjourn.

Those attending: Osborne Davis, Fran Havey, Peter Davis, Chris Chartrand, Daniel Fortin, Sheila Mitchell, Al May, Gary Magby, Mark Wright, Mary Thompson, Lloyd Jordan, Parris Hammond Jr., John Woodward


2016 town meeting



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

March 14, 2016

Selectmen Present: Timothy H. Thompson, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:05 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the February 29th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tim abstains.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the March 8th Annual Town Meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Motion to accept changes to the Shellfish Ordinance as written (per town meeting vote): Tom motions to accept the changes to the Shellfish Ordinance as written per town meeting vote. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. David brings up the ‘headlighting’ (night digging) issue. Since there is no state law, who would enforce it? Tom responds that the warden would be responsible to enforce the town’s ordinance. Tom mentions that he has been thinking about suggesting a regional shellfish warden to share costs.

4.    Repairs to Town Hall and other Town Owned Buildings:

(Bonnie Look Thompson has submitted a proposal to appoint a Renovation/Building Committee) Bonnie is not present as she had a previous engagement. Tim reads her proposal aloud and recommends a group be formed to come up with a plan with the help of the engineer from Criterium Brown who has done two structural inspections of the building. Dan Fortin has spoken with him, and he had agreed to come up with specs for repairs at a cost of $1,500. There is discussion with the public regarding what was expected at the public hearing on March 8th. James Emerson Jr thought that numbers would be presented for either reconstruction or rebuild. Mary Thompson suggests work segment quotes from the engineer, starting with the most important phase of reconstruction. Tom is concerned about the current foundation and mentions that whom ever is chosen to do the work needs proper insurance coverage. David suggests a back up plan to cover the ‘what if’s’. Parris Hammond Jr suggests lifting the building and moving it to one side, digging out the foundation, and repairing the sills. Tom motions to form a committee and to appoint Dan Fortin, John Rittenhouse, Parris Hammond Jr, Lloyd Jordan, Glenn Garnett, and Peter Davis. Tim will set up a meeting as soon as possible. John Rittenhouse received a quote to replace the bottom sash of the window at the old fire station in the amount of $187.89. Tom motions to go ahead with the repair. Tim seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Pleasant River Ambulance: Donald Hicks and Cheryl Paul are the representatives from the town who serve on the board of directors and are present to talk about the 16-17 budget. Don and Cheryl talk about the recent financial hardships of the ambulance service and the reasons the budget request increased over last fiscal year. Insurance and damages to two ambulances were mentioned. A financial report will be submitted next year for inclusion in the town’s annual report.

6.    Spaulding clear cutting violation off Basin Road: CEO Betsy Fitzgerald could not attend. There is discussion of the violation. Tom mentions that the selectmen had asked the planning board to come up with a guide for assessing fines, but that the planning board had turned the task back over to the selectmen, suggesting a minimal fine. Tom motions to send a letter to Mr. Spaulding, his contractor who did the cutting, and Betsy Fitzgerald inviting them to the May 23rd selectmen’s meeting when Spaulding is expected to be in town for the summer months. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Motion to appoint minor officers (list provided by clerk): Tim makes a motion to appoint minor officers per the list provided, along with appointments of Sheldon Trundy as EMA assistant and James Emerson Jr as EMA director (agenda item 11) minus the reappointment of Joseph Bradley as harbor master and to contact the harbor committee asking for a recommendation for appointment of a harbor master. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom and David have someone in mind for the harbor master position.

8.    Shellfish Warden, Wayne Robbins will be absent from March 31st thru April 22nd: Tim motions for former shellfish warden Irvin Pinkham to fill in during his absence. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Butch is in attendance and agrees to the temporary appointment.

9.    Motion to enter Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 to discuss recent correspondence with the attorney regarding the sand/salt shed dispute: David motions to close the meeting at 6:23 PM and to enter executive session. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim motions to reopen the meeting at 6:50 PM. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim announces that the selectmen will instruct attorney Charlie Gilbert to get in front of a judge with the matter as soon as possible siting that there was no change order per the requirements of the contract and if there is no quick response to the request, the selectmen will meet again to discuss other steps.

10. Motion to accept resignations:

Tim Thompson-Budget Committee, Board of Appeals, Emergency Management Director

Fran Havey-Revitalization Committee

Daria Alexander-Revitalization Committee

Tim motions to accept the resignations with regret and to send a letter thanking them for their hard work on various projects. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

11.  Motion to appoint:

Sheldon Trundy-Emergency Management Assistant

James Emerson Jr.-Emergency Management Director

These appointments were taken up in agenda item 7.

Other: Tim motions that there be no distinction between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd selectman positions, that all work is equal along with pay. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The selectmen’s stipends will be divided equally. Tim requests the boards approval to continue with work on the town road book. Tom motions to continue work on the book, with the help of Bobbi Floyd during times when she is not busy with other office tasks, and to have the book ready for town meeting approval next March. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim mentions an upcoming ‘newly elected officals’ workshop in Bar Harbor presented by MMA. Tim thinks it would be good for all three selectmen to attend, but questions whether or not it would be legal under FOA requirements. John will contact MMA Legal to ask if it’s possible for all three to attend the training. The cost of the training is $55/ea. Butch is interested in being a full member of the board of appeals. Tim motions to appoint as a regular member of the board. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. This leaves a vacancy of an alternate on the board.


Those attending: Osborne Davis, Glenn Garnett, Donald Hicks, Mary Thompson, Peter Anderson, Daniel Fortin, Gary Magby, Fran Havey, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell, Peter Davis, Frank and Sherry Brooks, Jim Emerson Jr. Sheldon Trundy, Cheryl Paul, Cathy Fonda, Parris Hammond Jr, Susan and Robert Gray, Irvin Butch Pinkham, Lloyd Jordan, Don Williams


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 29, 2016

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: Tom calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:30 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the February 16th meeting: David makes a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    March 8th Public Hearing Regarding Town Hall: The revitalization committee has prepared a presentation for the public hearing that will take approximately 45-50 minutes, with 10-15 minutes for questions. Dan Fortin and his group has prepared a presentation which will take approximately 15-20 minutes. After some discussion, the selectmen decide to let Dan go first and the revitalization committee will go second, questions will be answered when the warrant articles are taken up at town meeting.

3.    James W. Wadman, CPA Management Representation Letter: Tom makes a motion to sign the representation letter for the annual audit. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.    Emera Maine, Travel over Posted Roads: Road commissioner Obbie Davis is not present. No roads have been posted. Tom motions to sign the letter, giving Emera Maine permission to travel over any posted roads in Addison. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

5.    Tax Acquired Property-Narrows Road: The original sale amount included an estimated tax for 2016, but the selectmen have been unable to obtain the remaining $40 from the owner to complete the sale. The sale amount was reduced by $40 and a tax bill will be sent to the owner. The quit claim deed needs to be filed at the registry by April 1st, before commitment. Tom motions to sign the quit claim deed. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


Other: Fran Havey asks if the selectmen have come up with a procedure for dealing with tax acquired mobile homes. Tom responds that the board has not done that yet, and will work on this and other items when a full board is available after town meeting. Mobile home parks and a chart for assessing fines for clear cutting in the shoreland zone are also discussed. Tom announces that Mike Murphy will not be running for re-election as selectman.


Those attending: Fran Havey, Gary Magby, Dan Fortin, Daria Alexander, Sheila Mitchell, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 16, 2016

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: 10:00 AM

Meeting Closed at: 10:30 AM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the February 2nd meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Motion to enter executive session (MRSA § 405) regarding the Sand/Salt Shed dispute: Tom motions to enter executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom motions to reopen the meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom explains that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss a settlement with Trask over the disputed change order. Tom motions to make an undisclosed settlement offer to Trask. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. The amount, if accepted will be disclosed at a later date.

3.    Tax Acquired Mobile Home off Ridge Road: After some discussion regarding whether or not Tom could remove the mobile home and trash/debris for $1,500 David motions to accept Mark Wright Disposal’s bid of $3,000. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. David suggests stopping the foreclosure when something like this comes up again.

4.    Articles for Town Meeting: The selectmen discuss the shellfish articles and the articles for town hall renovation/replacement. Tom motions to accept the articles. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


Those attending: Fran Havey, Daria Alexander, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 2, 2016

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 2:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 3:10 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the January 25th meeting: Tom motions to approve the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Sand/Salt Shed Dispute: The selectmen discuss whether or not to settle in the amount of $17,000 which includes the $1,500 final payment. John Woodward will contact the town’s attorney with some questions the selectmen has come up with. Tom motions to send the list of questions to the attorney and to let him know that the selectmen are not willing to settle until the questions are answered. At this point the selectmen feel that they only owe the $1,500. David seconds. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Tax Acquired Mobile Home off Ridge Road: Tom is still working on gathering prices to move the mobile home and says he needs a few more days. Mike suggests deeding the mobile home back to the former owner. John Woodward contacted MMA Legal and they advised that it is considered personal property and a bill of sale would need to go along with the deed. It is suggested to advertise the mobile home as free for the taking.

Other: The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 16th at 5:00 PM. Mike states that he will not be able to attend the meeting due to prior engagements. It is decided to hold the meeting at 9:00 AM on Tuesday to approve warrant articles.


Tom mentions that the shellfish committee is seeking a grant for seed clams.


Mike states that he cannot attend Town Meeting due to prior engagements.


Obbie Davis asks about whether or not certain parcels will be re-evaluated by the assessor and what affect this will have on tax payers. Mike reviews a letter from the assessor which states the valuation will be affected by 2.3 million.


David asks John Woodward to contact MMA Legal regarding persons living in camper trailers more than 8 months out of the year. Is there a State law prohibiting it? Tim Thompson asks the selectmen if they have asked the planning board to look at the mobile home ordinance to see if it needs to be updated. There is discussion regarding mobile homes on other’s property. John has contacted MMA Legal and was advised that the town cannot prohibit people from placing a mobile home on someone else’s property if they have the proper permits. When the owner is facing foreclosure, the selectmen can stop the foreclosure.


Those attending: Tim Thompson, Osborne Davis, Terry Grant, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 25, 2016

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:50 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the January 11th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Motion to accept the minutes of the January 12th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Chris Chartrand – Pleasant River Solid Waste Disposal District: Chris states that the budget is up a little over last year. There hasn’t been an increase in 2 years. The back hoe had to be replaced and recyclables aren’t bringing in revenue as in the past. The transfer station will be closed on Fridays during winter months beginning February 5th.

3.    Tax Acquired Properties:

            Mobile Home off Ridge Road: Tom discusses options to have the mobile home removed by the end of February. He will continue to          look into it. John is asked to contact legal department to see if the       town can turn the mobile home back over to the previous owner.

            Mobile Home off Narrows Road: Tom hasn’t had a chance to          speak with the previous owner regarding the addition monies due in        order to re-purchase the property.

4.    Revitalization Committee – Town Hall: Daria Alexander has prepared presentations for restoration or new build, with written estimates from contractors for a public hearing to be held an hour prior to town meeting. Dan Fortin also has a presentation that he feels the selectmen should be able to present at the public hearing.

5.    Proposed Shellfish Warrant Articles: The selectmen will take copies of the proposed articles home for review.

6.    Narraguagus Snowmobile Club Requests Warrant Article for Snowmobile Registration Reimbursements: Last FY the Indian River Tamers Club received the snowmobile reimbursement. Tom abstains as he is on the Indian River Tamers Club board. Mike motions to put both requests on the warrant for town meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

7.    Motion to Cancel February 8th Selectmen’s Meeting – Schedule Budget Meeting at 5:00 PM: Tom motions to cancel the February 8th Selectmen’s meeting, schedule the budget meeting and to re-schedule the selectmen’s meeting for February 15th. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Motion to Schedule Selectmen’s Meeting for February 15th at 5:00 PM to Approve Warrant Articles:

8.    Sand/Salt Shed Update: Tom motions to have the town’s attorney to negotiate a settlement which would have to be acceptable to the board and to include a release of the building to the town. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

9.    Motion to approve Board of Appeals Training Request: Mike motions to accept the training request reimbursement, with mileage for one member, suggesting that if other members want to attend, they should car pool. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

10. Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center – Request to use Town Hall on May 21, 2016: Tom motions to approve the request. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Other: Tom motions to approve a request for the town to purchase materials for an oldest resident cane, plaque, and pins. Ward Perry will make the cane and donate it to the town. The plaque and pins will cost approximately $150. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Those attending: Fran Havey, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell, Cathy Fonda, Tim Thompson, Gary Magby, Sheldon Trundy, Daniel Fortin, Chris Chartrand, Daria Alexander, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 12, 2016

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 2:43 PM

Meeting Closed at: 3:26 PM


1.    Motion to enter into executive session with the town’s attorney to discuss a dispute over a change order regarding the sand/salt shed per 1 MRSA § 405: Tom motions to enter into executive session. David seconds the motion.

Tom motions to re-open the meeting at 3:25. David seconds the motion. Mike states that the purpose of the executive session was to review materials and answer questions from the town’s attorney, Charlie Gilbert who will be handling the matter.

Tom motions to adjourn at 3:26. David seconds the motion.


Those attending: Fran Havey, Osborne Davis, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 11, 2016

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:48 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the December 28th meeting:

2.    Tax Acquired Property Bid Opening:

Map 4 Lot 24-ON (Mobile Home)-No Bids Received. There is some discussion as to what to do with the mobile home.


Map 2 Lot 47-ON (Mobile Home)-One bid received from Mike Reynolds in the amount of $270.00 The bid is $40.00 lower than the minimum bid due. Tom is working with Mike Reynolds to come up with the amount due. Tom motions to accept the bid. David seconds the motion.


Map 3 Lot 43 (Indian River Rd Old Store/Lot)-Three bids were received. Jerry Blackburn bid $2,611.00, Eric Fletcher bid $2,500.00, Dana Parker bid $2,155.00, and Michael Emerson II bid $6,007.00. David motions to accept Michael Emerson’s bid. Tom seconds the motion.


Map 10 Lot 19 (East Side Rd Lot)-Two bids were received. M. O’Brien bid $9,500.00 and Eric Fletcher bid $5,000.00 Tom motions to accept the bid from M. O’Brien. David seconds the motion.


3.    Sand/Salt Shed - Change Order Dispute: A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 12th at 11:00 AM at the town hall with the town’s attorney.

4.    Old Business: Basin Road Vegetation Removal Violation: CEO Betsy Fitzgerald is present. Discussion of a Statute regarding guidelines for selectmen to decide amount of fine. Decision tabled until Betsy reviews.

5.    Town Hall Building: Cost estimates are presented to the selectmen by Dan Fortin and Daria Alexander. Daria requests that monies from tax acquired property sales go to the town hall renovations account.

6.    Tim Thompson - Policy Regarding Town Website Entries: Daria asks to upload the new cell tower ordinance to the website. Tom motions to accept. David seconds the motion. Tim asks that everyone make an effort to add meeting minutes to website.

7.    Motion to Appoint Richard Paul as Alternate on Budget Committee: David motions to appoint Richard Paul as an alternate. Tom seconds the motion.

Other: Boat storage on town property (South Addison town landing) is discussed.


Those attending: Fran Havey, Osborne Davis, Michael Emerson II, Michael Emerson Sr., Gary Magby, Daria Alexander, Tim and Mary Thompson, Glenn Garnett, Betsy Fitzgerald, Donna Kausen, Sheldon Trundy, Bobbi Floyd, Lloyd Jordan, Dan Fortin, John Rittenhouse, Alice Tucker


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 28, 2015

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: Tom calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:30 PM

1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the December 14th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Vegetation Removal Violations: Tom motions to ask the planning board to come up with a policy regarding vegetation removal violations to include a chart for assessing fines. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Small Animal Clinic-2016 Annual Stray Animal Contract: Tom motions to sign the contract. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.    Richard Paul Requests to Serve on Budget Committee: John Woodward is asked to write a letter to each of the committee members, asking for a recommendation.


Bicycle Coalition of Maine-Bike Maine will travel thru Addison on September 11, 2016-Tom suggests publishing this in the annual report.

Irvin Pinkham is concerned about using calcium chloride on the steps during winter as it creates a slip hazard on the floors in the hall. No action.

Obbie asks the selectmen to get the town’s attorney involved in resolving the sand/salt shed change order. Tom motions to send a letter to Charlie Gilbert, asking for advice and any legal expenses to come from the town roads account. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

Those attending: Cathy Fonda, Fran Havey, Sheila Mitchell, Irvin Pinkham, Osborne Davis, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 14, 2015

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll.

Meeting Opened at: Tom calls the meeting to order at 5:01 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:50 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 23rd Selectmen’s meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 30th Special Town Meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.    Old Business:

David Spaulding Property: Tom opens discussion by stating that he feels the town should have a plan in place for violations to include any fines, types of growth, acreage, etc. He is uncomfortable issuing a fine without this. He also feels all three selectmen should be present when making a decision regarding fines. Tom motions to table the decision regarding a fine until all three selectmen are present, but for now to write a letter to Mr. Spaulding asking him to come up with a plan with a forester within the 75 foot setback area and that it may be possible to share any fine and forestry plan expense with the contractor. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.    Chris and Brigitte Beal – Request to Hold BYOB New Year’s Eve Dance at Town Hall: Tom asks if there is a plan for security at the event. Brigitte has contacted the sheriff’s department and they require two deputies at $45/hour with a minimum of 3 hours. She will contact Wolfe Security. The condition of the town hall building is discussed, along with capacity. Tom motions to approve the rental, pending proof of required insurance, temporary liquor license from the state, and security and to ‘take heed’ of the condition of the building. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

5.    Request for 3% Discount on RE Tax, after Expiration Date: Tom motions to deny the request. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

6.    Interest Rate Quote from Machias Savings Bank - Sand/Salt Shed Loan: The state share of the sand/salt shed was received today. Tom motions to go with a 3 year term with an interest rate of 2.29% and an annual payment of $24,425 for the unpaid balance of the sand/salt shed. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

7.    Tax Acquired Properties: Tom motions to advertise the properties with a minimum bid to cover the amount of taxes due, plus associated fees. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


8.    WHCA Petition Submitted – Warrant Article for Annual Town Meeting: Announced. No action necessary.




To, Irvin Pinkham, constable for the Town of Addison in the County of Washington and the State of Maine:
Tom Batson filled in as Temporary Constable as Irvin Pinkham was unable to attend.
In the name of the State of Maine you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the said Town of Addison, in the said County of Washington, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the D.W. Merritt School in said Town of Addison on November 30, 2015, at seven o’clock in the evening, then and there to act upon the following articles, to wit:
Meeting began at 7:14pm.
Volunteer Ballot Clerks were John Rittenhouse, Cheryl Paul and Sheila Mitchell. Ballot Clerks were sworn in by the Clerk prior to the meeting.
To choose a Moderator by written ballot to preside at said meeting.
Article 1. Chris Chartrand was nominated. No other nominations were made therefore Mr. Chartrand was elected to be Moderator, 3 votes were cast and 3 votes were for Mr. Chartrand. Moderator was sworn in by the Clerk. Meeting was turned over to the Moderator.
To see if the Town will adopt the rules of procedure set forth in the for the governance of this meeting.
Article #2 Accepted as written. Passed by the majority of the vote.
Shall an ordinance entitled ‘Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance’ be enacted?
Copies of the Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance are available from the clerk at the Addison Town Office.
Article #3 A motion was made and seconded to have article 3 as a written ballot. This was passed by the majority of the vote.
This article was accepted as written. Written votes counted were: Yes – 43; No – 16. Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance was passed by the majority of the vote.
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm.




Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 23, 2015

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll.

Meeting Opened at: 5:02 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:30 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the November 9th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    CEO, Betsy Fitzgerald regarding Basin Road Property: Betsy has been to the site several times and there has been correspondence between her and Mr. Spaulding and DEP. She suggests a letter be written to Mr. Spaulding, with a request from the selectmen to come up with a plan to replant with like species. Tom asks about a possible fine and $2,500 is mentioned. The item is postponed until the next scheduled selectmen’s meeting, when all three selectmen will be present to make a decision.

3.    Revitalization Committee: Daria Alexander and Tom Batson met with Ken Jordan, who lifts buildings last Friday at the town hall to talk about options for restoration. Lloyd Jordan, Ward Perry, and Glenn Garnett are present to give some advice on opening up a section of the exterior in order to explore the extent of the rot. Daria provides copies of photos from the Criterium Brown structural report and there is discussion regarding exploration. Dan Fortin had provided specs and a figure to Mike Murphy at the last meeting. Tom is concerned about spending money on the building if it can’t be restored. Re-grading the back of the property is mentioned, along with the need for figures to take to the people in order for them to make a decision.

4.    Town Hall Update:


5.    South Addison Town Landing: (Harbor Committee is coordinating removal and repairs to floats) Tom is concerned that the committee is not acting fast enough to make the necessary repairs to the floats. Boats have been damaged. Boats and floats are being stored at the town landing and Tom will contact the owners to have them removed as the town’s harbor ordinance does not allow storage.



Those attending: Tim and Mary Thompson, Donna Kausen, Roger Clapp, Daniel Fortin, Gary Magby, Daria Alexander, Osborne Davis, Betsy Fitzgerald, Peter Anderson, Irvin Pinkham, Fran Havey, Glenn Garnett, Lloyd Jordan, Ward Perry, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 9, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:30 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the October 26th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Motion to enter Executive Session (1 M.R.S.A. § 405) regarding Tax Foreclosure: Taken out of order. David motions to adjourn the meeting and enter executive session at 6:00 PM. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom motions to re-open the meeting at 6:20 PM. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Mike motions to deny the request for an extension of the foreclosure. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Revitalization Committee: Daria Alexander has invited Jim Carver to speak regarding the deteriorating condition of the town hall building. Jim agrees with the structural engineering reports of Criterium Brown and suggests that the costs to restore the building would be astronomical. Mold and lead remediation would be another expense. Daria recommends another public hearing to discuss new figures gathered for various stages of restoration. Dan Fortin states that he has not seen real figures for repairs and suggests opening up the building to explore the extent of the rot. He has met with John Rittenhouse and David Ingersoll and has come up with plans for exploration with specs if the selectmen wish to put it out to bid. Dan will ask Lloyd Jordan and Ward Perry if they would attend the next selectmen’s meeting to give their thoughts.

4.    Specs for Exploring Town Hall Building Deterioration: Taken up under number 3.

5.    Road Commissioner: Obbie gives an update on road work. Overlay has been applied to the Marsh Harbor road, Mooseneck, and Ridge roads. Pot holes have been filled on Cape Split road and West Side road. Obbie suggests making final payment to Trask for the Sand/Salt shed and dealing with the change order request at a later time. Tom motions to pay Trask the remainder of the original contract, $1,500. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Planning Board Recommends Penalty for Clear Cutting: Roger Clapp states that the planning board is merely recommending that the selectmen consider imposing a minimum penalty, at their discretion, against the owner and his contractor. The selectmen have recent correspondence with the CEO, Betsy Fitzgerald and Mike suggests that the item be tabled until the next meeting when Betsy can be present.

7.    Motion to Approve Draft Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance: Tom motions to accept the ordinance. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/3.

8.    Motion to Approve November 30th Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles: Tom motions to accept the warrant articles. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

9.    Kelsey Properties: These are the properties in the center of town that are in poor condition. Kelsey has been in bankruptcy for 5 years. Richard Kelsey’s son, Cooper has paid all of the accounts in full. Mike suggests condemning the buildings. Tom mentions other properties in town should be looked at as well, including the Tomasik property. John Woodward will look into the Tomasik property to see if there is a mechanics lien, the property is due to foreclose on November 12th.

Other: Daria would like to start cleaning the building with Bobbi Floyd’s help, but doesn’t feel comfortable cleaning the pantry closet in the kitchen. She suggests that the auxiliary be asked to do so. Tim Thompson asks who will clean the fire station, which was mentioned after the last selectmen’s meeting, held at the fire station. Mike thought Sheldon Trundy had said that it wasn’t necessary at that time.

Those attending: Tim and Mary Thompson, Donna Kausen, Sheila Mitchell, Osborne Davis, Daniel Fortin, Gary Magby, Fran Havey, Daria Alexander, Roger Clapp, Norman and Judy Dakin, Bobbi Floyd, Cathy Fonda, John Woodward, Peter Anderson, Jim Carver


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

October 26, 2015

Station #1 - 35 Firehouse Lane

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:05 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:55 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 28th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/3. Mike abstains.

2.    Motion to enter Executive Session - Interview for the Shellfish Warden/Harbor Patrol Position: Taken out of order, David motions to enter executive session to interview the applicant, Wayne Robbins. Tom seconds the motion. Meeting closes at 5:35 PM. Meeting re-opened at 6:10 PM. Tom motions to hire Wayne Robbins at the town shellfish warden and harbor patrol officer. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Tax Acquired Property Bids - Map 23 Lot 8, Bar Island Road: Mike opens the bids and reads aloud as follows:

Kevin Shaw                     $5,125.

Tom Batson                    $5,006.

Tim Thompson               $6,001.

Kenneth Haggerty          $8,250.

William Batson               $3,800.

Paul Alexandre               $12,000.

Jon Keller                                    $24,021

David motions to accept the highest bid, Jon Keller. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/3. Tom abstains.

4.  Planning Board - Cell Tower Ordinance Update: Roger Clapp speaks on behalf of the planning board. The board has been working with attorney Erik Stumpfel on a draft cell tower ordinance. The board has met for 6 work sessions and has also worked from home to compile the draft ordinance, which is presented to the selectmen. Roger explains some of the provisions of the ordinance, and asks the selectmen to schedule a public hearing, followed by a special town meeting to adopt the ordinance. Roger also suggests that a copy of the draft ordinance be sent to the pending applicant. Tom motions to schedule a public hearing at 6:00 PM, followed by a special town meeting on November 30th and to send a copy of the draft to the pending applicant. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The selectmen’s meeting will begin at 5:00 PM.

5.    Road Commissioner;

a.    Sand/Salt Shed Update: Obbie reports that sand/salt will be delivered by Thursday or Friday of this week. David Ingersoll has sealed the building. Paperwork has been submitted to the state for reimbursement. Obbie suggests paying Trask the remainder of the contract. There is some discussion. Mike feels that Trask shouldn’t be paid until the work is complete. Obbie would like to pay Trask $2,100 for re-burrying trash and extra stone. It is suggested that the town ask for a release from Trask before any payments are made.

b.    Pleasant River Floats need Repairs: Obbie will be removing floats by the end of next week. He suggests that the harbor committee approve repairs to the floats by next spring.

c.    Road Work: Obbie has received a quote from County Concrete for overlay on sections of Ridge, Mooseneck, and Marsh Harbor roads. There has been some ditching and tree cutting on Ridge and Mooseneck roads.

6.    Motion to enter Executive Session - Revitalization Committee: Tom motions to enter executive session. Bonnie Look Thompson wants to go on record that she opposes the executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Meeting closes at 6:35 PM. Meeting re-opened at 6:55 PM.

7.    Revitalization Committee Update;

a.    Eastern Mold Remediation, Inc Letter: Daria has received a letter from Eastern Mold, stating that the current building conditions prohibit an onsite inspection. Daria has met with contractors regarding the installation of a vapor barrier, which couldn’t be installed until the sills are replaced. The cost for the vapor barrier would be $16,200. Daria has met with Carver Construction to discuss renovating the building, and the possibility of adding on to the new fire station or building on the lot in another location. Carver feels that it is not feasible to restore the current building as it would be cost prohibitive. Daria suggests a deep cleaning of the building, her and Bobbi Floyd could do the cleaning. There is discussion of what to do with the building, whether to do some maintenance. Tom motions to have Daria and Bobbi do a cleaning and to ask John Rittenhouse to install a louver in the door of the pantry in the kitchen. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. It is suggested that Carver be asked to attend a meeting to discuss the building conditions and options with cost estimates. Dan Fortin suggests specs to hire a contractor to investigate the building to determine the extent of the rot. Dan and David will have specs for the next meeting.

b.    MMA Risk Management-Information Regarding Hiring Contractors, Required Insurance:

c.    Discussion Regarding Possibility of Adding Town Office to Fire Station Building:

8.    State of Maine, Superior Court-Letter of Dismissal, Suzanne Lee and Robert Lee Vs. Town of Addison: No action.


Other: Fire chief, Trundy asks who will be responsible for cleaning the meeting room at the new fire station after the selectmen’s meeting. Mike suggests that one of the office staff clean the room within the next few days.


Those attending: Tim and Mary Thompson, Dan Fortin, Fran Havey, Roger Clapp, Osborne Davis, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell, Gary Magby, Cathy Fonda, Jon Keller, Donna Kausen, Bonnie Look Thompson, John Woodward, Daria Alexander, Chris Chartrand


Town of Addison

Public Hearing

September 28, 2015

General Assistance Updates

Tom Batson calls the hearing to order at 5:05 PM. Mike Murphy is not present. David Ingersoll is present.

Bobbi Floyd explains and presents the selectmen with information regarding the state’s changes to GA maximums. After some discussion, David motions to accept the state’s changes. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

The public hearing closes at 5:10 PM

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 28, 2015

Selectmen Present: Tom Batson, David Ingersoll. Mike Murphy is absent.

Meeting Opened at: 5:10 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:35 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the September 14th Public Hearing and Selectmen’s meetings: Tom motions to accept. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Road Commissioner;

a.    Snow Removal/Sand-Salt Stockpiling Contract David motions to sign the contract as prepared by John Woodward. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

b.    Roads Update Obbie Davis reports that he has been working on fixing pot holes on/off Ridge Road and plans repairs and upgrades to roads in the South Addison area and Ridge Road.

c.    Sand/Salt Shed Update John Woodward has scheduled a meeting with DOT representative Pete Coughlin to discuss reimbursement and an inspection of the building. John Woodward ordered Salt from Cargill and Obbie will coordinate delivery to County Concrete for mixing and delivery to the town’s sand/salt shed.

3.    Planning Board-Tall Structure Ordinance, Hiring Lawyer Review Update: Roger Clapp updates the selectmen regarding the status of recommending a lawyer to represent the town during the tall structures ordinance creation. The lawyer will review the ordinance and make corrections or additions. The planning board recommends hiring Erik Stumpfel of Rudman and Winchell. Tom motions to hire Erik Stumpfel. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. John Woodward is asked to contact Erik to let him know he has been hired to represent the town.

4.    Fire Department-Repeater Lease Agreement: The planning board had put a condition on the building permit for Wireless Partners cell tower, that a space would be made available on the tower for the fire department to have a repeater installed (used for communication). John Woodward contacted MMA Legal with some questions regarding whether or not the selectmen could accept the agreement on behalf of the town. MMA Legal suggested that without a budget appropriation and voter approval, the selectmen had no right to accept the offer from Wireless Partners. Roger Clapp and Fire Chief Sheldon Trundy plan to accept the agreement under the Addison Volunteer Fire Department Incorporated (a legally separate entity) and may eventually turn the repeater over to the town. There is some question as to whether the AVFD Inc. can use town funds to purchase equipment for the repeater.

5.    Revitalization Committee: Chair Daria Alexander is not present. Fran Havey who serves on the committee states that the committee met and discussed building repairs with a local contractor, Parris Hammond Sr. Parris is reviewing materials. Eastern Maine Mold Remediation has been contacted to give an estimate for lead paint removal and air quality testing and mold remediation.

6.    Robert Groves, Proposal for Renovations to Town Hall Building: Robert states that he needs a list of planned renovations in order to give a price estimate. He suggests ventilation and a curb at the rear of the building to deflect water from entering the foundation area. Dan Fortin had created a comprehensive list of suggested renovations for the selectmen and inquires where this list is now. There is discussion of creating a 5 year plan for all town assets. A building committee is recommended, consisting of 5-7 members with advisors to the committee. David Ingersoll, Dan Fortin, and Robert Groves volunteer to serve on the committee. John Woodward is asked to contact MMA Legal regarding bonding requirements for contractors who would be hired to work on the building.

7.    Shellfish Committee Recommends Interview of Applicant for Shellfish Warden: Tom states that at a recent shellfish committee meeting, the committee recommends a warrant article for the March town meeting, increasing licensing fees for commercial licenses. He will provide the list of increases. Tim Thompson inquires about shellfish violation prosecution and if the selectmen have followed up on the letter received from DA Matt Foster. John Woodward is asked to look into this. Tom motions to schedule interviews with the two applicants for the shellfish warden and harbor patrol position. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

8.    Tax Acquired Property, Bar Island Road: Tom motions for John Woodward to advertise the property with a minimum bid of $3,700. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. John Woodward is also asked to contact the abutting land owners to see if they have an interest in submitting a bid.

 Other: Tom motions to cancel the October 12th meeting as it falls on a holiday. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. The next scheduled meeting is October 26th. Roger Clapp suggests that the selectmen accept the invitation to participate in the FCC Section 106 review of historic sites affected by cell towers. David asks John Woodward to contact Emera Maine regarding the street light at the South Addison Town Landing.


Those attending: Tim and Mary Thompson, Daniel Fortin, Roger Clapp, Todd Rich, Osborne Davis, Bob Parsloe, Tom Buckley, Chip Lawrence, Bobbi Floyd, Sheldon Trundy, Donna Kausen, Sheila Mitchell, Fran Havey, Robert Groves, John Woodward, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson


Town of Addison


Public Hearing

September 14, 2015

Mike Murphy calls the hearing to order at 5:00 PM. The selectmen review the materials along with the applications. CEO, Betsy Fitzgerald has inspected the junkyards and approves of the renewals. Mike asks the audience if there are any questions or comments. There being none, David Ingersoll motions to adjourn the public hearing at 5:05 PM. Tom Batson seconds the motion.

Junkyard Permit Renewals


Elliot Batson

 Ralph & Ruth Johnson


Selectmen’s Meeting

September 14, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: 5:05 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:20 PM


1.    Motion to Approve or Deny Junkyard Permit Renewals: David motions to approve both permits. Mike seconds the motion. Tom abstains. Motion passes 2/3.

2.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 24th Selectmen’s meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 24th Special Town Meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

4.    Snow Plowing/Sanding Bids: Mike opens the sealed bids;

Contractor                  Snow Removal                Sand/Salt Stock

Ricky Redimarker      $128,000 5yr                 $26,400

County Concrete        $123,700 inclusive

TRP Logging              $118,000 3yr                 $24,000

Elmer Morris              N/A                                $32,400

The County Bid needs to be confirmed, does it include sand/salt stockpiling and is it for 3 years. Road Commissioner Obbie Davis will call them to confirm. David motions to accept the lowest bid, currently County Concrete (if includes sand/salt stockpile) pending specs are met. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom abstains.

5.    Robert Groves and Team, Opinion on Cost & Repair of Town Hall Building: Not Present

6.  Revitalization Committee: Daria Alexander suggests contacting Eastern Maine Mold Remediation to give a quote to install a vapor barrier beneath the building and to perform mold testing, along with lead paint remediation. An air quality test is suggested. There is discussion of local contractors who may serve on the committee or act as advisors. Parris Hammond Sr. is mentioned. Daria has scheduled a meeting of the committee for Monday, September 21st at noon, here at the town hall. There is some discussion of the time of the meetings and that it may be difficult for residents and local contractors to attend the meetings when they are scheduled during the day. Mike motions to obtain an estimate from Eastern Maine Mold Remediation. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Planning Board: Mary Thompson is asking the selectmen for approval to hire an attorney who would review and make recommendations to the Tall Structures ordinance currently being prepared by the planning board. Mike has spoken with Erik Stumpfel of Rudman and Winchell and feels he would be a good representative. Mike motions to allow the planning board to hire an attorney to review the Tall Structures ordinance, not to exceed the $3,000 raised at the Special Town meeting. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.    Fire Chief, Sheldon Trundy: Sheldon had been approached by Wireless Partners regarding a space on the cell tower they will be constructing on Mason Bay road. The space would be used by the fire department for communication purposes. The space is being offered to the town, free of charge. A repeater, antenna, and other materials would cost an estimated $3,000, which is not in the budget for this year. Sheldon asks for permission to purchase the materials and if the purchase creates an overdraft in his account, the overage would come from surplus. Sheldon also asks who would sign the agreement with Wireless Partners. Mike motions to authorize the town to enter into an agreement with Wireless Partners for a repeater on the tower. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

9.    Time Warner Cable, Franchise Renewal Notice: No action at this time. Mary Thompson suggests that when the renewal comes due in 2018, that the town insist the service be available to all areas of town.

10. Schedule Date for Public Hearing Regarding General Assistance Appendices: Tom motions to set a public hearing for September 28th at 5, followed by the regularly scheduled selectmen’s meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Other: Fran Havey suggests advertising for volunteers to serve on the revitalization committee, and to post a notice asking for volunteers.


Those attending: Mary and Tim Thompson, Bub Johnson, Ruth Johnson, Osborne Davis, Paul Cuhna, Fran Havey, Grant, Daria Alexander, Sheldon Trundy, Elliot Batson, Sheila Mitchell, Cathy Fonda, Norman and Judy Dakin, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 24, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:03 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:47 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the August 10th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Robert Parsloe, Wireless Partners Building Permit Application: Robert Lee begins discussion by stating that he and his wife have met with Wireless Partners prior to the selectmen’s meeting and reached an agreement. Mr. Lee would like to retract his letter of reconsideration to the Board of Appeals. Wireless Partners have agreed to a 200’ setback from the Lee’s property. Tom requests that the agreement be put in writing and that the Lee’s also submit a letter to the BOA to retract the reconsideration letter. Roger Clapp of the Planning Board would like to review the letter and new application from Wireless Partners before signing a permit. The Lee’s will also provide a letter of dismissal of seeking a lawsuit against the town.

3.    Junkyard Permit Renewals: Tom motions to set a public hearing date of September 14 to review applications for junkyard permit renewals submitted by Elliot Batson and Ralph Johnson Jr. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

4.    Shellfish Warden: Only one application was received for the position of shellfish warden and harbor patrol officer. The selectmen recommend sending the application to the Shellfish Committee for review. The also suggest re-advertising the positions in the Machias Valley and Ellsworth American for another 2 weeks. Tom also suggests changes to the current ordinance, increasing fees for licenses and making conservation mandatory.

5.    Road Commissioner:

Roadside Mowing No bids were received for roadside mowing. The selectmen give Obbie the go ahead to do the roadside mowing.

Sand/Salt Shed Obbie has reviewed pictures provided by Trask, which were supposed to support his claim that additional crushed stone and excavation were necessary at the location, creating the change order of $27,340. Obbie does not agree that the pictures prove any additional excavation or crushed stone. He agrees to pay Trask an additional $2,100 but not the $21,000 (Trask had reduced the change order) he is asking for. Obbie will contact Pete Coughlin of DOT by phone or thru email to ask if the change order will affect reimbursement from the state.

Other: Tim Thompson inquires about the status of repairs to town roads. Obbie states that he will be inspecting town roads and making repairs to pot holes on Wednesday.

Those attending: Dale and Dorthea Crowley, Bonnie Look Thompson, Roger Clapp, Cathy Fonda, Fran Havey, Nancy and Walter Merritt, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell, Tim and Mary Thompson, Richard Paul, Daniel Fortin, Sheldon Trundy, Osborne Davis, Robert and Suzie Lee, Liz and Bill Faraci, Robery Parsloe, Todd Rich, Roger Clapp, John and Lynne Horst, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 27, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:04 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:04 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the July 13th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.    Department of Marine Resources;

Shoreline Survey: Representative from DMR explains the process of water quality inspections performed door to door every 12 years. Water samples from areas are performed 6 times per year. All information and reports are available online. There is some discussion of over board discharge concerns. It is suggested to contact DEP for a list in our area and the status of them.

3.    Robert Lee – Agenda Request regarding Cell Tower Permit: Take up later during the meeting. Robert Lee inquires as to whether or not the town is going to help him. Obbie (board of appeals member) explains that during a meeting with the cell tower company, they promised to contact the town office prior to any digging with a possibility of moving the tower further away from the abutting land owners. Also, Betsy Fitzgerald (code enforcement officer) will be performing 3 inspections during the construction phase. Donna Kausen (planning board chair) states that if the location of the proposed tower changes, the company would need an amended permit. There is discussion of a bill board sign to advertise meetings. The selectmen suggest a sandwich type board be placed near the road, announcing meetings.

4.    Mary Thompson – Agenda Request regarding Moratorium for tall structure permits: Mary asks the selectmen for guidance on 3 items. She asks the selectmen to direct the planning board to look into an ordinance that would put restrictions on tall structures, a 90 day moratorium, and $3,000 for legal expenses. Tom motions to assign the planning board to develop a tall structure ordinance. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom motions for a 180 day moratorium ordinance for tall structures to be voted on at a special town meeting to be held the same night as the public hearing regarding the town hall at 6 PM on August 24th. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Mike motions to add to the warrant for special town meeting, town approval of $3,000 from surplus for legal fees related to a tall structure ordinance. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Mike motions to also add an article to the warrant for special town meeting, a request for funds to cover the change order for the sand salt shed. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.    Road Commissioner;

Sand/Salt Shed Update: Mike has spoken with Chris Snowdeal of CES regarding the change order. The contractor, Trask has reduced the change order by $6,300, but Obbie still feels this is too much. Obbie will speak with CES and report to the selectmen at the August 10th meeting. Tom motions to make final payments on the contract, minus $1,500 for items that need to be completed. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Snow Plow Contract: D&M has one year left of the contract, but Darryl states that because of health reasons, he needs to back out of the final year. Obbie will call him and report back to the selectmen at the August 10th meeting before it goes out to bid.

Roadside Mowing: This will be advertised as soon as possible.

6.    Revitalization Committee – Public Hearing Regarding Town Hall: Daria Alexander of the committee presents 3 options for a town meeting vote at the August 24th special town meeting, following the public hearing. The committee will be at the August 10th selectmen’s meeting to answer any questions the selectmen may have and to help prepare for the special town meeting.

7.    Irvin Pinkman, Shellfish Warden & Harbor Patrol Resignations: Tom motions to accept the resignations. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom motions to advertise the positions. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Irvin will stay on until a replacement is hired, but hours will be limited. Mike inquires about the status of the town boat trailer discussed at the last meeting. Tom will take the boat to someone who can let him know whether or not it can be repaired and get an estimate.

8.    Board of Appeals Resignations;

Richard Paul, Chair

Ronald Looke

Norman Dakin

Mike states that he appreciates the hard work, dedication and volunteerism of the members. Tom motions to accept the resignations with sincere regret. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tim
Thompson and Irvin Pinkham are interested in filling two of the positions on the board. Tom motions to table any appointments until the next meeting.



Those attending: Mary and Tim Thompson, Butch and Roberta Pinkham, Fran Havey, Alexandra Rober, Daniel and Loise Fortin, Joan Yeaton, Jerry Metz, Sharon Hosley, Daria Alexander, Jeanne Lawson, Elinore Butler, Charlie Cameron, Donna Kausen, Sheila and Stanley Mitchell, Keith Newman, Christina and John Carey, Patricia Provost, Judy and Norman Dakin, Alison Smith, Osborne Davis, Robert and Susie Lee, Mike Murphy, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

July 13, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:12 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the June 22nd meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Mike abstains.

2.    Road Commissioner: Osborne Davis updates the selectmen of the status of the sand/salt shed. He has spoken with Chris Snowdeal of CES. Obbie states that he feels the town only owes approximately $2,000 for the change order, but not the $27,000 requested from Trask. He feels there needs to be a meeting between the contractor, Trask and the engineer, CES and the selectmen. The selectmen request that all parties attend the next selectmen’s meeting. Tom inquires about the culvert next to the Addison Point park. It was not finished and needs to be filled in and the large granite stones moved. Mike inquires about the culvert at the end of the driveway of town hall. Obbie will ask about ditching and the culvert when he speaks with DOT again.

3.    Tax Acquired Property Bids: Mike opens the only bid received for Map 23 Lot 8-14 (3.43 acres). Bid amount is $4,500. Tom motions to accept the bid. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

4.    Revitalization Committee: Daria Alexander has prepared information for the selectmen and suggests a public hearing to see how the town wants to proceed. Restoration of town hall or rebuild. She provides sketches of designs for a rebuild and information regarding the status of the old town hall and types of repairs and cost estimates. The selectmen suggest a public hearing be scheduled for August 24th at 6:00 PM following a short selectmen’s meeting at 5.

5.    Robert Lee, Agenda Request: Mike states that this is not a meeting of the board of appeals and discussion of the permit application cannot be taken up at this meeting because Wireless Partners are not present. Robert Lee presents a letter of concerns regarding the permit. Mike suggests the letter of concerns be discussed at the board of appeals meeting. Abutters and Wireless Partners will be informed of such meeting. Mr. Lee states that town should protect others in the future by having an ordinance in place. There is discussion of a possible moratorium and the procedure.

6.    Town Boat Trailer (Tom Batson): Tom is concerned about the state of the town boat trailer and feels that repairs should not have been made last fall when it was in such poor condition. Irvin Pinkham explains that the trailer was not in that condition last fall and deterioration has happened in a short period of time. Butch will ask Tyler Marine if they can give an estimate to repair the section in question and gather prices for used boat trailers.


Those attending: Osborne Davis, Irvin Pinkham, Bob Garofalo, Dan Fortin, Rena Bagley, Travis Drake, Richard Paul, Daria Alexander, Fran Havey, Judy Dakin, Norman Dakin, Stephen Oliver, Ronald Looke, Robert Lee, Susie Lee, Tom Batson, David Ingersoll, Mike Murphy, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

June 22, 2015

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:45 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the June 8th meeting: David makes a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Department of Marine Resources-Shoreline Survey: The DMR will be attending the July 27th meeting to discuss how they determine pollution of the clam flats and close areas due to pollution, and what the town’s responsibilities are to correct them.

3.    Road Commissioner-Status of Sand/Salt Shed: Obbie says that the extra fee for crushed stone is too much. He will call Lane construction to confirm the amounts of stone delivered to the site. The selectmen object to the change order. Payments are on hold until the matter is cleared up with the contractor and CES. Adjustments may need to be made to the door.

4.    Revitalization Committee-Town Hall Update: Item is tabled until Mike is present.

5.    Town of Jonesport-Request to relocate “Welcome to Addison” sign: Obbie will contact the town of Jonesport to see if they can install their new sign to the back side of the Addison sign.

6.    County of Washington-Salt bid: Tom suggests entering the bid with an estimated tonnage of 360. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

7.    Pleasant River Historical Society-Request to use Training Room at New Fire Station: Tom motions to approve the request. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

Other: Mary Thompson suggests that the budget committee and selectmen work on a 3-5 year plan for budgeting.

Those attending: Mary Thompson, Osborne Davis, Dan Fortin, Daria Alexander, John Woodward, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

June 8, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:03 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:45 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the May 11th and 18th meetings: Tom motions to accept the minutes of the May 11th meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom makes a motion to accept the minutes of the May 18th meeting. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.    Land Transfer – VFW to Town of Addison: Tabled. The selectmen are waiting for a deed to be prepared.

3.    Revitalization Committee: Daria Alexander is not present to update the selectmen. Dan Fortin has nothing new to report.

4.    Cigarette Receptacle (tabled at last meeting): Tom will bring a couple buckets of sand to set out by the deck and will clean them out once a week.

5.    Motion to appoint Steven Oliver - Board of Appeals: Tom motions to appoint Steven as requested by Richard Paul of the Board of Appeals. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.    Motion to appoint Bobbi Floyd - Town Hall Cleaner: Tom motions to hire/appoint Bobbi as the town hall cleaner. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.    Tax Acquired Properties;

Bar Island Road - 28.57 Acres, Map 23 Lot 8

Assessed value $66,100 (back taxes $2,800.)

Kent Road - 3.43 Acres, Map 23 Lot 8-14

Assessed value $42,400 (back taxes $1,800.)

Tom motions to re-advertise the properties. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Other: Mike asks road commissioner Osborne Davis if he has anything to report. Obbie responds that he has filled in a sink hole on Mooseneck road and has plans to replace or repair a culvert on West Side road. Old Addison road will have repairs by Lenoxx Ramsay’s home.

There is discussion of where to build a new town office. Fire chief Sheldon Trundy is present and he discusses the possibility of building near the new fire station. Dan Fortin will review the site plans for the new fire station.


Those attending: Dan Fortin, Osborne Davis, Sheldon Trundy, Tom Batson, David Ingersoll, Mike Murphy, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

May 18, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, Thomas W. Batson. David M. Ingersoll is absent.

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: Meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM


1.    Motion to accept the minutes of the May 11th meeting: No action. David is not present.

2.    Land Transfer-VFW: John Tibbetts is present to represent the VFW and asks about the wording of a quit claim deed. John Woodward suggests Marcia Worcester.

3.    Update-Sand/Salt Shed: Road Commissioner, Obbie Davis is not present.

4.    Town Hall Cleaner: Two of the applicants have withdrawn. John Woodward is asked to make a recommendation. John explains that he does not know the applicants and does not feel comfortable making a recommendation. Mike suggests calling the remaining two applicants to set up interviews.

5.    Cigarette Receptacle: Tom suggests a bucket of sand for each side of the deck for cigarettes. Mike is opposed. Item is tabled.


Other: Mike motions to sign a quit claim deed, turning property back to the former owner off Mooseneck road. The property was donated to the town for the use of a fire pond for the South Addison fire station, but has not been used. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Daria Alexander of the Revitalization Committee asks if the selectmen have any suggestions or plans for a new town office. Mike suggests adding on to the new fire station. There is discussion of where the addition could be added because of underground power and water lines, etc.


Those attending: John Woodward, Tom Batson, Mike Murphy, Daria Alexander



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 27, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at:

1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the April 13th meeting: Tom makes a motion to accept the minutes as written. Mike seconds the motion. David abstains. Motion passes 2/3.

2.      James and Gabriela Lake-Tax Acquired Property on Crowley Island: David motions to sell the property back to Gabriela Lake for taxes due, plus costs and interest, due to special circumstances. Gabriela did not receive certified mailings from the town and the property had already been bid once, with no offers. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.      Road Commissioner-Sand/Salt Shed Update: Obbie Davis updates the selectmen regarding the construction of the sand/salt shed. Obbie asks the selectmen if they have a preference of color for the siding. The selectmen will let Obbie make the choice.

4.      Revitalization Committee-Town Hall Building Update: Daria Alexander addresses the selectmen. She has contacted some contractors who specialize in the type of work needed to make repairs to the building in order to get an idea of costs. No action is taken. Daria will continue talking with contractors and try to limit them to local.

5.      Chris Chartrand-PRSWDD Update: Chris informs the selectmen of the possible closing of PERC and how it will affect the towns in the district.

6.      Harbor Committee-Repairs/Upgrades at West River Estimated at $1,900: Tom motions to accept and continue with the repairs to West River landing. Mike seconds the motion. David abstains. Motion passes 2/3.

7.      Certificate of Settlement-2014 Taxes: Tom makes a motion to sign the certificate of settlement. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Those attending: Daria Alexander, Gabriela Lake, Osborne Davis, Chris Chartrand, Daniel Fortin, Gary Magby, Cathy Fonda, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 13, 2015


Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, Thomas W. Batson. David M. Ingersoll is not present.

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:15 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the March 23rd meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.      Sand-Salt Shed

a.      Motion to approve $315,000 Line of Credit with Machias Savings Bank: Tom motions to open the line of credit with Machias Savings. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

b.     Motion for one Selectman to sign Line of Credit documents on behalf of the town: Tom motions for Mike to sign on behalf of the selectmen and town. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.      Revitalization Committee – Town Hall Building: Daria Alexander begins reading from a report she has provided to the selectmen for review. There is discussion of whether to make repairs to the building or to build new, and the extend of repairs necessary within the next year. Daria has made a list of contractors that specialize in the type of repairs needed. Mike asks for estimates from the contractors for repairs as well as the cost to build new. Daria explains that in order to get estimates for new construction, she would need to know the size of the building proposed and a general layout. A new committee had been suggested at the previous meeting, but Daria recommends the project stay with the revitalization committee, who have been working on it since the beginning. She suggests adding advisors to the committee, local contractors and one selectman.

4.      Town Hall Cleaner: Penny Parsons has resigned as town hall cleaner due to scheduling conflicts. Tom motions to advertise the position in the Machias Valley newspaper, along with County Wide. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

5.      Follow up - construction issues at Fire Station #1: Sheldon Trundy, fire chief is present to give a report of the meeting held at the fire station between himself, the contractor, and selectman David Ingersoll. He states that the contractor was receptive and cooperative. The exhaust extraction unit had been repaired previous to the meeting, the overhead doors have also been repaired and the contractor states that he will pay for a portion of the repairs. The water pipes freezing during cold weather continue to be an issue. The contractor stated that the pipes are run within an inside wall, so he doesn’t understand why they are freezing. He suggests that when they freeze again, to contact him immediately. Tom asks if Sheldon could get a written agreement with the contractor for repairs and reimbursement. Mike inquires about burning the old dump lot/landfill area off Wescogus road. Sheldon explains that insurance may be an issue since firefighters are only covered for fire fighting activities.

Other: Dean Crowley is present and states that he is the new chairman of the harbor committee by default. A meeting of the harbor committee has been scheduled for April 22nd and there will be discussion of repairs needed at each of the landings. He will provide the selectmen with estimates for these repairs for approval. There is also discussion of whether or not to follow thru with allowing storage at the harbors. John will provide the harbor committee with information he has gathered over the past two years regarding storage.


Those attending: Osborne Davis, Gary Magby, Daniel Fortin, Cathy Fonda, Daria Alexander, Sheldon Trundy, Dean Crowley, Tom Batson, Mike Murphy, John Woodward




results from addison town meeting


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

March 10, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 8:11 PM

Meeting Closed at: 8:18 PM


1.      Motion to appoint minor officers: Mike motions to appoint minor officers per the attached schedule with the exception of a temporary 30 day appointment of Betsy Fitzgerald, pending an executive session. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


2.      Motion to appoint Alex Thompson to serve on the Harbor Committee (Recommended by Dean Crowley, Luther Choate, Billy Thompson, Justin Thompson, and Jason Tyler-all of the Harbor Committee): David motions to appoint Alex Thompson as a member of the harbor committee. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Motion to adjourn: David motions to adjourn. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.



Those attending: Mike Murphy, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 23, 2015

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: David motions to adjourn at 6:10 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the February 9 and 11 meetings: Tabled until the next meeting. Tom Batson is not present.

2.      Sand/Salt Shed Contract: Mike motions to accept the revised contract with Trask for $300,000. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.      Road Commissioner

a.      Complaint regarding Snow Removal: Road Commissioner Osborne Davis states that he has spoken with residents in the area and the contractor. Obbie feels that the contractor has done a good job considering the amount of snowfall this season.

b.     Sand/Salt Stockpile: Obbie has spoken with the contractor regarding mixing the remainder of the sand/salt, screening to take out lumps, and re-pile the stock. He feels that there will be enough to get thru the rest of the season. The contractor requests $75/hour to load and screen remaining sand/salt.

4.      Assessing Position: David motions to hire Doug Guy as the towns assessor. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. The selectmen sign an agreement with Doug Guy with a term of one year.

5.      Tim Thompson, EMA: Tim would like to speak with the County Commissioners regarding reimbursement for storm damage thru EMA.

6.      James W. Wadman, CPA-Management Representation Letter: Mike motions to sign the letter. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

7.      Motion to appoint Alex Thompson to Harbor Committee: David states that the appointment should be a recommendation of the Harbor Committee. Since there is no chairman of the committee, the item is tabled.

8.      Request from Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center to hold the 15th annual Walk For Life on Saturday May 16, 2015, using the facilities at the Town Hall: Mike motions to accept the request, subject to availability. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. There is concern regarding the building. It is unknown if any construction will be taking place at that time.

9.      Quote from Dead River to install a make-up air kit to the Riello Burner, Town Hall: Mike motions to approve subject to review and acceptance of service manager at Dead River. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Mike will contact Dead River to ask specific questions regarding the air kit.

10. Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule (appoint minor officers after Town Meeting?): David motions to appoint minor officers following town meeting. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

11. Revitalization Committee (Request to remove funding for wind turbine from Town Meeting Warrant. Maintenance not due until summer of 2017, may have funds by then from sale of stones, etc.): Mike states that the request can not be removed at this time because the articles have been completed and published. He suggests that someone from the committee stand up at town meeting and speak on behalf of the request.

12. Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 (6) Regarding Shellfish Warden’s Increased Hours: Mike motions to reduce the shellfish warden hours to 29. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Previously the selectmen voted to increase his hours to 31, but the law has changed regarding full time status. This decrease in hours will keep him under the part time status.

Other: Dan Fortin inquires about the overhead door repairs and other issues at station 1. The warranty is about to expire and the recent repairs should have been discussed with the contractor, with an offer of first refusal. Dan suggests a walk thru with the fire chief to make a list of suggested repairs. Mike states that he is working on a letter to the contractor and will request reimbursement. Tim Thompson informs the selectmen of damage to the new overhead door at station 2. The bottom 2 or 3 panels have been hit and dented, possibly with a plow. Mike suggests an estimate for repairs from the fire chief.


Those attending: Tim and Mary Thompson, David Trask, Daniel Fortin, Osborne Davis, David Ingersoll, Mike Murphy, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Special Selectmen’s Meeting

February 11, 2015

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: Tom calls the meeting to order at 2:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 2:04 PM


1.      Tom explains that the purpose of the meeting is to change the wording of the money article back to the previous wording as advised by MMA Legal. The moderator and budget committee had recommended changing the wording to allow for a reduction in the requested amounts. MMA Legal stated that the wording did allow for such amendments. Tom motions to change the wording back to the way it was previously. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


Those attending: Tim Thompson, Mary Thompson, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 9, 2015

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson and David M. Ingersoll are present. Michael L. Murphy is not present.

Meeting Opened at: Tom opens the meeting at 5:04 PM

Meeting Closed at: 5:40 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the January 26th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.      Motion to approve Warrant Articles for Town Meeting: Tim Thompson suggests adding that the budget committee recommends not to fund Washington Hancock Community Agency per vote at the budget meeting 2/6/15. Dick Paul has questions regarding the listing of third party organizations, it is suggested to separate them from the WHCA article which was placed on the warrant by the petition process. Dick also suggests, as moderator, to change the wording of the money articles to allow items to be vetoed. After further discussion, Tom motions to change the wording of Article 22, to strike out “appropriate the” and replace with “approve these”. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Additional changes are made to Article 23, to strike “to cover additional hours” and Article 24, to strike “to cover additional hours”. The selectmen also vote to strike out the reference to an approved warrant article from June 2, 2014 Special Town Meeting regarding funds for the sand/salt shed. David motions to approve the changes. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.      Budget Committee recommends separating each department into its own warrant article: No action as this was taken up in item 2.

Other: There is brief discussion of the condition of the floats at the South Addison town landing and West River landing.

Those attending: Mary Thompson, Tim Thompson, Richard Paul, Sheldon Trundy, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 8, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: Mike motions to adjourn at 6:05 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the November 24th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Mike abstains.

2.      Revitalization Committee: Daria Alexander explains that the structural engineering report from Criterium-Brown is not ready yet, but is expected to be received by December 22nd. There is some discussion of options regarding the deteriorating condition of town hall.

3.      Tax Acquired Properties: John Woodward needs to know what the selectmen’s wishes are regarding the properties. Tom makes a motion to sell the properties and to add a warrant article asking to use the funds from the sale towards repairs at town hall or towards a new town office. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

4.      Stray Dog/Cat Contract, Small Animal Clinic: Tom motions to sign the contract. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.      Motion to appoint Bobbi Floyd as Registrar of Voters (2 year appointment): David motions to appoint Bobbi as registrar. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

6.      Town Report Cover: Tom motions to accept the town report cover, featuring Oscar Look Jr. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Sand-Salt Shed Project will be advertised week ending December 13th  in the Bangor Daily. Bids will be opened at the January 26th Selectmen’s Meeting.

Road Commissioner Obbie Davis reports that pot holes on Old Addison road have been repaired, and overlay has been applied to West Side road near John Rittenhouse’s residence where a culvert had been replaced earlier in the season. Mike reports that a pot hole has formed on Ridge Road near the Greene’s residence.

Daria asks for permission to move the storage closet for cleaning supplies to the bathroom entrance area. The selectmen approve.

David mentions further issues with storage of boats, floats, and gear at the South Addison town landing. John had called Eddie Guptill after the last meeting, but has had no further contact.

Those attending: Daria Alexander, Dan Fortin, Obbie Davis, Tom Batson, David Ingersoll, Mike Murphy, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 24, 2014

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: Tom calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: Tom motions to adjourn at 5:10 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the October 27th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.      Mutual Aid Agreement: Tom has attended a recent meeting of the fire department and recommends signing the agreement. Tom motions to sign. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.      Request to close Town Office on December 26th: Tom motions to close the office. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.      Request from Ocean Spray Builders for Town to purchase “Nash Island Light” replica: David suggests the letter be forwarded to the Nash Island Light Association. Tom agrees.

Other: David brings up storage at the South Addison Landing. John explains that he had sent information and a letter explaining the procedure for adopting an ordinance to charge fees for storage to Eddie Guptill. John also spoke with Eddie regarding setting up a Harbor Committee meeting to discuss the fees schedule and what would be involved in storage. David suggests that John call Eddie.

David also mentions that rock salt is still being used on the concrete walkways at town hall, which is eating away the concrete. John explains that he has spoken with Butch on numerous occasions regarding the use of rock salt. Tom motions to not use rock salt on the concrete any longer. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. David suggests using ice melt with atleast 80% calcium chloride.

Those attending: Osborne Davis, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson, John Woodward, Cathy Fonda.

Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

October 27, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:03 PM

Meeting Closed at: Tom motions to adjourn at 6:42 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the October 6th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes, Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. David abstains.

2.      Town Hall Renovations Update: Some members of the Auxiliary are present to discuss renovations to the kitchen and cleaning practices. Betty Thompson would like to be kept notified of future renovation projects. The Auxiliary will search for volunteers to make repairs to the back deck/handicap ramp. There is discussion of the structural integrity of the building, the area underneath the front office in particular. Daria Alexander of the Revitalization Committee had received a quote from Criterium Brown for structural engineering in the amount of $700-1,400 depending on whether the engineer could gain access to the crawl space underneath the building. Mike states that it will be up to the towns people to decide how much they want to spend on renovations to the building. Tom motions to hire Criterium Brown and to spend up to $1,400. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.      Sand-Salt Shed: To re-bid the project would cost between $2,500 and 3,000. After some discussion, Mike motions to re-bid the project. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Obbie Davis, Road Commissioner will contact Fellis Construction who had originally bid on the project to see if they are still interested in placing a bid.

4.      Assessor’s Position: There is some discussion of whether to hire an assessor as an independent contractor or as an employee, as well as discussion of control over abatements. Mike states that any changes to the abatement process should be a vote of the town people. Tom motions to advertise the position. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.      Fire Department – Mutual Aid Agreement: Fire Chief Sheldon Trundy is not able to attend Selectmen’s meeting due to scheduling, therefore he is not able to explain the changes to the mutual aid agreement. John suggests that Tom Batson attend the next meeting of the Fire Department for an explanation of the changes to bring back to the next Selectmen’s meeting.


Other: Former Selectman Dale Crowley states that he is concerned about the taxpayers not being allowed to use the new Fire Station as was promised by the Fire Station Planning Committee. Mike responds that there needs to be a discussion between the Selectmen and Fire Department. When the town hall is not available for meetings, the fire station should be available for use.

Tim Thompson inquires about the selectmen’s meeting minutes. He is not able to attend meetings and would like to keep up with town business via the town’s website. Daria explains that she has not been able to update the website and that she will be teaching Bobbi Floyd how to upload minutes and other items to the website.

Obbie Davis reports that he has cleaned up a downed tree off Mooseneck Road.


Those attending: Tim Thompson, Charles Dowling, Dale and Dorthea Crowley, Daniel Fortin, Jeanette Perry, Daria Alexander, Osborne Davis, Elizabeth and Peter Thompson, John Woodward


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

October 6, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:05PM

Meeting Closed at: Tom motions to adjourn at 6:26PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the September 22nd meeting: Tom makes a motion to accept the minutes as written. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2

2.      Road Commissioner Osborne Davis:

a.      Re-Bid Sand/Salt Shed John contacted CES for a price to re-bid the project. It is estimated that to re-bid would run up to $2,500. There is $3,065 left in the sand/salt shed account out of the $10,000 raised at town meeting. Obbie requests that the item be tabled until the next meeting.

b.     Road Work Update Obbie updates the selectmen and those present of recent road work that has been completed and planned maintenance. Ditching has been performed on Masons Bay, Ridge, Cape Split, and Mooseneck roads. Re-surfacing is planned for Masons Bay and West Side. Daria Alexander inquires about the culvert next to the park. Obbie will try to get to it by the end of the month. She also asks about possibly dumping ditching material at the turbine site around the foundation. Obbie suggests gravel instead of ditching material. Sheila Mitchell inquires about fill at the South Addison town landing. Obbie has spoken with DEP and it is recommended to not fill any more of the area until he hears back from them. Trash at the South Addison town landing is mentioned and John is asked to speak with Butch about cleaning it up.

3.      Snow Removal Contracts Renewal, Parking Lots: Harold Tyler Jr and Obbie Davis have not asked for an increase for snow removal. Tom motions to sign the 3 year contracts. Mike seconds the motion Motion passes 2/2

4.      Revitalization Committee:

a.      Remediation Update So far, approximately $6,500 has been spent on remediation from the town hall renovation account. $18,000 had been set aside for renovating the two front offices. It is mentioned that the Auxiliary may be able to help with costs for additional remediation. The floor in the kitchen and hall need to be replaced, along with the sink base cabinet, and possibly metal shelving in the storage closet. Daria suggests that a steam cleaner be ordered for cleaning the floors. She also mentions that the Auxiliary did not use the cleaner that was provided for cleaning the kitchen area. Bleach was used instead. The Auxiliary will be meeting on November 7th at 6:00PM and it is suggested that a selectmen attend to explain the status of remediation and future cleaning practices. Daria has received a new quote from TP Environmental consulting for replacement of floors and cabinets. Mike suggests additional quotes or placing the work out to bid. Daria explains that due to the recent Cencus data, Addison is no longer eligible for CDBG grants. A new town office is mentioned and the possibility of building one next to the new fire station. There is further discussion of the future of the town hall, and where a new assessors office may be constructed since it is not feasible to remediate the upstairs of town hall where the office is currently located. Dan Fortin opened up the front of the deck on town hall to access the crawl space underneath town hall, he was not successful, but did take some photos which he shared with the selectmen. There are issues with the structural integrity in the offices location.

b.     Maintenance of Wind Turbine Daria has met with Terry Grant and he has agreed to take over maintenance of the wind turbine. Daria suggests that the selectmen find someone to “tune” the guy wires of the wind turbine and to pay up to $50 annually. She requests that a copy of the manuals be printed for Terry. The selectmen okay the request.

c.      Facilities Planning & Management This item was skipped.

5.      General Assistance Ordinance, Appendices B and C: Mike motions to sign the changes. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2

6.      Fire Chief Sheldon Trundy - Mutual Aid Agreement Sheldon Trundy did not make it to the meeting as planned.

Other: Daria has asked Bobbi to take over simple updates to the town website. She requests that Butch be asked to clean and remove the marsh pads at the park and states that Beth Fererio will take over coordinating weeding of the park.

Those attending: Osborne Davis, Daria Alexander, Dan Fortin, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Tom Batson, Mike Murphy, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 22, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: David motions to adjourn at 5:51 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the September 8th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.      Update on Town Hall and Offices Remediation: Daria Alexander of the Revitalization Committee explains the recent remediation efforts. She has received recommendations from TP Environmental Consulting for cleaning methods. There is discussion of the buildings structural condition. The selectmen ask John to order the diffusers, oils, and cleaner for town hall and offices. Dan Fortin of the Revitalization Committee suggests a maintenance plan for town hall, and also a spec for repairs needed after remediation. The selectmen received a quote for the repairs from TP Environmental Consulting, but it is mentioned that quotes from local sources obtained.

3.      Abatements: Tom motions to sign off on the abatements. David states that he will not sign off on the abatements. Tom rescinds his motion. Tom motions to not sign the abatements. All three selectmen are in favor of not signing off on the abatements. Motion passes 3/3.

4.      Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule (Columbus Day October 13th) The selectmen schedule a meeting for October 6th. The October 13th meeting is cancelled due to the holiday.

5.      Quit Claim Deed-Tax Acquired Property Installment Contract, Clifton Emerson: The selectmen sign the quit claim deed. Payment has been made in full.


Those attending: Dale and Dorthea Crowley, Dan Fortin, Daria Alexander, Mike Murphy, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 8, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:03 PM

Meeting Closed at: Tom motions to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 PM. Second by David. All in favor. 3/3.


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the August 25th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom abstains.

2.      Shellfish Warden - Recent meeting regarding Conservation: Irvin Pinkham updates the selectmen of possible changes to the conservation ordinance regarding sales of out of town licenses, types of conservation activities, and permits issued by the state for conservation work.

3.      Revitalization Committee – Recent Environmental Study of Town Hall and Offices: Daria Alexander begins conversation regarding the study. Toxic black mold and other contaminates have been discovered thru out the building with the highest levels in the kitchen area. Cleaning the spaces may only be a temporary solution. Judy East of the Washington County Council of Governments had stated that there are no proposed funds available thru grants to help with remediation or replacement of the building. The selectmen will meet with TP Environmental Consulting and the auxiliary in order to determine future use of the building. Mike motions to order cleaner and diffusers to help with air quality in order to protect the office staff. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. The office staff will also use an air purifier provided by former selectman Bradford Hamel. Until the selectmen meet with TP Environmental Consulting, the hall and kitchen will be closed to public use. The office staff will contact various boards and committees and local organizations that use the hall to inform them of the situation.

4.      Abatements: Tom motions to table the abatements until the tax assessor is available to attend to explain the reason for the abatements. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.      Announcements:

a.      Harbor Committee Meeting – Thursday September 11th at 6:00 PM Town Hall Regarding Storage at the South Addison Town Landing

b.     Dividends received from MMA Risk Management, Workers Compensation Fund $183.00 and Property and Casualty Pool $677.00 for “good management practices and sound loss prevention measures”.


Other: Road Commissioner Osborne Davis states that road work is planned for Old Addison road, and Ridge road. He will get a quote from County Concrete for paving a small section of Old Addison road.


Those attending: Osborne Davis, Daria Alexander, Irvin Pinkham, Tom Batson, David Ingersoll, Mike Murphy, John Woodward

Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 25, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll

Thomas W. Batson is not present

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: David motions to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 PM. Mike seconds the motion.

1.      Public Hearing Regarding Changes to General Assistance Ordinance: Mike opens the public hearing with brief discussion of changes to the general assistance ordinance and appendices. David motions to accept the changes. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2

2.      Motion to accept the minutes of the August 11th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.      Motion to Close the Meeting and Enter into Executive Session, 36 MRSA § 841 (2) to Deliberate over an Abatement: Taken out of order. Mike motions to close the meeting and enter into executive session. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Meeting closes at 6:25 PM

4.      Motion to Re-Open the Meeting: Mike motions to reopen the meeting at 6:45 PM. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

5.      Motion to Grant or Deny the Abatement: Mike motions to deny the request based on no proof of ownership and failure to appear to explain the inconsistencies in the application. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

6.      Report from Fire Chief Sheldon Trundy Regarding Water Test at Station #1: Letter read aloud by Mike. No action taken. The water test showed a reduction in arsenic and iron levels. The fire department is no longer considering any type of filtration system for the fire station.

7.      County Salt Bid Received. Lowest Bid from Cargill $67.23/Ton:

Past FY Costs Per Ton;

FY 13-14 $63.55 Cargill

FY 12-13 $63.55 Cargill

FY 11-12 $63.55 Mid-Atlantic

Mike motions to accept the bid by Cargill. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2

8.      Notice of Agency Rule-Making Proposal, Department of Marine Resources:

Summary: The proposed amendments would update the regulations for towns with approved Shellfish Conservation Ordinance Programs by adding definitions, clarifying management responsibilities, clarifying the revocation of approved ordinance procedures; clarifying the license allocation process, specifying conservation closure and opening permit requirements and defining conservation activities and procedures.

Public Hearing will be held on September 3rd at 4 PM, University of Maine-Machias Shellfish warden Irvin Pinkham has spoken with Dennis Marc-Nault of DMR for some general information and how these changes could affect Addison’s current ordinance. Irvin will be attending the September 3rd meeting and will follow up with the selectmen at the next meeting.


Harbor Committee: No agenda request. Eddie Guptill and other local fisherman are in attendance to discuss the possibility of charging fees for storage of boats at the South Addison town landing. John Woodward had prepared a storage agreement and application for storage in 2012, but it was rejected by the harbor committee. There is discussion of types of storage, liability issues, etc. The harbor committee will review the agreement and application and make suggestions for any changes to the selectmen.

Revitalization Committee: No agenda request. Daria Alexander submits a proposal from Criterium Brown engineering for structural inspection at town hall. The proposal is much less than the one received from CES. Daria states that an environmental test of town hall was performed on August 23rd by TP Environmental Consulting and a full report will be available for the selectmen to review and discuss at the September 8th meeting. Three types of mold were discovered thru out the building, along with lead and other air borne contaminates.

ATV Access Roads: No agenda request. A resident is present who brings up the issue of making town roads atv accessible. He is directed to the ATV Club. Mike suggests a list of proposed roads, along with mileage, speed limits, etc.


Those attending: Alice Tucker, Osborne Davis, Daniel Fortin, Adam Thompson, Irvin Pinkham, Daria Alexander, David Ingersoll, Mike Murphy, John Woodward, and others

Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 11, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll. Thomas W. Batson 5:15 PM

Meeting Opened at: 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:15 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the July 14th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2

2.      Motion to accept the minutes of the August 4th Meeting: Taken out of order. Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.      Public Easement off Old Addison Road/Ridge Road: Mike opens discussion, Mr. Rowley had called the town office and spoke with John on 2 separate occasions regarding the public easement signed by the selectmen on February 14 of 2013, stating that he was not informed prior to the signing of the easement for his opinion. Mr. Rowley claims damage to his property. Lorna Greene is present to answer any questions the selectmen may have and informs the board that she has walked the area in question and has seen no trash, no damage, no trees or fencing cut. Mr. Rowley refused to attend. Mike will draft a letter to Mr. Rowley.

4.      Recent Billing from CES, Sand/Salt Shed Engineering: CES has agreed to allow the town to hold the invoice until the project is re-bid in early October.

5.      Motion to appoint Harbor Masters for the following Locations as Recommended by the Harbor Committee;

*South Addison, Caler Cove: Billy Batson

*South Addison: Joe Bradley

*Addison Point: Luther Choate will assist Irvin Pinkham

Tom motions to appoint the harbor masters and assistant. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. There is some discussion of boats stored at harbors, temporary storage, what is allowed under the current harbor ordinance, and signs for the harbors. David motions to uphold the current ordinance which does not allow equipment storage. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Dale Crowley states that if boats will not be allowed then it needs to be specifically stated in the ordinance.

6.      Motion to Approve Staff Attendance of Elections Conference on September 24 and 25;

 *Alice Tucker, September 25:

 *Bobbi Floyd, September 24 and 25:

Cost is $109 plus hourly wages and mileage, trainings are mandatory.

Tom motions to approve the attendance. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

7.      Motion to Close the Meeting and enter into Executive Session, 36 MRSA § 841 (2) to Deliberate over Poverty Abatement: Tom motions to close the meeting at 5:45 PM. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.      Motion to Re-Open the Meeting: Tom motions to re-open the meeting at 6:05 PM after reviewing materials. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

9.      Motion to Grant or Deny the Poverty Abatement: Tom motions to deny the abatement based on inaccurate and missing information. John will contact MMA for a list of programs available that may help the applicant. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.



Those attending: Osborne Davis, Dan Fortin, Dale Crowley, Dorthea Crowley, Cathy Fonda, Lorna Greene, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson, Mike Murphy, John Woodward

Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 4, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, Thomas W. Batson. David M. Ingersoll is not present.

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:05 PM

Meeting Closed at: Tom motions to adjourn the meeting at 5:08 PM


1.      Motion to sign agreement with the town of Columbia Falls to process motor vehicle registrations: Tom motions to sign the agreement. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.      Motion to sign authorization for office staff to process motor vehicle registrations for the town of Columbia Falls: Tom motions to sign the authorization. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting


July 14, 2014


Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll (Tom Batson is not present)

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:04 PM with a moment of silence for Oscar Look Jr. who recently passed. Oscar served on the Harbor Committee as Harbor Master for the South Addison landing for over 25 years.

Meeting Closed at: David motions to adjourn at 5:25 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the June 30th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Mike seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


2.      Update-Sand/Salt Shed Project: In a recent email from CES, Carver Construction has resubmitted a bid for $311,098 which is still over budget. Mike motions to reject the 2 bids received and to rebid in late fall/early winter. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. John will follow up with Chris Snowdeal of CES. Chris was going to talk with Pete Coughlin of MDOT and ask if we could accept a bid from Fellis construction if they were still interested in submitting a bid.


3.      Update-Water at Station #1: Sheldon Trundy, fire chief is not present to give an update. Daria Alexander of the Revitalization committee states that grants may be available for a water filtration system. Mike motions to table the item until the next meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


4.      Addison Days Committee requests use of old Station #1 for bake sale, etc. Sherri Batson of the Addison Days committee was not able to attend. John had spoken with her earlier and discussed opening both bays on the front of the building and to use the space for bake/yard sale, proceeds to benefit the Addison Days events. Mike motions to allow use of the building. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.


Other: Daria Alexander has received an update to the CES proposal for an assessment of the town hall. The proposal has come in over the original quote. Daria will “shop around” for a better price and follow up with CES.

Mike has received a ballot from MMA, requesting a vote for vice president and 3 board members. The ballot has only 1 option for vice president and the 3 board members. Mike motions to file the request. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting

May 23, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 9:00 AM, explaining the reason for the emergency meeting is to accept the warrant articles for special town meeting.

Meeting Closed at: Mike motions to adjourn at 9:07 AM


1.      Motion to accept the warrant articles for Special Town Meeting, June 2nd: Tom motions to accept the warrant articles as written for the Special Town Meeting to be held on June 2nd. Mike seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 3/3.


Those attending: Mike Murphy, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

May 12, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Mike calls the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 7:55 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the April 28th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 3/3.

2.      Motion to enter into Executive Session per 1 MRSA § 405 (6) to discuss personnel matters: Tom motions to pause the meeting and enter into executive session at 5:03 PM. David seconds the motion. Mike makes a motion at 5:50 to re-open the meeting. Tom seconds the motion. Tom motions to add an article for special town meeting, asking voters for additional funds to cover a .75/hr salary increase for Alice Tucker, town clerk. David seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 3/3. No action is taken on shellfish warden Irvin Pinkham’s request for holiday and personal time. Mike motions to include mowing of the town park at Addison Point and town hall to Irvin’s duties, but limited the mowing to within his 30 hour week schedule. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

3.      Sand-Salt Shed:

Contract for Engineering CES has provided a contract for engineering at a cost of $17,500 which would be for a 60x90 with 8 ft walls or an 80x60 with 10 ft walls laminated beam style building. Only $10,000 was raised to cover engineering of a fabric style building. Since the type of building has changed, the engineering has increased. Obbie Davis road commissioner explains that the State will cover up to $15,000 of the engineering costs and reimburse the town up to 74.2% of the construction costs. After some discussion, Mike makes a motion to rescind the previous vote for a fabric style sand-salt shed. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Mike makes a motion to construct a laminated beam style sand-salt shed with concrete walls suited for 2,400 yards of sand-salt. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom motions to get authorization from voters to spend up to $300,000 to cover additional engineering costs and construction of a 2,400 yard capacity laminated beam style sand-salt shed. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. David makes a motion to accept the CES contract for engineering, to begin tasks 1-4 until voter approval of additional funds needed to cover the full amount of the contract. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom makes a motion to schedule a special town meeting on June 2nd at 6:00 PM, with a selectmen’s meeting prior-starting at 5:00 PM. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. 

Special Town Meeting

4.      Motion to appoint Dan Fortin to Revitalization Committee: Tom makes a motion to appoint Dan to the revitalization committee. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

5.      Revitalization Committee;

Town Hall Restoration Daria Alexander of the revitalization committee hands out a ‘Feasibility Analysis’ of restoration of town hall. CDBG grants are available for public facilities in the amount of $300,000 with a match of 25%. The match could be used towards upgrades to town office. There is discussion of repairs needed to the building, structural engineering, etc. Daria will provide some cost estimates for engineering at the June 2nd selectmen’s meeting. Ron Carpenter on behalf of the Beth Wright Walk for Life asks the selectmen for permission to use the town park at Addison Point, to put up a tent for filming, etc. Tom motions to allow the request. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Park Maintenance/Mowing

6.      Motion to write off old Tax Acquired accounts;




Tom makes a motion to write off the accounts. David seconds. Motion passes 3/3.

7.      Items Tabled at the April 28th Meeting;

Policy Use-Training Room @ New Fire Station There is discussion of who would administer the rental of the training room. Sheldon Trundy fire chief suggests that the town office staff hand out the rental agreement and collect the deposit along with proof of liability insurance, the date of the event would need to be approved by the fire chief. Tom makes a motion to accept the policy as written, and to re-visit the policy after 5 years. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Water Filtration System Sheldon states that a filtration system is not a priority at this time. The volunteer fire fighters have been using bottled water at the new fire station due to high levels of arsenic. The cost for a system is approximately $3,000. and was not budgeted for.

Status of Old Station #1 The fire department presents the selectmen with a quit claim deed, which transfers ownership to the town. Mike feels that the town would need to approve the gift of property. Mike motions to accept the QCD subject to approval of voters at special town meeting. David seconds the motion. Tom abstains. Motion passes 2/3.

Sheldon inquires about an open house for the new fire station, and suggests the event be held on May 31st. The selectmen are all in favor of the open house event.

York Septic Issue, Basin Road LPI Betsy Fitzgerald has drafted a letter to the Yorks, giving them 30 days to abate the septic. Tom motions to send the letter. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

8.      Phone-Internet Quotes, Town Office:


Time Warner-$234.97/month

After some discussion, David makes a motion to rescind the previous vote taken to accept Time-Warner’s quote and to accept Fairpoint’s 30 day trial. If the service from Fairpoint is adequate, to accept the 3 year contract. To seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

9.      Re-schedule May 26th (Memorial Day) Selectmen’s Meeting: Taken up above.

Other: Tom motions to accept the Certificate of Settlement presented by tax collector Alice Tucker for the collection of 2013 taxes. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Daria has contacted the state regarding hunting at the Narrows park, to see if it is consistent with the current comprehensive plan. The state says it is, but that the property should be posted. She suggests an article on the warrant for special town meeting, asking to limit the hunting to October thru December. No action is taken.

David makes a motion to close the meeting at 7:55 PM. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Those attending: Tim Thompson, Dan Fortin, Daria Alexander, Arleta Grant, Irvin Pinkham, Alice Tucker, Debra Murphy, Osborne Davis, Roger Clapp, Sheldon Trundy, Ron Carpenter, Tom Batson, David Ingersoll, Mike Murphy, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 28, 2014

Selectmen Present: Michael L. Murphy, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Tom opens the meeting at 5:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:55 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the April 24th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Mike abstains. Motion passes 2/2.

2.      Future Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule: There is discussion of the possibility of having the Boy Scouts, who have been regularly meeting at Town Hall on Mondays at 7, meet at another location. Due to Mike’s work schedule, he is only available for meetings on Mondays or Friday nights. Tom states that Friday nights at 5 are difficult for people who have made plans for the weekend, etc. It is mentioned that most selectmen’s meetings do not last beyond 7, and if there is a special circumstance, other arrangements could be made. Having the Boy Scouts meet at the new fire station on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month is also suggested. Tom makes a motion for the selectmen to meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 5:00, here at the town hall. Mike seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 3/3.

3.      Designation of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Selectmen:

Rate of salary for each

The selectmen open the floor to comments from those in attendance. Dale Crowley feels that when he votes at town meeting, he is voting for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd selectmen. Daria Alexander feels there is no designation and recommends there be an ordinance or bylaws in place for future reference. John Woodward had researched the issue by reviewing town meeting minutes dating back to the 1800’s and found that the designation of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd had been tradition, even though the warrant article did not specify. MMA recommends tradition if it works. Mary Thompson reads materials related to this topic from the MMA Municipal Officers Manual. Tom motions to enter into executive session to discuss the designation further, and also to discuss the rate of pay for each. The selectmen re-open the meeting. David motions to appoint Mike as chairman of the board. Tom would fill in as chairman if Mike cannot make a meeting. Tom seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 3/3.

4.      Letter of Resignation, Daria Alexander: Tom states that this issue has been resolved. Daria has withdrawn her resignation, except for the resignations from maintaining the park and wind turbine. Her work in the town’s website will also be limited as she is busy with her own personal work. Tom motions to accept the changes. Mike is concerned about the language Daria used in her letter to the board. Daria explains that she was upset regarding the outcome of the article approved at special town meeting, allowing hunting on the walking trails at the Narrows. This opens discussion among those in attendance. Daria goes on to explain that the grant used for improvements to the property, and the use of the property in the town’s comprehensive plan may not allow hunting on the property. It is decided that the issue may need to be revisited at a future town meeting. Tom motions to accept the changes to Daria’s positions. Mike seconds the motion, but asks Daria to apologize for the words she used in the letter of resignation. Daria states that the issue has been resolved between her and Tom. Motion passes.

5.      Entity Authorization-Machias Savings Bank

To remove Bradford W. Hamel and replace authorization for signing loan and other documents on behalf of the town with one or more selectmen.

Tom motions to replace Brads authorization with Mike and himself. David seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 3/3.

6.      Items Previously Tabled;

a.      Policy for Use of Training Room at Station 1: After some brief discussion, it is decided to table this until fire chief Sheldon Trundy can be present.

b.     Snow Plow Contract Renewal: There is some discussion of road conditions after recent storms. Most in attendance are happy with the current contractors work. Mike motions to sign the extended contract (2 years). Tom seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 3/3.

7.      Sand-Salt Shed Update: John Woodward and Obbie Davis, road commissioner, will be meeting with Pete Coughlin of DOT on the 29th, and with CES on the 30th and will have more answers to questions that have come up in recent selectmen’s meetings.

8.      Roadside Trash Removal:

Washington County Jail Inmates or Revitalization Committee/Recreation Committee Project?

John Woodward has contacted WCJ and we would be #16 on their list for roadside trash pick-up. Daria mentions that DOT sometimes does this. No Action taken

9.      Application for Outdoor Fireworks Display-Addison Days: The Addison Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary has submitted the application, which needs to be signed by one of the selectmen. Tom motions to sign the application. David seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 3/3.



Other:  Butch Pinkham, shellfish warden, brings up the pollution area on Basin road caused by a failing septic system. LPI Betsy Fitzgerald had confirmed the malfunction system last spring. It is believed that this is a rental property and if so, the owner may not qualify for a grant provided by the state for septic replacement. It is decided to have Betsy attend a future meeting to discuss the matter and make a recommendation to the board for action.

Butch also mentions the boat motor purchase, approved by the board and asks when the purchase can be made so that he can more effectively do his job. Tom suggests that he speak with John Woodward. The town may be able to purchase the motor on time until tax monies come in.

Mary Thompson mentions the need for a water filtration system at the new fire station. The water has high levels of arsenic and iron, common in most wells here in town. Since this is a public facility, she feels the water should be clean of contaminates. This item is tabled until Sheldon can be in attendance to discuss it further.

There is some discussion of other issues at the new fire station which include shingles, paint on the floor, plumbing in un-heated spaces, and outside perimeter drains. Some of these issues have been resolved.


There being no further business, David makes a motion to adjourn.


Those attending: Tim and Mary Thompson, Dale and Dorthea Crowley, Lee and Arleta Grant, Nancy and Walter Merritt, Cathy Fonda, Mike and Debra Murphy, Daria Alexander, Dan Fortin, Osborne Davis, Betty and Lloyd Jordan, Gary Magby, Stanley and Sheila Mitchell, Glenn Garnett, Bill Garnett, Irvin Pinkham, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

April 24, 2014

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: 6:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 6:35 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the April 10th meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 2/2.

2.      Motion to accept the minutes of the April 15th Special Town meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 2/2.

3.      Motion to sign Mortgage Discharge, Edith Clark property:

Selectmen entered into mortgage agreement in 2003 with Edith Clark, debt to be paid when property sold. Property recently sold to PRWF.

Tom motions to sign the mortgage discharge. David seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 2/2.

4.      MSAD #37 seeks Search Committee Member from Addison:

John Sawyer is retiring as Principal of NHS, Chris Chartrand is interested in serving on the search committee.

Tom motions to appoint Chris to the committee. David seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 2/2.

5.      Cathy Fonda requests use of Town Hall for Good News Club meetings: Cathy states that club will meet when school year ends, September to October. She will work with the office staff to schedule meetings. Tom motions to accept the request to use town hall. David seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes 2/2. Cathy will provide a certificate of liability insurance.

6.      Volunteer Accident Insurance coverage available thru MMA for volunteers, $2.25 per volunteer-per activity: No action necessary. For information only. John was asked to contact MMA regarding insurance for volunteers.

7.      Letter received from Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Inmates available for help with various town projects: There is brief discussion of various items that need attention such as roadside trash pick-up and mowing. No decision was made as to what project to ask the inmates to do.

8.      Meetings Scheduled at Town Hall;

*Selectmen’s Meeting, Monday April 28th at 5:00

*Annual Audit, Tuesday April 29th

*Pete Coughlin of MDOT, Tuesday April 29th at 12:30 Re: Sand/Salt Shed

*Christopher Snowdeal of CES, Wednesday April 30th at 10:00 Re: Sand/Salt Shed engineering quote

*Harbor Committee, April 30th at 6:00 Re: West River Landing upgrades, repairs to South Addison Landing


Other: Mary Thompson inquires about future selectmen’s meeting schedules. Tom responds that the issue will be on Monday night’s agenda. Mary also inquires about the chairman of the selectmen position. Tom explains that he is the acting chairman and that this issue will also be discussed at Monday night’s meeting. Mary then asks road commissioner, Obbie Davis if he has contacted other towns road commissioners regarding whether they are happy with their style of sand-salt shed or not. Obbie responds that he has not done that yet, but will try to have an answer to that question at the next selectmen’s meeting. There is some discussion of types of roofing, metal vs. shingled style. There is concern regarding metal bending to the shape of a dome style building. Mary asks if there is a cap on the amount the state will reimburse the town for the construction of a sand-salt shed. The town’s reimbursement is 74.2% of construction costs. Obbie will ask this and other questions when he meets with Pete Coughlin of MDOT on Tuesday.


There being no further business, Tom motions to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 PM. David seconds the motion.


Those attending: Dale and Dorthea Crowley, Cathy Fonda, Nancy and Walter Merritt, Tim and Mary Thompson, Lee and Arleta Grant, Osborne Davis, Daria Alexander, Tom Batson, Sheldon Trundy, Francesca Demetrius, Jane and Dean McGray, Debra Murphy, Daniel Fortin, John Rittenhouse, Dickie Norton, Duane Look, David Ingersoll, John Woodward



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

March 20, 2014

Selectmen Present: Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: Tom calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: Tom motions to adjourn at 7:42 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the February 27th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

2.      Motion to accept the minutes of the March 11th Town meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

3.      Bradford W. Hamel-Resignations; Board of Selectmen, Fire Station Construction Committee, Agent-Fire Station Construction David motions to accept, regretfully Brad’s resignation. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

4.      Ellyn Hamel-Resignation, Revitalization Committee David motions to accept, regretfully Ellyn’s resignation. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

5.      Tax Acquired Property Bids:

Map 18 Lot 107-ON Crowley Island has been sold to the former owner-installment contract

Map 20 Lot 40 Basin Road

Bids were opened, amounts and names were read as follows;

John and Brenda Crowley-$5,200

Lee and Jean Guptill-$5,000

Johnny Parsons-$8,737

Thurston Manchester Jr.-$12,001

Jerry Blackburn-$7,010

Timothy and Mary Thompson-$4,581

Eric Richards-$4,010


Tom motions to accept and award the bid to Thurston Manchester Jr. for $12,001. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

6.      Discuss Public Opinion Poll

Request for selectmen to sign letter of support for grant application has been withdrawn.

There was discussion between the selectmen and the residents in attendance. A committee to study the impact on taxes is suggested. A request was made to take a vote as to whether the selectmen should sign any letters of support in the future and those attending voted unanimously to not sign any such letters. The selectmen will take the vote into consideration when asked to sign a letter of support for grant applications to purchase lands in Addison for conservation.


7.      Update-Sand/Salt Shed

a.      Review and sign contract from Thomas Hitchins, Architect

b.     Discussion of contract award from Rubb Building-Fabric covered building

Road commissioner Osborne “Obbie” Davis suggests waiting to sign the contract for engineering until he has spoken with Jonesport regarding their sand salt shed. Obbie would like to gather costs for a stick built building versus a fabric covered building. A change to a stick built building would increase the contract price with Thomas Hitchins. Tom motions to table the contract and any decision on the type of building. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

8.      Fire Department

a.      Report on recent committee meeting In the report submitted by Fire chief Sheldon Trundy, the committee recommends final payment to Full Sail Construction. There is some discussion regarding paint that was used on the floor. The paint is not adhering and the committee suggests reimbursement from the manufacturer. Tim Thompson has been in contact with the manufacturer and will submit receipts for the purchase of the paint, and labor costs related.

b.     Fire Chief’s suggestion as to whether the training room in the new firehouse should be available to other than the fire department, EMA and other first responders Sheldon has written a policy for use of the training room by non-profit organizations for meetings. There is some discussion with those in attendance. Tom motions to table the policy and agreement until the selectmen have time to review it.

9.      Final Payment-Full Sail Construction David states that in order to pay the final payment for the fire station construction, the architect needs to submit a certificate to the selectmen. Tom motions to table the payment until the certificate is received. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

10. Appoint Minor Officers Tom reads the appointments from a list provided by town clerk, Alice Tucker. David motions to appoint officers as read. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2. Tom states that there is a vacancy on the budget committee. Verlan Lenfestey Jr. is suggested. Tom motions to appoint Verlan to the budget committee. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

11. Motion to accept changes to Shellfish Conservation Ordinance per Town Meeting vote 3/11/14: Tom motions to accept the changes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

12. Set Date for Special Town Meeting to Elect Selectman, Discount on Tax article, Contingency article: It is suggested to add the property tax levy article that did not pass at town meeting and the hunting at the Narrows walking trails to the warrant for special town meeting. Tom motions to set the date of April 15th at 6:00 PM at the Addison Town Hall. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 2/2.

13. Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule-March 27th Warrant articles for special town meeting will be reviewed and accepted at the March 27th meeting.

Those attending: Dale and Dorthea Crowley, Osborne Davis, Tom Batson, Mary and Tim Thompson, Thurston and Donna Manchester Jr., Richard and Cheryl Paul, Sheldon Trundy, Lee and Arleta Grant, James Emerson Jr., Dan Charbonneau, Stanley Mitchell, Donna Kausen, Christine Carey, Sally Waterhouse, Irvin and Roberta Pinkham, Mariner and Ann Burgess, Daria Alexander, Daniel Fortin, John Rittenhouse, Chris Chartrand, Erwin Zimmermann, Gary Maby, David Ingersoll, John Woodward



town of addison

Town Meeting 2014 minutes/results here


town of addison
Budget Meeting
February 4, 2014
Committee attendance: Daria Alexander, Roger Clapp, Osborne Davis, Lee Grant, Ronald Gray, Paul Thompson, Tim Thompson, Evans Tyler and Harold Tyler Jr.

2014/2015 Budget


Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

February 13, 2014

Selectmen Present: Bradford W. Hamel, David M. Ingersoll, Thomas W. Batson

Meeting Opened at: Bradford W. Hamel calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 8:40 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the January 23rd meeting: Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

2.      Items tabled at or updates of items discussed at previous meetings:

Tax Acquired Properties;

      J Emerson Properties re-purchased by former owner. Amounts were based on unpaid taxes, plus costs and interest.

      C Emerson Owner was offered a payment plan, but has not responded to contract. Tom motions to table this issue. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Further action will be determined after the selectmen consult with MMA Legal.

      G Ingersoll Tom makes a motion to place the property up for bids. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. A minimum bid amount will be determined based on back taxes, costs and interest.


Snow Plow Contract Road commissioner Osborne “Obbie” Davis reports that he will be working with John Woodward to re-write the contract. The contract will be presented at an upcoming March meeting.


3.      Sand/Salt Shed Project:

      Determine type of building, ie: fabric covered or wood framed Brad has received quotes for engineering both types of buildings. The selectmen and road commissioner will review the quotes and make recommendations at the next selectmen’s meeting. Mary Thompson inquires about the costs of the fabric building as opposed to a stick built building. The road commissioner and selectmen will be working on these figures.


4.      Fire Department:

      Report on recent MMA inspections and building valuations A recent inspection was performed by MMA Property and Casualty. MMA recommends an insured value of $507,000. Presently the new fire station is insured for $500,000.  It was the feeling of the selectmen to leave the value at $500,000 until renewal time of insurance policies. The old fire station was valued at $20,170. David motions to leave the old fire station building valuation as is. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


      Summary report-costs of new fire station Brad has prepared a cost summary of expenses for public review. The summary will be available at town hall.


      Status of old station #1 There is some brief discussion of who owns the building and property. Fire chief Sheldon Trundy states that there are multiple deeds to the property. No action is taken at this time.


      Fire Station Construction Loan Brad explains that the letter of credit signed in March of 2013 was not used due to the amount of funds available in the town’s checkbook. It was decided to use the funds in the checkbook rather than the line of credit in order to save the $7,740 raised to cover interest on the line of credit. Machias Savings Bank has prepared a modification agreement, converting the line of credit to a permanent loan in the amount of $519,500 with an interest rate of 3.29%. Dale Crowley asks where the selectmen got authority to use the funds in the checking account as opposed to the line of credit. Daria Alexander suggests the issue be investigated. Brad motions to sign the modification agreement. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.  Brad motions that the modification agreement be signed by Bradford Hamel.  Tom seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3/3.


5.      Agenda Request, Daria Alexander:

      Explanation of fire chiefs liability Sheldon explains that it is vicarious liability, meaning that anyone can get sued. It is recommended that MMA and Varney agency be contacted to list types of current liability coverage.


6.      Agenda Request, Roger Clapp:

      Letter of support, grant application for purchase of properties Roger explains the request for letter of support. The property would be purchased at 50% of the value by Pleasant River Wildlife Foundation and would become part of a larger parcel under Pleasant Bay Wildlife Management Area Foundation. The property would have guaranteed public access, help support tourism, and other benefits to the town. Payments would be made in lieu of taxes to the town. Dale Crowley suggests that the request go before the town and not be left up to the board of selectmen to decide. Paul Thompson speaks in opposition of the request. There is further discussion regarding the impact on the town’s state valuation and how it will affect the school bill and ultimately property taxes. It is suggested that a “straw” vote be taken at town meeting and a decision of the selectmen be made at the March 13th selectmen’s meeting. Brad motions to add a public opinion vote at the March 11th town meeting. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


7.      Approval of Annual Town Report:


      Warrant Articles Brad reads the proposed warrant articles. There is some discussion regarding the tax discount article. Brad motions to accept the articles with corrections to articles 20 and 31. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.



Beth C. Wright, Cancer Resource Center: Request to use Town Hall facilities on May 17, 2014 Brad makes a motion to allow the Beth Wright Cancer Resource Center to use the town hall facilities on May 17th. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

Keith Crowley Jr. inquires about the parking lot hazard between the park and the lodge. Obbie responds that he has received an okay from MDOT to connect the culvert and fill in the area.

Eddie Guptill of the harbor committee reports that he has been in contact with Pine Tree Engineering regarding permits for a proposed pier in South Addison. The DEP permits and project cost estimate would need to be updated. There is brief discussion of grants and the town’s match.


Tom makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


Those attending: Dale and Dorthea Crowley, James Emerson Jr., Eddie Guptill, Osborne Davis, Roger Clapp, Tim and Mary Thompson, Daria Alexander, Sheldon Trundy, Tom Batson, Paul Thompson, Ronald F. Gray, Bill Moore, Keith Crowley Jr., David Ingersoll, Brad Hamel, John Woodward

Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 23, 2014

Selectmen Present: Bradford W. Hamel, Thomas W. Batson, David M. Ingersoll

Meeting Opened at: Bradford opened the meeting at 6:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 8:10 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the January 9th meeting: David motions to accept the minutes as written. Tom seconds the motion. Brad suggests a correction regarding the State reimbursement percentage for the Sand/Salt shed from 75% to 70+%. All are in favor. Motion passes 3/3.

2.      Sand/Salt Shed Progress Report

a.      Discussion with Bob Normandeau, Representative from RUBB Building Systems Bob presents the board with materials for review. The cost of the proposed building, type of materials, delivery time, and repair kits are discussed. To powder coat the framing of the building would be an additional cost of $7-8,000., the building would take approximately 10-14 weeks for delivery, a repair kit costs $450-500, and repairs can be easily made using available parts.

b.     Discussion with Steve Strout PE, Concerning Engineering Quote: Steve talks about the engineering of the building, frost depth, thickness of the cement walls, and states that he would provide the State with certifications regarding groundwater, walls, etc.

3.      Items Tabled at or Updates to Items Discussed at Previous Meetings:

a.      Storage of Boats/Gear at South Addison Town Landing and whether to place storage issue on annual Town Meeting Warrant David suggests placing the issue on the warrant. Elliot Guptill is present along with local fisherman regarding the proposed pier at the South Addison town landing. Brad states that it is too late to get on the warrant for town meeting in March. The plans by Pine Tree Engineering were done in 2007-08 and permits, costs will need to be updated. Tim Thompson will contact Judy East of WCCG to discuss the possibility of future grants and what would be required for applying. A show of hands indicated that all of the fisherman present are in favor of the project.

b.     WCCOG Dues Increase Tim Thompson states that other towns failed to vote on the issue and will give further updates as they become available.

4.      Status of old Fire Station #1 Brad has received questions as to the status of the old Fire Station. He asks fire chief Sheldon Trundy to submit a letter to the selectmen as to the intention of the fire department of the building. Judy Dakin, a former selectman is present and gives some history of the building and states that the town may not own the building, that it may still belong to the fire department as part of a gift of funds by the Prebble family. Mary Thompson also gives a brief history of the building and suggests that the town have a title search and survey of the property drawn up.

5.      Discussion of Preliminary Warrant Articles John Woodward provides the board with warrant articles to review. Obbie Davis, road commissioner and budget committee member suggests that the budget committee be held at the town hall rather than the new fire station in case John needs to retrieve information from the office. Brad explains that the new fire station may have been chosen because of scheduling issues at town hall.

Possible Brief Descriptions of Particular Articles

6.      Review of Front Cover-Annual Report The selectmen review front cover ideas provided by Alice Tucker.

7.      Veterans Remembrance/Wall-2014 John will contact the traveling remembrance to be placed on a list when a date is set.

8.      Budget Committee

a.      Accept Bill Moore’s Resignation Tom motions to accept the resignation. Brad seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

b.     Appoint Lee Grant Tom motions to appoint Lee to the budget committee. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

9.      Executive Session Per 1 MRSA ¶ 405 (6) (C): Acquisition of Real Property

a.      Meet with former owners of Tax Acquired Properties Brad motions to close the meeting while the selectmen meet in executive session at 7:10 PM. Brad reopens the meeting at 7:55 PM. Tom makes a motion to offer a payment plan to Clifton Emerson for his camp on Crowley Island. Tom motions to offer payments of $100 beginning on the 5th of February and continuing on the 5th of every month until the property is paid in full is. David seconds the motion. Brad is opposed. Motion passes 2/3. Tom motions to table discussion of the Juanita Emerson properties until the next selectmen’s meeting. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

10. Executive Session Per 1 MRSA ¶ 405 (6) (A): Shellfish Warden Irvin Pinkham is present. Brad suggests the executive session be held at another time. Irvin requests his hours be increased and that he be offered paid holidays or floating personal time. Brad requests that the items be submitted in writing for consideration by the selectmen and budget committee.

Other: Irvin Pinkham provides a list of roads and officers of the ATV club.

Those attending: Alex Thompson, Osborne Davis, Billy Thompson, Sheldon Trundy, Juanita Emerson, Marcella Howland, Mary and Tim Thompson, Jim Emerson, Steve Strout, Irvin Pinkham, Roger Clapp, Ron Hinkle, Brent Redimarker, Ricky Redimarker, Dean Cirone, Jimmy Crowley, Jason Tyler



Town of Addison

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 9, 2014

Selectmen Present: Brad Hamel, David Ingersoll, Tom Batson

Meeting Opened at: 1:00 PM

Meeting Closed at: 4:00 PM


1.      Motion to accept the minutes of the December 12th meeting (The December 23rd meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather by a 2 to 1 vote): Tom motions to accept the minutes as written. Brad seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.


2.      Sand-Salt Shed Progress Report:

Discussion with MDOT Representative Peter Coughlan Peter offers his help in the construction details of a sand/salt shed. The state reimbursement would be 75%, but this 27 year program is set to end. There is discussion of the types of buildings and the size of the building needed to contain our stock.


3.      Darryl Worcester, Snow Removal Contractor Darryl has “cleaned up” the sand/salt pile and will mix 500 additional yards of sand with approximately 132 tons of additional salt. A bill will be submitted for the work.


4.      Items tabled at or updates to items discussed at previous meetings;

a.      Telephone/Internet/Cable Quotes: Changing providers to Time Warner for the town office has been put on hold as there is an early termination fee for phone service in the amount of $2,000. The contract will expire in June. The original quote from Time Warner for the fire station has expired and it is suggested that the fire department seek an updated quote for the upcoming budget.

b.     Storage of Boats at SA Town Landing: Eddie Guptill of the harbor committee asks for a warrant article for town meeting that would ask the voters if they want to charge storage fees at the south Addison town landing. The selectmen will discuss this item further. Letters were sent to owners of boats/floats/gear currently being stored without permission, giving them until February 1st to be removed as our current Harbor ordinance does not allow for storage. Liability issues are discussed.

c.      WCCOG Dues Increases: Town representatives Tim Thompson and Tom Batson voted against dues increases. The results of the votes are not in yet, Tim will update the selectmen at the next meeting.

d.     Future Executive Session regarding the Shellfish Warden/ACO/Harbor Patrol and additional duties: No action taken. The selectmen will review the current job description and make recommendations for additional duties.


5.      Fire Department;

a.      Progress Report on New Fire Station: There are some remaining items to be completed which include the exhaust extraction unit and gutters.

b.     Load Test for Ceiling above Offices: Tom Hitchins, architect for the fire station, will provide a stamped letter with load test rating.

c.      Cost Summary of the New Fire Station is being Prepared:

d.     Final Payment on Contract with Full Sail Construction: Estimated at $14,000

e.      Loan for New Fire Station or use Line of Credit until March: Tom motions to draw from the line of credit. David seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3.

f.        Discussion of Old Fire Station: The fire department has removed any contents that are of value and will remove remaining debris in the future.


6.      Motion to accept the resignation of Donald Carlson, alternate on the Planning Board: Tom motions to accept the resignation. Brad seconds motion passes 3/3.


7.      Tim Thompson, EMA Director, Requests $2,000. Budget for Local EMA Operations: Selectmen recommended that Tim bring the request to the budget committee for consideration. An EMA budget would be beneficial to future EMA grants.


8.      Discuss Disposition of Tax Acquired Properties, per Article 20 of the Annual Town Meeting held on March 12, 2013: Brad motions to send a ‘notice to vacate’ by certified mail and regular mail. Tom seconds the motion. Motion passes 3/3. Tom would like an opportunity to speak with the owners.



9.      Other: Eddie Guptill would like to continue with plans for a town pier at the south Addison town landing. The engineering had been prepared by CES, but the project was put on hold until grants became available. Brad asks for a presentation for the next selectmen’s meeting.

Brad continues discussion of the sand/salt shed. Items discussed are; engineering, cost comparisons for types of buildings, availability of replacement parts for fabric building, size of building, and inviting a representative from Rubb, a maker of fabric buildings.

Brad motions to close the meeting at 4:00 PM.


Those attending: Osborne Davis, Elliot Guptill, Darryl and Marcia Worcester, Ellyn and Brad Hamel, Mary and Tim Thompson, Peter Coughlan, Tom Batson, David Ingersoll, John Woodward, Sheldon Crowley, Dean Crowley



To view the structural inspection report of town hall, click here Town Hall structural report #1   Town hall report #1  photos  Town Hall Report #2.pdf   Report photos #2.pdf  Town hall environmental inspection.pdf

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